And then there was another chapter. All mistakes are my own but the characters are not.

Happy reading.

"Kara, please I'm fine, just go." She tells me, her voice trembling.

"Cat I'm coming in now whether you like it or not." I say forcing the door open hard enough to knock the guy out cold.

"Go call for help," I say as I grab a scarf out of the closet to tie the intruders hands behind his back. I look up and see Cat still sitting in the corner shaking. "Cat! Go call the police. Now!" I say trying to stop her from going further into shock than she already is. I release a silent breath as she slowly stands up before making her way to her phone that is lying on the floor in the kitchen.

"I uh… I need a... a uh... police officer sent my house. Yes this is Cat Grant… She's already here!... Just send a goddamn officer!" I hear her yell before slamming her phone down as she starts to cry. After making sure the guy was still unconscious, I go out to comfort Cat.

"Cat, it's going to be okay. I'm going to make sure of that; this time at least." I say rocking back and forth.

"I'm sorry Kara. I'm so sorry. I should have known it wasn't you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me." Cat cries in my chest as she sits on my lap and it breaks my heart.

"You have no reason to apologize to me Cat. You were upset, I understand."

"No. That doesn't give me the right to accuse you of doing something I know you would never do. I'm so sorry Kara. I'm so so sorry." Cat says pulling away to say the last part.

Giving up on trying to change Cats mind Kara settles for, "apology excepted Ms. Grant."

Waking suddenly, Cat stills as she feels a weight on her abdomen, on her chest and finally something tickling her nose. She looks down and is instantly meet with blonde hair that smells of lavender and, "Kara." Cat lays there for a moment allowing the shift to settle on her before she remembers what woke her.

Seeing that the young woman is still dead to the world she tries gently shaking the other woman. "Kara, please wake up." Huffing when this still has no effect on the kryptonian, Cat takes on a different tone. "Kiera!"

"Yes Ms. Grant?" Kara says jumping off of Cat and hovering a few feet above the bed.

"Honestly for someone with super hearing, you sleep like a log." The older woman says, getting out of bed and walking to the en-suite bathroom.

"I don't normally sleep so hard, I just haven't been getting much sleep lately." Kara says as Cat walks back into the room.

"I suppose I am the reason for that."

"No, Ms. Grant-"

"Don't bother trying to lie. I figure since you haven't been sleeping and then when you're here where you can see m that I am at fault for your lack of sleep. I was the same when carter was sick and it was his father's turn to have him that weekend, I couldn't sleep until I had him back in my sight where I could take care of him if he needed me."

"I don't mean to be so clingy. It's just-"

"If you say it's your fault I will kick you out."

"But it is! We wouldn't be here if I had just taken care of you! If I had done what I needed to I wouldn't be so afraid of you being alone. Even though I know that you are safe with the new security, and no one is going to hurt you now, I still have this overwhelming feeling that something is going to happen and it's going to take you from me."

"Oh Kara. I trust you dear. I know that nothing is going to happen because you are just a call away. What can I do to make you understand that you don't have to fear for me?"

Both of us stare at each other for a few moments. The thought barley even settling before it's out.

"Marry me." I say, receiving only a blank face and a blink.

"I'm sorry what? It sounded like you just asked me to marry you." Cat says laughing as she turns away going towards the kitchen.

"Cat wait, just listen. On Krypton when two people are married it unites them in a way like no other. Since I would be the only Krytonian in the marriage I would be able to feel and sense even the most minute changes within you."

"Kara you can't be serious right now." Cat says rolling her eyes.

"But I am Cat."

"No. You only want to do this so you would be able to watch me more."

"But I wouldn't be watching you. I'd just always know if there was anything wrong with you."

"Fine. Let's try this a different way. What happens if you meet someone and you want to marry them? What happens then?"

"Why would I wan- um.. that... I mean I wouldn't want to marry anyone else." I respond, clearing my throat.

"Why not? You're still young Kara. There could be someone else."

"There isn't anyone out there in all the worlds that I'd rather marry." I whisper to myself, but I know that even without superhearing Cat heard me. The gasp she releases nothing but confirmation.

"And why is that? Kara?" Cat questions as she steps closer than she has ever been. "I can feel the shift of our relationship as if it were cosmic plates under the ground."

"There can't possibly be anyone out there that I would want to protect as much I do you and Carter. I mean my sister too of course, but she doesn't really need my protection. She has all types of guns and gadgets to protect herself. And a whole army of peop-" I look at Cat and she has her head tilted to the side with a small smirk.

"You're rambling."


"You can at least ask me out on a date before you ask me to marry please do it a little more romantically next time."


"Please pay attention dear." Cat says gliding the back of her hand across my cheek softly.

"Um. Okay."

"I'm not saying no. I'm saying not yet. We barely even know each other you're proposing marriage."

"That's not true. I know you very well."

"Oh really? What's my favorite color? No that's too easy, what is my biggest fear?"

"That's easy, besides losing Carter, your biggest fear is heights, even though your office is on the fourteenth floor."

"It once was but now with a superhero I know is just a scream away not any more. Try again."

"Well if its not heights its just loosing Carter."

"You are partially correct."

"Loosing Carter and Cat Co?"

"Oh please Kara I'm not that self centered."

"I fold then. I don't know."

"You." Cat says, a small smile playing on her face

"Me?" Kara says, her voice but a whisper.


"What about me?"

"Keep up dear. Loosing you and Carter. The people I love most. Its why I didn't completely deny your proposal."

"You love me?" Kara says, pushing past the lump in her throat.

"I do."