A/N: Hey everyone! I know it has been a minute or two since I have updated this fic and bunches of others. I intend to get to them all. I have outlines and several chapters for the majority of everything I have written but I also have severe ADD apparently. So...I have opened a POLL on my profile and requested the good peoples help. Help me help myself.

As far as Zoe and Eric...I have had some inspiration and some inspiring talks with a few people. Sleepy1177, my sister from anotha mista...seriously thank you for kicking my butt and telling me it was all going to be ok. Damn you Kylie...thanks for the peep talk and your inspiring stories! Now on with the show!

Disclaimer: This is still V Roth's thunder-dome...I just like shoving Eric into it with my stick figures and plots to mix up the greatness.

Chapter 11

Eric's POV

"You are going to wear a rut into the concrete of the balcony if you keep that up." Logan says in a chuckle to me as I am pacing impatiently at the end of the mock aisle waiting for my first sight of Zoe in what felt like way to fucking long.

I scowl over at him but then wipe it off my face as I see her friends coming filing out from the apartment onto the balcony.

Lauren smiles at me and nods. "Edward is with her right now."

Max claps and smirks at me. "Right then. Let's get this shit started. Eric, if you would stand in front of me." He says this as he moves to stand in front of what was arranged where we will be standing to get married.

It is just a curtain of hanging lights but it works for the purpose. I take my place and suddenly feel like a damn fifteen year old as I frown and smooth my hands over the dress pants Logan insisted that Milla insisted I go get and wear.

Not that I minded really, I wanted to make this special for Zoe too. It wasn't like I wore a suit though. Just a pair of dress pants, a black button up dress shirt and dress shoes.

Soon everyone is standing on a side of the flower petal strewn center and I swallow as I can see movement at the door.

She has her arm linked with Edward and at first I can see her frown of nervousness and even worry.

I realize that is replaced with a mirror image of the slow smile that starts to spread across my face as I take her in. She is beautiful but she always is and always has been to me.

She is also in the perfect choice for this, her and us. She wouldn't want something too girly, all white or too revealing. Between her smile, the dress and knowing that she is and will be mine….I feel like I might pass out from lack of oxygen.

It doesn't take long for her to be in front of me. I could hear chuckling as she walked from all around because she was definitely pulling Edward down the aisle.

Edward smirks at her shaking his head and puts her hand in mine. That is the last thing I am aware of from around us for a few seconds because all I see is her.

A smug smile starts to come across her face as she moves closer to me and her hand goes to the side of my face.

"Breath baby." She whispers with a smile but I can tell she is not only reminding me to breath….but also herself.

I let out a small chuckle and take a deep breath at the same time. I shake my head afterwards and smile widely. "Beautiful."

It is all I have time for before Max clears his throats and starts the ceremony.

"We all know why we are here. We also know I am not the best with sentimental bullshit or flowery words. But I will say it is my honor to be able to oversee this union. One a long time in coming. You two, take each other's hands. You have vows you would like to say. Eric you start first." Max had wiped the emotion from his face.

A move I recognized was to keep from showing too much. Something I understood all too well but there was no way I was doing that right now. So I tuned everyone out but Zoe.

My eyes took in hers, her smile and I focused on the rise and fall of her chest along with the beat of her heart I could feel from where my fingers rested on her wrist.

I took a calming breath before I began to speak.

"Zoe, I take you to be my wife from this time onward. To join with you and share all that is to come. To be your faithful husband. To give and receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond; a commitment made in love, kept in faith and eternally made new."

I squeezed her hands slightly and my forehead furrowed with the seriousness and complete meaning behind these next vows.

"I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you when we're apart no matter what length of time it is for and regardless of the distance. Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple and to never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need me or want me and never, ever want to leave you or to live without you."

We had both moved closer so that now my hands were around her waist and our chests were pressed together. One hand went to cup her cheek and my tone was filled with all that I felt about this. Love for her, happiness that she was mine but also the graveness and seriousness about what we knew was coming up. These vows felt right because we knew the storm ahead. We knew we were in the center of it and we needed to let each other know that through it all, we promised to come back to each other.

I needed her to know that I would come back to her. I had already made plans to protect her and me from anything Jeanine could fucking throw our way again.

"I will do everything I can to stay safe when I am away from you because I understand that I have a responsibility not just to my faction and our city, but to our life together. Every moment that we are apart, trust that I am thinking of you and counting the moments till we can be back together."

"I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart, I will love you Zoe. This is my solemn vow."

I wanted to kiss her so fucking bad right now. I had barely remembered the part where I was supposed to slide the ring on her finger. Max had to hold it out in front of my face to remind me and I heard chuckles from everyone around as we both blinked then scowled for a moment at the interruption to being lost in each other.

