I have to keep moving, if I stop I'll die. Oh God, please help me get away. Please don't let them find me.

Akihito kept repeating those words in his mind. A prayer. A hope. A wish. As he ran through the forest. He didn't know where he was going. All he knew was that he had to keep moving. He had stopped hearing the shouts and the sounds of feet crashing through the brush searching for him. He just couldn't afford to stop. The fear of what they would do to him, if they caught up to him was enough to keep him racing forward unheeding of where he was headed in the dark night.

His chest was burning, and his heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest. The panic and fear that had propelled him away from his captors was beginning to wane as exhaustion settled in. He didn't think that he could go any further. His head was spinning. He had to find somewhere safe to rest.

Akihito staggered forward on unsteady legs. He pushed through some tightly packed shrubs adding fresh scrapes to his body. Summoning his strength, he broke through the shrubs at last and onto asphalt. He had made it to a road, he staggered forward into the center of the road. He swayed from left too right as he tried to figure out which direction he should go in.

Just was as he trying to decide a bright light suddenly blinded him. No, they've found me.

He tried to move, but he swayed. The car racing towards him was blearing its horn. He tried again to move, only to stagger forward a little and collapse. As he slipped into the darkness, he hoped that they would just run him over and let him die.


Asami grunted as he slammed back against his seat from Suoh slamming hard on the brakes.

'Did you hit him?' asked Kirishima

'No' Suoh replied curtly

'What is it Suoh? A deer? Asami asked.

'It's a boy' Suoh said peering out the window at the figure lying prone on the road.

Curious, Asami opened the door of his car, brushing off Kirishima's protest and walked to the front to examine the body lying in front of his car.

Asami crouched in front of the body, turning the boys head to examine his pulse. It was there. Looking closely at the boy he noted that his blond hair was matted, with blood and bits of branches. His clothes were torn and dirty and the parts of his body that was exposed showed bruising and fresh cuts and scrapes.

It was obvious that the boy had been through some sort of trauma.

'Asami sama, should I call an ambulance?' Kirishima asked his phone out and ready.

'No, let's take him with us. Call Dr. Kanda and have him meet us at the hotel. He can look after him while we meet with the minister.' Asami said as he gathered the boy into his arms and slide into the waiting car.


Asami sighed as he, Kirishima and Suoh listened to Minister Akira drone on about the effect of gambling on society and the potential for underworld crime to influence the industry. The man had been a thorn in his side ever since Asami had submitted his proposal to the government for a floating casino.

Unfortunately for Asami, the man had no secrets and was above being bribed. Which meant that he had no choice but to deal with the man.

'Asami Sama' a panicked voice called as the door to the conference room was thrown open. 'I'm sorry, but its urgent.' Kanda sensei said as he bowed deeply.

'Its fine Kanda Sensei, Kirishima see to the doctor I'll be there soon.' Asami was relieved, this interruption was a God sent.

'Minister Akira, I'm sorry I have a medical emergency to deal with. I'll have my secretary contact yours to reschedule. Excuse me.' Asami turned to leave.

'Wait, wait, Asami Sama.' Minister Akira called running over and grabbing on to Asami's arm halting his progress.

'Minister?' Asami asked coolly looking at the man's hand clutching his.

'I-I is that man, the Kanda sensei, the heart surgeon.' The man asked still clutching Asami's arm oblivious of the man's displeasure.

'Yes, it is, he's my personal physician.'

'Please, Asami Sama. I need to meet him. I have been trying for the past month to meet him. It's a matter of my daughter's life.' The man pleaded.

'What are you talking about?'

'My youngest daughter was recently diagnosed with a heart condition and has to have surgery. Kanda Sensei is the best, but he is booked and no matter what I've tried to see the man and convince him to do the surgery has been unsuccessful. Please, Asami san if you could just let me see or convince him for me I'll be in your debt.'

'Very well, I'll have the doctor contact you in the morning. As for my proposal, I'm sure that there will be no more delays in it passing.' Asami said looking intently in the minister's eyes.

'Yes, yes' the man said hurriedly obviously understanding Asami's intent.

Once he made it to the elevator Asami laughed.

'Boss?' Suoh asked.

'Wasn't that a stroke of luck, our injured friend just provided me with a way of getting around Minister Akira, with no effort at all.'

'Hmm, you're right Asami Sama, I guess it was lucky that he fainted in front of the car.'

As the elevator doors opened, Asami was confronted by the sight of EMT's coming out of the hotel room with the mysterious boy strapped to the gurney.


'Ah, Asami Sama. The boy was worse off than we thought. He's suffering from exhaustion, malnutrition and dehydration. Kanda sensei thought it would be best for us to have him treated in the hospital. I agreed since we don't know who he is, it will be easier for family to find him if he's in the hospital.

Asami moved out of the way to allow the EMT's to leave. As they wheeled the boy pass him, he couldn't help but wonder looking at the boy lying there pale and unconscious what had happened to him, for him to be in such a state.

'Wait' Asami said halting the EMT's and Dr. Kanda. 'Have him transported to my penthouse. Kanda, assign one of your juniors and a nurse to his care for the time being. Supply Kirishima with a list of the things needed to treat him. I have something important that I need you do for me.'

'Asami Sama is that wise?' Kirishima asked

Asami shrugged. 'Time will tell'