So... how's everyone been?

Hello everyone and welcome back, fucking finally, to the 20th chapter of the All Devouring Slayer's Flame.

So, its basically been... um... how long? Ah... 7 months right? Yea... so... I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY!

There are many reasons why I haven't updated any of my stories in so long, but even with that knowledge I know I shouldn't have been gone for this amount of time, so for that I can only profusely apologise to every single one of you who have been waiting so long for this chapter. And even worse is that it's so short, I tried to make it longer but the cutting off point in this chapter was just too perfect for me to try and squeeze anymore into it. HOWEVER! That being said, with the introduction of these shorter chapters, I plan on going back to my sorta old schedule, where I upload more frequently so look forward to that I guess? But yeah, I'm really sorry for making you wait so long.

Basically, it's one big crappy puddle of a massive case of writer's block, getting adjusted to college and being overworked from college's workload, practising for my exams which are coming up really soon, a whole lot of trouble and hard times and stuff and then plus a strange money situation, my equipment absolutely dying on me and then deciding it wants to delete a whole bunch of stuff and then I have problems with jobs and money and work and... uh, its basically just one big problem that has snowballed into an even bigger snowball, which has then come and crushed me. So yea, sorry for being away again.

Second thing... um... I started a (Patr eon)... okay don't shoot me. Basically, as I said, money is hard to come-by in college and as a result, I have nothing to buy new equipment or anything new that would help me with fanfiction writing or even school stuff (I literally have a non-functioning laptop and my phone keeps deleting stuff so... yaaaay) and so, in order to help me along with that I have starte (Patr eon). Before you ask, I am not walling any fanfic stuff off nor am stopping my writing on these fanfics: essentially, nothing about my fanfics is changing. I just wanted to say it here because, well, this is my primary audience and I felt the need to tell you this. I know that some of you may be saying that this is madness, that I'm just being greedy or am trying to make money from someone else hard work and they're all valid responses so I will explain what I am actually doing with my thingy- I am offering writing tips and commissions and information about my own personal future work and 1-to-1 writing advice. Basically, I'm offering help and personally written stories for people who donate to me, and nothing is being walled off from this site. Its completely its own thing. It just helps me get some sort of income for what I do I guess and may even mean I can fully focus on fanfiction and writing for the rest of the year: I truly want to be a published writer so anything helps, and is the first step to this. I completely understand if any of you don't like this idea, or do not donate or whatever, its completely understandable, however if any of you are thinking of donating then truly, thank you from the bottom of my heart. I'll leave a link here and mention it every few chapters but that is all I will speak of it. Once again, thank you.

If you want to donate you can follow the link in my bio within my profile directly to my (Patr eon) or just type in Aniimeziing in the search bar and it'll come up on their site. Again, it is not mandatory but anyone who does donate - just a massive thank you.

And next on the agenda, thanking you all for 1100 favourites and follows. I'm so happy that I can entertain and please and make a bunch of you happy with my work, it is all I ever want to do so I thank you for all the support and kind reviews I got asking if I was updating - truly, thank you for all the care you give me.

Aaaaaaaand now, reviews!

JOK3R Of Monday: Hehe yuuuup! A deadly and dangerous Demon Guild! But yeah this city is truly gonna be rocked and probably turned to rubble by the end of this conquest so I agree, shit is about to go down!

MidnightScar17: Hmmm I'm contemplating it my friend.

Duskrider: Why thank you... those were not the words I imagined saying to the phrase 'Nice start to the war'... eh, thank you anyway, consequences be damned!

TheLaughingOhMyDaysIveMissedYouAndYourAmazingNameSoMuch: Hehe no worries my guy! And this chapter is only the very start of the conflict and the war, with many more battles and fights left to go. And yea, saying you can enjoy war sounds a lil' bit weird... but hey ho, who cares about weird here? Not me!

NarutoXAsuna25: Thank you! As for the Mavis thing, I'm thinking about it. At the moment, it's a maybe - imma see how I shape up the dynamic of the other members before throwing another one in but it is a definite possibility.

Jack Wick: Thanks for agreeing, helps me maintain my sanity.

