Huh, last week passed a year since I started writing this (not publishing). Wow. A year. I should at least start getting to the point by now, right? :/ Thank you all for sticking with the story for so long :) Here, have some fic birthday cake and cookies while reading this chapter ;) [places a huge cake and several large plates of cookies on the table]


Ending of this chapter is a bit rushed, because the inspiration left me as suddenly as it appeared :(

He resisted an urge to sigh and pinch the bridge of his nose as soon as he stepped inside the security office. And his day was going so well today. He managed to do all of his paperwork, his men were well rested for once, and the more violent criminals apparently took the day off as well. This call to the mall was the most serious case, that was reported to the police as of today. So of course his troublemakers were involved. He should just know.

"Commissioner," the security officer apparently in charge greeted him, slightly surprised.

"Officer," he nodded back in greeting and surveyed the room more closely.

A woman with a girl in her lap, Jason, Dick, Tim, Damian and a redheaded young man, who was familiar to him, were sat on one side of the room. Dick was blinking drowsily in Jason's arms, clearly just woken up, but smiled at him sleepily as he saw him. The kid had a bruise on his cheek and he frowned in displeasure. Someone was going to pay. The rest of the boys were glaring murder at the other side of the room, where a lone figure was slumped in the chair, unconscious. Ah, so that was the culprit. The man was bleeding from his broken nose and most likely was missing some teeth, but nobody seemed to care, beside two guards, whom were standing with him between them to make sure no one attacked him or he wouldn't escape when he woke up.

"Take him away," he commanded to the two policemen, who came with him inside. "And send someone to take statements."

The police officers nodded and moved to haul the kidnapper out. The tension in the room dissipated the instant, the man was out of sight.

"Any security footage would be appreciated," Gordon said to the guard in charge.

"On it, sir," one of the two now free security officers volunteered instantly and disappeared into small alcove on the side.

"So, what happened?" Commissioner asked. "Anyone hurt?"

"Megan is fine," the woman said before anyone else could start, "just a little scared. The boy however will have sore ribs for a while."

"I'm fine," Dick mumbled as soon as she mentioned him.

"Sir," the guard reported, "the suspect was hitting the boy and wanted to take the girl. He pulled out a gun and threatened other people. Then mister Harper here subdued him and he was taken into custody."

Ah, yes, Roy Harper. The adopted son of Oliver Queen. Going by the easiness of Batman's boys with him, apparently another Cape. Gordon looked closer at the redhead. Yeah, Arsenal perhaps. Wait. If Roy was Arsenal, did that mean Queen was the Green Arrow? Who else? Every rich man, that existed?

No. He needed to stop thinking about it and suspect everyone Wayne was associated with for vigilantism. Hell, he was this close to claiming, that this reporter whom showed now and again to make an interview with Bruce for his newspaper in Metropolis was actually The Superman! Which was ridiculous and he wasn't going to tell about this idea to anyone. Ever.

"Are you Megan's mother?" Gordon asked the woman.

"What?" she startled. "Oh, no. I'm a nurse. After witnessing the whole scene I stayed to check if the kids were alright."

"I see," he hummed. "Were the girl's parents called?"

"Sir," the other security guard stepped forward. "Megan doesn't remember her parents number well, so we paged them through the intercom. We're waiting for them to come."

"Alright," Commissioner nodded and crouched down to be at eye level with Megan. "Hi, my name is Jim. Your parents will be here soon. Are you okay to wait here with us? Miss..." he paused, looking at the nurse.

"Patricia Lacy," she introduced herself.

"Miss Lacy has to go to tell this policeman," he gestured at the officer with a notepad, whom came while they were talking, "what happened."

Megan nodded and scrambled from woman's lap into Roy's, whom was sitting next to them. The redhead looked surprised, but he let her settle on him.

"Thank you," the girl looked up at him. "You helped us. You're nice." She frowned in worry, "Is Dick alright? He was crying."

"I'm okay," Dick said, crawling out of Jason's arms onto Tim's lap to be closer.

Gordon looked warily at Red Hood. Clearly he wasn't happy with letting his charge free, but he held himself back easily enough.

"Miss Lacy, this way, please," the officer gestured outside.

The woman looked at the assembled people, grabbed her things and left with the policeman.

Everything went smoothly after that, if a little too long for the kids. Megan's parents showed up and they went with her to give her statement. Dick went dead to the world as soon as he finished recounting the events from his side. Jason didn't let him go even for a second. By the time they were finished with other boys it was already dark outside.

Jim sighed. Even though he let young men go, the work for Commissioner and his policemen was far from over. And man, he needed to place an extra security for the perpetrator. You just never know when the Bats were involved. Gordon sighed again, mournfully. It was such a nice day.