Chapter 16: The Cycle Repeats

Both of them were sitting, robes back on but by the look of their hair, obviously post-sex, Camille was scrolling thru the 'action' shots on his phone.

"If I see any of these online, I will hurt you," Camille remarked.

"Is that a promise?" he growled as he kissed along her ear, making her squirm and push him away playfully. Curious, he twirled a bit of her hair, "what are you feeling right now?" he just had to ask.

Cammy squinted her eyes as a headache took over, "umm, fucking durr! Its such a bad idea to get involved with someone who has obvious stalker qualities. BUT...I don't do anything I don't want to do. I'm with you because I want to be. I'm afraid tho, I'm afraid I've only hit the tip of the iceberg," she admitted with a sigh.

Kilgrave looked a touch nervous but let the control he had on her go. "Headache love?" he asked knowingly.

She nodded and rubbed her forehead, "Yeah. They're really coming and going," she frowned.

He thought of something, "You should see a doctor and I know whom just to see, I'll make the appointment for you," he said caringly.

Camille was about to say something when they both heard scratching at the door. She got up and opened it, letting Cosmo hop into her arms.

"Aww, I'm sorry baby boy, Mama got busy," she giggled as the adorable lil pup licked all over her chin. She headed out of the room towards the kitchen.

"It's a puppy, Camille! Not a human baby!" Kilgrave reminded her.

"Shut up Zebidiah!" she yelled out to him.

He smiled.

A week later.

Kilgrave kept that promise to find her a doctor and Doctor McCoy was the best in the state. After many tests, the two waited for the test results to return. Today Camille was at her computer desk, typing up something for a bit of freelance work she managed to snag, Cosmo at her feet playing with a toy, music blaring in her headphones.

Kilgrave walked in the front door with mail in his hands. He saw the letter from the Doctors office and quietly walked into his study hoping she wouldn't notice he was home so he could read the letter first. Sitting down, he quickly opened the letter and read it.

"Dear Miss Dawson. After checking your test results twice, I must inform you that you have tested positive for the 'Mutant' Gene. This may come as a surprise and you may even be wondering what this gene is all about. In short, you are an evolved human, the gene grants people such as yourself with abilities sometimes unfathomable by normal humans. We looked closely into your gene and the rest of your body to try and specify what your abilities may be. We would rate you at a level 3 mutant with a high probability of testing higher. I am certain one of your greatest abilities lies within being able to cancel out any Telepathic/Mental/Mind Control powers that may be directed at you(Psionic Resistance) matter how highly powered the Mutant directing those powers at you may be. Your headaches are your bodies way of telling you someone is using an ability against you.

The aforementioned ability maybe the only one you have personally noticed but you do have others...sometimes abilities lie in wait, only coming when the mind/body feels ready for them or feels it is imperative to your survival to use them. I believe your other main abilities are Telepathic Communication, Mental Possession, and Psionic Blasts. These abilities are described in great detail on the other pages of this packet. Upon reading this, these abilities may wake up, they may not, but for your safety and the safety of others, I implore you to come to my work to study and learn more about your latent and non-latent abilities..."

Kilgrave stopped reading there, his eyes wide as he quickly stuffed the papers into the pocket on the side of his chair. He sat back, in awe, as his mind took in what he had read. HIS Camille was a mutant...and could end up a strong one at that. A grin came to his face, he felt damn near giddy! When he said he wanted a Partner-in-Crime..this is what he meant! Not Jessica with her boring strength powers but someone more on his level. Him and Camille together? Now that was a pair that could not be fucked with!

Smiling from ear to ear, he got up and walked into her office...she still had no idea he was even there. He snuck up behind her and started to kiss her on the side of her neck.

Camille jumped a bit but removed her headphones as she relaxed. Her arms came up to wrap around his neck. "You're in a lovey-dovey mood," she noticed with a smile, tilting her head.

"Mmm, sometimes I get reminded just how damn sexy you are...your body," he said and spun her around to face him, kneeling so he could kiss on her stomach, "and that wonderful brain of yours," he nearly mewed as he pulled her down some so he could kiss her forehead. Thinking of the power she had within made him a number of places. The things they could do...he thought as his hands slipped under the skirt she was wearing, his lips kissing her thighs. He kept going until she was moaning out his name. "Camille is mine...and that is that," he said to himself.