Disclaimer : I do not Own the characters belong to Rumiko Takahashi and Toshihiro Togashi

The misadventures of Kagome Higurashi

A Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha Crossover with just a splash of Ranma ½

Chapter 1: Spring of drowned what?!

Excitement bubbled in her chest, although not quite as much as it did each time she was able to cross through the well. But that was a thought she shied away from, there was no use thinking of that now. Not now...I should be excited for this chance. It had been two years now and it seemed that her adventures in the Sengoku Jidai were now over, along with any hope she had of ever going back. She had met this challenge as she had every other, with a stiff upper lip and a straight forward gaze. At least during the day. I can't cry here, come on Kagome, get a grip!

The sound of the busy airport was distracting, as were the excited chitters of her classmates. Kagome looked around, and grinned at Ayumi. Ayumi grinned back her long curly black hair bouncing as she shifted her carry on bag on her shoulder. Her brown eyes were bright with anticipation and in her hand she clutched a book. Ayumi had been the only one of her friends to piece everything together and so confronted Kagome with her suspicions. With no choice but to come clean Kagome had confided everything to her oldest friend. Yuka and Eri were still blissfully ignorant of the truth. Ayumi shook her head and laughed quietly though her eyes told Kagome that she had noticed the sadness that had darkened her gaze for a moment and why. "This class trip to China is going to be so exciting! I can't wait to see some of the sights." she stated with a gesture to her book.

Another girl draped herself over the chair beside them and rolled her dark eyes before pushing short bangs off her forehead and adjusting her headband. "I know, you are looking forward to the historic sights for the report we have to write after! Ugh, everything about you, Ayumi is school!" Eri groaned leaning away from Ayumi in mock disgust.

"But studying is fun!" Ayumi stated brightly. She didn't show the tinge of hurt that Eri's words caused. Kagome saw it but didn't say anything.

Yuka pretended to gag. "Can we not talk about school? We should talk about the fact that Kagome's family showed up to say goodbye, but not this boyfriend of hers, Even Eiji came to see me off." At that statement Eri and Yuka both turned their gaze to Kagome.

Of course they would bring up Inuyasha now...Kagome laughed nervously, China was a long way from her shrine. What if the well reopened and-

"Now boarding at gate D8" the voice over the loud speaker made her jump.

Her reaction caused her three friends to laugh. Kagome blushed ducking her head in embarrassment. Even after two years she was still battle ready and some of the modern things that made loud noises threw her off. They didn't have to laugh that hard. She thought uncomfortably.

Ayumi gave her a sympathetic look and pointed at the gate, "Enough of that you guys, lets go get our seats!" All the girls jumped up and gathered their bags. Ayumi gave her hand a discreet squeeze in support. Kagome squeezed back carefully before Ayumi let her hand go.

Kagome brushed her black hair with its rebellious waves out of her face and scooped up her bags. I can do this. She thought at her self. Truth be told this was her first time on an airplane. She was far more comfortable on the back of a flying neko manta. Especially if the cat's name is Kirara. She shook her head with a determined frown. She needed to shake this. She couldn't live her life like this! Any of those in her feudal family would be disappointed in her behavior. "right." she said squaring her shoulders and walking straight behind Ayumi.

"Breathe slowly, are you alright?"

Concerned faces surrounded her and Kagome kept her eyes closed willing the dizziness at bay. Her teacher was the closest crouched on the floor. She felt awful. What happened? She tried to make sense of everything but her thoughts spun in confused circles.

"Oh Kagome," Ayumi asked worriedly, "Are you alright? You suddenly jumped up and screamed like you were in pain then you passed out!"

"I've never heard a scream like that before it gave me goosebumps!" Eri said rubbing her arms.

"It was strange, we were laughing and Ayumi said we were no longer over Japan and you went ghost white. Then you stopped talking and closed your eyes so we thought you were asleep but-"

Oh, thats what happened...damn. The further I got from Japan I got worse? Weird. Kagome took a slow breath. "Gomen everyone I got nervous on the flight and I guess I panicked. Are we in China?"

"Yes, Higurashi san. Come on girls help her with her luggage our bus should be here. Hojo kun, would you be so kind as to carry miss Higurashi again?" Her Sensei asked of the taller young man kneeling far closer to her than necessary in her opinion. His cheeks pinked and he nodded his agreement.

Whoa now! He what?! Kagome jumped to her feet and staggered. "No I'm fine. See Hojo-erk!" Long arms caught her as she nearly fell.

There were six members of their club who had worked hard to come on this trip. Four girls and two boys and their Sensei leader. She had a sinking suspicion that Hojo joined the club at the insistence of Eri and Yuka. Why do they keep pushing poor naïve Hojo on me?!

He looked down at her with a concerned brown gaze and his soft brown hair fell in his eyes. He was cute, but he wasn't youkai hot. So youkai have spoiled me from seeing the appeal of human males? Great I will be a single woman forever! Ugh. No, Akitoki Hojo, ruined Hojo kun for me if there had ever been a possibility before. His ancestor killed it.

"Its fine Kagome, after all we are dating. You can rely on me at least a little." Hojo stated as he scooped her up and Kagome's head spun horribly at the action.

