by Orici

This is yaoi heavy fanfiction, if you're not into Guy x Guy stuff, STOP NOW, because I don't need you whining about your virgin eyes. It will get smuty, I promise. Enjoy, and please let me know what you think! Your reviews fuel my creativity and encourage me to continue!

Thank you to my wonderful Beta, x-psychicfire-x, and thank you KizuKatana for inspiring me.

I don't own any part of Naruto. If I did, then the story would have gone a bit different, and it probably would need to have NC-17 rating….

Chapter 1: How it All Began

Sasuke was furious. The black haired man pocketed his phone and got out of his sleek Jaguar XKR. Itachi just informed him that the current merger, which was worth over a billion dollars, fell through.

According to him, "Some nobody from god knows where just outbid, what I though, was a done-deal offer."

Sasuke was seething as he took steps two at a time, his long strides and shiny black oxfords making soft clicks on the grey marble floor. Reaching the door with title -SASUKE UCHIHA, VICE PRESIDENT- engraved into the dark wood, he greeted his secretary with less than his usual 'Hn'. The woman, a busty blonde with long ponytail and figure hugging maroon dress winced slightly, knowing that something didn't go as planned at the meeting with Department of Defense.

"Ino. Get me everything on Rasengan Industries," said the tall raven while taking off his custom fitted suit jacket and untying his dark blue tie.

"Yes, Sasuke-sama," replied the attractive pale-eyed blonde. Throwing his blazer and tie on the couch, Sasuke strode over to the wet bar. This day just went to shit in a hand basket and he is going to need a strong drink for this one.

I can't believe that someone snuck right under my nose and stole the deal! He fumed. Such incidents were unheard of in the Uchiha Corporation, let alone for him. Itachi is not going to let me live this down for a while. Thought Sasuke, forcefully unscrewed the bottle cap. If it wasn't for his top-billing contributions for the company, Sasuke may have been thinking about alternative career paths. Fortunately, this was only a small fraction of the grand total he brought to the company over the last 12 years. Still, he did not like losing.

Blindsided by some unknown company from fucking nowhere. Unbelievable!

Looking over the vast expanse of the city below, he took a gulp of his liquor. Watching the light snowflakes falling down 22 stories calmed the livid man, as he pondered about the next step.

When I find out what happened, and who fucked this up, heads will roll.


"Are we sure about this, Sakura?" Asked the tall blond, standing in a dressing room equipped with dozens of outfits, wigs, makeup, and staff buzzing about.

There was a makeup chair parallel to the large mirror with a border of bright opaque lights. A full-length mirror took up the entire wall across from the makeup station. Three racks of clothes were lined-up nearby with a wide variety of colors and details.

"Naruto, we have to make a statement for the release," said the pretty, pink-haired assistant. "We all agree that no one can represent this company and this product better than the original founder. You may not see yourself like we do, but you are exactly what we need. Today, you're not Naruto, you are Kurama. Stop worrying about what you'll look like, we hired the best in the business, so have faith. Plus, we've been preparing for this for years, the company will be in great hands while you focus on being the face of Rasengan!" smiled the girl brightly, green eyes crinkling with excitement.

"Alright. I guess I'll be saying goodbye to anonymity," said the blond with a sigh, lowering his eyes with a slightly deflated look.

"It will be fine. You'll hardly be recognizable after they're finished with you. You look good now, but just you wait!" Naruto looked up with a smirk at his assistant and winked. She rolled her eyes, "Now, lets get started, shall we?"

Naruto stepped to the center of the room, where a team of people was waiting patiently for the man of the hour. Everyone received the photoshoot assignment days ago. Couple of new team members were buzzing with excitement about meeting the newest members of the three commas club. The team of makeup artists, hair, and personal stylists were bound by an ironclad non-disclosure agreement with punishment severe enough to practically rather choose death, so no chances of leaks were possible. Element of surprise was crucial in his business; cue the Uchiha upheaval.

Thinking about the recent events made Naruto's eyes light up and his mood brighten. The blond couldn't help his grin turning into a face splitting smile that probably made him look a little crazy, all he was missing was the MWAHAHAHA!

I'm sure I'll have to pay for kicking the hornets' nest, every move has consequences, but now it's your turn. And everything is advancing as expected. Thought Naruto, feeling the excitement run through him at the upcoming challenge. Uchiha called a meeting with Rasengan Industries first thing this morning.

