AN: Hi, I really appologise with the huge wait for this chapter. Life just really got in the way I guess. Thank you so much for all the positive support for this story so far. I can't believe how many people have favoured it and followed it. Thank you very much for the reviews as well. It is all really appreciated.

So I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please leave a review and let me know what you think!

Chapter Six

Annabeth's POV

Annabeth stood back and watched Percy while he taught the twins all about Sharks. She would've liked to think that at that moment she was acting like a suave, sophisticated woman. She would like to think that his asking her out wasn't affecting her in the slightest. That it would purely act as a way of relieving boredom for the rest of the day. That's it, she didn't have any plans for the rest of her day and she did need to eat lunch anyway. So it really did make sense really to accept his offer, if only for the practicalities of it.

Oh who was she kidding? At that moment Annabeth's inner fangirl was jumping up and down with joy, flinging her arms out in a victory dance.

He had asked her out! He wanted to go out for lunch. Percy, the tall, muscular Greek God that he was, wanted to spend time with her. Annabeth. Plain, boring, Annabeth Chase. She couldn't believe it, couldn't fathom how it was even possible that such a man would be interested in her. It was pure insanity.

Oh my gods, the way he had sounded so nervous and looked so cute when he anxiously rubbed his hand along the back of his neck. It was adorable. He was a god among men and he was nervous to ask Annabeth, a mere mortal woman, with mortal flaws, out on a date - could it be classed as a date if she was dragging along her little brothers. It'd been a while since she'd been on a date, but she was pretty sure it wasn't normal. Hmm she'd have to ask Silena later.

But the point is, Percy was insane to be nervous!

Oh, wait, maybe that is it, maybe Percy actually was insane. Why else would he be interested in her? Did she really want to spend time with an insane person? Even if the person in question did look like a modern day Adonis. Was it really worth her time?

YES! the small, romantic fangirl inside her screamed.

Oh who was Annabeth kidding, with looks like his and a body to match, he could be as mad as a hatter and she would still want him. She would gladly join Percy for tea any day!

Okay, fangirl fantasies aside, insane or not, Annabeth wanted to get to know Percy. She was normally pretty good at reading people so she was almost positive that Percy was not insane, a little odd perhaps, maybe be had a few strange quirks, but he wasn't insane. That must mean that he actually wanted to spend time with her. Why else would be have asked her out to lunch?

Think logically Annabeth, what reasons could Percy have to want to spend time with you?

Right, so Annabeth knew she wasn't ugly. In fact if she was being honest with herself, she was aware that she was far from ugly. According to many, men and women alike, she was very attractive. Yet Annabeth never felt that about herself.

That's because you're not supposed to be attracted to yourself, Narcissus!

Fine, the not being attracted to oneself put aside, Annabeth always worried about her appearance. She was too tall for one. In theory there was nothing wrong with being tall. Super models, who were considered by many to be the pure definition of beauty, were tall – Annabeth had done her fair share of modelling in the past and could've gone pro if it wasn't for her ADHD and the complete boredom she found in the job. Yet, even though super models were tall, most men only find them attractive from afar, they often have a problem with women being the same height, or indeed, taller than them. Even Luke, who was a tall man himself, was only slightly taller than Annabeth. But Percy, he was very tall, taller than herself. It would never be a problem wearing heels next to him.

When do you ever wear heals? a small voice at the back of her mind asked.

I might wear heals one day you know. I am a girl after all, another voice countered.

Yep you'll wear heals the day Hades freezes over!

Great, well it looked like Annabeth was developing a multiple personality disorder now. Maybe she was the insane one and not Percy. Oohh, if they were both certifiably insane they might even be put away in an asylum together. Annabeth really wouldn't mind sharing a padded cell with Percy, oh the fun they could get up t in one of them …

Thoughts of the not so innocent nature began to swarm Annabeth's mind. Hmm, Percy pushed against a padded floor with her on top, straddling his hips. Or, Annabeth with her back flush against a wall, legs secured around Percy's waist while he set an attack down her neck and collarbone with his lips…

Mmm…now what was it she had been thinking about again?

