Michael: The Son of Thanatos: Book 1.

A/N: Welcome back, everyone! To Chapter 3 of... well, this. (One person starts clapping, while crickets chirp in the background) So, on to the (one) review!

Guest, Chapter 2, 9/30/16: Great chapter keep up the good work and out of curiosity who are you planning on pairing your oc with?

Me: "That's for me to know... and reveal in Book 3, I've already got it planned out... ;)"

Chapter 3: In which I apparently died.

After Leo ran, Mr. Brunner told Percy to go home, and not come back to Yancy, however, what surprised me was that I was apparently supposed to go with him, since I had no family of my own, though I had mentioned the robed figure that I had seen to Mr. Brunner, who had once again looked at me in interest and slight fear.

After Percy, Grover, and I boarded the bus, it broke down on a deserted highway, which caused Logic and Emotion to start screaming that something was wrong.

However, it was when I saw three old ladies behind a fruit stand on the other side of the highway is when they started going insane, screaming bloody murder about how I needed to get the hell out of there, and apparently Grover agreed, because he started trying to get Percy and I back into the bus.

I went back in, rubbing the sides of my head as Logic and Emotion started to quiet down, thinking, "Weird, Logic never panics, Emotion maybe, but Logic...hmm."

As I watched Percy continue to look at the old ladies, my attention was brought to them as I felt something pulling at my mind, drawing my eyes to the blue string that one of them had cut, and I instantly knew, it meant that someone was going to die.

Suddenly, the driver shouted, "Yes!" As he managed to fix the engine, Percy got back onto the bus with Grover.

After that we continued into Manhattan, arriving at a bus station, and we got out.

Grover went to do something, and as I watched, Percy called a taxi and got in, but I managed to "shadow travel", as Leo had called it, into the seat next to him, startling him, though the driver was too busy navigating traffic to notice.

When we got to Percy's apartment, we got out, the driver's jaw dropping as he noticed that someone had gotten into his taxi while he was driving, however, apparently deciding that he didn't want to know, he drove off without another word.

As Percy opened the door to his apartment, I was instantly hit by the smell of alcohol and cigarettes, and frowned.

Percy, with me following his lead, attempted to sneak past the four men who were sitting at a table playing poker, though one of them stared straight at Percy and said, "Alright kid, pay up."

Percy denied having any money, which caused the man to say, "You payed for a taxi, so pay up." Causing Percy to take out a wad of one dollar bills and give them to him, and say, "Yeah, sure Gabe."

The man, seeing the yogurt I was holding, held his hand out and said, "You too, kid, pay up."

However, I wasn't going to be pushed around, and replied, "Let me think about it..." I waited for a few seconds, before saying, "Nah."

The man swiped at my hand, trying to take my yogurt, which I did not appreciate, and I responded by taking out one of my spoons and shoving it near his eye, while saying, "Try to take my yogurt again, and I will carve out your eye with a plastic spoon."

Time skip, two days later.

After Percy's mother, Sally, got home, Gabe allowed her to use his Camaro, which, unfortunately, was not an Autobot scout named Bumblebee, so that we could go to their cabin at the beach.

However, on the second night, I was surprised by actually dreaming, which usually didn't happen, in the dream, I was in front of a bottomless pit, as a deep and gravelly voice said, "So, demigod, who is your father...?" At that, however, the dream ended.

As I awoke to pounding rain, my instincts, Logic, and Emotion started to shouting at me to get the others and leave.

As I got my shoes on and grabbed my pack, Percy sat straight up, in a cold sweat, while Sally told us, "Hurricane."

Surprising us, however, there was the sound of someone knocking on the door, and Percy answered it to reveal Grover.

As we ran out to the car, I heard Percy say something about donkey legs, with Grover replying, "I'm not half donkey, I'm half goat, I'm a satyr!"

As Sally started driving, I looked in the passenger side rear-view mirror, seeing a strange figure chasing us through the rain, which looked like a large man with his hands raised above his head.

However, before I could ponder it any longer, the world went black as the metal above my head was ripped apart by a lightning bolt that slammed directly into my chest...

Unknown location.

As I awoke, all I could see was a blinding white light at the end of the room that I was now in.

As I got to my feet, someone within the light spoke, "So, you're the demigod that everyone is scrambling to learn about, hmm, son of Death?"

Logic and Emotion were strangely quiet, so I answered, "Son of Death?"

Surprisingly, a cloud of what looked almost like Mordite floated out of the shadows to the right of the light, speaking in what seemed to be millions of voices at once, "Roll credits..."

As I watched the cloud, it opened eyes which shifted between the colors of the stars.

The cloud stared with its starlit eyes, "Greetings, son of Death, I am Taos Nakay, the Voice and collective will of the Etsaru."

The being inside the light replied, in an amused tone, "Taos, I will never understand the Etsaru obsession with mortal culture."

Taos chuckled again, with a slight growl in its tone, and said, "Might as well, we have been watching their species since their Beginning timeline, so it's not like we've had much else to do, and we all know that Slenderman always cheats at Ping-Pong, so there's that..."

The being inside the light chuckled along with Taos, before saying, "We should send him back, his body has already recovered, and we both know that Zeus and Hades will be extremely confused."

The Etsaru seemed to hum in thought as , replying, "Yes, we suppose they would..." The cloud turned toward me, "Do not tell anyone about what you have seen or heard here, we will place a shield over your mind in order to keep other Immortals from reading it, they cannot be allowed to discover our plans, Death Child."

The being inside the light seemed to wave its hand, and I could feel myself waking up as it said, "Good luck, son of Death."

A/N: Note, five minutes after first posting this Chapter, I looked at it and realized something... I forgot the fucking Author's Note! I mean, damn, that's never happened before, I mean, shit, man, anyway, random status update, Hurricane Matthew decided to fuck up my town, so I have no school until this Friday, you know what I'm going to do? Try and get my copy of Fallout 4 to work, as the mods I have, disabled my Pip-Boy... It's a lot worse than it sounds...