Unfortunately for him, he'll be directed to one of our many companies around the world. It's going to take months for you to figure out how to contact us, since you only know the company name and location of origin. Being the top in the internet security business was very helpful for misdirecting people.

While Naruto thought fondly on the development of the last few days, the stylists hovered around, bringing up different outfits and wigs to see what would match his tan skin and bright azure eyes better. Naruto stool tall, at 6'4" and had the regal posture that demanded respect, which has been earned through years of hard work and sacrifices, but his eyes remained kind and approachable. The company's public debut has been almost a decade in the making. But it all began from one unfortunate incident, one that Naruto could never quite forget.

Over 9 years ago…

Naruto, a brand new computer programmer grad of 23 years old, had his feet up on the L-shaped desk in the large office, fingering a few key strokes on his Alienware laptop. Few could rival his skills with the keyboard and intelligence when it came to encryption software. He stayed below the radar of NSA and used pseudonym for all of this online movements. He was known as Kyuubi in the underground world of professional hacking, but now he was a legitimate law-abiding member of the Uchiha IT department.

How noble of me to use my skill for good instead of evil, thought the blond self-righteously. Having already designed a software program to do most of his current assignment for him, he set back and relaxed. Headphones in his ears drowned out the outside world as he snacked on chips and looked down at the city below, not realizing when someone walked up behind him.

"Ahem." The tall man attempted to get his attention, but the music was too loud and the oblivious blond didn't move a muscle. The dark brows furrowed, corners of his mouth down turning.

He tried again, "Excuse me." No response, his eyebrow twitched.

Who does this fucker thinks he is!? Acting as if he's at home with his feet on my desk like it's his personal ottoman, thought the man irritably. Sasuke was not having a great day and now he finds this idiot, probably from IT here to install his computer, lounging all over his office and leaving crumbs all over the fucking desk. That's it! Sasuke kicked his chair, hard.

Next thing Naruto knew, he was falling. His ass hit the carpeted floor painfully, headphones ripped out of his ears, and nearly dropping his most prized possession - his laptop.

"What the fuck!?" The blue-eyed blond looked up at the man towering over him. "What did you do that for Teme?! What's wrong with you!?" he shouted angrily.

"You're in my chair, and you stupid music was so loud you didn't hear me, Dobe. Get your feet the hell off my desk," said Sasuke, in leaden tone, his eyes narrowed as he scanned the man in from of him.

He could see that the guy was tall, somewhat lanky and pale, like his skin didn't see much sun. He was slightly younger than him, with shaggy blond hair, and wore an awful orange shirt that was too big on him, khaki pants, and old pair of tennis shoes. The only redeeming quality about him so far, was his striking cerulean-blue eyes that were becoming darker by the moment. While the interesting whisker-like markings on his cheeks stood out more as his skin became a shade redder, rage boiling just under the surface.

The blond scanned the tall man in front of him: black hair, dark piercing eyes, porcelain skin. Dressed in an impeccable dark blue slacks that fit him like he was born in them, white fitted dress shirt and blood red tie that begged to be taken off….

Where did that thought come from...?

"I am Sasuke Uchiha, president of this division. Who are you? Does my secretary know you're in here?" He stated. His smooth, authoritative voice washed over the fallen man.

The blond shook his head to clear the last thoughts of strange mouth-watering desire, refusing to think about it. He knew who Sasuke was, everyone did. So what? That didn't give you the right to treat me like dirt!

"Are you for real? I'm here to install your stupid computer, what does it look like I'm doing?" said Naruto, still fuming about being knocked on his ass.

"It doesn't look like you're working to me. It looks like you're just wasting time doing nothing and expecting us to pay you for making my office a mess." Sasuke was not in the mood, his nerves were fried from the day's meetings, and dealing with idiots in his office as well was just too much.

"What!? Do you talk to everyone like this!? It must be a real pleasure working for you," said the blond, words dripping with sarcasm. "I'm here to make sure you don't get hacked again, you prick."

Sasuke's eyes widened, how dare he talk to me that way, in my office no less! Sasuke adjusted his tie and put on his most icy Uchiha glare. "What is your name?" Naruto finally stood up and crossed his arms over his chest, shoulder hunching over.