That was the worst thing about having ADHD in Annabeth's opinion. She could cope with the nervous energy and hyperactivity – that was what the guitar was for. It was the mental hyperactivity that she always found difficult. She could be focusing on one thing, then a thought would cross her mind, completely changing her train of thought.

Ten seconds of hyper bi-polar thought processes later and she had no idea where she had started from.

You were complaining about your looks, the helpful voice at the back of her head chimed in. Maybe voices in the head weren't too bad after all.

Yes, right, so Annabeth was too tall for most guys, which normally put them off. But her height wasn't the only thing she worried about.

Annabeth spent her life surrounded by gorgeous women; her best friends, housemates, well her family really, were all stunning. Take Silena for instance, she is drop dead gorgeous with her long, straight black hair and petite figure. She's everything a man could wish for. Beckendorf was one lucky guy. Then there is Thalia, sure she is intimidating with her ripped leather and piercings, but she has the most amazing electric blue eyes set into a pale pixie face. Then you have Katie, a modern day Snow White, clear milky white skin, rosy cheeks and dark, wavy curls. And finally Clarisse, well she is… think Annabeth, what is Clarisse like? She is… strong… nope that's not a compliment, she is sturdy? Nope, not much better. Ok then there is Clarisse, she is just Clarisse.

So really when surrounded by those girls, day in, day out, Annabeth couldn't be blamed for being paranoid about her looks.

Deep in thought Annabeth found herself staring at Percy while he taught the twins everything he knew about their favourite animals. He really was good with the boys. They were clinging onto his every word. It brought a smile to Annabeth's face to see how happy her little brothers were and it wasn't just because of the huge deadly sea creatures they were ogling at, it was because of Percy. So not only was he cute and good looking, he was also great with kids. Hmm, good to know.

Now wait just one second Annabeth, where the hell is your mind going here? Why are you thinking about kids and Percy in the same thought? You've only met him, you want to shag him, not have kids with him!

I do not want to shag him! another part of Annabeth's psyche protested, having apparently only focused on that part of the monologue.

Yeah sure, you've only been staring at his body for the past ten minutes for artistic reasons, right? Not because you were wondering what it would feel like to be pinned down by those strong arms, or how he would taste as you ran your tongue along his abs? No, not all Chase.

Well in my defence it's been a while, the second voice countered.

Call three weeks ago a while? That first voice was relentless.

Oh shut up!

Multiple personality disorders were apparently exhausting. Annabeth could feel her mind and body shutting down as she stood there. Although hours had passed since waking, and with them the feeling of nausea was abating, she still felt exhausted. Her whole body felt weak, while her brain was turning to mush. She was almost 100% certain that it was the solid wall behind her and not herself that was keeping her body upright. Oh, how she longed to curl up in her nice, soft bed to sleep for days. At least she didn't have work tonight that was one small blessing.

As soon as the Wicked Witch of the West, or Susan as her step mother preferred to be called, came to collect the boys, Annabeth would make a bee line for her room. She had a hot date planned with her plush, goose down duvet and matching pillows. She may even indulge in a threesome with a certain Ben and Jerry. What more could a girl ask for?

With these thoughts of sleep. Annabeth felt her eye lids droop. The dull lighting in this place really wasn't helping either. How did Percy manage to work here? She'd be asleep on the job all the time. Well, what harm could a couple of minutes with closed eyes do? It would only be a couple of minutes, or 120 seconds. That was nothing really. Even Bobby couldn't get into that much trouble in such a small time frame.

"You look like you're suffering," a voice said close to Annabeth. She slowly opened her eyes to peer at a relaxed Percy, leaning against the wall with her.

They were close enough to touch. And no, Annabeth's shoulder did not tingle at the contact. Not at all. Not one bit. Okay, maybe it did just a bit. A tiny bit. Fine, a lot.

"Well anyone who downs ten flaming sambuccas in a row is going to feel like shit," Percy continued, wriggling his eyes brows at her. She couldn't help noticing how cute he looked when doing that. It really wasn't helping with her growing adolescent crush.

"10 flaming sambuccas? Who was stupid enough to do that?" she scoffed, glad that even she wasn't that much of an idiot.

