Long ago, there was a small island. It had no name because it had never been previously inhabited or seen. It was in a sea far long forgotten by the world around it, time, and space itself. The island was so small that sailors and great adventures that roamed the seas never really noticed it and due to that everyone that sail by missed the island's great riches and secrets.

One day, however there was a great storm. Waves went wild with anger and the island surrounded itself with fog so dense nothing could be seen. These were not the best sailing conditions so it wasn't to the island's surprise when a small group shipwrecked on the it's beach.

The men carried those that were injured to higher land. They had trouble seeing but these were strong men who relied on more than just one of their senses. The younger boys and girls carried what little food the sea did not take to higher land, where the injured laid. The women with their great speed and fast thinking where already at the top of the beach's hill looking after the injured and children.

When everyone made it to the top of the hill the storm mysteriously stopped and the fog soon cleared also. That is when everyone saw the beauty of the island they would soon make their home.

At first, they decided to wait for someone from their home island to come and rescue them. That started to seem foolish as the food supply dwindled and sick got sicker. That is when the elders of each of the five families that landed on the island decided that everyone should come together and make this island their new home since their old land had forgotten them.

It wasn't long before they made houses, farms, and developed their own little civilization using the vast supplies the island provided. There were lots of animals on the island to hunt. That job was given to the women by the five elders due to their increased speed. The men have above normal senses and such studied the island's plants, herbs, and fruit. This was truly their home and they were making the best of their situation.

It wasn't long before they also figured out that something was strange about the island. It seemed to mask itself from those on the outside and as such the people that now inhabited it started to call themselves "The Forgotten" and the island they lived on "The Island Forgotten by Time".

The five families chose to make the elders their official leaders since they knew much more than anyone else and seem to already be doing a great job on keeping everything together. The five elders worked together keeping the families separate but together. There were no problems under their rule. Everyone looked to them for wisdom including each other and as such the families became so close that they considered each other one.