She closed her eyes and breathed through her nose willing herself not to vomit on him. Her heart was pounding and though no one else could feel it her power was in flux. She squeaked in protest as his words sunk in. Dating! Oh Hojo kun, no, no we aren't. She felt too out of sorts to have that conversation and her head was starting to hurt.

"When we get to the bus I have a tonic my mother made for airsickness maybe it will help." Hojo was saying as Kagome gave up and leaned against him trying to relax. Hojo would misinterpret her actions but right now she didn't care. She didn't notice his smile nor his blush, as soon as her eyes closed she was asleep.

She awoke sitting next to someone and leaning against them closer than she should be. A hand in hers made her cringe until she realized the slenderness of the digits and the spill of black curls over her shoulder. Ayumi. She thought with relief. Her body was feeling normal again and she sat up carefully so she didn't wake her best friend. They were in the bus and everyone was dozing. Night had fallen and they still had an hour to reach the site of the first ancient village they were to visit and the rest of the touring clubs from other schools. That was the purpose of this club called "the multi school History and Legends of the Orient club". This trip was a dream for the six members consisting of Herself, Yuka, Eri, Ayumi, Hojo, and a guy who looked foreign named Kiyoshi Mitarai.

Speaking of Mitarai, the blond haired blue eyed youth was above her. "You should keep better control of your power Higurashi san." he whispered as he leaned over the back of her seat to talk to her. Kagome blinked and looked at him. Power? Mitarai could feel her power? He was joking, right? She looked away smoothing her soft blue high school uniform skirt. "It's not something I really want to go into, but I am a psychic. I have power too. Maybe we should talk sometime." he whispered lowering his voice further so no one else would hear him.

"Maybe," she whispered back. She heard a soft shuffling behind her and then Mitarai held out his hand in the isle of the bus. "Now?" she hissed softly and he shrugged. She sighed and took his offered hand. He was stronger than he looked. He helped her over Ayumi and then let go of her hand indicating the empty seat to the side and slightly towards the back. He slid into the seat after her so she couldn't run. Oh, She realized belatedly he thought she might be a threat. "I am harmless Mitarai kun," she began softly.

His blue eyes sharpened and focused, "Maybe," he stated disbelieving her. "But your actions and eyes tell me you have seen battle, which means since you are still standing that you won, meaning you-"

"Yes I have killed. Is that what you want to know. I fought and killed to protect an entire world. I'm not a threat Mitarai kun."

"Kiyoshi." he corrected. Looking at her with wide eyes. "Are you- are you one of them?" there was an undercurrent of his emotions that was confusing Kagome. He was excited, no thrilled by something.

Kagome pressed her hand to her forehead. "Ugh, one of who, You aren't making any sense."

"A spirit detective who fights youkai." Mitarai said solemnly.

Kagome's head snapped up and she looked around carefully. "Where did you hear about youkai?" she hissed feeling panick well inside her. Had Ayumi told her secrets?

Mitarai leaned closer "Don't laugh, cause I swear its true- but I fought side by side with a team that had two youkai, one named Kurama and one named Hiei. We were fighting for the safety of the human world to keep the youkai from Makai from invading."

Makai? Youkai invading?! She was worried now but something told her that the boy was not lying. "Where." she asked slowly. Please don't say the past...please-

"Mushiori City, Japan." Kagome felt her world tilt, Mushiori was only a hop and a skip and a train ride from Tokyo. She reached out and gripped his wrist forgetting to be careful of her strength in her hands from wielding her bow. Her mouth was dry and her eyes wide.

"When?" she gasped.

Mitarai looked anxiously at her. She looked as pale as a ghost and her grip hurt. "Two years ago in May. Are you alright Kagome?" he asked forgoing the honorific.

"Ah, yes." she said shakily. "I just didn't realize it was so recent." she thought quickly, "I must have been out of town on another case." This guy is trouble. He knows too much and he can feel my ki. Oh man! I should have been more careful! Kurama? Hiei? Spirit detectives? Makai? Her heart began to pound for another reason, Youkai are still alive! They aren't all gone. Maybe-

"Oh, of course, because if you had been there you would have been called in. Sorry. I thought you would have been briefed on it by Koenma sama. Maybe it was classified?" He pulled a face and lowered his voice, "Please don't tell Urameshi I blabbed. He'll hit me again. Or Kuwabara." he pressed his palms together, "Please."

"Of course I won't. Thank you Mi-Kiyoshi kun." she said with a slight smile. He beamed back at her. And settled back into the seat. Clearly with no intention of moving. This is going to cause so many misunderstandings... "Ah, Kiyoshi-kun, I am undercover so-"

"Right," he said. And that was that. He leaned back and closed his eyes. She moved away shifting as close to the window as possible. Then she pulled her knees to her chest and prepared for the most awkward trip of her life. If she had only known...

"For our last three days in China, we have been invited to a small village in the mountains about another hour drive from here, called Jusenkyogakure." their Sensei announced after they had been traveling to an unknown location for two hours.

