
Well, I guess you already know this, but chances are if you're reading this and I'm not, this will be my last chance to speak to you. No pressure, right? May the odds be ever in my favor...

Katniss Everdeen it was my life's great purpose to cross paths with you. I know that it wasn't always easy. And I wish I could say that I loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. But we both know that would be horse shit. You got under my skin. And I know I got under yours.

But you stayed there. And you became a part of me. What you have done for your people. What you have done for me. You have changed the world we live in, Katniss Everdeen and for that I am eternally grateful to you.

But more than that, I love you. With my whole heart. And if you're reading this the greatest regret of my life will have been never getting a chance to say that to you. But I do love you. I watched you sleep last night and imagined all the things this world could be for you, knowing I may not be a part of them. But knowing that you are bound for great things, and being a part of you...of your story? That will serve as my greatest accomplishment.

Find peace, Katniss. Go as far and as wide as you have to, but find peace. You deserve it. Find it with Peeta, or Gale, or on your own, but please, for me, find it. And when you do, remember me there with you. Not the teasing or the fighting or the doubting or the pain. Keep me there with you in your peaceful times.

I dreamed of one day taking you on my boat. Showing you the sea. My sea. Watching you watch an ocean storm. Find one, one day. I'll be in every storm that ever touches you.

My heart is yours. Always will be.

Your Finnick.

I tucked the letter neatly into my pocket. In the millions of times I had read it over the past year I had ritually folded it the same way and kissed it softly before tucking it away. Finnick's letter to me that we found in his pocket the day we left him in the Capitol.

I pressed it neatly to my heart through my heavy sweater. I rested my hands against the stern of the boat, swaying gently on the waves. Anchored, but drifting. If that didn't sum me up.

I heard a soft rumble of thunder in the distance and squinted at the bronze yellow flash of lighting through the distant clouds. The color of Finnick's hair. Against the emerald green sea that matches his eyes. I smiled at the impending storm before ducking down into our modestly appointed cabin.

Daxton was stirring in his cradle and I lifted him gently, barely waking him. Daxton...his name meant water, I know Finnick would have approved.

At just two months old he already bore a striking resemblance to his father, which melted and broke my heart all at once. And as he quietly stirred awake tucked into my shoulder, I walked him up to the deck as the rumble of thunder got closer.

Large, heavy cool drops began to fall and I smiled at him. He cooed and enjoyed the damp air, unafraid of the turmoil in the skies. I held him close and turned my eyes to the sky as the drops fell.

"I feel you, Finnick." I whispered to myself. I held his son, rocked gently on his boat underneath a storm he would have loved. I knew he was with me.

And I had found my hard earned peace.