Disclaimer: First Chapter
Story Start!

The Shadow Clone jutsu, a jutsu capable of making flesh and blood copies of the original. The copies being genetic perfection when it came to the original, not varying from the original in any way genetically. Their bodies worked as if they were fully human, and they could even bleed before popping if they didn't get too injured to bleed. Their blood was blood, and their bodies were actual bodies, not simple chakra constructs like many believed them to be.

Yes, the blood vanishes when the clone pops, but if the clone does not pop, then the clone'd blood does not vanish.

A cloned sperm... was still a sperm that contained the DNA of the original inside of it.

It took days for sperm to reach an egg sometimes, so it was not like a clone would ever stay alive for several days, meaning clones could never get a girl pregnant.

-Inside of a Woman-

1,000,000,000 white swimmers rushed into a woman, knowing their destined area. Their goal was in site, and they rushed towards the egg. Swimming faster and faster, feeling even more energetic, the chakra infused sperm rushed faster than that of the regular human and pushed into the egg.

The first sperm hit the egg, and started to push against it, fusing to it, and the other sperm were pushed away from the egg as the tail of the sperm fell off, the first sperm having done it's job.

-Inside the Egg-

The sperm unpacked all of the Genetic Data stored within it, and formed a membrane around itself. Seeing as this was something that sperm did, it did not pop seeing as no damage was done to it. The genetic information stored in the clone stayed active, and the genetic information in the egg was located nearby.

The two met, and fused together.

All of the genetic information in the sperm fused together with the information that the egg had been containing. The two halfs of a whole became one, and started to form a complete data stream. The genetic information became something new, and started to connect to the proper places as the DNA became something newer than it used to be.

The single cell formed started to mutate, before growing... and splitting itself into two cells.

-Outside of the Woman-

"You were so good... I can't believe we have been doing this for 4 days now. You are so good. Your recovery speed is amazing." A sweaty woman said as she laid her large, attractive bossom against Naruto. Her hardened nipples practically like diamonds with their hardness, and the moisture between her legs all over her own thighs and Naruto's crotch. He pulled out of her, and grinned at her.

He also grinned at the other... 2 women that were passed out in the same bed as he was in.

'Man, I can't believe THIS... this is what it feels like to be... alive. I don't want to die like a shadow clone... I've been alive for days... and I've seen so much stuff.' Naruto thought as he smiled tenderly at the woman that he was holding. Originally, he just wanted to make some nice memories, fuck over the original. He would have never experienced what it means to be alive if the original had not been so irresponsible in letting the clones run free without checking up on them.

He was thankful to the original.

"So... at first I was thinking this was... a mistake I made by... drinking too much." The awake woman said as she looked away from Naruto, her cheeks more than a little red.

Naruto looked at her.

Beautiful long, silver hair that covered most of the bed with how long and plentiful it was. She had some of the lightest skin that he had ever seen, with a body that was toned to the utmost perfection. She had bright blue eyes, and some huge breasts... literally. She had breasts that were just barely smaller than Kuroka's breasts. She had amazing hips, and an ass that he loved to feel against his crotch when he got her from behind.

That being said, he was kind of hurt when she called this a drunken mistake.

"Oh... I'm sorry if this was a mistake." Naruto said, clone or not, he was still Naruto and was still heavily influenced by his emotions.

"... At first... but now... I'm thinking... WILL YOU BE MY BOYFRIEND!?" She shouted out to Naruto. She had bright red cheeks, and was visibly nervous about his answer. She had gotten drunk, yes, but that was only during day one of their sex. The days after that... they were good days. He had treated her, and even the other girls, with such passion and tenderness even when he was giving it to them rather roughly. She had been drunk when she made the choice to sleep with him... but she was a woman that was around 20 years old. She could make her own choices.

Naruto was stunned.

He paused for a moment just to collect the fact that she had asked to be his girlfriend. She was sitting up on his lap, allowing him to sit up as well. She covered her chest lightly, still a little embarassed to be naked during the day (the sunlight in the window making it impossible to hide her body with darkness).

"Listen, I-" Naruto didn't get to finish.

"Can SOMEBODY close the damn curtain? I kind of don't like the idea of DYING! You, servant girl, do something about this!"

