The Heart's Pain

Title: The Heart's Pain
Rating: T
Fandom: One Piece
Summary: Law had succumbed to the disease. Corazon had failed and became cold and dark. The Donquixote Pirates gain another member: Doflamingo's biological son whom he decides to name after Law. But this boy seems a bit odd for a boy his age. [Serious Version of Donquixote Law]

Law yawned and rubbed his eyes, exhausted. "It's time for his nap," Doflamingo said. "He can sleep while we figure things out," Doflamingo placed Law in his crib before rejoining the rest of his family.

"That…That was one of the Op-Op Fruit's powers," Corazon told them. "How could that kid have those powers?"

"Maybe his mother accidentally fed him some?" Baby 5 suggested.

"No," Doflamingo shook his head. "She wouldn't have done something like that. She knows a Devil Fruit when she sees one, so she wouldn't give it to Law,"


Corazon sat in his room, thinking about what had just happened. 'The last person to eat the Op-Op Fruit was Law, but it didn't save him…That means the fruit would've be reborn somewhere else since there were no fruits nearby. The closest fruits would've be the ones in Doffy's ship or the Marines' ships, but then the kid's mother would not have be able to get it,'

"Law isn't gone,"

Corazon frowned. "Law isn't gone…" 'Were Mother and Father talking about Doflamingo's son?' He shook his head. "It can't be. Law is dead. Even if he was alive, he would be a teenager, not a baby,"


When Law woke up, it was already lunch time. The baby was famished, yet he was still stubborn to drink his milk only when Corazon was the one feeding him. "Oh ah!" He called towards the klutz. Corazon quietly sighed and picked his nephew up, letting the boy drink the milk from his bottle. When he was finished, Law burped and giggled. He cuddled to Corazon's chest.

"So how does Law have the Op-Op Fruit?" Baby 5 asked.

"There's a book," Corazon spoke. "It has information about the Op-Op Fruit,"

"So where's the book located?" Doflamingo asked.

"Marineford's library," Corazon answered, letting Law play with a rattle.

"Marineford?" Trebol questioned. "How do we know you're not just trying to get back to your Marine pals!?"

"I believe him," Doflamingo said. "Corazon, if it turns out that you're lying be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions,"

Law hit Doflamingo in the face with his rattle. "Wawsh Cowa!"

Doflamingo gasped. "Law just said his first words!"


It took a few weeks to reach Marineford. As soon as they were in the range of the Den-Den Mushi, they decided to call the HQ to avoid being attacked. "This is Marine HQ. What is your business?"

"This is Marine Commander Donquixote Rocinante, Marine Code 01746," Corazon reported.

"No way! The Navy's Klutz is still alive!?"

"Navy's Klutz?" The Donquixote Pirates turned to each other, curious and amused.

"This is serious," Corazon still kept a calm composure. "If you're not going to do your job then just connect me to Sengoku-san,"

There was the sound of a bit of static before the Den-Den Mushi connected to Sengoku's. "Unless it's important now's not the—"

"Sengoku-san…it's me," Corazon said.

"Ro—" Sengoku's sentence was interrupted by a female.

"Damn it Roci! Why haven't you called back sooner!? When you ended the call the last time, I was worried sick!"

"Belle…" Corazon whispered. "Can we talk later? Doffy's crew needs permission to dock the ship,"

"Is he threatening you!? I'll beat up that birdbrain if he's hurt you!"

"Bellemere, I'm fine," Corazon assured. "Just get them to allow us to dock without shooting us,"


Once they were docked and had gotten off of the ship, Corazon was tackled by a maroon-haired woman. "Roci, don't make us worry like that!"

Law looked upset at the scene. "Waw's Cowa!"

"Don't get jealous Law," Doflamingo said. "Daddy will love you more than stupid Corazon," He then turned to Corazon and Bellemere. "Get a room you two!"

Bellemere got off Corazon and helped her fiancé up. "Nami and Nojiko missed you. They tried to set sail once to find you,"

"They should already understand that life as a Marine is dangerous," Corazon said.

