Sorry I didn't post a chapter sooner. Here you go. By the way tell me who I should pair papyrus with. Not the main characters from Percy Jackson and the Olympians or the Heroes of Olympus. By the Way Sans is right handed but has a glowing left eye.

San's POV

The screaming was so loud, I shot up immediately. Seriously, how loud could these people get. I rubbed my eye socket and noticed Papyrus wasn't by the fire and two girls were screaming at the boy who had a smug smile. "Hey, what happened here?" They froze at my words and slowly turned their heads in my direction. "Are you Papyrus's brother?"

"Yeeeeeaaaaaah, where is he? He was supposed to be by the fire." Now I am worried. I told not to go far. The tall one said "My son, Apollo, said some words to him and he may have shot him in the skull." She tried her best to glare at him. Apollo basically shouted at me," Yeah, and your next, bone bag!" Then the girl stopped him from pulling out his bow.

"Artemis, let me shoot him."

"No, you just shot his brother when he did nothing wrong."

Meanwhile I am trying to get this all over in my head. I couldn't hold my anger so I released it. The more bottled up emotions you have, the harder it is to control them. I said in my, what I like to call Demon Voice, "So you're the one I want to see. Well I am Sans. And you shot my brother. Time for revenge."

Everything turned into the familiar black of a fight. My eye glowed with power, my hand burst into blue fire. The hottest fire in the world. Bones formed next to me, Gaster Blaster spawned behind me.

"Time for revenge."

Artemis's POV

Apollo is such an idiot. This was obviously a battle he could not win. I am pretty sure he is stronger than Zeus. And he is kind of cut… wait no I am too young for a relationship. Wait a relationship. NoNoNoNoNoNo, I am way too young to think about this…

"Time for revenge." He sounded like a demon. I am pretty sure Apollo pissed himself. A blue light surrounded him. I noticed Sans had his right hand in blue fire pointed at him. He raised his han causing Apollo to go off the ground. Apollo tried to reach for his bow but he was stuck in place. Beams of blue light suddenly hit him blinding him from view. Mom looked at the beams in shock. She looked heart broken. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"She had tears in her eyes.

"Don't worry, he is alright. I just made sure he never makes the same mistake again." He said with anger in his voice. Sure enough after he said that Apollo fell down from where he floated. Mother rushed to him and found no wounds. "Well I asked this before. Where is Papyrus." His voice filled with worry, his eye no longer glowing. I pointed to where Apollo shot him. He ran there and immediately put his hand on fire and put it on the crack of his skull.

"What are you doing?! Are you trying to hurt him?" I screamed. I noticed the cracks healing and being put back together. He got the arrow and snapped it in half with his thumb and pointer finger. He looked at me with a smirk on his face. "You were saying." His voice sounded so soothing. His form changed into a human and he walked toward me with his hand out stretched in a friendly gestor. I shook his hand and said, "How was I supposed to know." He looked slightly less handsome. Wait did I just think he looked less handsome. WAIT did I think he Looked handsome in his skeleton form.

Mom decided it a good idea to stay with us for the time being. "Sure why not. Where is it?" She pointed him in the right direction. In the distance a cottage faced the ocean. He told us to hold hand but Sans held on to Papyrus's limp hand. He was unconscious from the wound. After that, we appeared at the front door. Mom was amazed. So was I.

"Wait did you just teleport?" I couldn't hide my amazement.



"I will teach you tomorrow. Ok." I nodded in agreement. We had chicken soup and went to bed. Two days from tomorrow and I going to be an Olympian. And I may have found a crush. Nothing could mess this up. Sans went outside to sleep in the forest. I used to do it, but mom found out and told me to stop. I am going to go tomorrow. I quickly found my way into Morpheus's realm.

Sorry for another short chapter but I can't really think of much. Yeah pathetic I know. But still tell me what you think. And should I do a Fabelhaven and Undertale crossover. Seraphim out. See ya in the next chapter. Probably next week.