Percy turned towards Annabeth with an incredulous look upon his face which Annabeth couldn't figure out. Why was he looking at her like that? Was it him that had drunk that much last night? Oh, had she just insulted him? Crap, it was just like her to open her big mouth without thinking. How to get out of this one?

Just as Annabeth was thinking up her apology, Percy spoke again. This time with a clear smirk in his voice.

"Um, that would be you," he said "To be honest, I'm not surprised you can't remember, you were pretty pissed by that point."

It was now Annabeth's turn to raise an eye brow and smirk, "Somebody sounds like they were paying a lot of attention last night. A tad stalkerish don't you think?" She pushed herself off the wall and stepped away from Percy, while keeping her eyes locked on his.

"I, um.. er, no… I wasn't staring," Percy stammered, his cheeks turning an adorable shade of pink. Annabeth continued to stare at him, taking great pleasure in his growing discomfort. Gods, even when embarrassed he was still ridiculously hot.

"So if you weren't staring, how do you know what I drank last night?" Annabeth countered, turning away from Percy as she approached the twins.

"Fine, I was staring, but it's not my fault you're hot!"

That did it, Annabeth was so surprised that she stopped in her tracks. That was one thing she was not expecting Percy to say. She didn't know what to say to that. Her inner fangirl was currently performing celebratory cartwheels. He thinks she's hot! This god of a man thinks she is hot!

Okay, calm down Chase. Act coy, no one wants to see you revert back to being a teenager, it wasn't pretty the first time round. Be cool, smooth and sophisticated.

Annabeth peered over her shoulder, looking straight into those sea green eyes, "Right back at you!" she said, continuing her walk towards the boys, "So you said something about lunch?"

Percy's POV

It was a fifteen minute walk from the Sea Life Centre to Grover's café. At first Percy was worried that it would be an uncomfortable because, sure he and Annabeth had chatted a bit by the shark tank, but they didn't really know one another. Would they have anything to talk about or would they just be stuck in an awkward, never ending silence?

Oh, Percy Jackson, why did you ask her out? And while we're on this subject, why, oh why did you call her hot? This is going to be an uncomfortable lunch, you idiot.

Percy couldn't have been more wrong. From the moment the four of them stepped into "The Lord of the Wild", the conversation just flowed. Annabeth was so easy to talk to and as cliché as it sounds, it was as if they had been friends for years. As they chatted over their super food salads and smoothies, Percy learnt so much about Annabeth. She was twenty four like himself, her birthday being a month before his. Not only could she play the guitar, she was competent on the piano and the bass. She loved music but couldn't name her favourite band because there were just too many of them. Annabeth loved architect and was currently studying to pursue a career in that field, although she admitted she had years left of studying before that dream could ever be made a reality. Percy wasn't sure why though as Annabeth seemed like the most intelligent person he had met. Not only was she in a popular band, playing at least 3 gigs a week, she also worked as a barrister in a local coffee shop and as a shop assistant in a book shop. Gods she was busy! Annabeth said she lived with a large group of friends and had been with them for years.

Percy was fascinated with her life and wanted to learn everything about her, however every time their conversation veered towards family or her child hood she would become uncomfortable and change the subject. Not wanting to push her, Percy shared stories from his life. Annabeth was a great listener. She seemed genuinely interested in Percy and laughed freely at all his stupid stories.

This really was the best date/non date he had ever had.

"What's with the blue?" Annabeth asked, staring at Percy's blue peach smoothie, "Last I checked peaches were, well, peach. Not blue".

"Um yeah, I like blue," Percy replied, rubbing at the back of his neck, "Things just taste better that way".

"Okay, that obviously makes perfect sense. Although bright blue peach kinda goes against the natural organic vibe this place has going for it doesn't it?" Annabeth said, her lips turning up in a grin.

"Yep, blue food colouring, a perk of being the owner's best friend! Grover keeps saying he'll stop buying it, but he loves me too much for that," Percy said, flashing Annabeth a winning smile. At least he thought it was a winning smile, it may have looked like an insane grimace. Oh gods, what if she actually thought he was insane. Maybe blue drinks were too much for her? At least he hadn't requested a blue sandwich like last time he was here, he at least needed to save some of his weirdness for the second date.

