Me after reading The Turn and the Flame (bonus story from Richelle Mead in the VA Anniversary Edition): OMG Tasha..This definately helps me see more into her psyche and inner thoughts and what made her the way she was.

Also me (after reading LS): GOD DAMNIT TASHA, I TRUSTED YOU! WE ALL TRUSTED YOU! *flails*


Disclaimer: I own the plot and idea. I do not own Vampire Academy. All rights go to Richelle Mead.

"Tasha." I turned around, and there stood Tasha, regarding with wide eyes, but a brilliant smile.

"Dimka! Oh, I heard you were here with the program and all that," she all but squealed as she wrapped me in a tight hug, "but I've been in Germany for the past few weeks so I haven't gotten the chance to call you and meet up, but we have to soon, okay? It's been the longest-"


It was then, quite suddenly, that I noticed the man standing behind Tasha, which was surprising given his appearance. The man was at least as tall as me, with a strong athlete's frame.

"Oh, I'm so sorry babe! Dimka," Tasha happily wrapped her arms around the man, and he in turn did as well, "this is my husband, Andrei. Andrei, this is Dimitri, one of my oldest friends."

Three Years Prior…

"Here you go fire crotch. Some SPF, not all of the games will be taking place at night, you know," I watched as Rose threw a bottle at my nephew.

She looked well. Her hair was still long and lush, though Christian told me she had chopped it off into a bob a week into their arrival here. Again, Christian had mentioned she was looking better these days, compared to the past two years. Apparently, a while ago she had trained so hard she nearly lost her signature curves, and had definitely lost her trademark Rose Hathaway (though I supposed it was Mazur, now) personality. Now, she looked a bit thinner, and that spark I had seen in her eyes when we met years ago at that frozen pond appeared dulled. But overall, she looked well.

Christian rolled his eyes, showing me the bottle. "Specially formulated for Moroi skin!"

"Wow," I mused, "that's a thing here."

"Lots of things are a thing here," Rose's friend, Ben, smiled politely.

"Well, that's good," I grasped the bottle. "More for me to learn."

"C'mon," Christian said, "we have to get to the airport."

The two Patronus that would be accompanying us on our trip, Isabelle and Lev, materialized with their bags. "Lady Ozera, if you'd like I could go get the car now and meet you around the front," Lev said politely.

"Please, it's Tasha. And I have no issue going down to get the car with you guys," I responded, gathering my bags.

"Well then, Tasha," the female Patronus, Isabelle, smiled, "let's head out."

"Have fun!" Rose smiled.

"Root for England!"

"What the hell? No, USA!"

"This is soccer. We suck, though."

"Excuse you, it's football."


"Go Mother Russia!"

I watched, amused, as Christian's team dissolved into bickering.

Sports really brought out the nationalism in people.

Rose rolled her eyes. "Be glad you don't have to deal with this for the next month."

The Summer Cup was the Other Realm's equivalent of the World Cup in the human world, but just as big of an event, apparently, judging by the reaction from Christian's friends.

"C'mon, Aunt Tasha. We'll leave them to it," Christian shot a smirk toward Rose, who returned with a wave and sardonic smile.

"Flights still work the same here, right?" I asked Christian quietly as we settled down into our seats for the flight to Brazil.

He chuckled a bit. "Yeah, Aunt Tash. I wish we could've used a portal, but portal travel is risky right now. Too many people headed to the Summer Cup. The portals could get overloaded and end up sending people to the wrong location." He said this all casually, like portal travel was a totally normal thing, which I guess it was for him now.

As it turned out, air travel was largely the same from what I was used to, but with cushier seats and better entertainment systems. After retrieving our bags and going through customs, we sped off to the heart of Rio, where we would be attending the first round of matches. Christian had gotten us tickets to Germany versus Columbia. We would be hopping around the country after that, attending some of the matches and hopefully doing some sight-seeing as well. Our trip would circle back to Rio eventually, as we had tickets to see the finals.

"Do you like futbol, Tasha?" Isabelle asked suddenly, breaking the silence that had fallen in the car.

