A Certain Scientific Mob

What's up, everyone? Here's the prototype of my recent project, To Aru Majutsu no Index and Mob-Psycho 100 crossover. Without further ado, enjoy the prologue!

Prologue: Enter the Mob

In the middle of District 7 of Academy City, there was a typical Japanese middle school on one of the streets. It was morning; students in uniforms, boys and girls alike were walking and heading towards their respective classrooms. Among those students, one individual was rather standing out.

She was a small girl who sported short black hair and had golden-brown eyes. She had thick eyebrows but her most striking feature was her headband made out of artificial flowers. The girl was walking in steady pace while humming at her cell-phone, reading at whatever was displayed on the screen. She then smiled at the phone before putting it away inside her pocket, when someone suddenly appeared behind her –


And her skirt was flipped, revealing her lower undergarment for the world to see. It took few seconds for the small girl who was addressed as Uiharu to feel the breeze on her uncovered skin, to find that someone familiar just called out to her and flipped her skirt at the same time, and to finally widen her eyes when she saw that there were many people got a glance of her underwear.

The offender only smiled in amusement at the 'fabulous' sight before her. "I see that it's the classic blue-stripes for today, huh?"

"KYAAAH!" Uiharu Kazari screamed as she attempted to put her skirt back to place, making sure that her inner-parts were no longer visible from public eyes. She then turned her flushed face towards her apparent offender, who happened to be her close friend as well.

The said offender, as well as close friend was a girl with blue eyes and long black hair with a small, white flower on the left side of her hair. She was wearing the identical uniform like Kazari, and a wide grin was adorning her expression.

"Saten-san!" Kazari yelled as she flailed her arms agitatedly. "What are you doing to me?!" However, her outburst was too adorable to be intimidating in the eyes of most people.

"Sorry, sorry." The newcomer, Saten Ruiko apologized casually. "But come on, we're classmates, aren't we? No need to be so formal."

"Geez…. You're so mean." Kazari sighed.

"Like I said, I'm sorry." Ruiko replied. "You know what, how about I also show you mine as well?"

Kazari then blushed again. "No way, especially with so many people around!" the girl looked around to find that several boys of her school were either blushing, averting their gazes awkwardly or just outright grinned in rather perverted manner. "Anyway, let's just head to class!"

"Ah, wait up!" Seeing her friend quickly ran off to the school building, Ruiko also went after her.

"So, are you prepared?"


"You know, the System Scan is coming soon, right? I ask if you're prepared for it."

Kazari then fidgeted slightly on her seat as she clarified Ruiko's question. "Well… I'm kind of nervous… But I guess I won't make much progress compare to last time…"

"Oh, come on…" Ruiko replied in comforting manner. "There has to be something. I mean, you're already a level 1! Even I believe that I'll definitely make some progress!" the girl finished with confident tone.

The city where the girls lived in had been conducting studies about psychic powers and abilities on their citizens, which 80% of the whole population happened to be students from all grades altogether. The psychics – Espers in the city were divided into different levels, from level 0 – the untalented and normal ones, until level 5 – the elite, powerful ones.

Uiharu Kazari was a level 1 esper, with her ability to be Thermal Hand – Fixed Temperature Preservation, which as the name implies, allows her to conserve part of the objects temperature she touches. Saten Ruiko on the other hand, was a level 0, while she possessed some decent athletic skills, she did not have any powers whatsoever.

The System Scan that the girl mentioned earlier was a regular city-wide testing event in Academy City to determine the power levels of the espers participating in it. Each esper would be given a different type of test depending on their power. The test then determines how powerful their ability is, how much control they have over it, and how easily it would grow.

Kazari could not help but smile at Ruiko's optimism. However, before the former could have said anything else in return, the latter had already beaten her to the punch already. "Speaking of upcoming events, have you heard that there will be transfer students coming here today? Two boys, to boot!"

Kazari then blinked at the news, which not exactly news to her. She recalled that according to the information she picked up from her line of 'work', there were two new transfer students coming from outside Academy City, from a town far away from Tokyo.

"Hm… I did read some information in their registry…" Kazari hummed. "I only know that those two transfer students are siblings; the older brother was supposed to be a second-year, but he has to repeat his first year again, the higher-ups saying something about the curriculum of his previous school is completely different than ours."

"Well, it's no biggie if there's only one year difference, right?" Ruiko replied. "Besides, there's a good chance that at least one of them might end up in our class! Man, this is so exciting! Mysterious transfer students, siblings to add! This feels kind of like a manga, don't you think?"

Kazari only laughed awkwardly at her friend's excitement. "Well… I don't think they are that mysterious to begin with…"

"Oh, oh! Did you get their names? Their faces?" Ruiko inched her face closer to Kazari's, which caused the latter to flinch back on reflex.

"Um… The older brother is Kageyama Shigeo, while the younger one is Kageyama Ritsu… As for their faces… They look normal, I guess?"

Ruiko pouted slightly at Kazari's answer before she pulled out her cell-phone and started to browse through internet.

"Saten-san, are you looking through that forum again?" Kazari asked, albeit she somehow could tell the answer.

