She probably ought to have felt something more than exasperation after hearing the news Kylo Ren brought to her, but there it was. Apparently, Rey's father had been the evil Emperor, who nearly had killed Luke Skywalker and looked like a shriveled ballsack.

No, Rey certainly was not impressed with her parentage, given that everything pointed to her mother having been some sort of an acolyte of the Emperor of Evil. Taste in men, the woman had none.

Perhaps the discovery would have been more bearable if she had made it under different circumstances—like with Finn at her side. Then she'd get a hug, at least. Or Chewie, or Luke, or anyone who was not Kylo Ren.

He had two ghosts behind him, looking equally exasperated.

"Why?" Kylo yelled, radiating the darkest despair. "Why do you have the darkest of all the parentages and I am stuck with them?!"

"I wonder who he gets this from," the ghost with the beard said dryly. He had a nice voice and kind eyes.

The other ghost tried to look smaller, which was something of a futile effort, given that he was about the same size as Kylo.

"We could trade," Rey said tiredly.

The beardless ghost looked up and started nodding frantically.

"But… Then I wouldn't be Darth Vader's grandson," Kylo replied, sounding genuinely torn.

Rey resisted the urge to slide her hand over her face and merely pulled up a crate with the Force. It connected with Kylo's head with a solid clunk and he toppled over unconscious. She stepped over him and looked at the small holo-recording of a red-haired woman only slightly older than herself.

Then, she looked up at the ghosts, and turned to the one with the beard. "Actually, would you mind adopting me?"

It clearly caught him off guard because he simply gaped, while the beardless ghost appeared torn between disappointment and glee.

'We've just met," the ghost said, sounding perplexed.

Rey shrugged. "Apparently, most parents don't know their children when they get them."

"She has you there, Master," the other ghost snickered.

The first one gave his companion a look and then reached some sort of a decision. "Of course. She takes after her father. I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, by the way. Pleased to meet you."