Kagome sighed and tried to make herself more room on the seat but found it impossible. She was sandwiched between two boys who wouldn't stop glaring at each other. Since everyone had woken a week ago at their first hotel and found Kagome sitting with Mitarai on a seat towards the back, Hojo had been relentless. Kiyoshi had been just as determined to protect her. This trip had become a nightmare. The only relief was at night when the girls had their own room. Of course Eri and Yuka were delighted with the developing triangle and they were pushing her to forget her delinquent boyfriend with a costplay obsession.

When the bus finally stopped Kagome jumped up heedlessly stomping on Hojo's feet. "I am going for a walk! Alone!" she growled finally having had enough. Hojo reached for her wrist to stop her and Mitarai stopped him. She didn't stop to see what happened as she fairly ran off the stifling bus and into the fresh air. They're worse than Koga and Inuyasha! I swear to the Kami's I'm going to make a subjugation necklace for them both! She thought angrily as she stomped away.

After a good ten minutes she looked around and realized she had no idea where she was. The air was fresh and clean and smelled moist and earthy. There was water close by. She took a deep breath and froze something didn't feel right. It tingled down her spine and she was instantly alert for danger more so that she was before. After Kiyoshi kun told her about the Makai and the existence of youkai in this time, she had been hyper-alert to any potential danger around her and her group as they explored. Now she wished she had a weapon. A bow was impractical but anything could be a weapon right? She spotted a stick jutting from the ground at an odd angle. That will work! She thought jovially congratulating herself for the thought. As she reached for it there was a rustle in the long grass to her right and she pushed forward to grasp her prize, but inertia was not her friend and she was suddenly falling forward. Her startled gasp cut off with a splash.

Water! I can't breathe! She struggled to the surface and gasped in greedy lungs full of air. The water dribbled out of her mouth as she choked, swallowing a good portion of the water. She felt like a drowned cat her hair was heavy and swirled around her in the water and she was covered with something silver that clung to her fingers like spider silk, but it wasn't sticky. No, it was more like hair. She grasped a handful and intended to pull it away but- Oh ouch! Its attached to me. Ick what is this stuff. Everything feels weird like-She reached up and leaped to her feet. Far more swiftly and gracefully than she could have managed. Ears I have pointed ears and- she swallowed reaching back behind her. Her fingers brushed a long silky appendage that shouldn't be there. She raised her hands seeing claws and licked her teeth encountering sharpened points. "Oh my god! What happened!" she shrieked and winced against the sound she made. Her ears were sensitive.

A man rambled something at her in chinese and then sighed, "Tsk. Oh too bad you fall in cursed spring. Yān sǐ de hú píchūn. This very tragic spring where fox drown 1000 year ago! Now you cursed." She spun ready to fight when she saw the squat man in a green uniform holding a sign. His face was round and his eyes squinted. But it was the sign that drew her attention. She read the kanji translation in shock.

Kagome growled now sounding very animal like. As she twisted what she now realized was her silver hair over her shoulder wringing it out. "Spring of drowned fox?!" Does this look like a fox to you?! I'm a kitsune! "Wait cursed?!" she gasped jumping elegantly out of the water to perch on the same stick that had caused her misfortune.

"Yes. Legend say who ever fall in spring take body of fox." The man nodded and grinned at her with unrepentant glee. "Sad to say, spring of drown girl dried up not too long ago, so you stuck now." the the irritating man laughed in her face. "This land is forbidden to enter for reason. You go home now."

Irritated Kagome stalked to him and snatched him by the collar of his green uniform. With a toss he landed in one of the many springs and she felt vindicated. Ha! take that I hope you fell in spring of drowned-

"Oh too bad, I land in Spring of drowned man. So nothing happen. You see I no change, so I no cursed. Ha ha!"

With a huff Kagome spun on her heel and stalked away while the irritating man kept laughing at her. She had no idea she was doing it, but the grass in front of her was parting and the way behind her was filling with over grown sentient plant life, that would never let another soul enter the spring where she had fallen.

Her mind raced. I'm a kitsune and silver at that. Didn't Shippo say they were extinct or something. Any way that doesn't matter! I am a youkai! Now what?! Aside from seeing my hair and claws, I have no idea what I look like but if I am a kitsune I should be able to cast an illusion. She reached for a leaf from a tree branch that seemed to move to her hand. And held it to her forehead. Illusion magic! "Transform." she said and waited.

There was a distinct rustle in the trees and grass and she suddenly felt like she knew they were laughing at her. Laughing plants? Really? She thought incredulously. A scent on the breeze as the wind shifted teased her nose. Sulfer. "A hot spring! Oh please god, yes." she muttered and then loped gracefully towards the smell. Ignoring the warnings of the plant life about humans, she was a human so she should know, it didn't occur to her that she could understand them now. The only thing on her mind was to get warm again as the chill of the spring had sunk to her very bones.

The structure in front of her was one she knew fairly well though there were some differences it was a bath house. And that was all she cared about. There was a high fence surrounding the out door pools and she didn't think to look before she vaulted over the fence and splashed gracefully into the blissfully hot water fully clothed. She spluttered as she popped up through the surface and felt her face burn. Not three inches in front of her was a very surprised and naked Mitarai. She hurriedly closed her eyes and ducked under the water. But Kiyoshi did something and she suddenly could not move.