MCRasengan: And fire there will be indeed MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

Chimera629: Hm yeah thats what I thought it was gonna be when I started to be honest but nope, it really fucking snowballed. And yeah, the ocean was just a really cool place in my opinion for two fire bois to go at it.

NinjaFang1331: Thank you!

Te Nellis: Ah I'm sure they're fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. Probably taken out a few Dragon level threats here or there... wait, shit wrong series.

AngryHenry: Sorry I kept you waiting so long man, I hope you enjoy it.

DoomMarine54: Yes... Yeeeeeeeeeeeeees...

TreeOfSakuras: Damn you're persistent...

Tohka123: Hehe thank you!

EtheriousLogia: Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank yoooooooooooooooooooooou! I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Eradicator: Indeed, the feels are very strong with these ones.

DragonFox123: Why thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Guest: Wow, amazing? That's very high esteem so thank you!

Yttam500: Hehe thank you! I'm considering it as I said.

Ash0011: Hm I don't think so, he used it a little bit during his fight against Zancrow but right after it nothing happened and he never used it again - the reason he's able to use it here is cause of his END heritage and abilities.

Guest: Yup! This story has been alive for 1 year... well over a year... damn...

Guest: Yea I was gonna try and do a 1 year chapter but my writer's block just properly fucked me up.

CandyLuv99: Oh damn... um... I made you cry? Wow... thank you for the compliment, seriously, emotion was the main thing I was trying to imbue in that chapter so truly, thank you.

EmiyANaruto: Why thank you! Tempting, tempting...

Juubinaru: Here ya go, sorry for the wait!

ThomasPheasant: Soon is now! Only... 7 months late.

RobTheKiwi21: Yea... Kinda got lost in the plot for 20 chapters with its own stuff, however I didn't just wanna throw Natsu in and have him be super OP without any gain. I doubt that'd be satisfying for me as a writer or you lot as readers so I wanted to make sure I developed Natsu's character and the lore I crafted for this story into said story without compromising for time, which I sorta slipped but I hope that this chapter will make up for it. We will be getting back to the main plot soon though my friend!

SlackBoy101: Yea I can see it, Hyperion as a tyrannical, charming,suave, manipulative dictator with a fake face? I can definitely see it... But seriously, Borderlands 2 is so fucking good. Eh, Lucy is... eh. Even with all the stuff Mashima's been drawing, I still just feel... eh about her whole character.

Jane Cahill 18: I will not stop! It may take some time but I will always come back! You're English is great by the way so don't worry - its probably better then mine at some point.

PrincenJGV: Update coming up!

Ikusatsugani: Hm I dunno, its debatable.

MrKristoffer1994: Well I'm very glad you're hyped, hope I don't disappoint.

Guest: Yup, Adrenaline is still a thing, should be the next thing I update so look out for that very soon. Sorry for the wait!

Tsun: Yea... I uh, kinda forgot about that. Completely my own fault, lapse of judgement, have to own up to that. And thank you!

Guest: Its a third of the way through 2018... um... happy new year?

Drakoa: Well damn, thank you, for both compliments!

ShutInLoser: I can totally empathise with your name. Damn, thats a lot of readin so thank you. Yea updating usually takes a while cuz of college and stuff, however it will be updated. And mayyyyyyyyyyybe... just maybe.

Spartan of Rome: Your wish is my command!

Crow and Butterfly: Nope, still alive and kickin'!

The Storm Master 567: He will, he will. And the cliff hanger's the best part!

Kynan99: No thank you man.

Crimson Nitrox: Update is ahppened... ahappening? Ahappendo? Its here, okay.

And now... onto the actual chapter.

Thank you all for sticking by the story in its long break and its my utmost pleasure to introduce, Slayer's Flame chapter 20!


Skin split, blood boiling – an ocean of singeing skyline.