"Oh, I'm not really into sports. Like basketball, baseball-"

"But you are into kicking ass," Lev grinned, briefly turning from his seat in the driver's side to look at me, "which is awesome."

"Oh, I know I'm nowhere near as good as you guys," I smiled, staring out the window at the passing scenery.

"Christian's getting good too, with all those classes he's taking," Lev started.

"We're so proud of him," Isabelle finished as both agents sighed faux fondly.

I had to laugh while Christian rolled his eyes. "I'm proud too," I added, reaching over to pinch his cheek as he grumbled. They weren't wrong either. When I had finally managed to make it over to the Other Realm and reunite with Christian, I was pleasantly surprised to see he had bulked up over two years. He also had better defensive control over his fire use, which was already pretty damn amazing to begin with. He had improved through taking classes as he had excitedly told me, and was in the midst of getting a bachelor's degree at the University of Caelum. In addition to all this, he had made friends.

Real, actual friends, who knew about his past. And didn't judge him.

I hadn't been able to see him frequently during those past two years, and when we did he snuck back to Minnesota to meet with me, not wanting to risk being seen at Court.

For perfectly understandable reasons.

After all, Lissa was not shy with parading her new boyfriend around, under complete approval from Tatiana herself, of course.

God, Tatiana. I had managed to garner enough opposition to stop legislation on lowering the Dhampir graduation age, but just barely. Even still, it was nice to see that some royals had limits and beliefs they were willing to stand up for. There were still crazy loopholes being sought out though, and I knew it. Some of the royals who stood firmly opposed to my ideas were plotting behind my back with Tatiana. I just knew it. They didn't want me to find out about their crazy schemes and fighting back against them. God, anything to save the Moroi. Anything to preserve our world, anything but having Moroi train and learn to defend themselves. Shit, if I got back after this trip and found that any piece of legislation had been passed that was undeniably stupid and harmful, Tatiana, that bitch, was going to pay for it. I swear to-

"Tasha, we're here."

I shook myself out of my thoughts at the sound of Isabelle's voice. Looking around, I found that we had arrived at our first hotel of the trip. The agents handed our bags off to hotel staff before heading off to the check in desk, where there was already a large line forming. Staff bustled about, some yelling into phones in different languages, trying to sort out the chaos.

"This is one of the more popular hotels in the area," Christian explained. "They have to be overwhelmed right now, with even more people arriving because of the games. Oh, and don't worry, Aunt Tash," Christian grinned, "I made sure there was a gym in here."

"Excellent," I grinned back. "I knew I raised you well."

We had arrived a week before the first round of games were slated to start, Christian wanting to get out and explore a little before the intense sports cheering started.

And explore we did. After finally checking into our rooms, we agreed to meet up after a few hours, so we could each unpack and unwind after the flight. After an amazing seafood dinner, Isabelle led us to Theatro Municipal for a show. The day after that we checked out Sugarloaf Mountain, spending the day hiking and simply enjoying nature. Christian and I even managed to impress Isabelle and Lev with our endurance during the day hike. Our third day was spent snorkeling, swimming in some of the most beautiful marine life and with the most colorful fish I have ever seen in my life. The day after that, we went our separate ways. Isabelle was more than willing to accompany me to do some shopping whilst the boys went on their own little adventure. We met back up the next day, going to Corcovado Mountain to see the famous Christ the Redeemer statue. Finally, on the sixth day, the day before the start of the games, we simply relaxed on Copacabana Beach, happy to just take a day in. After that we headed to a churrascaria, a Brazilian steakhouse, for a truly amazing festival of meat. We had called an early night so that all of us could rest up properly.

Except that it was now one o'clock and I couldn't sleep. I guess, that while it was nice to be on vacation and rest, I've also been missing being active.

So I was for sure glad to know that Christian had the foresight to choose a hotel with a gym. Slipping out of bed, I changed into workout leggings and a sports bra. Pulling on my Nike's and a hoodie, I grabbed my room card and shut the door behind me. Taking the elevator down to the gym, I finished pulling my hair up into a bun right as the doors opened. I could feel the rush coming to me now, and I knew that this little late night workout was a good idea.

