A/N: So, I've continued to struggle with author's block, so It will probably be a while before I can put out another chapter. That being said, I was looking though my files today and I happened to find something I'd written a while back. I wasn't sure if I should upload it, but I feel like I should have something to show, so here you go.

The Girl With The Straw Hat

I laugh as I run through the forest. I can see all the Pokémon moving around, looking for food, playing with friends, or searching for new homes. So many of them all living happily in Viridian Forest.

It's one of the cool things about Summer Camp. Getting to see all the Pokémon.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot something that makes me stop. I know that the Pokémon won't wait for me, but I feel like this is more important. And sure enough, when I look closer, right beneath the shade of a tree, I see her.

The girl with the straw hat.

I don't know her real name. I don't think any of the other kids at camp know either. She's kind of shy, and nobody's got her to talk. All we really know is that she never goes anywhere without that straw hat of hers. So we just call her the girl with the straw hat.

I know she's shy, but I still want to know her better. There's something about her that just calls to me. Like it doesn't matter if she gives me cooties.

Which is weird, 'cause I'm always worried that Leaf will give me cooties.

Anyway, I walk towards the tree, hoping she'll talk. She looks up and spots me, and quickly looks away.

... Suddenly, I feel weird. Like a bunch of Butterfree started flying inside of me.

I shake my head. I'm going to talk to her!

"Hi!" I say with a big smile on my face. "How are you?"

The girl doesn't answer. She doesn't even look at me.

"Aw, don't be scared! I don't bite!"

She still won't look at me. But I won't give up until it's over. That's what my dad always said.

I really wish he was here, though. He'd know what to do now.

Before I can say anything else, however, a Beedrill flies right between us. I'm so shocked that I fall on my bottom. And she's so freaked out that she screams and runs away.

Actually, I think that was the first time I've heard her voice.

And she's gone. Again.

I groan in frustration. I was so close to getting to talk to her that time!

I shake my head. I'll get another chance sooner or later!

I open my mouth wide as I shove in my food. I've had a lot of fun today, and I'm really hungry!

A few tables across from me, I spot Gary. We used to be best friends, but he's been kind of a jerk recently. Whenever anything goes bad, he always blames me, and I have no idea why.

Lucky for me, he doesn't seem interested in me today. In fact, he's going off to talk to…


Oh no!

Of all the people he could have gone to talk to, why did he have to go talk to her?!

"Why hello there!"

The girl with the straw hat gasps, then turns around. Gary gives her his friendliest smile (which still looks really mean) as he talks to her.

"So, why don't you come sit with me? I'll bet you'd like talking to me a whole lot more than that boring old Ash kid!"

My dinner's probably getting cold, but I don't really care. All that matters to me is that Gary is trying to make friends with the girl with the straw hat!

I mean… it shouldn't bother me if she decides to be his friend. I mean, she can be friends with whoever she wants. She has that right. And I can still be her friend later.

But I wanted to be her friend first!

I keep watching as they talk, hoping for something, anything to stop their talking.

And then it happens.

I'm not listening to what Gary says, but he obviously said something really stupid, 'cause she throws her own food tray in his face. She then runs off with a really unhappy face. She looks like she's about to cry.

I don't like seeing her like that. I want to go make her feel better. But something tells me that she'd probably just freak out more.

Well, I guess I should be happy that Gary's not talking to her anymore.

I'm disappointed right now. I saw a Poliwag, and I wanted to play with it. But instead, he ran away when he saw me.

Maybe he wants to play hide and seek?

"Where are you, Poliwag?" I say. "Come out, come out, wherever you are!"

Then, I hear a cry from behind some bushes. It doesn't sound like Poliwag, but you never know.

"Poliwag?" I say as I move through the branches. But when I get to the other side, I'm really surprised.

The girl with the straw hat.

"Hey," I say. "Are you okay?"

"I hurt my leg!"

I blink. This is the first time I've heard her talking.

Nevermind. She's hurt, and I need to help her.

I crouch down to meet her, and pull something out of my pocket. It's my favorite hankie, and I'd really hate for anything to happen to it. But right now she needs it more.

"See this?" I say. "This will make it better!"

As carefully as I can, I wrap it around the scrape on her leg. I then tie it on, but not too tight. I don't want to hurt her, after all.

"All done! Now watch this!"

I wave my arms around like my mommy does whenever I get hurt.

"Feel better, feel better, right away!"

She stares at her leg, then at me. Then, for the first time ever, I see a smile on her face.


I smile back, then get back up.

"Can you get up?"

She tries to stand up, but she winces.

"It still hurts!"

I bend over and stretch out my hand.

"Don't give up until it's over!"

For a moment, she looks at my hand. Slowly, she reaches out for it, until she grabs it.

"Okay!" I say. "Now, one, two…"

With some effort, I pull her up. She gasps, and then almost falls. Luckily, I'm there to catch her in my arms.

Suddenly my face feels really hot, and my insides feel like they're full of Butterfree again.

I push it aside. I still need to help her.

"There you go!"

She pulls away slightly, and then our eyes meet. For a moment, we just look at each other, and it's like nothing else is there.

Just me and the girl with the straw hat.

"Come on," I say. "Let's go back to the campsite."

I walk slowly so that she doesn't have to hurt her leg, and hold her hand in case she falls again. And like that, we walk through the woods together.

As the campsite comes into view, I remember something.

"My name's Ash," I say. "What's yours?"

For a moment, she seems to hesitate. But then she looks at me again, and her worries vanish.

"Yellow. My name's Yellow."

I give her a huge grin.

"Nice to meet you, Yellow! I know we're going to be great friends!"

To my delight, Yellow smiles back. And as we approach the campsite, I know one thing for sure.

The two of us will be best friends forever.

A/N: This one is known as Benevolentshipping. Not one most people would consider, but I thought it was interesting.