Hey I'm back, I thought that I shouldn't just scrap my hard work to recreat this story so I just went with the easier root and just edit and change a few things. So here it is. I'll be editing the rest of the chapters before I continue with the rest of the storty, it should take me a couple of days to get it done, but it will be getting done. Well don't forget to review, and please enjoy.

"Man that was a good workout," Naruto said cheerfully as groans of pain emanated from young men that he had just beat up for harassing a bunch of kids who were just making their way to school.

"That was awesome big bro, thanks for helping us." One of the kids said staring starry-eyed up at the blond along with the rest of his friends. Naruto smiled down at the kids, laughing and scratching the back of his head.

"No problem, I'm here if you need me." He said ruffling the kid's hair. "Now you guys get to school and I have to get to work."

"Thanks, big bro. See you later." The kids called as they waved and hurried away to the only school in the poorer district of Konoha. He smiled as he watched them leave before he made his way down the opposite direction where he could catch his bus to work. Naruto was a line cook at a small restaurant in the most elite district of Konoha. Even though his boss was a snob of a chef and the hours were long, Naruto loved working as a cook, cooking to the best of his ability. He needed this job, he was one of the luckiest ones to be able to get it. More importantly, he was still paying off his student loan.

"Uzumaki quit dawdling and get back to work." Came the whining voice of his boss. Naruto flinched, returning to chopping the potato he was working on.

"Got it boss." He said grabbing another peeled potato and beginning to work on that. When he knew the chef would be out of hearing range, Naruto sighed in exasperation. For some reason, ever since he started working there, the chef had always been hard on him and saying how his dishes were never good enough, no matter how hard Naruto worked on them.

His boss, the head chef of this joint, was a tall, skinny and boney-man with a large roman nose, pouty lips, small beady eyes and a receding hairline under his toque Blanche. His chef's jacket was pure white and as bright as freshly fallen snow, with not a wrinkle in sight. When he walked around the kitchen, he had a confident yet arrogant swagger with his nose in the air like a stereotypical snob. His voice was the sound of chalk shriek on a black board with a slight whine.

"Uzumaki, I said dice these potatoes not murder them." The chef said looking down at the blond's work.

"Huh?" Naruto looked down at the perfectly chopped potatoes confused. What did he do now?

"I can't believe I have to put up with your idiocy." The boney chef shouted swiping Naruto's hard work on the dirty floor.

"Hey, I worked hard on those," Naruto shouted anger starting to course through his veins. He glared at the snob and clenched his fist. Oh how much he wanted to break that nose.

"I refuse to use those pathetic potatoes in any of the meals I prepare." The chef said crossing his arm with an arrogant look on his long face. Naruto then growled, pissed off beyond belief.

"Meals you prepare?" the blond shouted causing the entire kitchen to fall silent. "You don't do a bloody thing in this kitchen. We the line cooks prepare all of these meals and you take all the credit, criticizing the rest of use. You're the pathetic one here, you're jealous of our talents and hard work. The only thing you are is an overpaid couch potato." The rest of the staff gasped in shock, and some in joy, as the chef began turning purple.

"Why you little- "the chef began before he glared. "You are fired, get your poor pathetic self out of my kitchen."

"Poor?" Naruto shouted glaring back. "What do you mean by that?" The chef then gave Naruto a smug look.

"You're from that pathetic lowlife district where all delinquents come from." He began. "Where all the crime comes from. I'm surprised you haven't stolen or killed anyone. I'll save my restaurant's reputation and get rid of you right now, leave or I'll have you removed."

"Not without my pay," Naruto said clenching his fist and shouting at the man.

"Pay you? Why would I waste money on a drug addict like you? Get out of my restaurant now." Naruto growled at the man his clenched fist shaking with how angry he was. He had enough of this man.

"You're a sorry excuse of a man, a pathetic excuse of the chef." He said. "I'm glad I'm no longer going to work here; this place is only going to hold me back." With that said Naruto took off his apron, crumpled it up and threw it at the chef, staining it with a little bit of sauce that he had been working with earlier, before he grabbed his things and left.

