Hello! Welcome back everyone! A few days earlier than I had planned, but I'll not complain about that.

First, THIS IS A SEQUEL! If you've not read Darkworlds, this will probably make very little sense, so go read it first.

Second, there will be character deaths throughout this story. If that isn't your thing, then don't read on.

Third, I do not own Fire Emblem or any of the canon characters. I could probably get away with claiming to own my OCs, though.


In every children's tale, the great, defining, dark event from the Heroes past happens on a dark and stormy night, with the wind howling like a wolf pack, and lightning streaking from the sky. Rain was also usually involved too.

This was not a children's tale.

It was, in fact, what the Hoshidan City Guardsmen would call a 'perfect' night. No too warm, nor to cold. A light breeze and not a cloud in the sky. It was truly peaceful. Very little crime ever happened on nights like this, so many of them let their guards down. The very thought that someone would break the natural peace was far from their minds. To them, it was just another night.

It was the light tremor that awoke Ryoma. Earthquakes were not uncommon in Hoshido, and the King had been a light sleeper for many years now. It didn't concern him all that much, however. He decided to take a walk, the guards would not bother him, and in all likelihood, his son would have been awoken by the quake. He didn't rouse his wife, who remained asleep, slipped on a simple dressing robe, and quietly left his chambers.

His son, Shiro, was a healthy young boy of ten years. He inherited his mothers hair, and enjoyed his daily training regime. He had inherited his father's knack of light sleep, and would one day wield the Raijinto for Hoshido's glory.

This was the thought Ryoma had when he passed the room in the palace where the blade was kept.

The great shrine, was usually kept under lock and key.

The great shrine was unlocked, its door wide open.

A figure, a heavy, form concealing cloak was around him with its hood up, was halfway across the room already, making their way to the holy blade.

"Stop!" Ryoma barrelled into the figure, and knocked them down. Despite lacking his sword arm, Ryoma had kept himself in shape, he was in no ways unhealthy.

The figure fell to the ground, and seemingly struggled to stand.

"Who are you?" Ryoma queried.

"Where is she?" The hunched figured asked in a quiet, rasping tone as they stumbled to their feet.

"Who are you?" The King demanded again, moving closer. "Who are you looking for?"

"Where. Is. My. Daughter?!" The figure tore his robe off, revealing the sole, hate filled eye of his younger brother, Corrin. "Where's Cana?! Where's the girl you STOLE?!"

"Corrin? What are you…ask a stupid question. Come brother, let us negotiate for her return. You want her back, and we need reinforcements….if you help us…." Ryoma knew that talking about this now was a bad idea. He was tired, and Corrin was brimming with hate.

Still. He thought. I have to try.

"Blackmail? You call yourself an honourable kingdom, yet you resort to blackmail? Tch…all you do is lie and lie and lie. To yourself most of all. You claimed to care about me, yet I had to arrange my own return. You claim that we are brothers by blood, yet Sumeragi is not my father. You claim to be noble and good, yet you KIDNAPPED MY DAUGHTER! She was four months old!"

"It's been eight years!" Ryoma cried. "Eight years of nothing!"

"You destroyed the Gate! How the hell was I meant to cross over to make this 'great alliance' without some way of getting back?! WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER RYOMA?!"

"She isn't here." Came a voice from the entrance of the chamber.

The blonde woman was clearly Nohrian by birth. She wore a ceremonial dress robes, and kept her hair at a short, practical length.

"…This is your queen, I take it?"

"Scarlet." The blonde confirmed, and folded her arms. "How did you get back?"

"The pleasure is all mine, Lady Scarlet." Corrin said, taking a mocking bow. "Didn't expect to see a Nohrian here, let alone as Hoshido's Queen. As for the how…" He smirked cruelly. "I think I can shed some light on that. Simply put, there's a traitor in your midst. They built a makeshift gate, and brought myself and my team here."

Corrin tilted his head, smirk still present. "Or maybe I'm lying..."

"Team? What do you mea-"Ryoma started, but his wife interrupted him.

"=I'm from Cheve." Scarlet stated bluntly, her voice betrayed the fact she was offended.. "That makes me Chevois, not Nohrian. Our rebellion may have failed, but with Hoshido's assistance, we managed to—"

"Yes yes." Corrin waved a hand dismissively. *You got all of your gallant, righteous men out alive. Good job."

Corrin sneered, and turned his back to Ryoma, facing the Raijinto. He extended a hand, and curled his fingers around the hilt.

"You won't be able to harness its power Corrin, only those worthy can do so." Ryoma chided with a sigh. "If you surrender now, I swear by the crown…by the Dawn Dragon, that I'll show you mercy."

The Havenite King ignored him, and removed it from its stand. He gave it a few practice swings, and smiled faintly, confident in its weight.

"Corrin, put it down…" Ryoma warned.

Corrin scowled, and spun the royal blade in a wide arc.

Sparks flittered across the surface.

"Was that worthy enough for you?" Corrin spat. "Let's see then, shall we?"

The younger King started for the elder when….


Corrin snapped his attention to the door. "Who was that?"

"No one." Ryoma answered, far too quickly.

"No no no..he said 'Papa'. As in, Father." Corrin grinned. "Let's introduce him to his loving Uncle, shall we?" He started for the doors, only for Scarlet to stop him.

"No." She snarled, blocking his path. "He is innocent in this. Leave him be!"

"You'd really sacrifice yourself for that whelp?"

"He's my son." Was the simple reply.

Something gleamed in Corrin's eye, and he regarded Scarlet with genuine admiration, his demeanour changing almost instantly.

"Your husband is unworthy of you, Lady Scarlet." He said simply. "You are a paragon of motherhood, willing to die to save your child. That I can respect."

Corrin turned and started to walk away. He paused after less than four steps. He sighed, wheeling around, and thrust Raijinto through Scarlet's abdomen, her ceremonial robe offering next to no protection. The blonde's eyes widened in shock, and a strangled gurgle left her mouth, along with a thin trickle of blood.


"I am sorry, Lady Scarlet, truly I am….but I can't have people thinking I've gone soft, nor can I continue to allow Hoshido and the Muromachi dynasty go unpunished for their crimes against my family. You'll live if you get help." Corrin said in an oddly kind, apologetic tone, before turning his attention to Ryoma. "This is your choice, dear brother. Raijinto or Scarlet. Your Sword or your Queen. The Gods Favour, or The Woman you love."

Corrin turned once more, and walked away. With as much contempt as he could muster into his voice, he spat his ultimatum.

"Make your choice."

Corrin didn't stay long enough to learn what Ryoma's answer was. He glanced at the short Prince on his way out. "You are Shiro, yes?"

"Who are you?" The blonde youth demanded.

"I am your Uncle, Corrin."

Horror crossed Shiro's face. "You're the bad man! Uncle Takumi warned me 'bout you!"

Corrin bent down so as to talk face to face. "I need you to do something important, okay? Go and get your Aunt Sakura…or any Healer."

"W-Why?! You're gonna hurt people, right?"

The Havenite King grabbed him by the shoulders, his voice utterly serious. "Shiro! Your mother needs a healer! Run!"

Hoshido's heir was shocked still for a few moments.


The boy did. Barely holding back tears, Shiro ran as fast as his ten year old legs could carry him.

"Shiro!" He called after him.

The young boy turned to look, the fear still on his face.

"….Look after Cana for me." Corrin said with the faintest of smiles, and disappeared down another corridor.

Shiro blinked at the request, then remembered his duty.

He needed his Aunt.

His mother needed his Aunt.

He needed his mother.