Kendall was sitting on the passenger side of Danny's car. Kendall really wasn't sure if he could trust this Danny guy or not. Danny was driving when all of a sudden the car crashed.

Kendall woked up and looked around. Danny was laying there motionless. Kendall left leg hurt a lot. That's when he smelled smoke coming from the car. He knew the car was about to catch on fire. He opened the passenger door and got out but fell on his face. His leg hurt so bad. He tried to get up but his leg was in so much pain so he started to crawl away from the car.

After a few moments, the car was on fire and then it blew up. Pieces of the car went flying in the air with some of the pieces almost hitting Kendall.

James phone rang and he answered it.


"Hey. Are you packing yet?" Carlos asked.

"No. I didn't start." James said.

"The flight leaves tomorrow."

"I know. I - I probably won't make it."


"Kendall ran off and I been looking everywhere for him but can't find him."

"James, I got one ticket to Minnesota."

"I'm not leaving Kendall." James said.

"I have to get off here but the flight leaves tomorrow." Carlos said and hung up.

James continued to search for Kendall. Hoping he was okay. He looked everywhere he could think of. James decided to look at the hospital to see if possiblily Kendall was there and if he was there that he was okay.

James just got done asking a nurse. Kendall wasn't here. He was about to walk out the hospital when paramedics came with a boy on a stretcher. It was Kendall on the stretcher.

"Kendall!" James yelled was following the doctors.

"I'm sorry sir, you can't go back there." A doctor said.

"Is he okay?" James asked.

"I don't know." The doctor said and quickly left. James watched the doctors wheeled Kendall away.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Kendall asked.

"I'm not stupid." Logan said.

"I never said you was." Kendall said.

"I'm doing it whether you like it or not." Logan said.

"I just don't think it's a good idea." Kendall said.

"Of course you don't think it's a good idea because its not your idea." Logan said.

"I'm just saying -" Kendall began but Logan interrupted him.

"You always have to control everyone lives." Logan said.

"I do not." Kendall said.

"Yes you do. If it's not your idea then it's not a good idea." Logan said and walked away.

"He doesn't care." Logan said.

"You guys are friends." Camille said.

"He doesn't care about anyone but himself." Logan said.

"Did you talked to him?"

"Yes, and he doesn't care. He thinks it's not a good idea."

"Is he really mad at you?" Camille asked.

"Yeah because I don't want to do what he wants. He changed, Camille." Logan said.

"Maybe he'll apogolized." Camille said.

"It's too late. I think I'm going to leave." Logan said.

That Day

Kendall was sitting on the orange couch watching T.V. when someone walked in. He looked up.

"Hey. What's up?" Kendall said.

Logan didn't answered. He had one thing on his mind. He went in his shared room with Kendall and a few moments later, came out with a gun. Kendall saw the gun.

"Woah, what are you doing with that?" Kendall said, getting up from the couch. Logan pointed the gun at himself but before he pulled the trigger, Katie got in the way. And then the gun went off.

James walked in and saw Katie fell to the ground.

"Katie!" Kendall screamed and hold his sister in his arms.

Logan was shock. Katie got in the way. Logan had to do his plan. He pulled the trigger again. This time Logan fell to the floor.

James rushed over to Logan, he called 911. He was about to dial 911 before Logan fell to the ground. It was too late. Both Katie and Logan was dead.

Mrs. Knight couldn't stopped crying. Kendall was devasted and angry. He was angry with Logan.

Two weeks later after Katie and Logan died, Mrs. Knight went to get groceries but never return. A few hours later there was a knock on the door. Kendall got up and answered it. A cop just told him his mom killed herself. Kendall life was falling apart. His mother and sister was both dead.

James was sitting in the waiting room. He has no idea if Kendall was okay or not.

A doctor walked out a few moments later. "Kendall Knight."

"How is he?" James asked.

"He's left leg is broken. So he's going to be in a wheelchair maybe for a few months." The doctor said.

"When can he be released?" James said.

"In two days." The doctor said.

Two Days Later

James missed the flight to Minnesota. But he wasn't going to leave Kendall.

4 Months Later

Kendall didn't need a wheelchair anymore. And his leg wasn't in a cast. He been in rehab for the past 4 months. Today was his last day. His arm fully recovered too. He left LA to go to rehab in Oregon. He wanted to leave LA and wanted a fresh start. James insisted in going to Oregon but Kendall didn't want him to come but James came anyway.

James brought a small house in Oregon and hoped that maybe it could be a fresh start for him and Kendall both. Kendall didn't want him to come but James wasn't going to take no as an answer. Carlos was upset that James missed his flight but James wasn't going to leave Kendall.

Kendall still missed his sister and mother everyday but he decided to change for the better. He stopped smoking and doesn't hang out with people with bad influences. He stopped selling pills. Him and James was still friends. But Kendall made some new friends in rehab too but they was still in rehab.

James missed Logan, Katie and Mrs. Knight everyday. He talks to Carlos everyday and even though he didn't went back to Minnesota, Carlos understood. After everything that happened, things was starting to look up for the guys. And even though Carlos was in Minnesota, he plans to visit when he can.

Kendall forgave Logan for what he did. He realized what Logan did was an accident and wished that he would of got helped and not go through with his plan. And then things could've been different. Kendall does blame himself for Logan killing Katie and himself. And maybe if Kendall told Logan that he supported his decision instead of telling him it was a bad idea then maybe that day wouldn't of happened. And then maybe Logan, Katie and even his mom would be alive and maybe Logan would of went for being in a movie who plays a doctor.

Hoped you liked it. And that's the end of this story. I just ran out of ideas for this story but I have new stories coming soon. I was going to have an alternate ending where James went to Minnesota instead of staying with Kendall but I really didn't know if you guys would of liked. Would you guys want to see the alternate ending where James went to Minnesota? Thank you guys so much for reading this story. And I want to give a huge shoutout to winterschild11 for reviewing every chapter not on this story but my other stories and for everyone who liked, reviewed, favorited and read this story.