Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, it belongs to Stephanie Meyers, I own very little.


From birth, until death, we each have a hand to play at life, or that's what I thought for nearly 17 years, but staring down a red eyed, blonde haired, cold-blooded murder, one of my best friends beside me, I can't think of a better way for me to lie down my final card, than in place of my friends and loved ones. The man smiles, as if greeting an old friend, before he saunters forward to kill us.

As I close my eyes in anticipation, in thought, I find myself reflecting back on how I got to this spot now, and I bet you are curious too, aren't you? Well, maybe we better start from the very beginning, huh? Starting with who I am. I am a punk-goth, a misfit, outcast, and constant rule breaker and troublemaker, and with a name like Lilith Michaelson, who could blame me? I am just barely 5 foot 6 inches of pure mischievousness, rule breaking, and carelessness, I have waist length black hair with neon blue tips, pierced ears, a set of snake-bites, with a tattoo of a dreamcatcher on my left arm, with a Wicca star tattoo on my right, and I only dress in black.

I am only 17, I have been orphaned by my biological parents, I have gone through 13 different foster homes, been expelled for three different schools, and moved 23 times in my life, my latest foster parents are a Highschool guidance counselor, and a work-from-home dad, they offered to adopt me, not even eight days after I moved in, and the paperwork had been processed last week.

Two reviews for a new chapter.