"Naruto Uzumaki, new IT guy," mumbled the blond, not looking directly at the offensive man.

"Well, Mr. Uzumaki. Your services will no longer be needed, now…. or in the future. You're fired," said Sasuke. His tone calm and cold as his eyes roamed down the tall frame of the blond, who was unusually tall and almost his height of 6'3". Sasuke was used to having significant height advantage in most cases.

"WHAAAT?! Fired? Why are you being such a dickwad?!" shouted Naruto. I can't believe it! He just got fired from his first job, his only job out of school that he only had for a week, how could this happen? All because this ice princess is worried about few crumbs on his desk? Naruto was stunned, his eyes wide as this brain processed the consequences.

Sasuke continued nonchalantly, "Your lack of respect for superiors, work ethic and probably skill is not going to be missed here. We have enough idiots working for us already. Leave." He was becoming annoyed with the backtalk, a headache blooming behind his eyes from the shouting man. Sasuke crossed his arms over his chest, indicating that he was done with this conversation. Finally, Naruto got his voice back, but he probably should have stayed quite, even he knew that.

"Fine! Who'd want to work for you anyways?! You're just an asshole with a giant stick up your ass! You can go fuck yourself, because I'm sure as hell no one else would want to touch your frigid dick!"

Naruto knew he was probably wrong on that one. The dark haired male was screaming sex just by standing there. Naruto blamed his expressive eyes, because next thing he knew, Sasuke smirked and narrowed his eyes at him. The blond shut his mouth, feeling his face heat up with each passing second.

"You wish." Replied Sasuke in an amused, smug tone.

Refusing to make a bigger fool of himself, Naruto gathered his laptop, headphones and the bag of chips off the floor. Stuffing everything into his shoulder bag, while doing his best to ignore the raven, he strode to the door and paused, glancing over his shoulder.

"You are going to regret this, asshole," glared Naruto.

Sasuke's smirk grew. "I'm sure," he said with every ounce of sarcasm he could master.

Back to the present

Naruto shook his head, bringing his mind back to the real world. Recent clash with the Uchiha Corporation brought up the old memories. That was the beginning. He no longer felt any resentment toward the black-haired ice prince, those feelings came and passed, replace with need to prove himself and accomplish something with his own hands.

Over the years, he read a few magazine articles published about Sasuke's career. Naruto has grown to appreciate the sharp intellect, ability to take on any project thrown at him, and even his ruthlessness when it came to closing deals. Last he heard, Sasuke was now the vice president of the Uchiha Corporation, and was in line to be the next head of the company in couple of years.

Naruto smiled back at the memory. It was the kick in the ass I needed to get my shit in gear, and look where it got me. Here he was, the owner of Rasengan Industries. A 32 year old, worth over 7.8 billion dollars, and on track to triple his net worth by closing this latest deal right under the Uchiha. Truth be told, Sasuke's company wouldn't have benefited nearly as much from this latest acquisition, so it made sense for Naruto to step in and outbid him. Using this as his opening move to bring out the company into the public eye, and it was a good one.

Naruto focused his eyes on the people bustling around while he sat in the chair, letting the makeup artist do his job. He wasn't sure what all was being done to him, but he trusted the team to make him look the part. This was the next step for Rasengan going public, and maybe, a part of him hoped that Sasuke might actually see him as an equal.

For the last 8 years, Rasengan Industries has been operated as multiple shadow companies. Existing only on the web and doing business behind the scenes, Naruto and his team have been accumulating assets and laying low, until now. He always planed on going public with the company, thus keeping all the dealings legit and by the books, but everything had to be in place before that happened.

Quickly, Rasengan Industries became a leader in online security and software design. And just this morning, he received the confirmation from the DOD about winning the bid for the next major security upgrade for the United States government. With the Clinton emails scandal, multitude of foreign hacks, and recent election ballot meltdown, the US decided to over-hall the entire network. It was an immense project, but he was confident in their skill and technology to accomplish it with ease.

Next part of the public reveal was making people aware of Rasengan Industries. And what could be better than a release of a brand new, state-of-the-art web browser with top of the line security and a spectacular public marketing campaign?