"Well, it won't hurt to look from some other source, right?" Ruiko replied nonchalantly as she kept hitting her phone's buttons. "Hmm… The school they're coming from…. Oh, there's one!"

At Ruiko's finding, Kazari became curious as she inched closer to look at Ruiko's phone screen.

"Let's see… Wow, that's quite some rumour here…. These siblings are kind of famous from the town they came from." Ruiko summarised.

"Hm… Looks like that the younger brother was a member of the student council… That's pretty nice. And the older brother… it said that he's some kind of gang leader…?" Kazari could not help but frown slightly at the info. After all, she did not have a high opinion on delinquents.

"Shadow leader, apparently." Ruiko corrected. "And his nickname…. White T-Poison? What the hell's with that name?" the girl could not hold back her snort.

"The moniker came from the witness that claimed that the older Kageyama was wearing a white T-shirt when the fights occurred…" Kazari trailed off.

"Wow, check this out." Ruiko raised her eyebrows. "The site where the fight occurred had their buildings badly damaged… And they said that everything had been done by this White T-Poison guy alone…" the girl then turned to Kazari. "Uiharu, do you think that he's…?"

"Hm…" the level 1 tapped her finger on her chin in thinking manner. "It's not impossible, but it's still uncommon to have espers from outside Academy City."

"…Another esper, huh?" Ruiko guessed. "And according to the rumours, I guess it's safe to assume that the little brother is an esper as well. Whew, espers are just popping out everywhere." The girl said as she leaned back on her own seat.

"Well, those two will have to undergo the System Scan as well soon after they enrolled here, so we'll find out about them." Kazari said dismissively, before her expression went through another thought. "But it's really hard to believe that those two were involved in such things. They just don't look to be that bad…"

"You can't judge book from its cover, am I right?" Ruiko playfully commented.

It was a moment later that the door was slid open and a tall man with dark-bluish hair wearing glasses entered the classroom and took over the front desk. "Good morning, everyone. Take your seats!"

The students then obediently took their respective seats and proceeded with their formal greeting. The teacher took a quick look over his students, and he placed his hands on his desk to begin his morning announcement.

"Before we begin, there are few things I need to say." The teacher began. "First, I believe all of you are aware that the System Scan is coming soon. I hope that you all can make some progress in developing your powers, so please take this earnestly like you always did before. And secondly…. We have a transfer student in this class."

At the second news, students started to murmur and whisper to each other, obviously were curious and interested of their new potential friends.

"Alright, alright, calm down, all of you." The teacher clapped his hands to placate his students. "Our new friend is coming from outside Academy City, so he probably hasn't known his way around this place. So please go easy on him and be sure to show him around the ropes, okay?"

The class then let out affirmative replies, which the teacher returned with a pleasant smile and approving nod. Then, the teacher turned towards the door, which has a silhouette of a person on the glass.

"Okay, Kageyama-kun. You can come in, now."

As the teacher said it, the door then was slid open again, revealing a boy with dark bowl-shaped hair. As the new transfer student made his way to the front of the class, all students were staring at him. Everyone could not help but to think that the boy's appearance did not have anything impressive or standing out.

While Kazari was not the type to bother on someone's looks, Ruiko could not help but feel slightly disappointed at the boy's appearance. "Wow… Uiharu was right… Forget normal, he looks completely like your average mob."

"Well, Kageyama-kun. Please write your name on the board and introduce yourself, will you?"

"Uh, err… Yes." The boy was rather nervous as he began to write on the board with slightly trembling of his hand. Then he took a quick, deep breath and faced his new classmates with slightly pale and sweaty look on his expression. "M-my name is Kageyama Shigeo. This is my first time to be around this place, so please take care of me."

The mob finished his introduction with a bow.

Progress towards Mob's explosion: 7%

Alright, as I have said before and on my profile, this is just a prototype and it's open for adoption. I may carry on with this story, or I may just drop it; because I want to focus on dealing with my One-Punch DxD project. But nevertheless, please review of what you think about how I've been faring so far.

I actually considered to have Mob and Ritsu to transfer into different schools like Kamijou Touma, but it's not possible due to Touma being a high-school student. Of course, transferring them to Tokiwadai is out of question. So, I decided to have them to be in the same school with Uiharu Kazari and Saten Ruiko instead.

As for the characters from Mob-Psycho 100, the reason I include Ritsu is simply because I want to play it safe. On that note, should I add more? And the next chapter (if I choose to continue this story) will explain a bit more about Kageyama's transferring into Academy City.

On another note, there are few concerns:

Should I cross Mob-Psycho 100 over with A Certain Scientific Railgun, which will focus more on science side, rather than To Aru Majutsu no Index, which will have Mob to fight with force of magic as well?

What do you think of incorporating espers from Mob Psycho 100 into Academy City? Honestly, my knowledge on both franchises is very limited. Limited to anime and wikia for Mob Psycho case and limited to anime, manga and wikia in case of To Aru Majutsu no Index.

What do you think about the levels for at least Kageyama siblings?

Constructive opinions are appreciated, while flames are not acceptable. Ahsoei, over and out.