Suffocated by ash and by steam, choked by soot and smoke, the churning sea of Alverez smashed sloppily against itself as waves doubled over, lost wandering aimlessly in their self-destruction, boxed in against cages of fire. It was all consuming, all devouring and all domineering, able to scrape away any form of beauty and rebellion away in the sparks of twisting flames, red and blue beds of never ceasing fuel set alight atop a constant strip of cool water. However, in its own paradoxical way, these sheltered heaps of blazing soul acted both upon the will of their caster, of their indomitable masters, yet also independent, striking down and striking out against the abyss that encapsulated it; in its own way, the ignorance and trapped ideology of survival was the most gorgeous and spectacular sight of all. Everything about the chaotic reform was tragic and bestial. Everything about the cyclic genocide of the cool ocean water was sadistic and trivial. Everything about the drowning of reason in a world of barren sky was primordial and twisted.

Everything about the fire was pure.

Radiant patches of cracking sky shivered and shook in delight at the new world that lay at its feet. Heat and the sinister brands of blistered water manipulated and transformed the once peaceful and virtuous bay, bending the very detrimental philosophy of survival instincts to its will, taking the shape of nature into its own incorporeal, explosive hands – long bony fingers of scorched corruption clawed and stabbed themselves into the sockets and fractures of this concussive symmetry, as heated palms of bloody sweat rolled down and fell lifeless into the contorted shape of water below. In the incomprehensible totalitarianism of the fires watchful eyes, everything else trips up, falls to the trials and insignificance of life that even a God couldn't extinguish these flickers of preservation. Uncontrollable, sickening twists of sky that speared and shook the worlds core all for the sake of stocking these flames of survival, and it trapped the skyline into a perpetual state of innocence and scarring. Breaking, battering, beating. All of it required to wrap this naive society to a more dominate view.

Debris and dust seemed to be suspended in stasis, caught in a chokehold by the fire. The delightfully empty smell of ash wafted through the air, stained by the presence of burning salt. It crawled and burrowed it's way into the roots, implanting its own scent above that of the original creator – it was like a parasite, brutally digging and scooping out the flesh and mind of what once was in favour of taking over the host anew, with a pungent spike of warmth settling into the empty shell that now was the sea.

It was quiet too, or as close to quiet as could be reachable by the constant crackling of carnivorous fire, carnage brewing in Alverez's veins. The slight sloshing of bleeding waves drew attention to the futility of what was occurring, accompanied by the brass conducted cut of Heaven's arena, of stroking palpitations that gulped down every speck of air that came close to its maw – fracturing the bones of the sky in its sharpened jaws, the crunching of peaceful reunion dying short in judgements gaze as the subtle gasps and wails of this decaying sentimentality of shackled seas as its skin and sinew was ripped into. Burnt. Scorched. Brutalised. The pounding of silence was never enough on the battlefield and people always wanted to bargain life for sound - whether that was human life or not was a matter of the deck drawn and the cards dealt.

Alverez was just unlucky in its hand out.

Suddenly, from each corner of the pinned ashen blanket, the scene was split by aptitude and vengeance. Clouds of decimation shot up into the air, encapsulating and revealing the dented sapphire ocean below as two figures of blurred intention sped forward on a collision course. Behind them, trails of scarlet and azure fluttered, wings and cloaks and armours of pure flame shrouded them, intensity spewing over the horizon's brim like a storm. They were both dashing along a needles edge, collapsing in and around the explosion of dust and ash, cutting through it with the precision of a pair of surgeons – highly trained, dominant, and in control of each others lives.

As they both neared impact, sparks of red gave way to a messy batch of pink hair, of tan skin, of onyx eyes, all of them shining bright with the crimson sparkle of an ethereal beast. On the opposition, blue separated and split around the gliding form of white hair, sizzling like snow on a mountain side against paler skin and paler ambitions, the scars and etchings that ate away at his skin crawling up across his crazed form. They were both lost in their drive, lost in their madness, lost in their lust for combat, lost to the thrill of fighting. Both parties had become so absorbed in each others light that they didn't have the chance to let their darkness catch up, that they had both been in manacles so long that this brief opportunity of rebellion drove them to victory, to brutality and to aggression.

This was the true way Natsu and Hyperion lived – by no creed, by no law, by no reason except freedom.

