
Chapter 9: Shed Some Light

"Are you threatening me?" he asked, eyes narrowing dangerously as Naraku sat opposite of her in the conference room.

"No, just a simple negotiating," Kagome replied with a polite smile.

After dinner that night, Kagome had gotten on the phone once away from him to give the information onto the person that wanted it the most, and giving her the help that she needed.

"Did you know that most people that threatened me are never around for long," Naraku casually commented, giving her a sideward glance as he straightened her coat, buttoning it up and re-straightening it again.

"I'm sure Onigumo," Kagome said with a sly smile of her own as her eyes narrowed dangerously at him.

"You need to let me know of your informant," Naraku commented dryly, her owns eyes narrowed at her.

"Yours or mine?" Kagome asked in return, as they started a staring contest.

"I'm sure we could come to an agreement," Kagome say as she tapped her fingers decisively on the table with a smile and stood up as though to signify the end of their meeting.

"Well that has been rather productive, I hope that goes smoothly next time,"


"Miss. Higurashi, Mr. Taisho is waiting in your office," she was informed by Takemaru.

"I look forward to seeing you again Mr. Kagewaki," Kagome said as she bowed to him politely before calling Takemaru to send him off as she walked out of the conference room.

Naraku's face showed nothing but his grimness as his face looked over casted like some kind of storm is brewing.

"Mr. Kagewaki," Takemaru called out as he waited by the door and waited for the other to come out of his own thoughts.

She felt rather pleased, having just gotten hold of Naraku the other way around this time, as compared to the usual. It was like his unhappiness is her joy at the moment, though whether or not he will do something about it is another matter, a problem in which she would have to watch out for and be mentally prepared as well.

Naraku however was more curious about how she had known about it, and the person whose tongue he would have to slice off as a lesson, or at least sew their lips up to teach them a simple lesson about blabbering what they should not in the first place. Meanwhile, for Sesshoumaru Taisho to visit her so easily and to wait for her in her office, where he was being met in the conference room, told him a level of intimacy between the two that he still have his own guesses.

"Find the leak," Naraku gave that simple order out to his subordinate when it was just the two of them.

There is one thing that he does not tolerate, and that is for others to act against him, and not do exactly as they are told. He can play and string others along, but never the other way around and the consequences to that, he usually will issue out a punishment that they will not forget that easily.

"Aren't you a little too early?" Kagome asked with a frown upon her face as she entered her office, speaking only when the door is securely closed behind of her.

"I've cleared up all the necessary work," he replied her simply, waiting for her expectantly as thought to leave immediately.

"Well you'd have to give me some time to finish the work I have on hand at the moment then, before we can head out for dinner, I've never planned for you coming this early," she said, slipping behind the main desk as she sat herself down and immediately got to work.

They agreed to try dating with one another for the time being and seeing if they are compatible as well. Kagome seeing that Sesshoumaru has nothing to say or add one, continued on with her work as quickly and silently, sending messages to Takemaru rather than having to verbalize her orders out, especially when there are things that she prefer that Sesshoumaru does not overheard.

With his quick working brains, she would not be surprise if he were to figure things out quickly, thus the precaution that she is taking at the moment, but even through messages, she only directed to him orders that she would regarding about the office work and nothing else. Just in case someone is able to intercept and retrieve her messages to use it against her and her 'family' as well.

Something that she had not expected was how Sesshoumaru seemed so vested into the relationship, giving it his all as though they are already dating. Not that she minded, he has more or less seen and known everything about her as well, well just about everything. Though she could say that it is rather awkward feeling, especially when the two of them were really just friends with benefit, though she does miss him at times, not the sex part that is.

"The media are really going to have a field day," Kagome commented as she linked her arm through his as he lead them downstairs, walking closely together as though it was the most natural thing to do.

"Let them," was his indifferent reply as he opened the door to the car for her, getting in after her.

It was awkward for them, at least it is so for her, to be spending such time together, usually when they do spend some time together, it is either in bed, dining together privately or in their meetings, and most of which are business dealings, hardly ever so personal like this. However it suits the two of them, especially when it feeds the media and helps to a certain extent in keeping some of those people away from them. Those people mainly being those that are after them for superficial reasoning, or even for bragging rights.

"I heard that Kagewaki Naraku has been rather persistent," Sesshoumaru broke the silence as he turned his head and slant his body towards Kagome to regard her properly.

Kagome turned her head to look at him, a weird look upon her face before a smile tugged at the edges of her lips. "That is true, though I think he might think otherwise after a while," she said in a mysterious like manner as Kagome had an almost devious look in her eyes.

Sesshoumaru raised a brow at her reaction as he silently watches her, feeling somewhat of an odd feeling growing in him.

'What was it?' he wondered for a moment a slight frown upon his face.


I hope that you guys enjoy this. Take care.

To Kelsie
You're right in some sense, though it is also because I was perhaps thinking on our more Asian conservative point of view, so it might differ in that sense, though I do hope for you to be patient with my writing as I would like to try taking my time with this one as well and see the possibility as well as have a slower development as well, if not slowly, I think rushing might not be good as well. Well I hope that you enjoy this new update.

To I.I.S
Thanks, I hope that you enjoy this chapter as well.