Wait, was this a date? Could it be considered a date? Gods, Percy didn't know.

"So why don't you drink something that is actually blue?" Annabeth persisted.

"Like what? What is really blue?"

Annabeth had to think about that one. She scrunched her nose in such an adorable way when thinking, Percy just wanted to kiss her, "Um, blueberries?"

"Nope, not blue!" Percy said with a smile, he was an expert on these things after all.

"Yes they are, that's why they're called blueberries!" Annabeth argued, her grey eyes blazing.

"Nah ah! They're just masquerading as blue cos blue is the coolest!"

Annabeth giggled at that.

Score Jackson, you made her laugh!

Percy and Annabeth were engrossed in a conversation about blue beer (apparently Annabeth had never tried it, something Percy was keen to rectify) that Percy forgot the twins were even present. For the past half hour they'd been happily occupied with colouring in at the end of the table – Grover had an amazing collection of Greek mythology themed colouring books. But alas, even images of satyrs hiding from Cyclopes weren't enough to occupy the eight year olds for long, they were soon clambering for attention from the adults.

"Annabeth," one of twins (Mathew maybe, or it could be Bobby. Why did they have to be exact clones of each other?) said, poking his sister in the ribs for good measure when she continued to ignore him (Bobby, Percy thought, definitely Bobby), "Annabeth!"

"What?" the woman in question snapped, turning her attention away from Percy towards her younger brother. Hey, no fair, Percy wanted to scream. He'd been enjoying Annabeth's attention.

"Well, me and Mathew were wondering," Bobby said, flashing a devious smile at his sister and Percy, "when are you and Luke gonna get married?"

Caught off guard Annabeth spluttered, choking on her coffee. She began coughing with eyes blown wide, staring in disbelief at her younger sibling.

"Um, what?" she managed to stutter, after composing herself a little bit, "We aren't getting married Bobby. Why would you ever think we would get married?"

Throughout this exchange Percy just stared at Annabeth, gaging her reaction. Last night he had wondered at her and Luke's relationship, they did seem very close after all. A small part of him even thought that they made quite an attractive couple. Both being tall and blond, with striking model like features. Although Luke wasn't that tall, he was only a couple of centimetres taller than Annabeth. Annabeth needed a taller man. Percy was taller and dark. Didn't they always say light always complimented dark? Yes, he and Annabeth would make a very attractive couple, even if he did think so himself. Yep, he and Annabeth would look very good together.

Percy's mind started to wonder again. What was it he was meant to be focusing on? Oh yes, Annabeth and Luke. That was it.

They couldn't be a couple, Percy thought, Annabeth was having lunch with him, not Luke. Why would she accept an invitation from Percy if she was already seeing someone else? Sure, it wasn't like they were on a real date, in the traditional sense of the term, who brings a couple of eight year old chaperones on a date? No, it was more of a lunch between friends. Were they even friends though? Could you call it a friendship? They had only known each other for less than twenty four hours after all. They were more acquaintances, really, than friends. Maybe Percy was reading too much into the situation. He was so deep in thought that he almost missed Bobby's response.

"Oh, well we just thought you would be, that's all," Bobby said innocently. A little too innocently for Percy's liking. He was starting to suspect that the little boy was up to something.

"No Bobby, Luke and I are just friends. Whatever gave you the impression we would be getting married?" Annabeth replied, calmly regaining her composure.

Just friends! Percy internally performed a small victory dance at those words. A very manly victory dance, obviously. It certainly didn't involve any twirls or prances. No, definitely not. Nope.

"Oh well," Bobby flashed a look of pure devilish cunning at Percy, he'd make an amazing movie villain Percy mused, "It's just that mummy and daddy are married and they sleep in the same bed. So when we saw Luke in your bed this morning, we just thought that maybe you two would be getting married as well".

It was Percy's turn to splutter and choke on his drink this time. His eyes widened at Bobby's words. Annabeth and Luke had slept together last night? Bobby and Mathew were just innocent little boys and thought that implied marriage, however Percy was a somewhat experienced twenty four year old man and he knew what sleeping in the same bed meant. It usually didn't involve much sleeping. So he had been wrong all along, Annabeth and Luke were more than friends. That was that then. Percy had no chance with her now.

