A/N: Thank you to everyone who read this story :) This whole chapter was written on my phone before I edited it. Writing stories on phone? Not recommended.

Music I was thinking about when I wrote this chapter was,

Yiruma- First Love

Yiruma-River Flows in You

Guest: Thank you! Yes, it will be continued. Please stay tuned with the story.

L'Hotel De Paris was brightly lit with yellow lights, succeeding in creating a romantic, intimate setting that provides a warm and safe aura to an onlooker, tempting them to step in through the glass doors and be basked in warmth. In the cold, frigid air of late autumn in Townsville, the hotel seemed heavenly .

The hotel was a somewhat quaint establishment, with the building's architecture being constructed in such a manner that it was not, what Brick would deem as too fancy, but with just the right amount to not intimidate those who do not belong to the elite class, such as himself.

It was 6:30 pm.

He had arrived much earlier than he was asked to be, and was wearing the one three piece suit he owned that somehow did not look like it went through hell and back even after all these years. His palms were sweaty, in spite of the cold, and his heart was being squeezed in his chest, beating anxiously. His mind was in chaos, running through every possible negative scenario where he would be considered unsuitable and fired.

He was nervous.

He could not screw this up. He had a little boy back at home, a little boy who should have a good education unlike himself, who wasted his entire future by making a drunken mistake. He didn't regret his son, but he did regret many other things that happened.

Brick wanted to become a rocket scientist. He wanted to work at NASA, deal with what most would never be able to ever experience. But he ruined that chance, all by himself. His education...all the efforts his parents took to ensure success for him...all ruined.

All his dreams...shattered...in pieces...

That would not happen to Blaze. No, Brick would make sure that Blaze never had to face that. He would have a good education and be whoever he want , a doctor, lawyer, scientist, politician, whoever he wanted. Perhaps he could become an actual pianist unlike Brick. One who plays in fancy concerts, in orchestras, and have their own shows...unlike Brick.

His son was going to have the future he had lost.

With the thought of his son,Brick cleared his chaotic mind and willed his hammering heart to stop. His heart was still jittery, but Brick felt much calmer. Or rather, he forced himself to be calmer.

Brick sucked in a breath, inhaling the cold, crispy air of Townsville and steeled himself. With a determined look, he entered through the glass door.

The warmth inside the hotel was comforting and Brick indulged in the luxury for a bit, savouring it . Yet, not a moment later he felt guilty and a slight bit disgusted with himself. Here, he was basking in warmth when he son- and , he thought reluctantly, his wife- were no doubt freezing at that house. He needed to buy that heater soon.

Upon entering, Brick had gone to the receptionist, and introduced himself, while asking who he should meet. The receptionist told him to wait while he called a person to get him.

So Brick waited.

The air inside the hotel was full of merriment, of rich people's laughs and the aroma of delicious French food. Brick's stomach began to rumble a bit. He would never be able to taste French delicacy or any delicacy for that matter. He did not count his attempts at making his son feel privileged by making him some French toast( plain bread dipped in a mix of nearly expired milk, a small egg, some sugar) as indulging in French delicacy.

Brick couldn't bear the thought of their bland food and his son.

He turned his gaze towards the door, focusing his eyes on the rich people that came and went through it . He scans their clothes, accessories, and their faces. The men wore smart, expensive suits and carried themselves with pride . The women wore makeup, eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush and lipstick, and were elegant.

Some of the women were quite beautiful, yet, Brick found that his wife, Berserk, was much prettier even without any makeup. He might not really like her anymore, but he had loved her at one point and perhaps still do,even with her ill treatment towards Blaze and her constant parading around with men . Berserk Plutonium Jojo was a beauty, and she took much use of that fact.

Brick had learned that you do not really have to like someone to love them. Love just came and stuck with you, gripping your heart in a vice grip, never truly letting go no matter what.

And Brick, he had a beautiful wife that absolutely adores him and every man envies him for the perfect life- wasn't it? Oh fate just loves irony .

He shook his head.

The door opened again and Brick looked once more. What was Berserk doing here?

His wife was hanging off on the arm of a red haired man, wearing a modest peach dress and looking absolutely gorgeous. She only came back today and- wait a minute. Berserk did try to impress her ''men' by wearing lovely dresses but they were nev this modest. They always showed cleavage and her long legs, being classy but sexy as well, since she wanted to impress them, no doubt with money that she stole from a previous man or the current man.

This woman's dress was classy, stylish, and hugged her curvy figure slightly, but it was not revealing. The woman and the man she was with came to the receptionist and asked for a table. The woman was near to where he was standing, and Brick looked at her more closely. Upon closer inspection, Brick could see that this beautiful woman was not his wife, even though she does bear a striking resemblance to her.

Her lips were fuller, her skin a bit fairer, and her hair was much longer, cascading down her back to her knees. As if knowing that he was staring, she turned her gaze towards him, Brick was able to get a better look at her eyes then.

Pink, just like Berserk's, but softer, more gentle and kind. She stared at him with inquisitive eyes, and Brick felt a bit self conscious, The red haired man next to her, called to her and she broke their gaze to look at him.

Then she left.

Only about 2 minutes later, a middle-aged woman wearing a tight skirt came to where Brick was,and inquired the receptionist about the pianist that he had told her had come. Then she smiled at him.

" Mr. Jojo, I presume?".

Brick stood up a bit straighter.

" Yes, Miss," he affirmed with his voice sounding stiff and a bit nervous. Thankfully, it seemed she had not caught on.