Opening the double doors to the gym, I was slightly surprised to see another person in there at this hour, wailing on one of the punching bags. The stranger turned as the door clicked shut behind me.

Dear God.

He was solid. That was the best way to describe him. He was wearing a simple pair of black basketball shorts, showing me muscular calves and some thigh. His impressive athletic build was on full display; broad shoulders, tight six-pack abs, and rippling back and arms.

This guy was a total cliché.

Impressive though, I had to admit.

Surprisingly, he shot me a quick smile before turning back to his punching bag.

I chose a smaller one, across the room from him. I put in my earbuds, turned up my music and started my workout.

Several songs later, I'm suddenly interrupted by a tap on my shoulder. Swinging around, my fist was caught…by the stranger across the room.

Shit, I nearly punched him.

"Sorry," I breathed out, pulling out my earbuds, "you surprised me."

His hazel eyes sparkle with mirth and his lips quirk up into another smile, revealing charming dimples that somehow added to his strong look.

We met each other's intense gaze. "No problem." He had a strong Brazilian accent, so strong I could barely understand him. But it was…beautiful. "I have to admire a person who knows how to throw a punch. Though I must ask, is that always your first instinct?"

I folded my arms, going on the defensive. He could get into cheesy douche bag territory soon if he wasn't careful. "So is your first instinct to sneak up on strangers?"

He smiled that smile again. "Ah, how do you say…well played."

Okay…maybe not a douche with cheesy moves. Or maybe I was just jaded at this point.

"Thank you."


He broke it first.

"So, what brings you to the gym at this time of the night?"

"I was just looking to blow off some steam. I'm on vacation, and after a few days of relaxation I just needed to do some work, you know?"

"I understand that feeling."

"How about you?" I prompted after another short silence.

"I needed to blow off some steam too," he responded simply, grinning. No elaboration.

"Are you here for the games?" I pressed further. Why do I care about this though?

"Yes," his eyes seemed to hold an extra sparkle now, "and I assume you are too?"

"Yes, it's my first time."

"Hmm," his smile broadened. "I hope it is a memorable one, then. After all, the first time deserves to be a cherished memory."

I narrowed my eyes at that statement, though it didn't seem to be that he meant those words in that way.

"So, your first time, eh? Where are you from anyway?" He smiled casually, leaning against the wall.

I hesitated for a split second…

…and then I told him.

I told him about life in Minnesota, keeping to safe topics like my work and hobbies (the ones that didn't include politics). I told him about my martial arts background, again, more keeping to my work than why I started (again, here his eyes flickered to my scar for the briefest of seconds. I saw no judgement in his eyes. Only curiosity.) It all just came out of my mouth, like my ability to cease talking just stopped working around this man.

In turn, he told me about his life. He told me about his family, about how his German parents had moved the family here when he was a merely a year old, about his childhood in Brazil, his summers in Germany...

After that it seemed that we talked about everything and nothing, going into some of the most random of topics, but strangely…I felt at ease with him. So at ease, in fact, that I was startled when a piercing alarm filled the air. He quickly grabbed his phone, cursing quietly in what I assumed was Portuguese, and turned off the alarm. He shot me a rueful smile.

"It seems that I have stolen your night."

"What?" I looked up at him curiously.

"I set my alarm for six in the morning. It is now six in the morning."

"No fucking way," I gasped, checking my own phone. There was no way I spent that long with a virtual stranger, just talking.

My traitorous phone blinked back up at me.


Right on the goddamn dot.

I took in this tall beauty of a man. They didn't make men like him in Minnesota.

In turn, he looked back at me. He didn't do that cliché thing of looking away from me, all shy like. No, he not backing down. The look in his eyes screamed that he wasn't that kind of guy. He didn't do shy. He didn't do beating around the bush. No, he was direct, and wore his heart on his sleeve. I could tell all that, just by the look he was giving me. I was completely caught off guard by the seemingly deep depths of pure hazel eyes that stared back at me.

