2. Meeting

As Kaoru left the fruit stall, she heard – for the fifth time during her market trip – whispers around her about the new swordsman in town. He had garnered much attention since his arrival a few days ago. Kaoru's quaint town was small enough that a new stranger with an admirable professed skill would attract such an intense amount of scrutiny and wonder.

Kaoru had wondered aloud about his fame when Misao and Sano talked about him over breakfast that morning. It was then that she learned that apart from his unbeatable skills with a sword, his strange colourings, including his flaming red hair and unusual violet eyes, also contributed to his fame.

No doubt, Kaoru had seen this man around recently. However, never in her wildest dreams had she imagined a man of a relatively small stature, with a cross-shaped scar on his face and in an eye-catching burgundy kimono to be such a reputable swordsman.

On her way home, Kaoru took the longer route. The route she liked to call her own. She twirled her way through a small meadow, danced around the young spruces that grew along the path, and finally heard the faint gurgling sounds of the river.

However, before she reached the river, she halted. Her solitary trail home was cut short; her peace interrupted by a man with blazing red hair. Said man was strolling leisurely by the riverbank with his hands folded under the long sleeves of his kimono.

She picked up her pace, then slowed down again as she walked by his side. He did not seem startled by her presence; in fact it was as if he had noticed her all along and simply turned to look at her. Before he could speak, she smiled and gave an enthusiastic, "Hi!"

The red-headed man gave a start before coming to a stop. Then, flashing her an easy smile, he removed one hand from underneath his sleeve and held it out to her.

"Kenshin," he said simply.

She noted the long fingers that looked so delicate, yet the callouses that caught her eye hinted at years of training to yield and perfect the battered sword that hung at his hip.

"Kaoru," she returned as she took his hand and shook it, as propriety required.

He gave a slight bow, missing how her eyes sparkled at his unique ways.

It was the beginning of a good relationship.