I tweaked some parts of the storyline of Damian's death to suit my universe but it's more or less intact. Let's keep in mind that at this point Selina has a history of going a bit of the rails when someone hurts one of hers.

Everything but original ideas belong to DC.




Catwoman shimmied her way through the ventilation shafts with Batgirl right behind her. Spoiler and Black Bat were working their way through shafts on the opposite side. It had been foolish of Talia to set up her command post in the WE building. It was their building. No one knew it, inside and out, better than them.

Batman had just freed himself from his confinement on the roof. She knew he would find a way down to wear their boys were fighting. All of their boys because Robin had joined the fray moments before against orders. Red Robin was down but Hood was watching over him.

Batgirl's soft intake of breath behind her came when Robin's cry heard over the comline for Nightwing went unanswered announcing he was down. Catwoman briefly closed her eyes before continuing forward. Two of her boys down and based on the com chatter Robin was facing The Heretic alone until Batman got there.

Catwoman stopped at the grate into the main area where Talia had set up her command center. She peered out and counted.

"Ladies, are you in position?" She whispered softly.

"We are." Came Spoiler's equally soft reply.

"I count twenty assassins and Talia. We go on my mark. Talia is mine. Are we clear?" Murmured agreement came from all the women. "Ready. Set. Go!"

The grates were pushed out simultaneously onto as soft piece of furniture and the women slid out silently behind them. All the assassins were watching monitors, doorways, or hallways give the women a small window of surprise. It didn't last long but it was enough for them to take out two assassins each.

Catwoman took the path of least resistance toward her target, trusting her teammates, her family, to do their jobs. As she crossed the floor she heard Robin's voice in her ear.

"Mother. Call off your monster." The boy's voice was weak and he choked as he spoke." Mother, call off your"

Robin's voice was cut off unexpectedly.

"No, no, no, no!" The next voice was Nightwing's. It was full of panic, edging on hysteria. "He's gone. That monster killed him."

Catwoman stumbled. Each of the family members in the room slowed, missed a hit, reacted in some way for a split second before returning to the fight.

"Talia!" Catwoman snarled at the woman. Talia slowly turned to face her as if there wasn't a battle going on around them, as if the woman's assassins weren't being beaten down. "How could you?"

"He was flawed. Imperfect." Talia's voice was cold. "There was no point in his continued existence."

"His continued existence?" Catwoman was shocked. "He was a child, your child, his child. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

"I'm not like you." Talia smiled at her. "I don't develop affection for every wretched, useless soul he brings home with him. Were I in my rightful place that habit of his would be at an end. They would all be gone. Regardless Damian was an experiment gone wrong. You don't continue experiments when they fail."

Something in Catwoman snapped. She lunged forward driven by anger. Talia blocked her kick but the punch snapped Talia's head back. Talia was well trained but she was no match for the anger driving Catwoman. That combined with her lack of protective armour weighted the fight heavily in Catwoman's favour.

When she stopped pummeling Talia the other woman was beaten, bloody, and unconscious on the floor. She looked up to see Batgirl, Spoiler, and Black Bat staring at her with unconscious assassins around them.

"If we're done here let's go get my boys."