Kanda stared at the piece of Innocence in his hand. A small white crystal ball with a pair of fluffy wings attached to it. Clucking his tongue, Kanda stuffed the Innocence inside his coat before he turned to face the idiot rabbit. The redhead sat on the floor panting slightly, his clothes torn slightly after the battle with the AKUMA. Lavi looked at Kanda and grinned.

"We have the innocence. We can have a finder come to Italy and pick it up before we leave to London."

"Che, whatever."

Kanda looked to his left, kicking a dead corpse. The figure consisted of a very large greenish, bluish grotesque torso, a very large muzzle with sharp teeth sticking out in different directions, accompanied by a pair of long horns. The beast had been sliced in half courtesy of Kanda.

Lavi stood up and dusted himself before walking over to a corner of a building, picking up a device. A small black box, outlined with golden streaks, and a red button in the center laid in the palm of the exorcist. Lavi pressed the button before the empty space they were in began to dissipate. The monster disappearing along with it before they were welcomed back to Italy. Komui had made this strange device where the exorcist were taken in along with the AKUMA into an empty space without having other innocent lives involved. But they had to make sure that they all had the AKUMA rounded up before they used it because if they didn't the AKUMA that were left out would go on a rampage.

Kanda sheathed Mugen before he began trecking back to the Hotel they were staying in, Lavi behind him as he whistled a tune to himself.

Upon arriving, they were greeted by the receptionist as they passed by the desk and headed to the elevators. Lavi pressed the up botton as the pair silently waited for the elevator to arrive, it didn't take long before there was a quiet 'ding'.

The pair of Exorcists walked inside and as they stood in the center of the elevator, Lavi turned to Kanda. "Yuu-chan do you think Lenalee said no to Hitler?"

Kanda snorted. "Don't fucking call me that." A pause, and- "I don't know. I'm sure she did."

The raven haired male leaned back against the elevator as a wave of exhaustion hit him. Lavi didn't miss it.

"Are you okay, Yuu-chan?"

Kanda growled before he raised his leg and kicked Lavi behind his knee. "I said not to fucking call me that!"

Lavi yelped as he fell forward, the elevator came to a halt, shook, and the doors slid open. Kanda simply walked past the redhead and pulled his card to open his room, glad that he didn't have to share a room with the idiot. He slid it inside the key holder, satisfied as the red light flashed green. Once the door was unlocked he opened the door, ignoring the cries of the redhead and stepped inside. When the door finally shut behind him, Kanda lent over onto his knees as his vision blurred. Slowly he staggered to the bed before he fell face forward, ignoring the uncomfortable feeling pressing against his chest as his eyes slid shut. Darkness enveloped Kanda's conscious.


"Do you miss him, --?"

A snort. "No."

But the other knew that was a lie. And.

He was okay with it because he didn't have to force the other to admit it as he watched silent tears spill down pale tan cheeks.

So instead, he wrapped small thin pale arms around the elders neck and pulled him down onto his chest.

A small head rested against the others, nimble fingers threading through short hair, as he pressed his nose against the dark locks.

"Its okay, --. I miss him too but we had to follow the rules."

A choked muffled sob.

"I'll always stay by your side, Yuu."

The elder stiffened, cobalt orbs snapping open.

Delicate fingertips slowly trailed down the elders face before they slipped underneath his chin, lifting his face.

"It's time to wake up, Yuu. You have to find me."

What the hell?

'Wake up, Yuu.

Cobalt orbs collided with Silver.


Wake up.

Find me.





Kanda woke up with a start, tan pale eyelids snapping open as cobalt orbs skittered across the hotel room the same way they did back in his condominium. That's when he heard the insisting banging of his hotel room door before he slowly sat up.

"Yuu! Yuu-chan! Come on! The finder is here to pick the innocence up. He's taking it back to headquarters. Open up, Yuu-chan!"

Kanda snarled underneath his breath. "For fuck's sakes.." He muttered before he yelled, "Shut the fuck up!"

The samurai stood up before he made his way to the door. He yanked it open and glared at the redhead. Snatching the innocence out of his pocket he shoved it in Lavi's hand. "Here! Fucking take it!" And with that he slammed door shut in front of the redheads' face.


Lavi stared at the door with shock before a single green orb narrowed slightly. Something was up with the samurai, he could notice in the way the other apparently had a hard time waking up. Shaking his head he turned towards the finder and smiled. "Here. The innocence is in perfect condition, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Before he handed it to the finder, Lavi pulled out another contraption, courtesy from Komui, and placed the innocence inside. In Lavi's hand was another box but this box was a see through. He handed it to the finder.

"There shouldn't be any problem now that the Innocence is safely inside here, okay?"

The finder simply nodded before he slipped it inside a shoulder bag. "Thank you Mr. Lavi. I wish you and Mr. Kanda a safe trip to London."

Lavi waved goodbye to the finder before he turned his head to the side, staring at Kanda's door. Raising his knuckles to the door, he quiet rapped them against the wooden door. "Yuu-chan?"

"Don't fucking call me that!" A loud bang echoed in the hallway as Kanda had apparently decided to abuse the poor door.

"Yuu-chan, the finder just left with the innocence. We can leave within an or so before leaving to London."

"Call me that again.." Lavi heard the angry hiss from the door. "And I'll make sure to send you back to HQ without your other fucking eyeball!"

Lavi yelped as the door was punched before he decided to go back to his room and get some rest.