That is why Naruto was currently sitting in a makeup chair. While unable to see his refection, he could feel the heavy wig, and not the cheap kind, one that was attached with the fancy makeup adhesive that will show no lines. He felt his face being coated with powders and his eyelids being tickled by the makeup brushes. After nearly an hour of tugging, prodding, and pulling on his face and hair, Naruto was almost done.

Over the last 9 years, Naruto has put a lot of work into his company, and his body. Standing tall, gone was his thin statue, replace with sculpted abs, defined and toned arms and legs. His face no longer held any of the baby fat it used to have, leaving a strong jaw and cheekbones that accentuated his unique whisker birthmarks. He was proud of the progress he made, but he wasn't arrogant about his appearance, and didn't flaunt it often. While being completely comfortable with himself, he preferred to keep it most of his personal affairs private. However, this was for the future of his company.

Nonetheless, maybe he would enjoy making the Uchiha blush. I wonder if the ice prince is even capable of that, he mused. He could see the red hair falling around his shoulders, as the stylist tugged and pulled to get it into the right shape. The design team decided to have him wear a traditional cream-colored yukata with red border for accent. It was hand-made, and fit him in all the right places. His skin was treated, leaving it silky smooth and slightly shimmering. Dressed in the yukata, his appearance had ease to it, as if he was born to be in that era.

Over the last decade, Naruto had the opportunity to explore his Japanese roots. He had picked up a variety of marshal arts, including kenjutsu, and had extensive knowledge with the sword. That is where the idea of the samurai themed public campaign originated. Now, he was dressed in a traditional samurai sparring clothes. His yukata parted slightly, revealing some of the well-defined chest. A red traditional obi wound around his narrow waist, complementing his sun-kissed skin.

Standing up, after the makeup artist deemed him to be flawless, he walked around the chair. Room stilled as he stood. Glancing around, he noticed the wide eyes and blushing faces. He heard couple of "excuse me, I need some air," and a few quickly left the room, possibly pinching the bridge of their noses.

"Holy crap Naruto! I knew this was a great idea, but daaaaamn," said Sakura, grasping her chin and looking him up and down.

As Naruto turned around and looked in full-length mirror, he could not believe the person in front of him was the same one he saw this morning in the mirror while he got ready for this crazy day. But, here he was. The tall, tan blond was turned into a magnificent creature.

Kurama, he thought. The Nine-Tailed Fox Demon from the myths of the Kenkyu era of Japan, how fitting. Sasuke, the demon fox is coming for you, I hope you're ready. Naruto thought, his eyes narrowing and a devilish smirk graced his normally open features. All could feel the atmosphere shift as Naruto took in his reflection. He was ready.

3 weeks later….

Sasuke was getting frustrated. He has been searching all over the goddamn planet for the founder of Rasengan Industries with no luck. All they've gotten so far was that the company originated in some small town of Konoha, Japan around 2007. But according to the files, it never took off and the trail ran cold.

No way in hell it's the same company that outbid us. Thought Sasuke as he contemplated his next move. He made it his personal goal to find out who was responsible for his shitty mood for the last 3 weeks. Having his brother breathing down his neck it didn't help either. Sasuke needed a break, he even started to snap at Ino for no reason. It was end of the day on Friday. She probably needs a break too, thought Sasuke. Pushing the button for direct line on his desk phone, Sasuke called Ino into his office.

"I'm going home early. You can go as well, you've done a good job this week," said Sasuke, picking up his dark-grey suit jacket.

"Alright, Sasuke-sama. Anything I can get for you before you go?"

"No, you may leave. Have a good weekend, I'll see you Monday," replied Sasuke.

"Thank you, you as well." Ino sauntered back to her desk with a bit more pep in her step. She was looking forward to a nice weekend away from her grumpy boss. He has been even more of a pain to deal with since the DOD deal went up in flames. Grabbing her purse and jacket, she waved her goodbye and left.

Sasuke stood at his desk, gathering his keys, wallet, and iPhone. Scrolling through the numbers, he found the name he was looking for.

'Are you available this weekend?' sending the text message, he put on his black wool jacket, turned off the lights and walked out of the spacious room. His office was located on the 22nd floor of one of the most prestigious buildings in Manhattan. The sun just began to set, but it was still earlier than his normal quitting hour.