Spitting in the face of fatigue, Natsu allowed his reared arm to be consumed in scarlet, flaring up in a dark facade of danger. Opposite him, Hyperion's own limbs became coated in a thick sheet of azure fire, licking and sucking at his shattered skin and burning bones. Then, battle cries, roars of defiance and shouts of victory reigned free across the land – spouts of water danced around, cinder patches of pre-established rule were snuffed out, the impending shreds of fabric and blood were sent flying by the sheer extremity detected in their voices. Yelling as their lungs felt like collapsing, the two continued their stride and strife, barrelling towards each other with masks of pure killing intent.

The two creatures danced and flirted with deception and chaos, running head-long at each other over spinning crystal waters.

Panic – eliminated.

Doubt – annihilated.

Rage – absolute.

Finally, each shot found its target and the two Slayers found each other close. Unleashing one last roar, each fighter halted. Then, they both struck, leaping at one another and smashed their fists together; bone against bone, flesh against flesh, flames against flame.

The impact was monstrous, tearing apart the very space between the men with warmth, heat that threatened to rip off the fragility of existence that existed within the shore. Fire brushed past them, spitting and catching each fighter by their loose forms in a savage display of desolation. Both Slayer's felt their fists mash together, skimming and stuttering against one another as their tendrils of flame lapped at the other's essence; pain and torment all were sucked into a whirlpool of desire, the debris nipping at the two combatants as they continued to fight in the eye of the storm.

Eventually, each gave out. Letting themselves be moved by exhaustion, both Natsu and Hyperion were shot back through the all consuming clouds of fading flares. For a few seconds, the pink haired man saw his foe gallantly spring backwards and plunge further into the murk that surrounded them before he lost track of the white haired beast. For a few more minutes, the Slayer felt his body become almost weightless, the welts and cuts sustained in his brawl beginning to overtake his adrenaline drained form. For a short few decades, Natsu felt his body smash and dash itself away on the churning waves, his form skipping across the ocean like a stone – 1 bounce, 2 bounce, 3 bounce...

Then nothing.

After that, all Natsu could see was ocean; up, down, left, right, all of it a sphere of sunken doubt and confusion, bodies of wood and splintered rock joining him in his descent. Once again, he became overtaken by a relief that lifted all sorrow and strata from his shoulders – however even Natsu knew that the fairness was limited, time edging forever closer as he drifted, which in itself was a leaking bout of depression.

Wafting his smoking hands through the smothered water, Natsu pulled a hand before his face. Then he watched in a morbid fascination as it lit up into a scarlet barrage collapsing around his skin – bubbles boiled and popped around him, exploding like bombs into a puff of drowned smoke.

Buried under the current, he allowed himself a quick chuckle, watching with a distanced gaze at the rising pockets of air that shot out of his open maw. To some, lighting a match underwater was futility to its greatest effect, a fate shackled to fire through power of the elements where the entire concept with blissful ignorance.

However, the only barrier between Natsu and his target now was this futility. So he would just have to break it down.

Gritting his teeth and clawing the tender skin on his arm, the Slayer let out a low growl. Suddenly, his skin began to burst and burn, a sinister red glow overtaking him as he sank deeper into the pit of the ocean. Streams of smoke cascaded off the man, as the very water around him morphed and shifted to a red hue – it was as if God had reigned down blood upon the oceans, corrupting their purity with the tactless destruction bought about from bloodshed. Then, with fuel and fire as his motivation, the Slayer finally unleashed a mighty roar that even the crushing depths of the ocean could not contain and dashed around in a haze of crimson towards the surface.

So focused on his fight that he ignored the cataclysmic grip that death had around his lungs, the sun starved pressure bearing down on his flesh, the pounding drones of his air starved brain... the enjoyment and the flurry of each and every cell of his being alighting in pleasure and euphoria.

Nearing the light of the horizon, Natsu burst forth, shattering the line that stood on the tip of the world. It was as if he was a supernova: a vast explosion of anger and devastation that sought damage and panic as a toll for the magnificent beauty it held, tearing the serenity of an oceanic skyline to shreds with cosmic ruin.

Breaking through, the Slayer tumbled and tossed against the bed of the earth, wetting his tanned skin as he rolled forth before finally regaining his balance in a blistering step of defiance. Opposing him, stood the shaky, battle-worn suit of armour that was Hyperion, strings and puppetry dragging along his form.