The form under the blanket shouted out in annoyance. She had been hiding underneath the blanket since the sun came out, it was a thick blanket capable of blocking sunlight. She would rather not die, seeing as dying wasn't apart of her life plans. She was a noble, and dying in a bed at her age was not something that somebody of her class should be doing.

The last girl stirred.


She was a shorter girl, looking to be a little younger than Naruto... unlike the silver haired woman who was older than him. She had long purple hair, what was with him and long haired girls ending in his bed? She had deathly pale skin, but it fit her rather well. She had a little bit of... leakage (cum) between her legs... he had, had sex with her just before his current sex partner. She was thin, and had tiny breasts, but still bigger than Koneko did.

"Hey... nice to see you... I got the curtain." The purple haired girl said as she rolled out of the bed with a small laugh, her sleepy yellow eyes opening as she stood up and walked without shame towards the window.


A car outside of the window crashed into a building when the driver looked at her body. She smiled and waved, though the driver now had a broke neck. She closed the window curtain, and smiled back towards the bed.

"How much... how much of that did you two hear?" The silvered haired girl asked, as the blankets moved aside.

"I started listening after... will you be my boyfriend, and must I say... such high-class blood is too much for you servant girl." The figure under the sheets moved out of the blankets.

She was a girl visibly Naruto's age, with... also deathly pale skin that had no real living clr to it. Her ears were long and pointed, and she had platinum blond hair with burning red eyes. Her body was more mature than the purple haired girl's hair... but less mature than the silver haired girl's hair. She had an arrogantness about her, and she was glaring at the others who were sharing the bed with herself and Naruto.

"...Blood?" Naruto asked, and she nodded to him.

"I can smell it. Originally, I was just going to seduce you... drink all of your blood to kill you, and go on. I admit that you have captured my interest... would you like to mate with somebody of my royal blood... forever?" She asked as she held Naruto's chin, and his head was grabbed and pulled into the very large bossom of the silver haired girl.

"No, he is MINE! I had sex with him first!"

"Rosseweisse... Elmenhilde... can you two please STOP!?" Naruto shouted near the end when he felt the purple haired girl latch onto his side. She was pressing her soft body up against him, and sent him a nice smile.

"Hey... want to die and be with me forever?" She asked, and everyone looked at her like she was an idiot.


"... You're a Grimm Reaper?" Rosseweisse asked with narrowed eyes as she tried to read the aura of the girl, who nodded her head.

"I was sent to kill sexy here... I wanted to prank him before-" She didn't really get to finish when Naruto put a finger to her lips and stopped her.

She had him at prank.

"All is forgiven... Anyway... Bennia... you are a supernatural being? Are you all supernatural?" Naruto asked around, wondering if everyone he managed to have sex with was that way.

"Pure-Blooded Vampire." Elmenhilde stated with crossed arms. They were in her own nation, and she had been taking a walk. She could understand why Bennia was here if she was a Grimm Reaper, no doubt since on a mission by Hades to try and get Naruto's soul or something. She had felt his energy as well... and it was damn intoxicating. She had gotten drunk from power just by sucking his energy out of him... when she sucked his dick.

It could be said that she got drunk off his dick, but she didn't... she got drunk sucking energy from his dick.

"Valkyrie." Rossweisse stated with red cheeks, she wanted to hear his reaction and answer to her question.

"Grimm Reaper... nice to meet you." Bennia said as she got back to latching onto his side.

"You don't seem surprised at all." Elmenhilde pointed out to Naruto, who was smiling awkwardly at them.

He was not surprised.

"Honestly... The last few days I have been attacked by a ton of supernatural women either after my power, my life, or my dick. Also, I'm not even the original... in... 7 hours I'm going to pop and vanish forever... my memories will go back to the original me." Naruto said, and his tone got more and more sad as he looked at them. Elmenhilde was shocked when she heard that he was not the original, truly shocked. She lowered her gaze to the floor though, and looked to the side.

That didn't sound good.

"... At least become my boyfriend for the next 7 hours. If your original gets your memories... then he will get the memory of you agreeing to be my boyfriend... right?" Rossweisse asked with a desperate smile on her face. She wanted to have a boyfriend already damnit, and she already had sex with this man. It was his responsibility to take the right actions for what he had done with her.

Naruto looked at his hands sadly.