It had been a hell of a long time since someone had looked at me like this. Since I had felt this much of a connection with someone. Since…


I was used to the looks tossed my way from the slobs at Court. What I wasn't used to was this feeling that was now growing tight across my chest. It was expanding slowly the longer I gazed at him. Him, with his soulful eyes, with that smile that crept along his face, with his scruff that just added to his masculinity. Hell, I hadn't even felt this feeling with…

Dimka. A small part of my mind left the current situation. We hadn't been in much contact lately. I had been sure that after Rose left, I could've persuaded him to think about my offer once more. I was all ready to bring it up again, to pull out all the stops this time. I was not going to take no for an answer. But then I got busy fighting that stupid proposal and once my time was freed up again I found that he'd already left. He was gone for an entire year, globetrotting in an attempt to find and bring back Rose.

Well that had obviously failed.

I had been determined to talk to him once he got back. After all, at one point in time he had asked to see me, he had sought me out, to talk to me.

That wasn't the case anymore.

When he returned he had been intensely guarded, stoic even by his standards. He retreated back to himself, even closing himself off to me. I wasn't stupid. I knew Dimitri and Rose were involved. I mean, Dimitri was a gorgeous specimen of a man, anyone with eyes could see that. And Rose, she was obviously a stunner, no doubt about it. What I didn't know was the depth of his feelings for her. I thought she had a simple school girl crush on him, nothing more. And I certainly didn't expect Dimitri to reciprocate those feelings. But I was wrong. When Dimitri got back from his trip, he was hollow and haunted, that was clear as day. I knew I didn't stand a chance, but I tried again and I pushed.

He, very politely of course, turned me down. Again.

Yeah, it stung. And I'd be lying if I didn't admit that afterwards I headed back to Minnesota, back to my own private gym, and took my anger and aggression out on some dummies…that had long wavy brown hair.

I even found a stake and staked a few.

I was being crazy. One look into Dimitri's eyes after he came back told me everything I needed to know.

I wouldn't be asking Dimka again.

But right now, in this exact moment, I was grateful it didn't work out because it was all clear to me now. He never looked at me the way I was being looked at now. I hadn't felt with him what I was feeling now. Not even close. Dimka and I wouldn't have worked out, in the end. No relationship survives without passion, love…longing…

Which were all things I could see reflected in this man's eyes.

Psst. Psst.

The moment was ruined as his phone now vibrated.

He sighed, tearing his eyes away from me.

"I have to go to work now," he smiled ruefully after checking his phone.

"I understand," I replied. I didn't like it though.

He swallowed thickly, his intensity the most beautiful thing in the world right now. "We will cross paths again. I know it. I will make it our fate to see one another again."

And with that, he kissed my hand, sending jolts up and down my entire body, before he got his bag and left the gym, shooting me one last longing but determined look.

Wait a second. Holy shit.

I didn't even know his name.


Andrei Meier was his name.

He was the center back for the German National Team.

How did I knew this?

"Aunt Tash, are you ok?" Christian asked, quirking an eyebrow up at me.

I shook myself out of my head and brought myself back into the moment.

"Yeah, just taking it all in."

The packed crowd roared, their screams and cheers nearly deafening as the teams took to the pitch.

Columbia in yellow.

Germany in white.

Both teams were impressive looking in their uniforms, but I only had eyes for only one player.

The man who had stayed with me all night, talking about everything and nothing. The man whose gaze would forever be burned in my mind. He had a certain swagger about him while he was on the field. Confidence blazed in his eyes as he seemed completely at ease on the field. Every block he made, every stolen ball, thrilled the fans cheering on the German team, and tore at the Columbian fans. When one of his teammates, the goalie, leaped at an unbelievable height to block a would-be goal, the stadium erupted in a cacophony of cheers and groans. At times throughout the game, I could see some of the younger players turn to him for advice and guidance. He had an established authority on the field, whether it during actual play time or on the sidelines. It didn't take long for me to see the passion he had for the game, for his teammates. He wouldn't hesitate to slide down low, or to throw his body in between the ball and anything or anyone that would hinder the team's performance. I could see how much he valued his teammates, the team's overall commitment, and the desire to go above and beyond to get the goal. I couldn't resist watching with awe, all his movements. The entire team was electric on the field. It was obvious to see the determination in everyone on the field, but there was just something in the German team. They just had that extra factor that made them just a bit better than the Columbian team. And maybe that was what ultimately allowed them to score the winning goal.