We smirked at each other as I took the ring after moving the hand I had on the side of her face. She moved the hand that was on my chest and held it up for me to slide the ring on as I had resumed saying the last part of our vows.

I see Max nod approvingly and with an amused smile before he looks to Zoe. "Your turn Zoe."

Zoe takes a breath and I can see her eyes shining with the beginnings of tears that she won't let herself cry.

"Eric, I take you to be my husband from this time onward. To join with you and share all that is to come. To be your faithful wife. To give and receive, to speak and to listen, to inspire and to respond; a commitment made in love, kept in faith and eternally made new."

Her tone became fierce and firm while still holding all that love she had always felt for me in it.

"I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice myself for you if need be. Enough to miss you when we're apart no matter what length of time it is for and regardless of the distance. Enough to believe in our relationship, to stand by it through the worst of times, to have faith in our strength as a couple and to never give up on us. Enough to spend the rest of my life with you, be there for you when you need me or want me and never, ever want to leave you or to live without you."

"I will do everything I can to stay safe when I am away from you because I understand that I have a responsibility not just to my faction and our city, but to our life together. Every moment that we are apart, trust that I am thinking of you and counting the moments till we can be back together."

"I promise to work at our love and always make you a priority in my life. With every beat of my heart and until it stops beating I will love you Eric. This is my solemn vow."

With the last part she had slipped her father's ring onto my finger and one single tear had broken free at that. We both looked at it for a moment and breathed deeply. I could just imagine Amar and his expression if he were here. His face cracking into his lopsided smile before he winked and then went back to his normal scowl.

"By the power invested in me by the faction of Dauntless and our city, I now pronounce you two married. Everyone please welcome Eric and Zoe Coulter." Max cracked a smile and then laughed when I glared at a part he was missing.

"Oh yeah...you may kiss your bride."

"Bout fucking time." I muttered then cupped the back of Zoe's head but I didn't need to pull her to my mouth she was already moving there on her own after she muttered a soft 'agreed'.

Zoe isn't the only one that ends up feeling dazed or disoriented from our kisses. From the first one we shared whatever normal control I had over my body was gone when she touched me. Hell even when she isn't touching me all I can want is for her to be.

This isn't any different and only the sound of pointed coughing stops me from just walking her over to the stone wall that closes off the balcony and taking her right there.

I pull back enough to press our foreheads together as we both need a moment to catch our breath and composure before we turn and face everyone.

"Would it be terribly rude if I just yelled at everyone to go away so I could have you all to myself and naked right now?" Zoe panted out in a bare whisper.

I couldn't help the deep chuckle at that but then the groan because I knew I wanted it and it wasn't going to happen. "You are asking me if I think it would be rude to do that? Not the best person to ask about matters of manners baby. If I could I would be ordering all of them out of the door right now before I took you right here." My voice has gone husky with desire but also frustration.

"Come on you two...there will be time later for what I know you are plotting!" Milla calls out in a sing song voice and I hear laughter around us.

With a sigh and one more kiss we both nod to each other saying we are ready. I still hold her to my side as we turn and face a group of beaming friends.

Although I can't help but notice that Peter isn't quite beaming. He isn't frowning but I can tell he is still torn on how he should feel about this. One look at Zoe's face, smiling and her dimples showing, and he gets a genuine lopsided smile of happiness for her.

Maybe I won't have to drop him into the chasm then.

I try not to growl as Zoe is torn from my arms by a gaggle of women who then proceed to start to hug her and 'ooh' or 'aah' over her ring. Logan claps a hand on my shoulder as we walk to the living room and over to the bar that is only partially stocked with what I had in my kitchen.

I have to admit it is nice in the apartment. Max's words about Zoe having lived underground struck home in me and all I can think about both then and now, was that I was going to do everything I could to make sure she never had to hide away like that again.

I loved the bunker and I knew that we were going to love going there to live when not having to be here. But damned if I wasn't happy that while we were going to be in the compound she would have a place where she was surrounded by light.

There was already going to be enough darkness ahead in our future. As Logan poured me a glass of something and everyone else roamed around I looked to him seriously.

He lifted his glass and tilted his head. "What's up?"

"Did you get on finding those things I asked about?" I kept my voice low enough that no one would hear. I would tell Zoe eventually but right now I wanted to make sure it was possible to get the shit first.

Logan's eyes flashed with understanding and he nodded. "I have someone working on getting everything. You said you remember what she was spouting about when she dosed you. You think this will help if she tries it again?"

My lips thin as my hand clenches around the glass. "I don't know for sure and I don't know for sure she will try. She is a vindictive bitch though Logan and my marrying Zoe, her becoming a leader already….it is going to get back to her and soon. I would rather be prepared for the worst than think she wouldn't go that far again."