If Percy had been looking, he would have noticed the blood drain from Annabeth's usually tan face. She just stared at her little brother in shock, eyes wide and mouth slightly parted in a small o. A slight red blush was beginning to burn up her neck and colour her white cheeks. Percy turned towards her, eyes scanning her own and begging for answers.

He needed an explanation, to at least hear her side of the story. Although judging from her reaction, an explanation wasn't really needed. Annabeth had slept with Luke last night. It was as simple as that.

Percy didn't know why he felt so hurt. It's not as if Annabeth was his girlfriend after all. They had only met last night. Really they had barely exchanged a few sentences when he came to think about it. However he had sworn that in those precious moments they had spent together yesterday, that there had been a connection. Hadn't Annabeth been blatantly flirting with him outside in the alley? She'd ran her hand up his thigh and whispered in his ear so seductively. Well maybe that was just the sort of person Annabeth was, Percy thought ruefully, she was a flirt. She probably flirted with all the men at her gigs. Probably revelled in the attention she got from it.

No, Percy, how can you think that? You saw her when she was singing, you saw that glimpse of vulnerability. Those were not the actions of a confident player. You saw how she always averted her eyes from the audience, how she preferred to stay in the shadows of the stage. Unnoticeable. Anonymous. And what about today, his mind continued to argue. You and Annabeth had almost kissed! Annabeth wasn't acting like a woman in a relationship, nor was she acting like a woman cheating on her boyfriend.

Percy was just confused. In all honestly, it didn't take much.

Maybe Bobby was mistaken, maybe he had seen Luke asleep in his own bed and mistaken it for Annabeth's. That was an easy mistake to make, especially for a boy who didn't often visit his sister's house. Yes, that must be it, Bobby and Mathew had walked into the wrong room by mistake. Annabeth's room was probably next door to Luke's. Did Annabeth even live with Luke? She had mentioned living with friends, whether that included Luke or not, Percy was unsure. Percy knew that his mind was clutching at straws at the moment, yet his heart hadn't given up on Annabeth.

He continued looking at Annabeth, waiting for her to say something. Slowly, her lips started to move in response to Bobby's question, yet her focus was completely on Percy. Her stormy grey eyes bore into his own confused ones as she spoke.

"Yes, Luke was in my bed Bobby, but that doesn't mean we are going to get married or that we are even together in a relationship. Last night I got a bit drunk and Luke had to carry me home. We crashed out on my bed because neither of us were that sober, so we fell asleep straight away. That's it".

Annabeth's eyes bore deeper into Percy's, trying to convey her honesty. Percy believed her, he didn't know why, he just did.

"Oh yeah, we thought it was weird that he was asleep on top of your duvet with his boots and jacket still on. Mummy and Daddy never go to bed with their outside clothes on," Bobby said gleefully, turning his attention away from the two adults and back to Mathew, who had remained silent throughout.

Annabeth and Percy sat staring at each other in silence, eyes unblinking. The tension caused by Bobby's little episode was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Percy watched Annabeth, who was trying to regain her composure. Her previously rapid breathing was beginning to slow down, becoming deeper and less ragged. Percy watched her chest rise up and down as her breathing became steadier. He knew he should say something to break the ice, but he didn't know what. Percy was never good in these situation, so he just continued to stare at the rise and fall of Annabeth's breasts as she continued to control her breathing.

He was officially back under Annabeth's spell.

Stop staring, you pervert! The angry voice in his head screamed. Oh great, apparently Percy's multiple personality disorder wasn't just a result of a hungry, hungover mind. Maybe he should visit a psychiatrist or something, this was actually getting quite worrying. Are you purposefully trying to make her feel uncomfortable? Stop staring and say something!

"So…" Percy started.

"Luke and I…" Annabeth said at the same time.

They both grinned nervously at each other and Percy gestured for Annabeth to continue.

"Um, well, Luke and I are just friends," Annabeth looked at Percy with slightly pleading eyes.

"Annabeth, you don't have to explain yourself to me," Percy responded, honestly. He honestly didn't need an explanation. He believed her.

