This was requested by RedLegoManiac :) I loved the prompt, I had to do it. I'm sorry that it's so crappy, though, I did this all on my phone.

Whoever told her that Computer Science was a good thing to major deserved to die. Whoever told her that college would be a breeze deserved to die too. And whoever told her that college homework definitely couldn't be too bad should just jump into a fire.

Astrid had told herself all these things.

College was awful. She was broke and stressed and tired and she wanted to sleep forever. She didn't want to sit in the living room with a heavy book in her lap and try to read whatever shit the author thought was useful.

Well, at least she had her boyfriend.

"Hey, Astrid, I'm bad at math, so the equation 2n+2n is 4n to me."

Fuck her boyfriend.

Not literally.

Astrid snapped her textbook shut with a growl and looked up at Hiccup, who looked extremely pleased with himself. He gave her a goofy grin, and then made a drumming motion with his hand.


Okay, maybe Astrid could deal with the puns. But what she could not deal with was Hiccup thinking that if he made the funny drumming sound after every pun he made, it would make it funnier when it wasn't even funny in the first place.

Astrid was not known to keep her temper in check. When someone was being a dumbass in class, she told them. If someone showed her an attitude, she punched their arm.

Hiccup did not get excused just because he was her boyfriend. The little shit could take his puns and his drumming elsewhere, out of her dorm.

And so she stood up, pointing to the door furiously. "Get out."

"What?" Hiccup's face fell, and she had half a mind to forgive him, but then she remembered that she had been putting up with this for two hours, and she had barely gotten anything done because of his dumb puns.

"You heard me." Astrid crossed her arms. "Take your things...and get out. I can't focus with you here. And before you say anything," she quickly said as he opened his mouth, "it is not because of your devilishly good looks, you git."

Hiccup scowled, but his expression was quickly replaced by one of something else - craftiness. He smiled innocently and stood up. "So let me get this straight. I have to get out, but I can take my things first?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Yes?" Why would he ask such a weird question?

"Okay." And the auburn haired boy slowly started putting his things in his bag. All of his books, all of his pencils and pens and other drawing things. Because she knew he was planning something, his slowness just made her stomach churn. What was he planning?

Hiccup slung his bag over his shoulder, and gave her a smug glance.

And the next thing she knew, he had scooped her up bridal style.

"Got my things, Astrid."

Kissing her forehead and ignoring her protests, Hiccup took her out of her dorm with the most superior grin she had ever seen.

That smooth little fucker.


And the smooth part was erased.