The air was thick with classical music. It was so faint that I could still hear the clicking of my too-high heels as I waded into unknown water. I had been prettied up and hand delivered to President Snow's private quarters with no other information as to why. In fact, Haymitch seemed to spook when I pressed him for answers. He wouldn't look me in the eyes. So the haunting violin concerto that filled this cavernous space was fitting.

I stopped a growing tremble in my legs as I wafted down a long hallway, turning and glancing into several doorways as I did and found nothing but the same orchestra score and different scenes filled with gaudy crystal and velvet. I smirked to myself. Who the hell could possibly need or want all of this flourishy crap.

I stopped in my tracks when one door revelealed a large hulk of a man sitting on the edge of a deep purple couch. He was breathing heavily, as if he'd been through battle. He was shirtless and his loose pants were undone and slung around his hips. He puffed slowly and languidly on a cigarette and the smoke encircled his huge bald head. He turned and saw me in the doorway and a slow grin spread over his lips. I moved immediately, not interested in any further interaction with such a man. I slunk further down the hall and for the first time in my life I was actually hoping to find Snow, as compared to the more recent tenant discovery he may be the best option.

I slowed again, quieting my heels in the great hall as I heard the murmur or voices. Many of them, though I couldn't make out much.

"That's right, pretty boy..."

"Ask us for more..."

"Wake up, you know we aren't through here..."

I recoiled at the intonation and the ruckus that accompanied it. But I couldn't not get closer, I just couldn't.

The hallway took me to a great room where I saw a throng of muscley, too-tall mutts gathered around a couch. Most of them were naked, and the ones that weren't were not far from it. They were descending on something...or worse, someone. The largest of them was perched in the middle. His body weight squarely over another smaller body I couldn't make out. His naked hips thrust with a fierce force I couldn't wrap my mind around being on the receiving end of. I gasped and two of them turned. An ugly ogre of a man chuckled at the sight of me.

"Ahhhh, the other guest of honor." He sneered in a deep throaty drawl. I instinctively backed towards the hallway, but was stopped in my tracks as two hands pinched my arms. They were tinier than expected, my head flew over my shoulder towards the person that felt they could manhandle me, and to my utter shock...saw Mags. I stopped trying to pull away from her and resigned myself to being in her grasp. I arched my eyebrows silently asking her what the hell was going on and she raised a finger to her lips, motioning me to be silent. I obeyed. I searched her eyes and noticed they were wet. A single tear has slid down her cheek and made its way to her lip. I fought the urge to wipe it for her. I hated seeing sad Mags. But I would stare at her for a million days before having to watch what was happening on the couch.

The couch. Mags. It hit me.

I whipped my head back and let my body fall back into Mags' chest. I let his name escape my mouth.


Another of the men stepped away from the crowd and towards me. He sneered and Mags and I both stepped back.

"Oh don't worry, Girl On Fire. You're not here for us. You're here to take notes." He raised his arm to his mouth and wiped the sweat from his face with it. His whole body was slick and shiny with sweat, and I could barely stand to look at it. Over his should I noticed commotion on the couch.

The men were seemingly retreating, taking steps back until I saw him. Finnick's tanned and sinewy body splayed out on the couch. His back was bruised. Badly. His hair soaked and matted. His exposed lower body was cut, bleeding and raw. I saw his legs moving slightly so I knew he was at least alive. And trying to get to his feet.

He managed it. When he turned I saw his face had been beaten badly. His chest was covered in small cuts and what looked like burns. His eyes were half shut and I watched in awe of the spectacle as he forced them wide open and hid his pain as he straightened. My eyes pleaded with him as he looked at me. What the hell is happening here?!

I noticed the men that surrounded him were murmuring and moaning softly, a few of them were lazily striking themselves or licking their lips as they bore holes into Finnick with evil eyes. He stepped to me, masking a stumble.

"Katniss you're late. You've nearly missed all the fun." He cocked his smile crookedly. I was more confused than ever. I knew what Finnick was, what he did. But this?! This was too much.

He stared at me like he was waiting for an answer. He finally cocked an eyebrow.

"Fun?", I whispered, "what the hell is wrong with you."

He laughed but his smile faded fast.

"Beautiful victors like us are hard to find, sweet Katniss. There are lots of men...women...who will pay good money to spend time with you and that body of yours."

Finnick's words dripped like sewage from his mouth.

"Over my dead body." I hissed at him. He closed the space between us and whispered into my ear.

"No, probably over mine."

His words were haunting and unsure. I noticed Mags reach up to gently stroke his shoulder and he placed his hand on hers for just a half of a moment before pulling back and blankly watching us. The silence was broken too soon.

"I'm ready for you, Odair." A harsh voice hollered at him.

I saw him swallow hard.

"As you wish." He turned towards the men, and the one speaking had approached him and was handling his massive girth in his hand, seductively swaying towards Finnick. The out in my gut was filling with bile.

"And I'd love your pretty girlfriend on fire to watch me fuck you. Hard." He reached up and stroked the blonde hair out of Finnick's face before slapping it so hard his face turned back to me.

"Terrific" Finnick replied, thick with sarcasm.

I didn't know what Snow was doing. Not to Mags. Not to me. Certainly not to Finnick Odair. But for the first time I found myself wondering if dying in the arena might have been as easier task than what I was being prepared to face.

first jump into a story like this, so waiting to see what kind of feedback is out there before I proceed...thanks, loves! I hope you like!