Hello there! This is a new story I've thought about. The beginning will be very similar to the book/movie, Room, but I promise I'll give my twist because this will be a Bechloe story ;)

Chapter One - Welcome to Room!

Once upon a time, before I came, you cried and cried and watched TV all day. Until you were like a zombie. But then I zoomed down from Heaven, through Skylight into Room. And I was kicking you from the inside. BOOM! BOOM! And then I shot out onto Rug with my eyes wide open and you cutted the cord and said, "Hello Jack!".

5-year-old Jack opened his eyes and could see his Ma lying next to him. He quickly sat up, remembering today's date, and started shaking his mother awake.

"Ma! Wake up, I'm 5!" he said excitedly.

The short brunette next to him lazily opened her eyes and smiled at her son before scooping him in her arms in a bear hug.

"I'm so old now!" the little boy said excitedly.

"You are! You're such a big boy now!" the brunette woman said.

"Was I a negative number?" the boy whispered when his Ma let him go.


"Up in Heaven. Was I –3 then –2 —,"

"— No, the numbers only started counting when you zoomed down." the brunette offered her son a lazy smile.

The brunette stood up to turn on the thermostat and stretched a bit before turning back to her son.

"So, Mr. 5 Years Old, wanna get your present now or after breakfast?" the brunette crossed her arms over her chest, waiting until the air got warm.

Jack thought, but grinned at the thought of being called Mr. 5 Years Old.

"Call me that again." Jack asked.

"Mr. 5 Years Old." the brunette repeated and the little boy giggled.

"So now I'm 5, I can decide. I choose to see my present now!" Jack said.

"Okay, close your eyes." the brunette said and the boy obeyed.

The brunette grabbed a folded piece of paper and sat in front of her son.

"And... open your eyes!" she said, placing the paper on his lap.

Jack opened his eyes and opened the piece of paper. It was like looking in a mirror, except his eyes were closed and it was on paper.

"Did you do that?" he asked his Ma.


"When?" Jack frowned.

"The last couple nights, when you were asleep. I turned Lamp on so I could see your little face." she explained and Jack giggled before looking down at the drawing and frowning. "What is it, Jack? Didn't you like it?"

"I don't like it when you're on the same time I'm off." Jack explained.

"Well if you were on, it wouldn't have been a surprise now, would it, little dude?" she asked him.

"But I only like surprises that I know about." Jack said and the brunette laughed.

"Come on, little dude, let's have breakfast." The brunette woman stood up and walked a few steps over to the kitchen, where she grabbed the cereal box and the milk.

Mother and son sat down to eat breakfast and, for the most part, it was all okay. The brunette woman joked around with her son as they ate breakfast. And for the little boy, it was just that: simple, easy.

"Hey little dude, do you know what we're gonna do today?"


"You and I are going to bake a birthday cake." the brunette woman looked at her son as his smile grew bigger.

"A birthday cake?!" she nodded. "Like on TV?"

"No, this one's real." Ma said. "But you're gonna have to help me."

"I'm a great helper." Jack said proudly.

"Yes you are and now you're 5, you can help me with everything." the woman said and the little boy smiled.


For 7 years, Beca Mitchell tried making life in that stupid small shed she had to call a room good. It was horrible at first, she tried many ways to escape, even killing herself but the old man her and her son Jack called Old Nick wasn't happy about it.

When Jack came, Beca swore to herself she'd make life better for that boy and she'd try to see the good in every situation. But of course, she was getting more and more exhausted as the days went by. Every day felt like an eternity. But now she wasn't living for herself, she was living for Jack.

"Aaaaand ta dah!" Beca said as she placed the birthday cake in front of her son.

Jack opened his eyes but his smile disappeared.

"What's the matter?" Beca asked.

"Where are the candles?" he asked.

"Oh... we don't have any candles." Beca explained.

"But you said this was a real birthday cake! That means candles on fire!" Jack said.

"It's okay without the candles, Jack." Beca said. "Come on, let's try it."

"No." Jack said.

"Come on, Jack, just a bite."

"I said no!" Jack screamed.

It was moments like these that Beca had to close her eyes and take a deep breath so she wouldn't lose her shit. She had been inside the same damn room for 7 fucking years. Her son sure made things a lot brighter but when he got mad, she wanted to just cry.

"Come here." Beca sighed and held Jack close. "Do you wanna try a bite?"

"Okay." Jack said quietly.

Beca sighed again and stepped back, cutting a piece of the cake with a knife.

Since they couldn't go out or see other people, Beca had thought of ways to get Jack to do a least some exercise. It consisted of stretching around the room and running around. Jack loved it, he ran and ran like an Olympic runner.

After running, Beca and Jack watched TV. Mostly Dora and SpongeBob since those were Jack's favorites.

"When I grow up, I'm gonna be Jack the Giant! I'm gonna jump between the planets in outer space with my dog Lucky!" he said as he jumped on the bed.

"Are you gonna take me with you?" Beca asked.

"Only if you grow up too, Ma." Jack said and Beca laughed. "Then I can teach you how to jump from Room to Mars and to Jupiter."

"I can't wait." Beca smiled.

After TV, they had to take a bath and wash the clothes. Beca invented a game for that too, they would throw the wet clothes around and see how many points they would get.

Jack's long hair wasn't washed often, since they didn't have any shampoo or conditioner, but Beca made a point of brushing their hair before bed.

Beca held her son close as she told a story and he nursed from her breast. Even though she should've stopped breastfeeding a long time ago, she still produced milk and she didn't want to ask her captor for medication for it.

Beca peeked and saw her son was asleep, so she gently placed him in the wardrobe, but before she could close the doors, Jack opened his eyes.

"Ma, can you sing for me?" he asked sleepily.

Beca smiled and cupped his tiny cheek.

"One evening when the sun went down
And the jungle fire was burning
Down the tracks came a hobo hiking
And he said, "Boys, I'm not turning
I'm headed for a land that's far away
Beside the Crystal Fountain
Oh come with me, go and see
The Big Rock Candy Mountain

In the Big Rock Candy Mountain
There's a land that's clear and bright"

Beca slowly stopped singing when she saw her son had drifted off to sleep once again. She smiled before closing the doors.

It wasn't long before that that he showed up.

Beca didn't know his real name. Jack saw on TV once a character that was mysterious, quiet, had glasses and a beard and his name was Old Nick, so they called their captor Old Nick.

Old Nick only came at night. He would bring food, clothes if they were needed, but he demanded something in return. Something Beca learned a long time ago not to say no to. Something that got her Jack.

So every night, Beca waited for Old Nick to leave before she brought Jack back into bed with her. But she never slept after that. Her eyes would be wide awake and she would cry all night. Sometimes, she slept for a couple hours and if she was lucky, she'd sleep until Jack woke up.

All Beca Mitchell knew, was that she was tired of it all. She was tired of having to lie there as Old Nick had his way with her, she was tired of hiding her son in the closet so Old Nick wouldn't lay a finger on him.

But Beca Mitchell was fucking tired.