Roars of celebration and defeat burst forth from the stadium, deafening some people, I'm sure. But whatever. Germany had won!

"Wooooooo!" I cheered, letting out a couple of whistles as well before I realized Christian was giving me an odd look with a raised eyebrow.

"So I guess you've decided you're rooting for Germany?"

He was back. This time wearing a nice button up and slacks, but he was at the gym nonetheless.

"Andrei," I smirked.

"Lady Ozera."

My eyes widened in surprise as that grin I had grown to appreciate grew on his face. "How do you know that?"

"I did a little research," he smirked, pushing off from the wall he was leaning on and doing a low bow.

"Please, don't do that," I groaned.

"But you are of royal Moroi lineage, are you not?"

"I am. But my bloodlines mean nothing. I think the "royal treatment" is vastly overrated," I frowned, crossing my arms.

His grin broadened. "Hmm."

"What does that mean."

"It means I liked your answer-"

"Well I should hope so-"

"And that I like you."

"You barely know me."

"And yet I feel like I do. And I know you feel the same." He raised his eyebrows, challenging me to deny that.

"So, let's say, hypothetically," I started as he chuckled, "that I do. What would you do about it?"

He took a step forward, closing the distance between us. "Well, we've already had the standard "get to know you" conversation. In fact I think that we really nailed that one, don't you think?" We smirked at one another. "After that there would be some usual fluff between, more dates, more conversations, more nonsense, while the sexual tension built up. And then maybe, just maybe, I would kiss you."

"Oh really?" I took a step toward him.

"Mhm." He took a step.

"You want to kiss me?"

"I'd be stupid to not want to."

"You seem like a man who takes what he wants."

"Within reason and respectfully, of course."

"Of course, but…"

"Hmm?" His breath ticked my forehead as we closed the distance between us.

"What if I want you to just kiss me already?"

"Well I gladly would…"

"Yes?" I peaked up at him through my eyelashes.

"But I have to go. Me and my team…we leave Rio tonight for Sao Paulo. In fact, we were supposed to leave ten minutes ago."

"But you stayed."

"I said I had a special woman to woo before I left. They're all too busy celebrating to give a damn. In fact, they encouraged me."

"You did not tell your entire team that."

"I didn't. I told my entire team and the coaches."

"You're very brazen."

"You like that."

"I do."

He grinned.

I grinned.

Electricity bounced between us.

"So, what now?" I broke the silence. "I'm not attending every German game. We'll be attending different games in different cities and I've totally forgotten which ones," I bit my lip.

His eyes darkened as I did that, before he snapped himself out of it. "Do you have tickets to the final?"


"Then we will see each other there again. We will both be there at the Finals. I'll make sure of it. I'm going to play my hardest, the best games of my life. I am going to make sure my team will win this World Cup so that we can see each other at the finals. I give you my word, Lady Ozera," he teased, "that we will meet again, and I'll take you on a proper date."

"It's Tasha."

"I'll make sure of it, Tasha Ozera," he nodded. "I promise."

He gave me kiss on the cheek, his beard scratching against face. I shuddered. If I was reacting like this to a simple cheek kiss, a real kiss…

Oh God. The finals couldn't get here soon enough.

As I watched his fantastic backside leave the gym, another feeling overwhelmed my being. A feeling I hadn't felt in a good long while, but a feeling we all craved. Oh, goddamn, it felt good, so good. It warmed up my insides, fueling me from within, filling me up and revving up my desire.

It was nice to be…wanted.

Yes, I know I'm late on the Russian Christmas fic. But this was calling to me!

Don't worry, that will be next, followed by an update on That Would Be Enough. Don't worry, I'm determined to update those in the next few days because I got some news to share with you guys!

Until then...please leave a review! Tell me your thoughts! I know Tasha's a pretty controversial character...haha.

May you all have a nice day/night wherever you may be!