"Rocinante, here's the book about the Op-Op Fruit," Sengoku handed a thin paperback book to his adopted son.

There was no table of contents so Corazon had to skim through each page. It took only a few minutes for him to reach a section that was about reincarnation. His eyes widened as he reread the text over and over again. The others had noticed that the klutz had begun to pale, his breathing quickening. He then collapsed.


The Donquixote Pirates had accompanied Corazon to the med bay. "What made him collapse?" Doflamingo grabbed the book, setting Law on the bed next to the unconscious clown. He read the text out loud.

If the Op-Op Fruit eater dies, there is a small chance that they will be able to live again, through reincarnation. There have been a few cases in which the Op-Op Fruit eater was reborn, the choice of parents being random. The reincarnate may have some memories or may be born with all memories intact, though very few cases were reported with the reincarnate having all the memories of his or her past life.

The cause of this reincarnation was narrowed down to either death by poison or illness. However if they are in contact with seastone or the sea during death, there is a zero percent chance that they will reincarnate. None of the reincarnates had claimed to have died to a wound such as being stabbed in the heart, therefore supporting our conclusion.

"Reincarnation?" Machvise queried. "Does that mean that your son is Trafalgar Law?"

Doflamingo closed the book. "It seems so,"

"Cowa," Law whined, nudging the blonde's arm.


Corazon's POV

I was in the Void once more. "Law is alive," I said to myself.

"He died,"

"But he's alive now," I had no idea where that voice was coming from, or who I was even speaking to.

"But he still died,"

"That doesn't matter," I snapped. "He's alive now and that's what matters the most!"

"You lied to him. You said that he would be cured,"

"He is—"

"No, he wasn't 'cured' but rather 'reincarnated.' They're two different things. He died, went through all the pain of dying,"

I didn't know how to respond to that. That voice was right.

"What if he couldn't be reincarnated? What will you say to him? He knows that you had lied back then,"

I felt a nudge to my arm and the soft call of my codename.



Corazon opened his eyes. "Cowa!" Law cheered.

"Law…" Corazon whispered, eyes watering.

"We'll leave you two alone," Doflamingo told his younger brother and son.

After they left, Corazon brought Law into a tight hug. "I'm sorry…"

"Naw Cowa owt!" Law shook his head.

"I promised…I promised you that you would be cured…" Corazon sobbed. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Cowa," Law hugged him back. "Ish 'ime,"

"No, it's not fine!" Corazon said. "You died, Law!"

"Cowa," Law said firmly. "Waw wub you!"

Corazon continued to sob. "I…I love you too…"


Corazon was going to stay with his brother to help protect Law. Doflamingo had been offered a position in the Shichibukai, which he accepted. They were currently relaxing on the deck as the El Flamenco headed to Cocoyasi Village. Everyone was happy.

But then the peace was interrupted. There was a flash of light and a man in a full suit of armor charged at Law. "Prepare to die, Donquixote Law!"

Doflamingo immediately acted to protect his son. "Five Colored Strings!"

But the assassin dodged and turned to Doflamingo. "I guess I'll get rid of you first!"

There was another flash of light and a blonde haired teen stood there. "Room, Shambles!" A blue sphere quickly formed and the teen had swapped places with Doflamingo. He then slashed the assassin with ease, the Room disappearing.

"Who are you!?" Doflamingo demanded. "And why do you have the power of the Op-Op Fruit!?"

The blonde looked to the crew. "My name is Donquixote Law and I'm from the future,"

And that's the ending! Don't worry, there will be a sequel. Here's a summary:
Eighteen year old Donquixote Law had been sent to the past along with his crew. The only problem was that his crew was separated. People are also being sent after his younger self. His mission is to protect his younger self and his family while trying to reassemble the Death Heart Pirates.

Merry Christmas! Happy New Years! Happy Holidays! Happy Hanukkah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Other Holidays That I Don't Know the Names of!