For a few narrow seconds, all was silent naught for the sizzling of the water.

Dragging his eyes to meet those of his opponent, Natsu offered a battered grin – one of which, completely conflicted the war that bred in his eyes. Hyperion followed his gaze and mimicked his facade.

"You know... when I met you , I didn't think much of you..."

The Devil Slayer's voice leaked out, pouring his bloody words into the churning pool below him. Natsu spat back, offering his own crimson to the ritual.

"Oh yea? Well what do you think of me now?"

The ocean was quiet for a time.

"I think you're going to kill me."

Whatever harrowed words crawled out from Hyperion's throat left Natsu quirking his head.


"I said I think that this fight, that you, are going to kill me; did I bash your head in too much to understand me?"

A shrill laugh.

"I don't exactly know what you want with Alverez, Natsu, or any of the people in it but I do know one thing – the thought of you finally snuffing me out brings you great joy, i-it's almost as if you'll be taking the weight that rests on your shoulders and chucking it into the ocean. That's what ending me would do, wouldn't it oh Great Salamander?"

Sucking on his teeth, the sharp spikes of cartilage striking the soft flesh of his gum, Natsu couldn't find himself reason to formulate a response. Everything Hyperion said was true; ending the reign of the Devil Slayer would result in a collected victory for Natsu's uprising, that it means he would not have to endure the defeat and damage he was dealt so long ago. Even as he thought of it, the Slayer could feel his fire crawl and claw its way through his veins, turning the panic or hesitation that lay within him to an ashy cloud of retaliation, a deep and sinful desire to inflict pain and reap death from his foe. That was how Natsu's brain ticked, cogs and gears melting into puddles of heated gold the more Hyperion spoke.

However even as he thought about killing the cold flame of Hyperion, the once proud Dragon Slayer felt the tight restraints of compassion constrict around his heart. He had vowed to kill Hyperion, to end his torment and his role as executioner to the people of Earthland but even now, as he stood wreathed in the flames of war, Natsu still did not know the truth; in fact this fight, this battle, this series of calculated and ruthless attacks was all in search of that truth, all in search of a reason why Zeref did what he did and why Hyperion did what he did in turn. Right now Natsu knew nothing, he knew about a given order to a man of extreme danger and power, of a village set alight in a vast cloud of fire and a vengeance that lurked deep within himself. Now... he knew nothing.

His brain longed for revenge and punishment, while his heart knew that it lacked the conviction to kill.

War and battle had truly changed him, but his heart had not changed in that time.

Alongside that, Natsu still had not achieved his main goal of taking the Devil Slaying Flames for himself for that is only a goal he could achieve by emptying his magic limit first – and he still had mountains of magic left to fight. Slowly he realised that he would need to erode his limiter, melt it down until he reached a stalemate in his magic where he could then steal the powers necessary to bring him further into absolution. For that he needed to fight forward.

Finally, after bathing in the sea of flame for some time, Natsu spoke.

"You're right Hyperion, you're nothing but dead weight to me, you hear? You're just a stupid fucking white haired road block to my brother. I even made a promise to kill you and I'll let you know that I never break my promise."

Natsu expected a laugh or a chuckle but instead got silence. Glancing up towards his opponent, he caught the man staring at him, his emerald eyes baring right into the Slayer's being with a peerless stare. He was waiting for a continuation.

"But the only problem with that is I'm enjoying this fight too much."

Cracking his knuckle, a feral grin dashed across Natsu's face as a cloak of fire descended around his stagnant form. Opposing him, a laboured laugh finally managed to break out from Hyperion's throat.

"God, you really will be the death of me... one way or another! "

Ending his statement with a shout, an explosion of blue shot out in rapid bursts, completely engulfing his scared right side in fire. To Natsu, it was almost as if the flames were alive, a grand face of scattered blue that jest and taunted him, beckoning him towards the oncoming encounter.

It was a challenge that he was perfectly willing to accept.

Smirking with palpable euphoria, Natsu pushed himself off of the water, steam and soot rising around his quickening form like a cloak morphed from shadow as he step and jumped over the sheet of water. Hyperion, meanwhile, adopted the same manic expression while retaining a cemented stance on the waves, body poised to deflect any attack that came toward him. Two sets of eyes set atop one another, glaring and overflowing with colour as the two neared each other and the vicious roar of Dragon and Demon rang throughout the world as the two finally neared each other – the sheer intensity tore through the skies and shook the sea around them.