"Kagome?" he asked pulling her up out of the water. She kept her eyes closed and her red face turned away. "What are you doing on the mens side?"

Oh no... "Uh I was um- Can you please get dressed?!" she squeaked frantically. She still couldn't move and it was freaking her out. There was no youki for her to purify. But if felt like a giant hand holding her in place if she looked down and squinted at the water she could make out huge fingers. And were those eyes?! Mitarai laughed but he pulled a towel around his waist. "Thank you." she said after he sat back down.

"Shhh, if you make too much noise the others will come looking they are exploring the Inn."

"You are being awfully calm." she stated finally.

"About you in the mens bath?" he asked fighting a blush. Kagome was a beautiful girl after all. "not really I just don't want to cause a scene."

Kagome shook her head. "Not that, I look different right? You know ears and a tail?" she said with a sigh.

Mitarai shook his blond head. "I'm not sure what you are talking about Kagome, you look like you always do. Black hair, blue eyes, gorgeous."

She blinked, "But I was- never mind. Could you have your um- water thing put me over the fence to the womans side please?" Kagome asked shaking her head.Ha the joke's on you pal, I'm not cursed. She thought victoriously at the squat man in uniform still laughing in her thoughts. The giant water hand lifted her with ease to the other side and she patted it in thanks before it returned to just water in a splash.

"Kagome," Mitarai spoke through the fence, "Never mind we'll talk tonight." he said quickly and she heard Hojo enter the bath with a confused accusation. It was probably along the lines of asking if he was spying on the women on her side but too bad for him she was the only one here and fully dressed. Mitarai made up something about seeing a random item by the fence and Hojo stopped yelling.

Kagome sank to her knees and looked in the mirrored surface. Yep, she was normal black hair and bright blue eyes. Nothing kitsune about her. She laughed at her reflection with the absurdity of the day. Then she got up and walked to the changing room and removed her wet clothes pulling on a robe. She'd had enough of water for now. "I must be going crazy." she said aloud to no one in particular. The plant near her shivered causing its leaves to rustle. "Yes I have, don't try to reassure me." she replied as she walked into the building.

It was around midnight when she realized she had spoken to and understood a plant.

"Kagome," Ayumi whispered. "Come with me?"

Kagome blinked up at the clock, midnight? "What's the matter Yumi-chan?" It wasn't the first time Ayumi had come to talk to her after everyone was asleep.

"Nothing I just want a bath. But I don't want to go alone. The stars are probably beautiful and I wanted to talk with you." she said standing up and stepping away enough for Kagome to get up. Kagome nodded and climbed to her feet.

"Ok, just a sec." she said sliding on her house slippers and tightening her robe. When she was ready she gestured silently and the two of them slipped out of the room on soundless feet. They padded down the carpeted hallway and to the entrance to the bath and ducked within. Inside the dressing room it was lavishly decorated in bright brocades and silk though it was sparsely furnished. The bright colors made Kagome think of festivals and on the tails of that thought came a fierce longing for home. Wrapped up in her thoughts she undressed and moved to the bathing stools. It wasn't until she dumped the cold water on herself that Ayumi spoke, Or rather tugged gently at the appendages on the top of Kagome's head she had nearly forgotten.

"Are these real Kagome?" she asked softly. Kagome closed her eyes as Ayumi massaged the base of her ears and she relaxed contentedly. If this is how it feels why is Inuyasha so against me touching his ears...

"Uh huh." she murmured and Ayumi stopped touching them. "Aw why did you stop?" she said and then her eyes shot wide. "I'm a-"

"I'd say a fox, based on the ear structure and the shape of your tail." leave it to Ayumi to analyze them.

"No, I am a youkai!" Kagome hissed. "How does a freaking miko become a youkai? A curse apparently. Ayumi what am I going to do?"

"You are going to finish washing and come sit with me in the hot water." She dumped a bucket of rinse water over herself and stood holding her privacy towel. Kagome washed her strange body mechanically and stood to join her. Her tail curling around her hips. Her long silver hair spilled like gossamer down her back and down her chest like a silver curtain reaching to the lower half of her thighs. Even wet it shimmered in the moonlight.

Ayumi watched rather transfixed at the unearthly beauty of the kitsune. And then she blushed. Kagome looked like she had descended from another world entirely. Every line of her body was perfect and slender bespeaking a grace and elegance no human could hold. The bookish girl suddenly understood what Kagome had said about the youkai males ruining her for the humans. If youkai looked like Kagome did now as a kitsune, she would never be satisfied with a normal man or woman.

To hide her rather obvious attraction to her best friend, Ayumi splashed the hot water at her playfully. And then blinked. Kagome was wiping water off her face with a frown. Her black hair hanging in her eyes. "You changed back." She didn't really want to explain the disappointment she felt so she ignored it.

"Huh?" Kagome asked confused.

"From the kitsune, you changed back when I splashed you with the hot spring water." Ayumi pulled a bucket closer to the spring and filled it before setting it aside to cool. "Well, come on. Tell me what happened." The studious girl urged scooting over to make room for her. Kagome looked exhausted and like she was also on the verge of tears. She hadn't missed the sadness in Kagome's eyes this trip and realized some of these villages were probably similar to what she had seen in the past sans the youkai.

