A/N: I promised myself I wouldn't do this [write fanfics before the game was released that is], yet, the feels came on me after watching Kingsglaive and an unexpected adoration for a pairing I had never thought I would ship. So, here this fan's fiction is. Hope you enjoy it, and I hope I can finish it (lots of love helps my motivation!). Of course there is a fair warning of these characters possibly being OOC. I try not to, but characteristics and mannerisms from a single movie is all I'm running on. I have a feeling their persons will be delved into further in the actual game, but, for now, I'll muse with these set assumptions.

Mostly Canon Divergence. LuNyx

"Must you go?"

The answer was obvious, and Lunafreya knew her lady-in-waiting realized this as she came close, bearing eyes full of concern. "Yes," the Princess answered, clutching her suitcase close. She had planned this ever since she received word of the terms deemed non-negotiable in pursuit of peace between the Empire of Niflheim and that of the standing Kingdom of Lucis. It didn't settle with her no matter how promising it floating through an optimistic ear.

Lunafreya knew the gods were responsible for the tightening in her chest; a nonchalant urge for her to ride the stream of Fate. As standing Oracle, the Princess of the former kingdom of Tenebrae bade by their demands.

She was thrusting herself into the possibility of a deep punishment for insubordination. The Empire wasn't fond of any of its subjects offing without firstly gaining approval to travel. Lunafreya hadn't the time to send in a request, nor did she believe she would be granted it—especially not for the purpose she needed it to be.

This reality unfolding dawned on her, as it did her lady-in-waiting as she patted her hands and pressed her away. "Then go quickly." The bade was followed, and action swept Princess Lunafreya away from the palace, slipping even away from the sentry guard on their daily route.

It was eye-opening and a breath of fresh air after escaping the palace. Lunafreya felt as if she had been confined to those walls long enough. Even a walk along the city's bridges and into the marketplace was escort-required. This time she was alone, save for her sole companion Pryna.

She followed the canine into the back trails less used and known by Niflheim troops. Roads forbidden and walked by those in the business of illegality. Pryna knew these paths well. She was as regular as the smugglers often sighted. It was through this path that Lunafreya found transportation among those leaving everything behind to begin anew.

Her doubts and troubled mind were left on the dust-filled roads behind. If she was followed, then so be it. She simply prayed the gods grant her swift passage and an unhindered journey toward Insomnia. If this was surely their will then she would see those tall dark buildings again. Yet, even as her faith in the higher beings settled the flutters in her stomach, the beating in her chest arose at realizing it had been over twelve years since she had last seen that grand old city.

"Alright, people, you know the drill: everyone out."

Lunafreya had woken to the rise of the demanding voice. The caravan she was with were quickly gathering their belongings, murmuring quietly amongst themselves in various languages. People from all over the land met at the dark crossroads to huddle together and find solitude in one of the last free-reigning kingdoms.

Pryna was situated beside her, herself having been resting from the long taxing journey. When her head perked up at the sound of the voice, she looked to her mistress, silently informing her of their arrived destination and of the customs to come. Lunafreya ran a gentle hand through her fur, rubbing the back of her risen ears before sitting up and gathering her suitcase in her arms, standing and forming in line with the others as they exited the terrain bus to be cleared through the checkpoint.

To say she was a little disappointed that the first sight of Insomnia wasn't those tall steely structures was an understatement. Even the risen sun's light was hindered by the magnitude of the walls erected before them. This was but the first of many checks before any of them were even allowed into the city, and all for good reason.

There were fifteen of the travelers, all of which were divided into groups and checked thoroughly by the Gatewatch. Pryna hadn't left Lunafreya's side, even as the watchers eyed the animal with disapproval. She knew that her dog would find a means to enter the city—as she always had before—if she was not allowed in with her. Even the chance of conjoined entrance or not didn't falter the Princess's step and stance when she walked into the checkpoint as she was called forward.

"Name." The questions were more like statements, coming out as quickly as the pen jotted down on the held clipboard.

"Stella," Lunafreya answered, knowing that it wouldn't be wise to reveal herself to the kingdom just yet. She would find a means to gain audience with the king discreetly, away from organic and mechanical eyes.

Not once had the keeper taken his eyes off of the record filling out underneath his touch to glance at her. "Place of departure."

"Tenebrae." Perhaps it would have been the more wise to have stated a place such as Caem or Altissia. A common reply between the closer of the lands would have seemed reasonable and it certainly wouldn't have gained the undercover Princess the spy of this current Gatewatcher's gaze.

