Hello wonderful readers!

So I now present to you my second Avengers fanfic!

Something that I commonly do with fanfiction is write OC stories that interconnect. The OC's crossover into each other's stories and things that take place in one story has a effect in the other story. This is what I'm going to do in this particular story, this will be in the same world as my other Avengers OC story The Blood of Ancients.

As always, both stories can be read individually without reading the other one, but reading both would allow you to have a understanding of the realms and tiny references that will be made:)

This particular story was borne out of me trying to figure out something for The Blood of Ancients and I loved the idea enough that I decided to write this! It's going to be a fun story to write and I have yet to find a story that has a similar idea so I'm looking forward to hearing what you all think!


I don't own Marvel


The mortals on earth believe that Thor was the first non-human to ever come down to earth, the first non-human to have a direct effect on "justice" as they call it.

But he wasn't.

He was the first to show his face to the masses, the first to introduce himself to the world, but he was not the first to walk the surface of our realm.

The first meeting between human and inhuman to change the world as we know it was done under the cover of darkness. When a moral organization that thrived on evil and a powerful being who desired power met and agreed to a trade, they effected the nine realms in a way that would not soon be forgotten.

And when payment was served for a trade made between these beings, the wheel of fate was set in motion, and lives were changed forever.

"You brought what I asked for didn't you? Give it over!"

A tall male stood in front of a long table, his iridescent eyes that constantly shifted between shades of yellow and orange gazing at the human at the other end.

"Watch your tongue mortal. I may be working with you for...mutual benefit, but I will not tolerate disrespect and you will regret it if you dare to treat me like a equal. I am the King of the Dręvníyę now, and I am deserving of your undying respect and fear."

The humans bristled before the leader relaxed and straightened.

"Of course, my apologies Baron Von'Holden."

The Baron gave a sharp nod before withdrawing a flat black leather case from his cloak and sliding it across the table to the mortals who grabbed it eagerly and gently opened the lid, revealing a syringe, needle and vial or glowing red blood.

"One vial of blood from one of my kind, just as requested. There is great power in his family line, but the actual dręvníyę I withdrew the blood from is not a very powerful Mage at all. This should prevent your human from dying the moment the blood is injected into it's veins."

"This is perfect." The leader breathed, running a finger over the lip of the case.

"You should have asked for a different payment. This one will only be the cause of your downfall." The Baron predicted ominously.

"No, this shall be exactly what we want. We even have found the perfect person for this...test."

The Baron raised a brow.


The human gave a greedy smirk.

"This week a...shocking death occurred. Someone who was extremely powerful and influential in our world. He has left behind two children, a twenty one year old son and a eight year old daughter. The only person willing to care for the son wants nothing to do with the little girl, which leaves her open for the taking."

There was a moment of silence before the Baron spoke up.

"You are a fool. Take someone who lives in obscurity, do not choose someone who is known by many. You seemed somewhat intelligent for a human, so why would you take a risk like that?"

The man's eyes narrowed and his lip curled slightly.

"Because, Stark was someone who made my life very difficult with the kinds of weapons he provided to the government and to "justice"."

The man's face then brightened as a dark smile spread across it.

"But our lovely...friend killed that man and his wife and now I shall take their innocent little daughter and use her to show the might of HYDRA!"

So what did you think? Reviews are welcome! Flames shall be laughed at, posted for others to laugh at, and ignored as I continue the story.