"Well, Yumi-chan, it happened like this..." Kagome began as she sank into the hot water and felt it soaking her troubles away. It felt really good to know she could talk to Ayumi and she wouldn't laugh or think she was crazy. Kagome looked up as she spoke and noticed there were trees in the way of a clear fantastic view of the stars otherwise. She sighed and was about to look away when the tree branches lifted up out of her view and she was alarmed, but also strangely pleased. It was as the plants beside her rustled in question, "Yes that is perfect." and she answered absentmindedly that she recalled doing the same earlier.

"You fell in the spring and said "yes that is perfect"? Kagome you are white as a sheet what happened? Just now."

"Yumi-chan," she whimpered, "I'm talking to plants and they talk back!" Sensing her agitation the plants rustled and a bold plant vine reached down to brush lovingly along her cheek. "Aw you are so sweet." she purred to the vine and caressed it with a light touch.

"Kagome, right now tell me how you feel."

"Calm and protected like I am surrounded by loving friends who would do anything to please me." She leaned into the vine with her head.

"Ok, ask the vine to fetch a bucket of cold water." Ayumi said standing up to also touch the vine with careful fingers, curious of what she would feel.

Kagome shrugged and sent the thought out. The vine rustled in agreement and another longer thicker vine curled along a branch that extended and then slowly lowered to the shower area and with a twist caught up a bucket as another vine turned on the switch for water. And then turned it off again when the bucket was full. "That's the way, now bring it to me." Kagome encouraged in a constant litany. Not seeming to realize that she was doing it, "oops, careful now, not too fast." she held out her hands the the vine settled the full bucket in them. "Thank you, that was well done." she praised and the vine rustled again before it returned to the tree and the branches shifted so it looked like nothing had happened. "Ok, now what?"

"That was amazing Kagome. It was like you had full control of the vine and it simply did as you wished. I've never seen anything like it." Ayumi cleared her throat "now set the bucket down and stand still over here on the rocks out of the water. I want to test something." she directed with a certain look in her eyes Kagome wasn't sure she liked. "So let me think the spring was cold so-" she cupped her hands with cold water and threw it on Kagome. Silver hair, fox ears, intense blue eyes and that unearthly beauty looked back at her. Before she could get caught up, she threw a handful of hot water and gasped. "I've got it!" she cheered quietly. Splashing Kagome with cold water again. She grinned before she began tossing handfuls of each "Hot water, cold water, hot water, cold water!"

A vine seized the bucket and dumped it over Ayumi's head and then scooped up hot water in the same bucket and repeated. The kitsune vixen Kagome laughed softly, "There, how do you like it?" she asked her voice richer with a sexy purr there was a playful note in her tone that was not the usual Kagome, but it was thrilling.

Ayumi pushed her hair out of her eyes and gaped at the silver goddess leaning seductively against the thicker vine that had lifted her out of the water. Her skin was luminescent in the moonlight. It looked smooth like silk and Ayumi felt a desire to touch the unearthly being just to be sure she was real.

"Gods, Yumi-chan I feel amazing; like I am more alive than ever." she laid back in the vine and let her arms dangle. "I can feel the life around me in the plants and trees and I can hear their song. As a miko I could pick up little traces but nothing ever like this. I can see everything even in the dark and I can smell all the subtle scents on the breeze. I can hear the smallest sounds, your heart beat is like thunder in my ears." her head turned and she gazed at the awestruck girl. The vine lowered her closer and carefully she stroked long clawed fingers through the black curls, "You smell amazing," she whispered and moved in like she was going to kiss her. Just before she could make contact, Ayumi startled and in her frantic motions splashed hot water in the kitsune's face. Kagome blinked at her oldest friend in shock. "What just happened?"

Ayumi's face was beat red and Kagome dropped out of the vine. "hey, I'm sorry. Are you ok? I don't know what came over me." I mean, I kind of do and don't, Kitsune are bi by nature, but I almost kissed her!

"This isn't how I wanted you to find out, but I have been in love with you for years Kagome-chan." Ayumi looked away and dropped her face in her hands, "I wanted you to kiss me. I would have offered you my soul on a platter. I supported your relationship to Inuyasha because I thought that you would be happy. You love him, so that made me happy. But tonight as the kitsune..." she swallowed, "You wanted me, I could see it in your eyes. And it frightened me, because- mmn never doesn't matter. I figured out that c-cold water activates -the youkai and H-hot water turns you back." Ayumi took a deep breath, "I don't know why it is that you can communicate with the plants when not a kitsune, but I have a feeling there is so much more to this curse than we know." She fell back to the science she was comfortable in hiding once more in her books.

"Yumi-chan" Kagome said softly trying to catch her attention. What she had said deserved a proper answer, even if Kagome wasn't sure what answer was the right one, she still wanted to kiss Ayumi- a lot.

"No, it's okay. I know that you aren't into girls. I also know that when the well reopens you will be gone. So don't say you are sorry or anything." the head of dark curls shook with her denial. Ayumi wouldn't meet the blue eyes staring at her so straight forward she couldn't bear to see the rejection.