The man leaned his clipboard down, straightening his shoulders and peering down at the young woman. With a lick of his lips his eyes narrowed in time. An air of no-nonsense pulled up to combat any threat likely seen. "Oh?" The mock of interest was noted, but unvoiced. Lunafreya was in no position to reprimand or demand, not when she was in so delicate a state of affairs. "That's a long ways off, and quite deep in Niflheim territory. Don't get many Tenebraens here these days . . . not since the change in ownership."

Lunafreya held her silence, all too aware of the tragedy that befell her kingdom twelve years ago. However, there seemed to be little respect from the solemn remembrance from this man standing before her, and the others of his own position.

"Do you have papers, miss?"

Lunafreya blinked her eyes, confusion easily glimmering through her bright irises. "Papers?"

"Travel papers," the man added, standing there in expectance.

Lunafreya looked befuddled, gaze turning toward her traveling compatriots and taking in the documents they held in their possession. She hadn't anticipated this untold requirement. Surely security had tightened within the past couple of years to even deny those with absolutely nothing.

"I . . . did not know . . ."

"Yeah, and for the mutt." Lunafreya caught her tongue, glancing down at Pryna, politely sitting next to her stance. "I beg your pardon?" Confusion peaked. The customs now came off as ridiculous, recalling how easy it was for her pet to make it into the city in the mission of delivering secret writings.

"Regulations order 306 calls for every individual seeking asylum to provide proof of existence and last place of residence for identification verification. All items are to be checked, any perishables examined, approved or denied, and non-human companions provided with documentation of vaccinations." After it was all recited, Lunafreya felt her heart sink. Was this it? Was this the last leg of her journey? So close and yet so far away.

"I'm sorry, I do not have any of those of requirements," Lunafreya responded. Subconsciously she gripped the handle of her suitcase tighter. She doubted even exclaiming her nobility would sway the Gatewatch to grant her entrance. What was she to do now?

"Well." The man stamped down on the clipboard before laying it aside and offering the blonde a smile, albeit one that lacked any air of concerning care. "Then you best want to run back home and grab them. No one's allowed entrance into the city without proper identification."

Lunafreya felt her jaw slack, lips lightly parting. What was she to do now? She had come all this way with high hopes, swearing by her senses that she had been spiritually led there by the gods themselves. Had it all been for naught? Had she misunderstood the translation of their wishes?

"You're going to have this young lady return to Empire laden lands with the likelihood of being caught and imprisoned for desertion just so you can officially stamp down an identification tag?" The risen voice in protest had Lunafreya turning, watching as a young man approached them. He wasn't of the Gatewatch, at least Lunafreya didn't believe so; his uniform was of different dress. He took one glance toward her before setting hard stubborn eyes on the condemning officer. "You said so yourself; Tenebrae is a long ways off. Going back is a little far-fetched."

A sigh bellowed out of the Gatewatch's lips, and with an eye roll he looked at the other man. "I understand now why you were assigned to this post, Glaive. Your knack for lack of authority is detrimental."

"Glaive?" Lunafreya whispered to herself. It was then she properly took this young man in. After a deep detailed look-over, her eyes were opened when she realized this was a revered warrior of the King's Kingsglaive regiment. They were well-spoken off, recounts of their abilities despised by the Empire, but surely no doubt heroes for keeping their kingdom's borders secure.

The Princess was more so mesmerized with images once conjured through the creativity of her mind as she was told harrowing accounts of battles and duels. It was quite an honor to finally see one. It meant a lot to her that one was standing so near, guarding the outer gates—defending her wish for sanctuary.

"For once why don't you put yourself in our shoes?" An arm stretched out, emphasizing the Princess as she watched the debate unfold. "God knows how hard it was for her to make her way here." He then motioned toward the others in line. "While they were aware of the journey and expectations of the arrival, she was too busy worrying about the possibility of being captured, of being shot." His arms fell back to his sides, head shaking. "There were no requirements when the King opened up these gates to the thousands of ravaged refugees over a decade ago. Years might have passed, but that doesn't mean there aren't still those just as desperate to fight to get here."

Gazes met. Lunafreya commended this noble soldier. His heart was pure and soul of that of empathy. May the gods reward his kindness.

But even still, this Kingsglaive did not hold the final say over this weighing decision.

"Come on," The Glaive continued to press. "You're captain of the Gatewatch. You have the authority to grant entrance to those who you see fit."

