Disclaimer: Please, don't sue me!!!!! I own, let's see, my fingers. That's about it.

A/N: This is a "What IF???" Story. This one is: What if Gordo stayed in High School instead of going back to Lizzie and Miranda in Middle School???

Chapter 1: Gordo's Dreams.

Gordo's P.O.V.

"Oh, Miranda, don't stop!!!" I yelled as I woke up from yet another Wet Dream. For about a month now, I can't blink without imagining me, Miranda, and Lizzie in bed together. The only thing was, it would never, ever happen.

~*~FLASHBACK~*~ ~*~One Month ago.~*~

I had logged on to MSN Messenger to talk to Lizzie and Miranda. I wanted to talk to them about school and stuff. I didn't have much time because I was in high school now, and I wanted to talk to them. As soon as I logged on, I saw that both Lizzie and Miranda were logged on. They were probably talking about Ethan Craft, some idiot who had nice hair or something.

Then, a message popped up from Lizzie.

MrsCraft_003: Hey Gordo!!

Future_Director: Hey Lizzie.

MrsCraft_003: What's up?

Future_Director: Not much, you?

MrsCraft_003: Me either, just talking to Miranda.

Then, Miranda sent me a message.

TwoKute4Sho: Hey Gordo

Future_Director: What's going on Miranda? TwoKute4Sho: Oh, nothing.

Future_Director: How's school?

TwoKute4Sho: Pretty good, you?

Future_Director: um, kinda challenging.

TwoKute4Sho: I like you Gordo.

Future_Director: I like you, too. You're one of my best friends.

TwoKute4Sho: No, I really like you. Like, more than that.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I exited the conversation. What would you have done if you found out that one of your two best friends just told you she liked you as more than a friend?

Lizzie had been sending me messages the whole time I was talking to Miranda.

MrsCraft_003: Gordo, I have to tell you something.

MrsCraft_003: Um, it's kinda important.

MrsCraft_003: are you listening to me???

MrsCraft_003: Hello, Gordo??

Future_Director: Oh, sorry, Lizzie, I was talking with Miranda. What is it?

MrsCraft_003: Gordo, I like you, a lot.

Future_Director: I like you a lot, too Lizzie.

MrsCraft_003: No, more than that.

Future_Director has logged off at 5:23 PM.

OOOHHHH!!! What will happen next??? Will Gordo run away from true love from BOTH of his best friends, or will he have to choose between them??? Find out next time.