Hello, readers of mine. I know it has been a long time since I've written a chapter for this story. It has come across my mind several times over the years checking it and seeing it's responses. Each comment, follow, and favorite brought me joy. As they say it's better late than never.

Thank you to those who have stayed with this story and to those who have just started reading welcome! Coming back and continuing the story after so many years is not a walk in the park but I will do my absolute best and I hope you guys will love it. I have not embraced my creativity in a while so I'm hoping writing this story again will give me the opportunity to do so. If you're confused by the several username changes I apologize. Have changed over the years so have changed my username but decided to just switch back to my first username. We'll see how long that lasts lol.

I'm writing this during the time the Coronavirus is spreading across the world. Please stay safe and take care of yourself. I know being stuck at home can be hard but hopefully reading my story helps with boredom. I encourage all of you guys to read and write stories to pass time. This is the perfect time to work on hobbies and interests. For those like me who have suppressed their creative side this is the time to unleash it. You guys can do it. I believe in you. Again please be safe during these times. Wishing you all well.

Enjoy the Story!

Red White and Brown

Let me take you downtown

Have a dinner with me

I'll change what you believe

Make you fall in love with me

My lady

By MissWiseNWitty

Bella Pov

Waking up there were so many things on my mind. I was feeling so many emotions I wasn't sure what to do with myself. Confusion, Sadness, Anxiety, and most of all Fear. I was scared. So scared.

Victoria was alive and most importantly, she was watching me. I felt like prey living on borrowed time. I was all on my own this time with Edward and his family gone. He had left me all alone to die.

The thought sent me down to my knees. No one was coming to my rescue. Charlie despite being a police officer could not help me because he was only human. He stood no chance against a vampire especially one with a grudge as big as Victoria's. I couldn't put him in harm's way. If she wanted me she'd get me alone.

Charlie, that thought snapped me back to my senses. I needed to make him breakfast. I got up and headed to the kitchen taking eggs and pancake batter out the cabinet and fridge. I quickly whipped up breakfast for me and charlie. After eating mine I left Charlie's on the table and took a shower.

I decided I wouldn't let my upcoming death stop me from enjoying life. I would make the most of what time was left. I put my hair in a bun. I dressed myself in red lipstick to match the red skirt and white tank top I had picked for myself today. I topped it off with white ankle boots. I looked like a desert today. Anybody want strawberry shortcake?

Chuckling at myself I prepared to head out the door. I was excited to see Leah and Seth today. Hopefully being with them would help me forget about my troubles even if only for a short while. I left a note for Charlie telling him I was at the Clearwater's and then hopped in my truck.

The drive was quicker than I expected. Before I knew it I was knocking on the Clearwaters door. The door was opened so quickly that if I hadn't moved back it would have hit me. Seth stepped out and gave me a hug. I could feel my cheeks heating up.

Seth Pov

I heard Bella's car long before she even got close to our house. Oh how I needed to see her after what happened with the vampire that tried to kill her. Each passing minute was driving me insane,

As soon as she parked her car and walked up to the door I wasted no time. I quickly opened the door with such a speed I was lucky I didn't hurt her and wrapped my arms around her.

Breathing in her scent reassured my wolf that she was safe. It took so much effort to restrain myself from growling. She felt so soft and small in my arms. I never wanted to let her go. I knew that I would always protect her.

Realizing that I had held her for too long I decided to invite her inside before it became awkward. If she only knew that I wanted to hold her forever. Letting go of her felt painful. "Hey come inside." I told her, taking a seat on the couch.

She took a seat right next to me making herself at home. Home huh. I could imagine us sharing a home together one day. Ok wait seth slow down you don't wanna scare her. Slow down. I constantly had to remind myself that.

Taking a second look at her on the couch I could tell she wasn't ok. She looked anxious as if she was scared of something or someone. Thoughts of yesterday popped back into my mind remembering how that vampire had almost killed her.

A small growl escaped from me before I had the chance to suppress it. Luckily it wasn't loud and she barely heard it. "Hey Seth, did you hear something?" I quickly replied "No". "Ok it must have just been me being paranoid."

There was no way I could tell her I knew why she was paranoid. That I knew what had happened yesterday and had been the one to save her life. She deserved better than having to get involved with supernatural creatures again. She deserved better than me. I could feel pain in my chest after thinking that.

"You look beautiful today." I told her. She looked gorgeous with her perfect bun. Her outfit was perfectly put together and made me wanna drool. It was moments like this that reminded me I was also a wolf.

Her cheeks heated up and she quickly looked away from me. Looking back she asked me "What do you want to do today seth?" but I had barely heard her. I was still too busy staring at her. It wasn't until she repeated my name that I came back to my senses.

"Uh, yeah sorry. Not sure but I know one thing for certain. You look too pretty to just stay here today. How about you let me get dressed and we can go to the Carver Cafe. I know you love going there with your dad."

Her smile told me I had made the right choice. It was a blessing that I had savings that I could use to take her out. Looking into my closet I picked one of my best outfits. Black pants and shoes with a white shirt to match her. Then I walked downstairs, grabbed her hand and walked out the house locking it behind me.

Wanting to please my lady. I opened the passenger door, waited for her to get her inside and then hopped in the driver's seat. I hoped how nervous I was didn't show. This was gonna be a long car ride.

Author's Note

Hey guys. If you enjoyed this chapter let me know! It's your support, especially your comments that motivate me to continue making chapters for you guys. It's been awhile since i've written fanfiction so tell me what you guys think. Stay safe and happy my friends!