"I know that," the captain bit back. Agitation coated his features as he looked over the persistent Kingsglaive. When his eyes fell back to take a glance toward Lunafreya again, he said, "Since assigned to this position, I have done my job without question from the rules and regulations set forth."

"Does she look dangerous to you?" There was a roll of the Glaive's eyes. There could have been a comeback from the Keeper, a sudden denial that was expected, but when silence met the air around them, the King's warrior continued to push. "Well, I guess it's true: the Gatewatch has lost all sense of connection to those they're supposed to be helping, welcoming into this city of shelter."

That remark earned the soldier a hard glare from the taller Keeper. His frown seemed to set wrinkles into skin, but he came off as more irritated with the Glaive standing up to him, challenging his authority over these proceedings.

When the tension seemed about to snap, the captain rose his hand, holding up a single digit. "Just this once," he spoke, lips still pursed tightly as if he was struggling even with his own decision. "I'll let her lack of credentials go just this once. Not because of you, nor her, but because I am making this call and only me." He turned, motioned for Lunafreya to walk across the post. He then turned back toward the Glaive. "You must feel good, hero. Walking a little lighter? I suppose you'll be up to taking on closing shift." His words were meant to pierce ego, but the Glaive stood tall, firm, and diligent. He said nothing more, silently accepting his repercussions for speaking against command. Yet, there was no trouble in his eyes. "Back off to checks, will ya?" When he looked to Lunafreya again, he aimed a demanding finger at her. "But the animal still needs to be checked-in with a reputable Veterinarian." He wrote down on a piece of paper and ripped the slip off to give to the Princess. "Within twenty-four hours."

With a compliant nod Lunafreya meant to leave the scene behind her, to put one foot in front of the other before they took her to the very steps of the citadel, but familiar faces returned when she hoisted her suitcase onto the rollers. The moment she uncurled her fingers from the handle, uniformed hands reached and took up the carry-on. She looked up and noticed the Glaive standing before her, casually opening her luggage and gently rummaging through it. He offered her a welcoming smile, a very pleasant display after what had transpired previously.

"You don't have to worry about anything anymore." Eyes flicked back down to the task at hand after casually glancing at her once more. He didn't mess up Lunafreya's accessories much, in fact, it was a simple sweep, nothing too detailed. Snapping the clasps back together he handed the case back to the Princess. She took it. "You'll find your freedom here."

Freedom; Lunafreya hadn't understood much of the word's meaning, but these men guarding the gates, and even these travelers seeking asylum, they seemed to cling to this word as if it was the only thing important in their lives. Perhaps it was. She had just wished she could appreciate the term as much as she knew this young warrior whom vouched for her did.

With a curt nod, the Glaive pulled his hands behind his back and offed to retain position at his designated post. Lunafreya hadn't even gotten the chance to voice her gratitude.

Nyx pretty much landed himself in that situation. It had not been his intention to give any amount of lip or reason for the Gatewatch to despise his presence more. In fact, he intended to keep to himself, uphold complacency, and hold the status quo. But, when he saw that face, heard the pitches of disappointment in those vocals; priorities shifted.

Keeping the peace was a concern of the past. Making sure that Tenebraen was granted access to the city became Nyx's immediate mission. The guilt of defying his superiors hadn't set in his gut quite yet. The urge to conform to orders not as sudden in churning his veins sickly ice-cold.

Understanding that he could possibly, and presumably, excuse his behavior as a sudden surge of passionate nostalgia. However, he was never one for pitiful excuses. He accepted the brash action as his own; a part of his character that he would keep.

It was certainly something that the Watchers picked at, even long after the incident.

"Alright, get out of here, ingrate. You've punched your ticket for the evening."

Nyx about jogged off, eager to depart from the crowd he was forced to work with. Naturally, the captain had to make one last remark to his face.

"You lose your head over a pretty face again and I'll be sure to see to it that you're assigned to the diggers." There was a wary point and hard stare, but Nyx had done his time for the evening and he paid no mind to any more threats, because—at the end of the day—it was all empty.

The city life changed personas during each interval. Past twilight was an interesting phase, one Nyx wasn't all too unfamiliar with, but, in the same breath, would rather avoid in retreat back to his apartment. There was nothing of interest at this hour for the Glaive, not when his fellow comrades were deep in sleep in preparation for the coming morning duties at the department.

Even with avoiding any nightly activities, it was still a pleasant walk home. The buildings were all aglow, shining advertisements beaming on every square. Nyx had to pass by the luxury district before zig-zagging his way between alleys and cross-walks to reach home, and he quite enjoyed the richer air.