"What is wrong?" Bennia asked as she sat up at his side, not latching onto him.

"... I don't want to vanish... I don't want to stop living anymore. Us clones... we never live for more than a few minutes or hours... We don't experience love or loss... we die so quickly that our memories... they don't even matter to the original... will I still exist... even when I'm gone?" Naruto asked them all. He needed an answer to his question, because he didn't want to leave them. He couldn't... he hated the thought of leaving three people that he had really bonded with (through sex) over the last few days. He had laughed with them, had rough angry sex with them, shared fun moments with them... and he had kind of gotten to know them when they were not having sex.

He didn't want his existance to end.

Would the original even care about what he did? Would the original keep his feelings towards these girls after getting his memories? What would the original do with the memories of love and passion that he would get from him? He didn't know, and he couldn't stand not knowing.

"You're a clone?" Bennia asked, having a little trouble understanding that.

He crossed his fingers and created another clone of himself.

"A Shadow Clone... When we pop... all our experiences and memories go back to the original and all other existing clones." Naruto said, and the clone popped.

-With the Original Naruto-

"What the FUCK are my clones DOING!?" Naruto shouted out as he stomped his foot on the ground. The past days he had been getting nothing but memories of his clones getting attacked and having TONS of sex. He was getting so many clone memories that he was starting to get super annoyed with them.

Thankfully, over 970 clones had already come back to him, and given him their reports. There was still a single clone in China on the way to him with somebody else.

He had knowledge that like 20 of his clones had decided to make 1,000 clones and go off, fucking around and doing dumb shit.

Of THOSE clones, over 18,000 of those clones had decided to do their jobs and do requests for Naruto.

He had around 2,020 clones fucking around all over the world. They were abusing the fact that he couldn't pop them, or risk popping ALL of the clones in the world to stop them from messing things up. He just got memories of his clone having a 3 day foursome with some hot ass women, a young one, teenage one, and adult one.

He had over 2,000 clones... maybe MORE having sex with a ton of women.

He had already gotten the memories of having sex with nearly 1,000 different women.

"My clones are making me look like a manwhore! Fuck you clones, you assholes suck." Naruto said as he sat down on the grass and looked at the DOZENS of stacks of papers that he had around him. In a few hours he was going to take these stacks to Rias and show them to her. All around the area Naruto had over 1,000,000 different rewards for all of the requests that his clones had done.

He would have to physically take Rias to this location in order to show her all of the rewards he had gotten from the requests...

More memories flooded into Naruto.

"Fuck yeah, you are AWESOME clone! Now I have a bank account with over... how much is an american dollar worth? I mean, having 678,938,949.88 dollars in the bank sounds amazing and all... but what use does it really do me?" Naruto asked himself as he got the memories of a lazy clone who had done nothing but spend his days having sex with women, and gambling. The clone had just popped, after making a bank account for him... after having sex with nearly 20 different women.

How were his clones so good at seducing women?

Naruto scratched his chin, and rubbed his well developed abs as he grinned to himself. He didn't notice his own handsome looks, and how he put the men of this world to shame with his muscle structure for the most part.

Well, he could add more women to the list of women he had sex with.

How many requests had been managed to make his clones do?

His clones had managed to do over 1,890,000 requests so far.

"I am SO getting promited... that is like... 20 times what I told Rias I was going to do." Naruto said as he started to store away the papers in a scroll.

He had a lot of bragging he could do.

But first-

Naruto placed his hands together.

-With Naruto clone-

"I could vanish at any moment. I have no idea what I could be to you... Rossweisse... Bennia... Elmenhilde... I would agree to anything you wanted... but... I mean I never break my promises..." Naruto said with an unsure look. Rossweisse smiled and placed her hand on his cheek.

You did not have sex with a person, without bonding to them in some kind of way, unless you were an emotionless bastard.

"Promise me you will take responsibility." Rossweisse stated with a smile on her face, and Naruto nodded a little stunned.

"You took my virginity, so I expect to drink blood from the real you whenever I want to." Elmenhilde stated to Naruto with a smirk on her face.

"... Can I prank the real you?" Bennia asked as she got up and went down on the clone. She moved her body so that she was between his legs. The clone looked at her with a raised eyebrow, but he nodded.