"No, um, I want you to understand. So, Luke and I are friends. We've known each other for a really long time, he's the closest person to me really, well apart from Thalia," Percy had no idea who Thalia was, but he didn't think now was the best time to ask. He watched in complete adoration at Annabeth's nervously fidgeting hands, unable to keep them still. Force of habit of a guitarist or an ADHD quirk? Either one, it was really cute.

"So in the past Luke and I were something more than friends, I guess. Not in a relationship as such, well not a conventional relationship anyway. We've never been exclusive or anything. We, um…" Annabeth trailed off nervously.

"You were fuck buddies?" Percy blurted out.

Shit, stupid impulsive ADHD. Percy mentally chastised himself. Why did her have to blurt that out? Yes, that did sound like what Annabeth had been alluding to, but Fuck Buddies? Seriously Jackson, what is your problem? Why couldn't you have called it friends with benefits or something?

Instead of blushing and turning away like he expected her to, Annabeth looked straight at Percy and burst into laughter.

"Yep. Fuck buddies. That just about sums it up really," she said, smirking, "Luke and I were fuck buddies but now we are not".

She said the last five words slowly, emphasising each and every one.

"Good," it was the only honest response Percy could come up with.

"Good," Annabeth repeated, her smile widening even more, "Just in case you were interested, I'm single. 100% single," she bit down on her lower lip suggestively.

"Just what I wanted to hear," it came out huskier than Percy was expecting. He leant into Annabeth across the table. His eyes darting between her eyes and lips. Annabeth seemed to be doing the same thing. She raised an eye brow in challenge, waiting for Percy to make the first move.

Percy Jackson might be a blithering idiot at times, he might be slow on the uptake when it came to the opposite sex, but Percy Jackson always accepted a challenge.

With a burst of courage that he didn't know he possessed, Percy reached across and gently placed his hands on Annabeth's neck, guiding her perfect, red lips across towards his own awaiting ones …

"Well all you motherfuckers, criminals will be suckers,

If you don't step aside for David Courtney,

Well all you motherfuckers, criminals will be suckers,

If you don't step aside for David Courtney!"

If there was ever a song to ruin a romantic moment, Rancid's "David Courtney" was it. Annabeth and Percy both stopped as the song came blaring out of Annabeth's jacket pocket. It was so loud that everyone in the tiny café had turned towards the couple, identical looks of disgust plastered across their faces. Although Percy was unsure if it was the song or the fact that Annabeth and Percy's lips were millimetres apart, a strong aura of lust surrounding them, which was the problem.

"Oh fuck!" Annabeth cried, pulling her face away from Percy and focusing on searching through her jacket pocket, "I'm going to murder those Stolls!"

Percy had no idea who, or what, the Stolls were, but if they were the reason for another interrupted kiss, he would gladly join Annabeth in the killing. What was that now, twice they had been interrupted? No, three times, if you counted their moment in the alley last night. Rachel had walked in on them then, if she hadn't, who knew what would have happened.

Were they ever going to catch a break?

Cheeks colouring a bright shade of red, Annabeth finally located her phone and accepted the call. Thankfully, the ring tone stopped and Grover's quiet vegetarian customers could resume their discussion about bean curd and tofu, or whatever they had been talking about.

"What?" Annabeth snapped into her phone, "Oh, Silena, it's you. Hey, so what do you want? … No, I'm not working tonight, why?... No, I'm not on a date either, where did you get that idea from?... Whatever Thalia said is a lie, don't listen to her!" a slight blush appeared on Annabeth's exposed neck (still one of Percy's favourite features).

Had Annabeth been talking about him to her friends, Percy wondered?

While Annabeth glared at the phone in her hand, Percy pulled out his own. It would be weird if he just sat there staring at her as she talked. Percy had five texts on his phone, one from his mum asking how his week had been, another from Dominoes advertising their latest deals and three from Rachel. Percy didn't want to focus on them, especially after last night. He knew he needed to speak to Rachel but not now, not when he was happy with Annabeth. So putting his phone back in his jeans pocket, Percy returned his attention to Annabeth.