Nothing I can do about it right now. Not until we hear back from the others, Sasuke sighed. He had few more contacts that were scoping out online underground, but wasn't expecting to hear from them until next week. I needed to blow off some steam, and nothing is better than sex to do the job. Can't fucking wait. He smirked just as the chime from his phone alerted him to a text.

'What did you have in mind?' came a reply.

Sasuke rolled his eyes. Like Neji couldn't guess what I want.

'How about a weekend being buried in your ass.' Sasuke texted back a quick reply.

They had an understanding. No strings attached, no emotions involved, just nice, hard fucking when both were available. In Sasuke's world, it was almost impossible to keep a relationship. Not that he thought he could trust someone that much anyways, even if it was. His parents kept trying to set him up with women, not that he minded the female form occasionally. In public, he was heterosexual, but his preference leaned closer to firm lines of a male body.

Sasuke walked down the hall and into the shiny elevator, pressing the 1st floor button. The building was new and most areas were lined with floor to ceiling windows. Checking his phone, he scrolled through the emails. Stepping out into the lobby, the front desk receptionist smiled and blushed when she saw him.

"Have a good weekend, Uchiha-sama."

"Hn." was his usual response while looking at his phone. He texted his driver few minutes ago to let him know that he was leaving. Stepping out of the building, his phone chimed again.

'Sounds like a fantastic idea,' responded Neji.

Sasuke smirk grew. This week has been long and painfully fruitless. He was frustrated with the lack of information they were able to gather, but now he had something to look forward to. He put on his black gloves and burgundy scarf, buttoning his coat after he saw the falling snowflakes. The weather was chilly, but not as cold as expected in late November. Sasuke looked at the ground, it started turning into slushy mess of snow and dirt. He noticed one of his thin shoelaces on his expensive black oxfords has come undone. Walking over to the bench next to the building, he placed his foot on the edge and bent down to tie it. Once finished, Sasuke looked up… What he saw in front of him, made his jaw drop and heart skip several beats.

Hanging on the side of the building across from his office, was a colossal billboard. Spanning eight stories high and almost half a block wide, it was an impressive feat of advertisement. But it wasn't the size that took Sasuke's breath away.

As the light snow fell, he saw the man with long, burning red hair in a loose ponytail high upon his head, his long strands loosely weaving around behind his back. He was dressed in traditional yukata that was shed from waist up and hung low on his hips, leaving the broad tan shoulders, muscular chest, arms and stomach exposed. Around his belly button was a tattoo, a swirl around his naval with ancient looking symbols extending out like the rays of the sun.

This can't be legal, thought Sasuke as he studied how much of the tantalizing V of his hips he could actually see, before his eyes ran into the blood red obi holding the cream-colored yukata on his hips. The man's slightly angled stance was strong, almost royal. Shoulders back, posture tall but relaxed, like this is the most natural pose for him. Dual katana were strapped by thin leather bands to his waist on his left hip. His left hand was resting on one of the hilts. Long, strong but slender fingers lightly wrapping around it. He was looking up, his head tilted up toward some unknown force.

Sasuke swallowed, his throat going dry. His eyes moved up to see the face, and found the most amazing eyes. The piercing, cerulean gaze made Sasuke want to drown in it and never surface. His look was serene and yet so focused, with long dark lashes that looked incredibly attractive on such a strong male. Sasuke's mind longed to be the subject of his attention. He studied the crimson-headed angel as he stood on the sidewalk. Light snow continued to fall as he finally caught his breath. Sasuke felt something warm under his nose, raising his leather covered hand, he pulled back to see blood on the tips of his fingers.

"What the…? What am I, 12?" Blurt out Sasuke, surprised about getting a nosebleed while looking at the half-naked god before him. At the same time, unable to prevent his eyes from latching on to the azure pools and trailing down the tan chest to the tattoo-covered abs. Finally, his eyes landed on something else. It was a logo with similar swirls as the tattoo in the center, and a name….

Coming soon - KURAMA-

Brought to you by Rasengan Industries

His eyes went wide as a chill ran down his spine.

..."What the FUCK?!"

To be continued.

So… I'm sure you probably guessed by now, but this is my first attempt at writing a fic. So I'm sorry for any errors! Be gentle, but please let me know what you think so far, because your reviews provide more support than you could ever know.

And none of that yaoi hatin' stuff. If you're reading this, just be honest with yourself.