The residents may have been the upturned-nose-kind but they certainly were sights in themselves to see; decked out in the latest fashions; designer bags, cobbler-made shoes, jewelry right off the irons. They held themselves like they were the pride and joy of Insomnia—even more so than the royal family.

While their views on others weren't the most accepting, they certainly enjoyed being gawked at. But Nyx has seen enough of them, outgrew the desire to look like they looked, to have what they had, to live like them. No, the only thing the Glaive wanted whilst walking through the homes of the upper class was the cold beer in the fridge, and the unkempt twin-sized bed waiting for him at home. That was the cloud nine that came to mind.

Even in the midst of the glamor and expensive fragrances—sights of which having become too ordinary and repetitive to the soldier—there was still one thing that halted his pace home.

With a blink of his eyes and twitch of his lips, Nyx's jaw loosened to voice his recollection. "Well, if it isn't Lady Tenebrae." The blonde woman was seated on a bench just outside the overly decorated building of Insomnia Regency Hotel, she and her pet. At the sound of the call she looked up. A smile twitched onto Nyx's lips when he fully faced her. "Didn't peg you for the late birds in the city."

But then she looked down. Spirits seemed cast under for her than they should have for one who just gained sanctuary.

Brows furrowed and the smile faded from the warrior's lips.

"Oh," was the first sound of her mouth, her hand spanning from clutching her suitcase to laying on her pet. "I assure you I had no intention of remaining on the streets at such an hour." Bright blue eyes turned toward the lay of the buildings around. "However, I find myself without proper means to be granted stay."

Confusion rose. Nyx's eyes followed the Tenebraen's path. "You mean to tell me no one could hook you up with a room?"

The woman whom called herself "Stella" expressed a smile for all the wrong reasons. And, with a shake of her head, she looked up and met Nyx's gaze. "I don't have the correct form of currency required to secure a room."

"You mean . . ." Nyx paused for a moment, putting the pieces together himself. "You only have Niflheim credits?"

"A mistake on my part," She replied rather quickly, sitting up straighter in such a regal manner.

Nyx hadn't meant to laugh at the situation like that, but a chuckle bubbled out of his throat a little too quickly for him to catch and maintain. "Nah, 'fraid Lucis—and Insomnia especially—won't accept anything else besides ol' Lucian Gil." It was a little common sense not to try to attempt purchase of anything with money minted by the enemy of the country.

"Is there any way to convert it?" She had looked to him for the answer.

Nyx simply clicked his tongue, rolling his shoulders. "You'd have to take that up with the Immigrations Department. Hopefully they can find you a solution."

With a nod, the Tenebraen stood, case held in both hands and pet at attention beside her. "Well then, my thanks again for your words of guidance. Now, might I inquire directions toward the named facility?"

There was a small tilt of Nyx's head. "It's down near the eastern sector of the city."

"Very well. Gratitude to you, good sir." She offered a polite incline before turning on her heels and began her departure, nothing but the click-clack of her shoes reverberating on the pavement.

"Hey, where are you going?" Nyx had the urge to chase her down, she looked too weary to be walking further. Luckily, she politely halted her walk and turned to look at him.

"The Department of Immigration," she answered matter-of-factly.

"At this hour?"

With a blink of her eyes, she shifted her posture. "There is no other option for me at this moment. I will go and wait."

Shaking his head, Nyx approached the young woman. The feeling to laugh returned, but he managed himself properly this time. "You seem like a lady of intellect, but, right now, that wouldn't be the wisest course of action."

Heavy boots stopped and the blonde looked up at Nyx. The Gatewatch was right, she had quite the lovely face.

With a sigh, he said, "Look, I know it's not Caelum Via or anything, but I know a place that I can set you up with that's within my price range."

"You mean to pay for my room and board?" She questioned.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Nyx motioned a nod. "Yeah. It just won't sit right with me if you park yourself in the Immigrations' parking lot all night."

The woman tugged on her scarf, a smile of appreciation forming on her rosy lips. "You are quite kind to do this for me," she said. "I assure you that I will find a way to repay you in kind."

Nyx rose his hands. "Just focus on getting yourself settled in first. It's not gonna bother me at all to give a helping hand to a fellow refugee."

Not only had Nyx provided payment for the motel room, but escort for the young woman. Seeing her off safely situated in the warm room settled his gut and when he finally got back to his own place, he found the act of goodwill enabled him to sleep better throughout the rest of what was left of the evening.

His dreams were filled with images of a Tenebraen beauty.