"Why do you want to know if I'm free? What do you want? … Of course you want something Sil, I know you. … Well yes, I guess you could just be calling out of curiosity, although that would be odd. Just spit it out… Okay, yes, I'm free tonight, I guess".

At these words Annabeth raised her head and looked at Percy. Shit, should he have asked her out already? Is that what she was expecting? Percy was so bad at reading women, hadn't he completely read the situation with Rachel wrong last night? Don't focus on that now Jackson, he told himself, focus on the issue at hand. Right, yes, Annabeth! Yes, he had been thinking about asking her out on a date tonight, he did really want to spend more time with her. Yes, he guessed they were sort of on a date at the moment, however he was kind of thinking it would be nice to spend time with Annabeth alone. Without the twin brothers in tow.

Come to think about it, where were the boys? The end of their table had become suspiciously quiet all of a sudden. Percy glanced around the café apprehensively as panic started to build up inside. He couldn't help feeling worried over what new mischief Bobby would have managed to find. That child was a law upon himself. A quick scan of his surroundings found both boys sitting quietly at the counter, engrossed in conversation with Grover. Grover caught Percy's worried expression and smiled, indicating that the boys were fine with him. Relieved, Percy turned his attention back to Annabeth, who was still engaged in her phone call.

"Nope, can't tonight, sorry… Can't you get Thalia to do it? Why do you need me? … Oh yeah, I forgot about that, I'm surprised she was let off with just a caution to be honest," Percy didn't mean to eavesdrop but this conversation was just too interesting, "No Sil, just because I'm not working or on a date doesn't mean I want to do it… I was planning on going out with Thalia and the others tonight… No, I do not owe you one… No Sil, that debt was paid last week remember? … Yes, it was… Oh, of course you've conveniently forgotten but let me tell you I haven't. Letting your friend perform a Brazilian wax on yourself because she needs the practice for work, isn't something one forgets easily!"

Percy choked on his sip of smoothie. Choking on beverages was becoming a theme today. A Brazilian wax? He may be a mere male but Percy knew what one of those was and now he was imagining Annabeth… No, don't even go there Jackson. Instead he tried to turn his focus back to what Annabeth was saying.

"I did not scream like a little girl!" Annabeth declared, offended, "Well, okay, maybe I did scream a bit but it bloody well hurt! Don't you laugh at me Silena Beauregard! You almost ripped out my piercing in the process! That's why I screamed so much…"

Percy's mouth had gone dry. Piercing? First mentions of a Brazilian wax, now a piercing. That must mean… gods this woman just got better and better.

"No, it's not a stupid place to get pierced. I keep telling you, there are many, many benefits to it," Annabeth looked Percy straight on and winked.

That's it, I'm having a heart attack, he thought. At twenty four, I, Percy Jackson, am going to die of coronary failure all because of this amazing, beautiful woman in front of me. Let it be known that my gravestone should read: Here lies Perseus Jackson, killed before his time due to unimaginable sexiness that is Annabeth Chase. Let his death be a warning to all men, Annabeth Chase is not one for the feint hearted.

"Fine, don't beg, I'll do it but I want fifty quid… No, not for the night, per hour… Hey, if that's too much to ask find someone else but like you said, who's more flexible than me?" Percy couldn't help but notice the emphasis Annabeth put on the word flexible, he somehow didn't think she was referring to her timetabling capabilities.

"Yep, fine I'll be there… Yeah I get it, 8 o'clock… Yes Sil, I understand, yeah I'll make it there in time… Look, I've got hours… I do know how to tell the time you know… Oi, you can talk you have ADHD as well… No I don't get distracted more. I do not!... What do you mean it's already five," Annabeth half yelled in disbelief, "Fuck! Gotta go!... Oh shut up! Sil, don't force me to punch you, you know I will… Yes, I'm leaving now, see you. Bye!"

Annabeth shoved her phone into her pocket whilst simultaneously pulling her jacket on. She stood up, looking around for her younger brothers. When she spotted them, still chatting happily to Grover, she called them over and told them to get ready to leave. Percy was watching this activity, without moving himself. If he was being perfectly honest with himself, Annabeth's phone call had put him into a state of shock. Realising Annabeth was ready to leave, he clumsily pushed his chair back and stood up with her.