"Yumi-" Kagome said again looking at her with a confused expression. It was like her body was reacting on its own and she didn't really want to stop it. Her hands were reaching and her heart was pounding.

Ayumi turned like she was going to walk away,"No, I'm going to-" She stopped mid sentence as a vine blocked her path and warm wet arms surrounded her, turning her to face the woman she had known and yet not the woman she had known. She could feel the slide of their naked skin and the curve of their breasts pressing together and her mouth went dry. Kagome was too close and too warm. This would hurt-

"Ayumi, kitsune are bi." she whispered and then kissed her. Warm full lips slid together and Kagome was in control foolowing the cues she picked up from Ayumi. It was a kiss that would do any kitsune proud, but something tugged at her pleasure fogged mind and she pulled away. She didn't stop or look back as she swam to the stairs and climbed out. Guilt curled through her stomach.

Kitsune are bi, but I am not a kitsune. Why did I kiss her? Oh man...I feel weird, I should just go in and go to bed. Everything will be better in the morning. She left Ayumi reeling and disappeared inside not sure how to face her own desires and her heart. Did she love Inuyasha? I don't know. I don't know anymore how I feel about him. Since its been two years I have thought about everything that happened. Can I ever be sure it's me he sees? When he holds me how do I know its not her in his thoughts? How can I be with someone like that with those doubts? He was so in love with her, you don't just turn that off. Ayumi is a girl and yet that doesn't make me want her less.

She walked through the halls lost in thought until she made it to the shared girls room and lay down on her futon. After a short while she heard Ayumi come in and lay down. Kagome lay there for a long time listening to the soft breaths around her. She however, could not get comfortable. The midnight haired woman silently got up and made her way to the window. The tree reached out in anticipation and invitation. She smiled as she stepped out barefoot on to the branch and the tree returned to its proper shape. The vines formed a nest of sorts and she lay down. She was asleep in moments lulled by the plant song.

The last two days of the trip were awkward and Ayumi avoided her for the most part. Or rather Kagome felt guilty and avoided her. She didn't bring up the events of that night nor had she asked where Kagome had been when they woke up and Kagome's bed was empty.

Walking on a guided tour to the oldest parts of the village, Mitarai and Hojo were still at it and Kagome wanted to throttle them. Exactly what about them is appealing?I have no interest in either of them except for them to stop this nonsense. When the plants rustled beside her and asked if she wanted them dead, she was horrified. Dead?! No, no...I didn't think of my new friends as weapons but honestly I should have. Not considering anyone was listening she spoke "No, don't harm my friends no matter how irritating, unless I command it." she said softly. Mitarai looked at her thoughtfully and then at the plants and she chewed her lip. When he walked over like he was going to question her she quickened her steps. She didn't want to answer questions for him, she had no answers to for herself yet. So she'd avoided everyone. Spending her free time in the top of her sleeping tree where no one could find her. It was just her and the plants she had come to adore.

When it was getting time for her to leave the plants gave her gifts in preparation of their parting; seeds. When she entered the room just before everyone was waking up she had a heaping hand full of various seeds. She looked around for something to keep them in and a splash of color by the hot spring caught her attention. No sooner had she spotted it, but a vine was holding open the brocade silk bag for her. Without thinking she dumped her seeds inside, tied it closed and tucked the whole thing into her carry on. The vine retreated just before the first eye opened. Of all her friends to wake first, it had to be Ayumi.

What should I say, I kissed her and ran off without a word. What will I do if she hates me now. What did her face look like when I left her there. Kagome knelt and began packing but Ayumi was not put off.

Slowly she knelt beside her and began folding things for Kagome. "I've been watching you this last two days. I think I was wrong, you don't need cold water to be a youkai. I think that's just for the appearance of one." She whispered. Her brown eyes watched Kagome's face for any sign of acknowledgement or distress "You have been acting different. You slept in that tree again last night." ah, Kagome flinched so she thought no one knew? "And that huge pile of seeds you hid away means everything to you doesn't it? After that night I found everything I could on Kitsune lore. The attraction and ability to speak to plants and the changes you are going through aren't there. Then again I doubt they would be." Ayumi sighed, "I think that the curse isn't just you taking on the body of the fox in cold water." she drew a deep breath. "You are becoming a kitsune." she said as she started putting things in her own bags.

"But how Yumi-chan?" Kagome asked, her voice soft and small. "I don't know how to be a kitsune."

"You said you swallowed a lot of the spring water when you fell in right? Maybe that's what is happening. Maybe the curse isn't just affecting your appearance but, you genetically. It's fascinating really." Ayumi said pushing her reading glasses on her nose and looking at a book of notes. Setting the book down, Ayumi hugged her. "I don't know how it was for you there but you faced a terrible enemy and didn't flinch right? So face this the same." Her arms tightened around the woman she wanted to be beside always. "I'm here with you, so you aren't alone, Kagome."

Kagome turned in her arms and cried in a whisper her face pressed against Ayumi's neck. "I didn't mean to hurt you Yumi-chan."

