Walking back to Baker Street is impossible to do at five pm. Don't ask why I put myself through it! Personally, I blame it on the case my brother, John, and our friend, Sherlock, are working on. It means they're so immersed in information on the victim, the suspects etc., that only one person can get the shopping. Yep, that'd be me. Anyway, back to walking to Baker Street! As I approached a phone box, the phone inside started ringing. I stopped and gave it a strange look, before stepping inside and answering it.

"On the building behind you is a security camera," a disguised voice stated. "Do you see it?"

I turned around.

"Yep." I replied, before the camera turned away.

"There's another on the building in front of you." the voice said.

"There is." I said, before the camera moved away again.

"When you come out of the box, there will be a car," the voice told me. "I need you to get into it."

Then the person hung up. I walked out, and there actually was a car there! Curiosity got the better of me, and I got in. As soon as I sat down, the car started. I looked around. The windows were tinted, and the only other human being I could see was a young woman who was on her phone.

"Hi, do you know where we're going?" I asked.

The woman looked up.

"Yes." she replied, going back to her phone.

"Are you... going to tell me?" I prompted, expectantly.

The woman gave me a sympathetic smile.

"No." she replied, as her phone beeped.

"I'm Jennifer Watson." I told her, introducing myself.

"I know who you are." she told me, not looking up..

"I don't know who you are." I pointed out.

"Anthea." the woman quickly replied.

"That's not your real name, is it?" I questioned.

"No." 'Anthea' said.

At that point, the car stopped. Anthea gestured for me to get out. It turned out that we were at an abandoned warehouse. About ten metres in front of me was a man. He looked quite posh and well-to-do. There were two quite odd things about him, though; he had his left leg crossed in front of his right leg, and he leaned on an umbrella. He was actually quite handsome. Not that I'd repeat that anywhere else.

"Hello." the man said.

"I'm... hi." I replied.

"So, you're Jennifer Watson." he said.

"Yeah... that's me." I confirmed, slightly confused.

"You're nervous," he stated. "Your hand is shaking."

"I have a right to be!" I exclaimed. "I've been taken to who knows where and a strange man is talking to me!"

I smiled sarcastically, and my hand's shake increased.

"Don't be nervous," the man told me. "I have an offer for you."

"An offer?" I asked.

"I need you to... inform me about what Sherlock Holmes is doing." the man said.

"You want me to spy on my best friend?" I checked.

"I worry about him ," he explained. "I will pay you to check in with me and tell me how Sherlock's doing, whether that be in person or not."

"Before anything, I need to know who you are and whether I can trust you," I told the man. "Then I might consider, and you wouldn't have to pay me."

"I'm afraid I can't tell you who I am," the man said, walking away, swinging his umbrella. "But I have a feeling we'll meet again!"

Slightly confused, I stood still, staring after him. Anthea got out of the car.

"Let's get you home." she said, looking up from her phone.