"So, I guess you need to leave?" he said, once again looking into her stormy grey eyes.

"Yes, I'm so sorry, that was my friend Silena, she needs a favour from me tonight," Annabeth replied, a look of regret appearing in her eyes.

"So I heard," Percy smirked, "Here, this is my number, text me or something sometime?" He swiped a pen off a passing waiter and wrote his mobile number on Annabeth's hand.

Annabeth smiled back at him, before grabbing the same pen and writing her own number on his hand. "Now you can text me or something sometime as well," she said, smirking at him.

Bobby and Mathew appeared at Annabeth's side, each struggling to pull their jackets on and fasten the zip. Annabeth bent down to help Bobby, whilst Percy did the same for Mathew. At least he thought it was Mathew, after spending a whole afternoon with the boys he still wasn't any better at distinguishing one from the other. He blamed the parents really. Why would you dress identical twins in identical outfits? It wasn't cute, it was damn right annoying. How is anyone meant to tell them apart?

Once both boys were suitably dressed for the light spring chill, Annabeth was ready to leave. She smiled up at Percy, thanking him for teaching the boys about sharks and for the lovely lunch. She gently pushed the boys forward until they both had thanked Percy as well, then she walked out of the door, clasping the hands of each boy, obviously not trusting Bobby to stay with her. Percy didn't blame her.

Percy had only had a chance to turn back towards their table when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned round to see Annabeth standing in front of him, cheeks flushed from running.

"I forgot to give you this," she said.

Before Percy could respond, Annabeth had grabbed the back of his neck and moved his head down to her level. In an instant her lips crashed into Percy's own. For a split second he didn't move, too shocked at what was happening, but then Percy's brain kicked into gear and he responded to her kiss. And Gods did he respond! Percy placed his hands on Annabeth's hips, pulling her towards himself, until he could feel every curve of her body pressed against his own muscular one. Annabeth pushed a hand through Percy's thick, black hair messing it up even more, whilst her other hand pulled at the shaggy hair at the nape of his neck. As he deepened the kiss, Percy could feel Annabeth moaning into his mouth.

Yes! She was a moaner. Gods, she was perfect.

Within seconds the kiss became more passionate, Annabeth ran her tongue along Percy's lower lip, begging for entrance. He obliged. He'd have been a fool not to. The two were now battling for dominance, tongues exploring each other's mouths. The kiss was deep, it was intense, and it was hot! Percy forgot he was standing in the middle of a respectable vegetarian café. He didn't think about the fact that they probably had a staring audience, one of whom was his best friend. All he could focus on was the woman in his arms. Her sweet, soft lips and her very skilful tongue.

But alas, like all good things, it had to end. The couple pulled apart, gasping for much needed air. Percy rested his forehead on Annabeth's, staring intently into her eyes. She was looking back up at him, eyes sparkling, smile as wide as his own.

"Um, well I'm glad you didn't forget to give me that," he said, once his breathing had returned to normal.

Annabeth giggled. Wow, it was such an amazing sound.

"Well, yeah, I really need to go," she stepped out of his arms. Percy immediately missed the feel of her body against his own, "So, I'll be leaving now". And with that she turned on her heal and walked out of the door towards, her brothers, not once looking back at Percy.

Percy watched her go. He wasn't staring at her amazing arse in those tight jeans, or the way her hips swayed as she walked. No, not at all. That would be perverted and as we have already established, Percy Jackson is not a pervert. Oh, who was he kidding? With Annabeth around, who wouldn't be a pervert?

Deep in thought, Percy didn't immediately hear the footsteps approach him, nor did he hear the cough of someone trying to get his attention. It wasn't until he felt a strong slap on the back of his back that he turned around and saw Grover grinning behind him.

"So, I see you've made a new friend?" his best friend said with a knowing wink, "Well I must say, you work fast Mr Jackson. I guess I better tell Juniper to forget her plan for setting you and Rachel up".

Oh shit, Rachel! All of a sudden the euphoria brought on by finally kissing Annabeth all but disappeared, to be replaced by ice cold dread. Rachel! Percy needed to text her back and set her straight.