Logan's eyes and face hardened as he nodded. "Then I will try to expedite that. It might take a few days or a week for it to be synthesized but I will see if I can prod them to bump it up."

"Zoe, let's go get you changed!" I hear Milla call out and start pulling Zoe to our new bedroom.

I frown and see her scowling at Milla.

"Why can't I wear what I am wearing?" She asks in a clearly annoyed tone.

Milla rolls her eyes and laughs. "Because we are going dancing after this remember. You also did say I could pick out what you were going to wear and I had it all planned out. So let's go."

"I let you help pick this out, can't a girl get a break." Zoe grumbles but she goes along with Milla and a few of the other girls back to the room.

Milla, Lauren and Mar have these almost wicked looks and I can only groan at what they might have planned for her to wear.

Logan laughs and points to my glass. "Might want to get that down you. My girl is for sure up to something with that look."

I shrug and get a smirk on my face and a wicked gleam in my eyes. "Your girl was also looking very much like she was envious of the whole wedding idea. Looks like someone is going to be joining the married men side very soon if she has anything to say about it."

Logan had been in the middle of drinking and he choked a little on the amber liquid before he pulled the glass back and cleared his throat. At first he was grimacing but then his head tilted and a slow smile spread on his face.

"I thought I would be freaking out about that idea but…" Logan got serious as he looked at me.

I nodded. "It feels like you need to get it in before the shit rains down."

He nodded and shrugged. "It isn't like I hadn't thought about it before with her. I just always said there is time. If we have anything to say about it there will still be time but I get the need for wanting to do it now."

Max joined us at the bar and shared in a drink with us before he left to go ready for dinner, make sure the certificate was sent off to Candor and then get the announcements done to the rest of leadership before they were given to the rest of Dauntless.

He also gave Zoe and I the option of not doing training or working tomorrow. I already knew Zoe was going to be turning that down. She had her friends she was worried about and would want to be there with them.

I would at least convince her to not do the early morning training and maybe even going in later in the morning when they started the physical portion after lunch. I planned on trying to keep her in our bed for as long as possible tomorrow.

This was just reinforced for me when Zoe made her way out into the living room again minutes later. The dress they had her in had me really wanting to order them all to get the fuck out then taking her on the floor right fucking there.

She was in that teal dress that I got a glimpse of her in while she was trying it on in the shop. It was body hugging with a scoop neckline, long sleeves and went to about mid thigh but it was also backless and made her ass look amazing.

I didn't know if I was going to survive the fucking night. I didn't know if anyone that tried to approach her would survive a few seconds with how it was making me feel right now.

Fuck it I am dragging her ass to somewhere and at least kissing her ass senseless.

I am moving before I even complete the thought and have her hand as I head to the first door in the hallway. A bathroom. Whatever, perfect.

I don't even let her speak before I close the door and press her up against it and take her mouth.

Our tongues battle as I plunder her mouth and my hands move over her until I reach her ass. I cup her and moan at the way she fills my hands but then I pull back panting with a frown.

"Fuck Zoe, please fucking tell me you are wearing underwear under there." I growl this out because I wasn't feeling any under my hands.

Zoe swallows and blushes. "Underwear of sorts. There is something there but they could barely be called….."

I don't even let her finish before I groan out. "Fuck." Then claim her mouth again.

I am am torn between wanting to kill Milla for this and wanting to fucking thank her.

There is a knock at the door after my mouth had moved to Zoe's neck and my hands had been inching up the hem of her dress.

"Time to go!" Logan calls through the closed door.

"Gods dammit." I get out as we pull back. We take a few moments to get ourselves together, I have to adjust myself but I already know my damn bulge isn't going anywhere anytime soon with her looking the way she does.

Once I have her straightened out though I cup her face and kiss her softly. "I love you Zoe. You looked beautiful out on the balcony and right now you are literally bringing me to my knees baby. Just plan on being in the damn bed with me until at least lunch."

She gets that wicked gleam I love with the one dimple at the corner of her mouth as she smiles. "I had already planned on trying to find a way to keep you there anyways. I love you too Eric." Then she kisses me softly before she pulls back and I can see her plotting something. "I do believe tonight it will be my turn to find out how you taste baby."

She says this in a breathy seductive voice as she lets her hand brush against me before she laughs and jumps back when I was about to grab her to me.

"Zoe." I growl out a warning but it is too late, she is already opening the door. She barely gets it open before a hand whips in and pulls her out with laughter.

"I knew it had to open sometime. Come on let's go eat and then dance!" Lauren says and then gulps slightly at my glare I give her.

She bravely squares her shoulders though, shrugs and links arms with Zoe before she walks them towards the door.

I walk behind them, watching Zoe's ass and steel myself for a long fucking night before I can get her back home.