" Hell, Mr. Jojo. My name is Claire, " she said as she extended a hand towards him which Brick shook, " I'm reallysorry for the delay, you're actually here a bit earlier than we expected you to be. That's okay though, being early is never bad, is it?"

Not wanting his mouth to ruin anything Brick smiled charmingly.

She seemed to find it an adequate response because she told him " Follow me" in a cheery voice and went inside, showing him to where he is supposed to play music.

A grand piano sat gloriously at a corner, in a section elevated to highlight the pianist and create a romantic effect. Brick followed the lady, Claire, to the piano.

"Okay, I think you know what to do. We usually start the music at 6:30 but that doesn't matter. I'm sure many of our customers want a beautiful melody no matrem the time."

" Of course, miss, music soothes the soul of anyone. "

" Ah but that's only if the musician is good ," her eyes twinkled with merriment, yet she was hinting at him that he better do good and not embarrass them. Brick took that hint to his heart.

" Yes, of course. The musician must have the talent to gentle anyone's heart."

"Very well, I suppose you should start then."

Brick gave a small nod to her and seated himself by the piano. Claire left while he was sorting his score sheets.

Taking a deep breath, Brick set his fingers on the bony white keys and let his hands take gentle music flowed through the air and he felt rather than heard the silence that commenced at the let go of all his fears and poured his soul into the keys, letting his emotions pour into the music. The music he was currently playing talks of the dreams first love, and Brick took it upon himself to embrace the role of a young lover to justify the notes.

The gentle sound being produced was enchanting and Brick lost himself in the beautiful notes. He forgot his problems and he played.

The gentle music was replaced by another, one talking of life. Life is like a river, gently flowing at one point, battling through rocks, collecting up old leaves and flower petals, only to flow to the sea at the end...

Brick was lost in another world. He didn't stop playing until he had gone through all of the scoresheets. His fingers ached, but he always felt elated after might not have aspired to be a pianist but he grew to love it more than he thought he would have.

He covered the piano and stood up. People were barely there at that point. It was nearly an hour to midnight and most had left since the restaurant will close at 11.

Brick did not know how many had listened to his music. He had closed his ears to the outside world at some point and did not know what had happened beyond the piano. Oh well, it did not matter, Brick knew that he might have moved the heart of one or two.

He would not call himself talented, but he was sure that the music he chose for the night was some of the most calming and gentle music ever written.

Brick gathered his a scoresheets and put them into his bag, focused on putting the paper into a file in an orderly manner and not crinkling them. A husky feminine voice broke him from his concentration.

It was the beautiful woman that he mistook for Berserk before.

" Hello," she said.

He blinked. She wanted to talk to him?

" Uh...hello..."

"Are you the new pianist here?"

"Um..yes?- I mean, yes I am. How may I help you miss?"

She giggled. She sounded very sweet in her slightly low pitched feminine voice.

" No you have helped me already."

Brick was confused. He hadn't even talked to this woman before now, how could he have helped her? Has she confused him with someone else?

...Yes that was plausible. However, Brick was sure that his looks were quite rare. He wasn't boasting, but red hair, red eyes and 6'4 height wasn't very commonly seen. Unless he had a long lost twin his parents hadn't told him about?

As if seeing his confusion, and the mental debate going on his mind, she spoke again,

"Your music...it was absolutely stunning...I came here expecting to feel bored but you proved me wrong. I felt as if my whole heart was enchanted... You're so much better than the previous pianist."

Brick felt elated.

" Thank you for your kind words miss...?"

" Blossom. My name is Blossom," she smiled at him.

" Miss Blossom, thank you . Your words means a lot to me..."

She blushed a bit and smiled even more prettily, if that was even possible

" It's nothing, I'm sure a lot of people compliment you."

"No, really, they mean a lot to me. Any good feedback or response is wonderful for a musician like me."

" Well...you're welcome then..,"she shrugged shyly.

She stared into his eyes and silence enveloped them. Brick felt a bit awkward with the silence, and blurted out the first thing that came to his mind.

" Blossom... that's a very pretty name. It suits you."

She blushed even more.

" Thank you. You are?"

" Brick. Brick JoJo."

" Brick... thank you. You have an extraordinary name too. Not very common."

Brick shrugged his shoulders. He was about to make a comment when he heard an impatient voice call out to her. It was that redheaded man. Blossom turned to look at him and went towards him. They conversed quietly to eachother for a few seconds.

Then Blossom came up to him again and told him she had to leave now. Brick could not help but feel slightly annoyed by him and his expensive but ugly glasses, for some unknown reason. Perhaps it was due to the way he was looking at Brick, like he was the lowest form of creature on earth, and he was much superior to him. Brick hated people with superiority complex. He also hated rich people a bit, because the majority of them took everything they have for granted.

Yet he genuinely smiled at Blossom when she held out her hand and shook it gently.

"It was nice meeting you Brick."

"You too ."

" Goodnight Brick."

"Goodnight miss Blossom."

With one last smile at him she left. Brick stared at her leaving, with the man's arm wrapped around her waist. She looked very similar to his wife, yet she she was so different. She seemed kinder and more gentlehearted . Then again, he shouldn't be fooled by her appearance. He only saw her today and had only talked with her for 5 or so minutes. Berserk had seemed lovely as well when he first met her.

With that thought in mind, he shook his head before gathering his stuff up and leaving as well. It would not do for him to be knows how his son was doing with his incompetent and selfish wife.

He had to leave.