Ducking below a quick jab from Hyperion, Natsu danced underneath his foe until he reached the prime position. Leaping forward, he took the white haired mans arm in his grasp and threw it down to meet his knee, the crunch of bone and the smell of sizzled flesh escaping into the air alongside Hyperion's gasp. Then, a deathly tight grip still on his opponents arm, Natsu spun him around and threw the man, before dashing forward and slamming his fire induced foot into Hyperion's stomach, sending him reeling backwards into the water. Cracking his back, Natsu clicked his tongue as he began to move towards his fallen opponent when he felt a flash of heat disperse around his feet yet it was too late as the proud shout of Hyperion collided with the sheer force of his fist as it smashed into the Slayer's.

"Fire Devil's Ensnaring Fist!"

Bone mashed against flesh, burning and contorting the hardened skin there as Natsu was sent spiralling into the air, spinning over himself multiple times as he flew. Black smoke and crimson ash wavered through the sky, only stopping in its moment of weakness when he recovered to turn back, just in time to block an incoming kick from Hyperion. His flesh stung, the strength from his body sapped by psychedelic fade of azure flames that clashed and fought against his crimson but Natsu pushed on. Propelling his kick back down, the Slayers separated briefly before Natsu rushed back in, catching the prone Hyperion off guard.

"Draconic Fire God's Frenzied Fist!"

Lunging underneath Hyperion's prone body, Natsu crashed his fire chocked fist directly into his opponents back, brutalising his azure smothered form in crimson bullets that further juggled him further and further up towards the sky like a weakened phoenix. Waiting for the man to spin to face him, Natsu collected all the fire from within his being, shards of scarlet fire collecting inside his lungs before he unleashed a colossal explosion of damage.

"Draconic Fire God's Bellowing Roar!"

Blasting out of Natsu's mouth, a spew of darkened red fire ate and devoured all of the sky that sat within Heaven's reach, consumed each sapling of water that rose to meet their maker, birthed plumes and strands of obsidian smoke that clouded and swallowed the righteous path. It was monstrous, an utter beast of conquest that morphed between the ultimate ethereal form and the mighty scales of a king.

As the corporeal monstrosity flew towards its foe with malicious fury, a sharp ping sounded through the air as another spew of flames collided with Natsu's own.

"Fire Devil's Rage!"

Azure spat at crimson, biting and clawing at each other for dominance within the air as heat shattered and scarred the sky. The sea boiled, spray and sinew spilling atop the two fighters as they fought; both unrelenting, both chaotic, both bloodthirsty.

Suddenly, Hyperion's fury bubbled down, losing its ferocity at such a speed where Natsu couldn't balance out his attack. Like a Demon, the Slayer tore through the scarlet flames, allowing them to burn and bathe his battle damaged body in blistering valour, before leaping headlong at his opponent, his body painted by circles and swirls of fire while great horns of flame protruded deep from his skull as he charged.

"Fire Devil's 9th Circle Kamikaze!"

Releasing his fiery roar, Natsu growled as he flipped away, attempting to correct his faults at the last second. However he was too late. Rushing forward, Hyperion caught the Slayer's leg as he dashed away. With a triumphant shout, he threw himself forwards, taking a hold of Natsu's shin before pounding his drained body into water below. As he flew down, Natsu felt the tendrils and claws of fire begin to trail up his body, ripping and burrowing into his flesh as tiny flares and explosions of fire shot off throughout his form until he finally collided with the ocean, a massive burst of azure fire overtook his entire being and accompanied him as he sank down below.

Once again Natsu felt the cool ocean sheet overtake him, strangle his lungs and brain and heart and play games with the blood in his veins while it filtered in and out of his body. He coughed and spluttered, water seeping through his skin as he tried to breathe but Hyperion had smashed him into a daze he could not escape from. Pausing to compose his starved psyche, Natsu's eyes narrowed to a knife edge, flashing crimson as he set his entire from alight with a muffled, smothered yell.

