Hi guys this is my first Harry Potter Fanfiction so i hope you guys like it if not then il just keep going either way. I don't own Harry Potter just my Oc's.


First I'm just going to tell you a bit about myself. Well At least I thought I knew, My name is Ellie I'm going to be eleven in July 31st. I live with my dad his name is Marcus we live in Miami, my dads a fisherman and My mom died when I was a baby in a sea storm. We were taking a boat ride when I was around two years old when she died and since then my dad suffered a slight fear of being in the ocean so he mainly helps in helping other fishermen clean their boats and organize their catches.

The house that we live in its a boat some might think it's strange to live in a boat but I love it. I love Being near the ocean and smelling that sea air is so nice and relaxing. I never got In trouble except the one time that I opened my mother's old work room that I saw strange things like big metal pots and weird looking things in jars my dad grounded me for a week for snooping around the house but after a hour later he promised me he'll tell me when he felt ready.

I have long red hair up to my shoulders and bright green eyes I thought I'd got my eyes from my mom by a picture that I have of her and my dad but after I found out that they weren't my real parents, how did I find out you ask? There was a school proyect about the blood types, so I checked the blood types of both my parents and myself and found that it was different that it didn't match up so I was really confused and denying what I read, until my dad cleared it up I was even more upset that he told me I had a twin brother Almost five thousand miles away. I was really upset after a while I grew curious of my brother that I never knew I just hope that I'll meet him someday I asked my dad about my real parents all he told me was that they were killed by someone really bad and when I asked if I had any other relatives he just told me that they couldn't keep both of us so he said they put me up for adoption.

Anyway I have a few hobbies I loved being in the water almost everyday after school Id go straight to the docks to dive in the water to pick seashells with my friend Lucas. Since my dad doesn't make a lot of money I'd make homemade seashells necklaces and sell those to tourist around town. Back to my friend he's the same age as me Lucas knight he moved here two years ago he's from London the first time I saw him he wore an oversize beige shirt that was rolled up a lot from the sleeves and he wore jeans that were too short he had kind of greasy hair too. A few kids made fun of him but I got those bullies back by putting mice in their lockers I really don't know how their lockers were open though since everyone had they're own locker combination it was like magic. Since that day Lucas and me were inseparable he just said that I was special. But I disagree I'm not special I'm just me.

When summer came Lucas said that he might get a letter going to a special school in London and that it might be our last summer until he goes away. I told him that I wish I'd go to that school too so that we can have fun.

After that around the middle of summer is when my dad said that my last name is Potter. At first that last name was kinda different I mean it's not a last name you hear a lot in Miami but it's not bad. I just hope that when I grow up a bit I'd find more about my biological family. But I'm happy being with my dad and Helping him when he comes home so hopefully nothing is going to change that.

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