She put her mouth on his penis.


The clone went up in a puff of smoke when Bennia bit down on his penis as hard as she could. The clone didn't even get time to shout out in pain. Her teeth had sank into that dick hard enough to easily pierce the skin. His dick was too durable for her to bite all the way through, but damn would the original feel that.

-With Naruto/Kuroka-

"Mother fucking mother fucker! I could feel that!" Naruto shouted out as he went his dick between his legs in phantom pain. He was on the ground, holding himself because fuck did that hurt.

Fuck you Bennia!

"What is wrong nyan?" Kuroka asked with a small frown on her face.

She rarely heard Naruto say fuck, a lot of other curse words, but fuck was rarely one of the ones that he said.

"... Somebody bit another clone's dick..." Naruto stated with a shiver as he remembered that. She had tried to prank him, but when the original got his hands on Bennia, that girl would be getting more than just a firm spanking. He would prank her ten times harder than her little prank on him. Kuroka raised an eyebrow, but she didn't question it that much.

Who did something like that?

Kuroka grinned, and she moved closer to Naruto, pressing her breasts up against his arm. She smiled wickedly for a moment, before she blew into his ear.

"Don't worry Naruto, I'll never bite your sausage nyaaaaan." Kuroka slowly, sensually, spoke as she leaned up to whisker into his ear. Naruto was red faced at how... well she was blowing into his ear and whispering some damn seductive stuff. He didn't need to explain the reason for his red cheeks in this.

Kuroka was telling him both that she would never bite his dick, and that she was going to be sucking his dick at the same time.

She was good.


"Oh Koneko-chan... you don't believe you can compete with me in seduction, do you?"

Kuroka was blown away when Naruto called her Little Kitten and she was even more blown away when the smoke cleared to reveal a different Naruto. This Naruto was clearly a woman, the voice and all. Large breasts that were clearly on par with her own breasts, pushed up against her breasts so that the nude nipples were blocked from her view. Long blond hair tied in ponytails, and all of Naruto's features were feminized to the extreme.

'Does he know I'm related to Shirone?' Kuroka thought with some surprise.

She could smell her sister on him, Koneko she went by now, but did Naruto know of this and use Koneko-chan to show it? Koneko was a pet name that men would sometimes give their girls, showing that they viewed them as little kittens. Was it just a freaky coincidence that her sister had been renamed to that.

The shock factor made Kuroka back up and looked away for a moment.


"Kuroka, you are years away from being on my level." Naruto said with red cheeks still. Her seductive had been mildly successfull, but by using his own, he had been able to mostly calm himself down.

Kuroka was surprised, before she smiled widely.

"Oh you are just a treat nyan. A lot of men these days are so... boring when it comes to seduction. They don't go for it even when women so clearly want their cock nyan. You know what you want, and will get it." Kuroka spoke with confidence. She was proud to say that if Naruto was a Harem Protagonist, he wouldn't waste his time trying to confess to a single girl.

The second he had feelings for a girl, he would boldly proclaim his love for that girl, make her his... and then he would make all of the girls who loved him feel loved as well.

It was just in his nature.

"... I felt a chill, what were you just thinking?" Naruto asked with a raised eyebrow at her.

"... Just that you were better than Rito Yuuki." Kuroka stated to Naruto.


"Who the fuck is that?" Naruto asked her right back. He had no idea who that was, so being compared to that person was strangely... noneffective for him.

"The protagonist of the popular To Love-Ru and To Love-Ru Darkness manga... he gets all these women to fall in love with him by accidently molesting them nyan. He is a pent-up virgin who doesn't know what to do with his own sexual urges... and can't even properly confess to a girl... Don't you read manga nyan?" Kuroka asked with some surprise. Heck, even she read manga when she had nothing better to do. Okay, so she only read the stories like that so that she could look at the seduction methods used by the girls and then modify them to fit her own purposes, but still.

She was sure that a lot of Japanese boys went through an Ecchi Manga phase, but Naruto didn't even seem to know what a manga was.

"The fuck is a manga?"

Okay, he didn't know what a manga was.

"... Books with pictures that tell stories about boys who molest girls by tripping on top of them. Stripping them naked too nyan, by accident of course.." Kuroka deadpanned to him.