Ayumi tightened her hold a little more wanting to keep holding the changing figure of her best friend and never to let go. "I know – this is confusing and its okay." That was how the rest of the room woke up to a scene that merely looked like two friends making up after a fight.

"I'm getting coffee." Yuka declared climbing to her feet. Eri giggled and pulled on her robe.

"We should go look at that little gift shop before we go." she said as the door shut behind her.

Kagome frowned after them confused, "Okay, that was weird."

Ayumi let go and scooted back, "Not as weird as you think. I came out to them while you were "sick", they probably think something happened. I'm sorry. Now you will be in some strange rumors. I'll set them straight."

Kagome couldn't have explained why she moved forward and caught Ayumi in her arms or why she pressed her lips to those of the startled book worm. It felt right and so she went with the instinct. Not realizing as she did, that she had acted just like a kitsune would. Something inside her had whispered to her about the sweetness of those lips and the softness of her form and the kitsune readily agreed. She kissed her breathless and then with a rustle of leaves Kagome was gone. Her plants warning her of the impending arrival of her other friends. She watched from her tree as Eri and Yuka came in and questioned the flushed girl about what had happened. Ayumi glanced to her hiding spot in the tree and gave her a gentle smile. But when the other two turned to see there was nothing there.

Kagome was conflicted. On one hand she wanted to finish what she had started, and on the other- she was horrified, not that she had not once but twice now made out with her best friend, but that she liked it. Really liked it and if she returned to the feudal era she would likely be with Inuyasha. She should not be kissing her best friend breathless. She should not be wanting to see what other sounds she could draw from her lips. She dropped out of the tree soundlessly and went to wander.

The gift shop, she found, was not a gift shop at all; but a quaint little shop run by a familiar and unwelcome face. "Oh you come to see what there is to buy, fox girl?" he asked in his grating broken English.

She rolled her eyes. And then stopped. "Old man, what would happen if someone drank the water in the cursed spring they fell into." she asked before she could stop herself.

The guides squinted eyes widened. "Oh you no drink cursed water, it make bad thing happen!"

Kagome felt her stomach drop, "Like what?"

The guide looked at her with wise eyes in his clownish face, "You become. You no, just look like anymore. Has happen many time before. Is why I build village for those cursed by springs curse. All animal you see was once humans. No longer can remember being human though, it been too long. They can talk still but choose not speak with other humans here. " The guide scurried away to talk to some other customers. His words ringing in her ears along with Ayumi's.

"I think you are becoming the kitsune."

I am becoming a kitsune, but as a miko that should be impossible. I would purify myself as I began to develop youki. Or would I? "I think you are becoming a kitsune genetically." If that is true then it is erasing that I ever was a miko. the thought froze her in place. Genetically, the spring water was rewriting her genes.

She picked up a statue and looked at it not really seeing it. Then she set it back on the shelf and walked away, leaving a seed next to it. Kagome left the shop, unaware that behind her the seed sprouted and a thin vine wrapped around the statue and pulled it under the table to where other plants were waiting. As her tree greeted her a vine dropped the statue in her pocket.

She had a lot to think about, so curled in her nest of vines she watched the clouds roll by. Me, a kitsune? I guess it's not really a bad thing. Shippo will be delighted and so will Souta. But Inuyasha and Sango, even Miroku? What will they think of me then? What will mama say? And Gramps! Oh, he will have kittens! His grand-daughter who was a miko is now a youkai. But wait if my genes are written are they still my family? Then there is my breed, obviously I am a silver kitsune and therefore rare, so how did a silver kitsune end up drowning in a spring in China? They supposedly lived at the top of Mt. Fuji descended from the fox kami Inari, according to Shippo. One of her vines curled around her finger and began to sing a soothing song. So she closed her eyes. It doesn't matter if its a good thing or a bad thing its done and can't be undone. So I'm a kitsune, I wonder if I can find a teacher to learn more about my kind...She opened them again pulling the lumpy statue out of her pocket looking at it with a mixture of pride (My first treasure claimed) and horror (I stole it! I should give it back.)

"Kagome! Hey, Kagome where are you!" Mitarai's voice broke her peaceful relaxation and internal argument and she sighed running fingers through her messy black hair. It irritated her somewhat because she knew her hair should be silver. The tiny vine that had played with her fingers was now around her neck holding a few shinny black seeds like a necklace. She touched it with a smile and it shivered in pleasure. She tucked the statue back in her pocket and with a last longing glance at the vine nest she dropped out of the tree landing soundlessly right in front of him.

His blue eyes widened at her, the tree was at least 40 feet tall! She landed, like it was stepping out of bed. Tossing her hair back he had the oddest feeling that he should be seeing red hair and green eyes, she looked at him with an impatient gaze. The plant at her throat rustled and she cursed softly. Snatching his hand she pulled him to the tree and he gaped as the tree branch scooped them up. She walked out on the branch with perfect balance and looked back at him waiting. "I won't let you fall." she said quietly. "No matter how badly you and Hojo are irritating me." the vines reached for her and she gave his hand a tug. "Come on, I don't want him to find me." Mitarai had the strangest sensation that he was looking at two faces. One Kagome's and the other a red haired kitsune avatar. He nodded and the vines lifted them up to the top of the tree. She walked over and sat in her nest. He followed slower, very aware that at this height he would die if he fell.