Naruto caught the next train to the bus terminal. Only the bus's reached that part of the city and only on the out skirts. The train car was mostly empty, that night, except for him, a sleeping man with a bottle of something wrapped in a paper bag and a jumpy nervous man that was dressed similar to gangsters residing down at his district, unfortunately he didn't recognize the mark that he wore on his jacket sleeve.

Naruto sighed as he leaned back closing his eyes to rest them and began to think. Now that he was jobless, he had to find another. He just hopped he'd find one before the little money he saved up ran out. He jerked awake when the train stopped at the next station. He looked towards the train doors as it slid open and a young mother and her sleepy daughter entered the cart and sat down. Naruto smiled as the little girl snuggled up to her mother, her eyes struggling to stay open.

When the doors of the train closed and it began to move, the doors at the end that connected the car to the others opened and in stepped two darkly dressed anbu. They were both wearing black trench coat over black clothes. They wore black army boots, black leather gloves covered their hands and white masks. One of the anbu had brown spiky hair and his mask was shaped as a cat, a red crescent moon painted on the outside of the eye holes with two green curved line above and bellow both moons. The other was also shaped like a cat, but the inside of the pointed ears were painted red, as well as an upside down triangle painted on the forehead in red. The anbu had long brown hair that draped down to the nape of his neck and Naruto noticed that the man was coughing.

The anbu were an organization that was created to deal with major crimes that the cities police couldn't handle. They were secret elite ninjas, and no one knew their identities, or who lead the operation.

It was then, when the anbu entered the train car, was then when Naruto noticed the nervous young man became white and Naruto realized quickly, that the anbu were here for that man. The blond looked to the side where the oblivious mother and her daughter sat, the mother checking her phone while her daughter snoozed away. He tensed in his seat wearily watching the two anbu beginning to walk slowly and silently towards the young man.

In a flash, Naruto launched himself out of his seat shielding the woman and her daughter from the young man's gun who had drawn it from his jacket pocket and pointed it towards them.

The two anbu froze when the blond moved and the young man growled before he reached for the blond. Before he could even touch Naruto, the blond grasped both the arm reaching for him and the one with the gun, pointing it away from anyone. He then quickly shoved the man into one of the up right hand rails making the young man hit his head, hard, causing him to fall to the ground dazed. Quickly while the man loosened hand on the gun, Naruto kicked the gun away towards the anbu and stepped away from the dazed young man.

"You ok?" Naruto asked turning towards the cowering mother and daughter. The mother nodded looking at him scared. "You better get your daughter out of this car, just in case," he said pointing a thumb at the opposite side of train from where the anbu stood. The mother nodded gathering up her daughter and hurrying her way out. Once they were gone, Naruto turned to the anbu, watching them, waiting.

"Well that was unexpected." Came a warm happy voice from behind him. Naruto turned his head to come face to face with the sleeping drunk. He had spiky silver hair with a black bandana wrapped around his head, hiding his left eye. Under his black leather jacket, he wore a black turtleneck with the collar folded up to hide the lower half of his face. His only visible eye was squinted shut in a happy way letting Naruto know that the man was smiling under the turtleneck. "For a chef I'm really surprised that you were that quick."

"I'm a line cook, not a chef," Naruto said looking at the drunk. The man opened his dark eye in surprise before it closed again when he chuckled softly.

"I see." He said.

"Captain." One of the anbu called drawing the two men's attention. The drunk nodded placing a hand on Naruto's shoulder.

"Sorry to ruin your evening young man." He said stepping up next to the blond.

"No it's ok, I needed to let out some steam," Naruto said.

"Is that so." The drunk said.

"So what's going to happen?" Naruto asked turning slightly towards the drunk.

"Well, we are going to get off at this stop." The man said. True to his word, Naruto noticed that they were beginning to slow now that they had arrived at the next station.