"Draconic Fire God's Outbreak Blade!"

Spitting a glob of darker red into the sunken world that lay around him, Natsu swing his leg round, unexpectedly breaking Hyperion's hold. Then, he seized the opportunity to once again claw at Hyperion's wrist and drag him under the waves to join him in his deprived kingdom. Finally, as his body bolted through the watery barrier, Natsu struck, his fiery vigil streaking through the ocean in a fluid and brutal movement that ripped into Hyperion's chest with agonising precision. With his breath stolen and gifted to the ocean as a parting present, the Devil Slayer soared through the blue layer, force propelling him back until his steaming body twirled and broke past the liquid prison – his form only pausing to fall in a floating heap on the cell bars as he collapsed to the ocean's mask.

Sneaking through the breach made by Hyperion, Natsu wasted no time in retrieving air or breath. Instead, he flung himself forward, skipping over the water until he reached his downed foe, a rich ring of blood marring his broken body. Ruthlessly, Natsu slashed at Hyperion's prone body with his foot, catching his and jostling him higher into the air with a roar of exertion. Hyperion made no such noise. Instead, he gestured his hand before his flying body and a web of flames shot of to catch Natsu behind his head.

"Fire Devil's Hellish Grasp!"

Continuing his flight, a harsh tug on his coated arm pulled Natsu up to meet his. Raising his knee up, Hyperion smashed his knee brutally into Natsu's nose with a loud and hollow crunch sounding out through the skyline. Ignoring the Fire Slayer's grunt of pain, Hyperion let his adrenaline carry him as he then rose his conjoined hands above Natsu's back and struck down viciously, with another crack joining the worlds orchestra of pain. With this, the fallen warrior fell to the earth, bouncing on the water's edge with the sick satisfying crumble of bone soon following the impact.

However Natsu was not helpless, not even in his broken and battered state.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Hyperion fall to the water, steam drifting up around his limping and shaky body. Then, he began a laggy and slowed sprint towards Natsu, the blue flare that coated him flickering and fazing as he moved. Biting his gumsa until he felt blood fill his mouth, Natsu then moved.

Twirling mid-air to balance the bounce he undertook from the previous attack, he landed just before Hyperion's foot and threw he skull back at the man's head. A similar, grotesque crack seeped out into the air and Natsu felt wet on his hair -from a small glance at the roaring, turbulent waves, he could see how beat up and battered he truly was, with numerous burns and cuts and welts guarding his flesh and blood matted and stuck to his hair. Pushing his appearance to the back of his mind, Natsu continued his assault. Not pausing in his movements, his relentless abuse did not cease until he felt Hyperion stumble away from him, the hiss and sizzle of the water weakening. Crouching down, Natsu engulfed his leg in fire and screamed as he swung it to meet his opponents own.

"Draconic Fire God's Winged Scythe!"

Colliding with the bone and flesh that lay in it's path, the fiery blade of destruction tore across Hyperion's body, leaving his legs beaten and bloody until he couldn't stand. He tripped, forwards, face heading straight towards Natsu's fist that rocketed up to smash him in the jaw and send him flying once again.

Fatigue suddenly overtook both parties, drained of stamina and energy each and every fibre of their beings screamed and raged in agony of movement yet they kept on, pushing their bodies to finish this fight.

Shouting in anger, Hyperion overtook the air, consuming it in an explosion of blue flames that kept him stationary in a swarm of azure and smoke. Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he smirked.

"God fucking dammit Dragneel *pant* this is the best fucking fight I've had in a *pant* long damn time."

Stumbling to his feet again, Natsu returned his grin with a deranged and manic smile.

"Yea, same here you white haired bastard."

A final look of utter elation passed between the two, a lust for combat melting and dancing between the two as the small flares of their conquest began to grow into great expanses of fire, as if the two were the great beasts they sought a slay – a magnificent, Godly dragon of crimson sparks, standing proud and omnipotent over the crystal ocean while an azure Demon stood in opposition, ruthlessness and a sinful desire for blood radiating off its drifting body. Their light could be seen for miles, trapping and encapsulating all those who were to gaze upon it in their beauty and totality, the very essence of battle and war sinking through their fuel and burning bright to challenge any man or deity.