"Have you always been so friendly with the plant life?" he asked and cursed his voice for trembling. He watched a normal looking plant vine gently touch her face and make her smile.

"No, it was a gift." Yes, a gift from the unknown kitsune who drowned. All these wonders, I now get to be part of. "Why are you looking for me?" she asked catching a scent on the breeze and weighing her options. It was going to rain and either she could let him see the truth or she could have her plants shield her.

"Sensei said it was time to start packing and no one knew where you had gone."

Oh. To bad then, I don't have time to change back. The vines wove together a thick ceiling and the branches covered the cracks. No rain would get in now unless it was a heavy down pour.

"Is this why you had silver hair?"

"You saw?" she asked sitting up.

In the subtle darkness of the shelter her eyes glowed softly. Just iridescent enough to reveal her as not human. And he wondered how he had not noticed. "Just for a second and then you were in the water." He leaned back against the solid vines and looked at her. "Something about you screams kitsune, to me."

"Can you keep my secret? I am a kitsune." it was surprisingly easy to say. The plants around her rustled their approval. She pressed her finger to her lips and winked. He blushed. "Thing is, if I get wet, my illusion will break and then we will have a riot. You know as well as I do that humans don't accept what they don't understand."

"Its what they don't want to understand. But yeah I get it. You can borrow my jacket. I have another." Mitarai said with an understanding nod. He peeled off the blue jacket he had been wearing and she pulled it on and flipped the hood over her hair. She smiled at him and he blushed again. "You can keep it actually. Um, we have to get back to the main room, but we might be seen if we drop down."

"I know so we won't. Come on." She stood and the shelter returned to just vines that delivered them directly to the window. "Hurry." she said and hopped down. He followed less gracefully landing with a thump. Moving fluidly she scooped up her things leaving the vines to tidy up and pulled him out of the main door before Eri opened the secondary door, not seeing them or the vines at all. She heard her name called and pushed Mitarai down the hall. "I'm here!" she called back patiently. "Go Kiyoshi-kun" she hissed.

"There you are! Sensei said that it's time to load up and go we have to be back in the city by noon tomorrow for our flight and he wants to get down the mountain there is a storm watch." The exuberant girl said walking down the hall and looping her arm through Kagome's. Her bobbed hair bounced a little from under the floral head band she wore. "With the storm and everything we were worried you had a relapse on one of your illnesses at school." she paused, "Are you wearing Mitarai kun's jacket?"

Kagome pulled the jacket closer as they neared the door. She didn't know how much water it would take to change her. "Yes he lent it to me with the rain coming so I wouldn't get wet."

Yuka cooed, "Wasn't that thoughtful. He likes you a lot. He and Hojo have been glaring daggers at each other all two weeks. You should really stop the power play and choose one already. Or did you pick option three? She was awfully red when we came in. You and Ayumi would be adorable together! She's been in love with you forever." Yuka Waved at Eri and the other girl took Kagome's other arm. "I was telling Kagome she should pick one already."

"Oh, yeah about that Yuka, turns out that Mitarai is sooo gay. His boyfriend is in the chemistry club you know the one you have been crushing on behind Eiji's back, Tamiya kun." Yuka sighed but Eri continued, "Seems he was being all big brother for Kagome not super hopeful lover."

"What about Hojo?" Yuka asked.

The girl pulled a face. A mix of pain and disappointment. "He is sticking to the fact he and Kagome are dating." Eri laughed quietly.

Oh is he... Kagome thought as she slipped out of there gossip chain and over to Hojo. "We need to talk Hojo kun." what she was about to say was going to spread like wild fire but if it turned him away once and for all then-

"Oh of course Kagome." Hojo said with a bright grin. She almost felt bad wiping it off his face. Almost.

"Hojo I didn't want to do this while on our trip, but I haven't been honest with you. You see I am a lesbian and not in to boys at all." She gave him her best apologetic look and clasped her hands in front of her to play up her discomfort with confessing. "You should find a girlfriend better than me."

Hojo rubbed at the back of his head, "Um to tell you the truth, I was going to break up with you when we got home. I spent quite some time with Eri this trip and I like her a lot."

What? Then I just made my self unavailable to every boy in the school for nothing! Hojo kun! She glanced over at Ayumi who was blushing at something Eri said. Maybe not for nothing...Kagome walked gracefully over to Ayumi and took her hand spinning the shorter girl into her arms and bending her back with a kiss. Ayumi was putty in her hands and the kitsune preened with pride at the little mewls she made. But now was not the time to continue further so she lightened her kiss and pulled back. Ayumi blinked up at her with dazed wet eyes. "Come on Ayumi, its time to go." Kagome said quietly taking her hand and entering the bus. Ayumi nodded and followed meekly behind the kitsune wearing a human Kagome disguise.

Ayumi was floored at the turn of events but she had no expectations that she would be able to keep Kagome now. So she decided that she would hold on and enjoy the ride and she vowed to herself she would never regret it. "This has been the most amazing trip ever." she stated brightly and flushed under Kagome's pleased gaze.