"I hope you have a good evening then," Naruto said turning towards his bag. Before he could move to take his seat again; the drunk man grabbed his shoulder halting him.

"I meant you as well." He said.

"What?" Naruto asked bewildered. "Why?" he scowled.

"Well you are a witness and you did bring the target down, we'll need you to come with us for a statement." The drunk man said. Naruto sighed and slumped his head nodding, like hell he had a choice.

"Can I at least get my bag?" he asked indicating his lone pack. The drunk man waved to one of the other masked anbu behind them.

"One of my men will grab it." he said "This way my young hero." Silently Naruto followed the drunk man, who had shoved one of his hands in his pants pocket and brought out a book from his back pocket and began reading it.

"Is that Itcha Itcha Paradise?" Naruto asked recognizing the familiar orange volume.

"Oh an avid reader?" the man asked. Naruto snorted and snickered.

"Hell no, I just know the author." He said. The drunk man froze turning to face the blond.

"You know Jiraiya Sannin?" he asked becoming excited. Naruto smirked.

"I'm sure you'll have access to my personal file, so you'll know once you've seen them." Was the only thing he said before he started walking ahead of the disappointed drunk. Naruto made his way up the steps followed closely by the now reading drunk.

Taking the last step to the streets above, Naruto noticed that they were empty except for a lone black Cadillac SUV of the latest model. Naruto crossed his arms and turned to the still reading drunk.

"Is the SUV for us?" he asked.

"Hm?" the drunk looked up noticing the vehicle before he nodded his single eye closing in a smile. "Yes, please, climb in." Naruto nodded before he made his way towards the car. When he got close to the car, the drivers side door opened and another anbu got out of the vehicle. The anbu had long purple hair that surrounded the white mask that adorned her face. Of the forehead of the mask, peaking out through the purple fringe, was a single wavy red line and two curved red lines painted on the upper cheek.

"Captain?" a woman's voice came from behind the mask of the anbu who climbed out of the car.

"It's ok, he's a witness." The drunk said without looking up from his book. "He'll be coming with us." The anbu female nodded her head, opening a door for Naruto motioning for him to get in. Sighing, Naruto climbed in, the door closing as soon as his butt hit the leather interior. The drunk took the front passenger seat, while the anbu female opened the very back.

"So what can I call you?" Naruto asked the drunk leaning back watching the other two anbu drag a semi-conscious gangster between them. One of the anbu had Naruto's bag slung over his shoulder.

"Hmm, well you can call me Kakashi." The man said.

"Nice to meet you," Naruto said politely.

"What should I call you?" Kakashi asked still reading his book. After the other two anbu deposited the gangster into the very back which was surrounded by bars, they climbed in on either side of Naruto, placing him in the middle seat.

"My names Naruto," Naruto said. "Naruto Uzumaki." Suddenly, as they were settling in, both anbu on either side of stiffened. Kakashi looked up and turned around facing the blond before he faced forward.

"Hmm, interesting." He muttered confusing Naruto. The blond looked at each person in the car as the vehicle began to move, the female anbu at driver's seat.

"So where are we off to?" Naruto asked keeping an eye on them all.

"We're going to HQ," Kakashi informed him. "Don't worry, you not in trouble, we just need a statement."

"I can understand that, but why are you taking me there rather than just taking my statement on the spot?" Naruto asked.

"You've never dealt with the anbu before have you?" Kakashi asked his eyes still on his book.

"Would I be asking what's going to happen if I have dealt with anbu before?" Naruto asked smirking at the man.

"Right," Kakashi said. The car fell silent as they made their way through the city, which had come back to life as soon as they left the block.

It didn't take too long before they arrived at the infamous anbu tower, a very tall nondescript building that seam to almost blend into its surroundings. There was no sign or indication that would tell you what building it was. The female anbu guided the car into an underground parking-lot.

Please don't forget to review I'll work on the second chapter until it's done. I'll try to post the second chapter no later than next week, I might be able to post it even sooner.