This battle had truly, only just begun.

Summoning a great ounce of fire from the majestic creation that cloaked them, each combatant rose in destruction and desolation, a powerful attack being engineered between their fingers. From Hyperion, massive claws of flame drifted around his arms, a sheer coat of armament darkening the blue until it was almost black in colour – meanwhile, the size continued to grow, with tendrils and pieces of fire becoming imbedded into his flesh and the claws grew to a colossal size. Then, between them, a sphere of fire began to build, growing ever more in shape and size until it would eventually be gargantuan and monstrous.

On the other side of the water, Natsu also felt himself cloaked in fire. Around his throat, he felt a tight constriction that warmed up his flesh, searing it in a thick plume of smoke and ash while a crimson allotment of fire subdued his face and chest. Inside his head, he knew that he could be taking this time to heal... but this chaotic outcome was too much entertainment. He was elated, joyous and arrogant – he was angry, disturbed and wrathful. He was so many things he couldn't keep track, only push forward so he could feel more of it. Finally, he felt the ash coat his mouth as a massive ball of fire began to emerge between his deadly jaws.

Glancing up at Hyperion, he noticed a similar look adorning his face as he felt was on his own; a look of pride and glory. Narrowing his eyes, Natsy threw his head back and continued to watch as the ball grew in damage and power. It licked and spat on the water, steam and smoke wafting through the air on both sides until the battlefield was marred by a thick black fog with only the pulsing lights of fire shooting through the haze.

Eventually both attacks were primed and ready and after one last exchanged glance, the two roared in absolution as the threw their whole bodies forward and their beams were unleashed upon the world at large.

"Draconic God's Secret Art, Ashbringer's Fall: Arid Desolation!"

"Fire Devil's Secret Art, Ifrit's Culling: Limbo Bomb!"

The dual attacks shot out like missiles, nothing in their paths stopping or ceasing their movements. Each beam was the primal conclusion of their creed: death, destruction, beauty, majesty, greed, lust, agony... each and every emotion of domination and subjugation brewed in the sky and sea and earth with the totalitarian approach of Hell and Heaven.

Then finally, the two clashed.

An apocalyptic crash was left in their wake.

Dust, debris and ash sped around as if inside a torpedo, whipping and destroying the fluid buildings and streets if water that rocked and shook in the path of devastation – it was ultimate damage and ultimate chaos. The sky and the ocean simultaneously were smothered and chocked, drowned by the pressure of the blast and the ancient ruin of deceit that emerged from within the explosion. It was beautiful chaos, but chaos all the same: like destruction masquerading as creation, tearing up each piece of mortality as it moved and shook.

Then, after what felt like an eternity cased in soot and smoke, two bursts of fire shot out amongst the collapse.

Stood, unmoved and unshaken, Hyperion and Natsu still remained standing. Their skin was caked in ash and soot, scratches and cuts oozing blood down their forms as faint trails of heats seeped out into the air from their heated bodies – yet they still were unmoved. Even their eyes remained fixed, glaring and baring their onyx and emerald orbs in an intense collision that bred contempt and aggression.

Then they smirked.

Pushing his fist before him, Natsu's grin grew, pushing aside any blood or pain that crossed his path before engulfing his flesh in a cloak if dense red fire.

"You're tank running on empty, Hyperion? 'Cause I'm still raring to go."

Across from him, Hyperion challenged his grin and set alight his body in a blazing gradient of blue.

"Oh yea Dragneel, I've got plenty left to kick your ass."

"Good. But you've got it backwards – I'm going to kick your ass!"

And done! I truly hope you enjoyed that, I've spent a lot of time on it in the last few weeks. I know it's short and I apologise for that, but I will be able to upload more as a result and I do hope you enjoyed the fight. Next time, we look at the fights of the other Tartaros members as Natsu and Hyperion tear up more of the city of Alverez and the Spriggans watch on, intent on seeing this fight to its closing.

Once again I apologise for my long absence and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you so wish, check out on (Patr eon) but you do not have to do anything. Now thank you for everything and I will see you lot next time!

Bye bye!