"Sounds stupid... What girl falls in love with a guy who molests her? Heck, what girl falls in love with a guy who strips them naked, even by accident... or by purpose. What happened to falling in love with a person, because you like the kind of person they are... heck, falling in love with somebody for their looks is more acceptable than that." Naruto pointed out, not understanding the appeal of falling in love with somebody who will just molest you. He didn't know much about love, but he knew that for the love to be strong it had to be built on trust, understanding, and the ability to share with the other person.

A relationship built on molestation was weak.

It was one thing to get a little... touchy with a girl you were already in a relationship with, or when the girl wanted you to touch her... but it was another thing that Naruto could not condone to do it to-

Naruto tripped over a large rock as they were walking.

He pushed Kuroka to the ground, and she grinned when she saw that his hand was about to go towards her boob.

Ninja reflexes kicked in moments later, and Naruto moved his hands to either side of Kuroka. His body never coming into contact with her body, though he was above her, as he skillfully placed his hands to either side of her head.


"... Wow, if this was a harem manga, you would have just broken the system by not molesting me. I wouldn't have minded a little touching nyan. I would have welcomed it." Kuroka informed Naruto, for future reference, that he could molest her all he wanted. She was just surprised that he had been able to stop himself from groping her before it happened.

Naruto pushed up off of her, and dusted his knees off.

"I stand by what I said. I don't think I would like those manga too much. Sure, I'm a pervert and stuff... but I like books that have good stories and aren't just pervy stuff." Naruto said with a groan as he remembered his teacher.


Jiraiya who made him read his Icha Icha Violence and become the editor for the story, meaning that Naruto had to ready a shitty romance/porn that Jiraiya had written. Naruto had experience reading stories where the romance was turned into something that he could not see working out.

Then there was Kakashi, who read those stories.

"You read books?" Kuroka asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you just call me stupid?" Naruto asked as he looked at her like she was insane. "Of course I like books... my favorite book is the Tale of an Utterly Gutsy Ninja. I just hate books that focus on learning... I like fun, exciting books full of drama, suspense, and action... boring books like history books I can't stand." Naruto said as he waved his hand, glaring at her. Why did people think he didn't like to read? He had a damn bookshelf full of books and scrolls in his apartment back in Konoha, literally, he had an entire bookshelf FULL of scrolls and books both.

He just never had the time to read.

He was also extremely picky about books that he liked, so it was rare to see him reading a book simply because very few of them fit his tastes.

Kuroka sweatdropped.

"You... just seem to hyper to read nyan... So how far are we away from the original you nyan." Kuroka asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto pointed across the ocean they were facing.

"That way." He stated, and she sweatdropped.

How... fun.

-With the Original-

Naruto's hand went from cancelling the Shadow Clone jutsu, to holding his dick when he got the memories of the clone getting bit in the dick. Naruto didn't remember too much of what that clone experience, seeing as he was far too concerned about the phantom pain that he was experiencing between his legs.

He kind of remembered this clone having sex with three beautiful women, and three names did ring a bell in his mind now.

Still, he mostly remembered a girl biting his dick.

"There you are."

"Koneko-chan?" Naruto asked when he turned around and saw that Koneko was standing nearby. She was neutral faced at the moment, though he believed that he could easily change that no problem.

She looked at the huge amounts of rewards and papers that he had signed.

"... You actually did it." Koneko spoke with some surprise when she saw the absurd amount of fufilled requests that he had managed to do.

Rias had been getting worried for Naruto, seeing as even though he joined her peerage, he hadn't spoke so much as a word to her since joining. So she had sent Koneko out to find him, and see how he was doing. Rias was very affectionate, even with somebody who just joined the peerage. So when Naruto vanished for around 10 days, without so much as a word to her, of course the red head would get worried for him and send people to find him.

It just so happened Koneko remembered what he smelled like.

"I'm the great Naruto Uzumaki-sama, what else did you expect." Naruto gloated with a smug grin on his face.

Koneko bonked his head.

"I expect you to shower, you smell bad." Koneko told him, seeing as he hadn't really had a good shower or bath in the time he had been gone. He had bathed in the water nearby, but without soap he hadn't really been able to do anything other than get sweat and grime off of himself.

Naruto rubbed the back of his head and laughed, before he raised his arm and smelled his pit. Naruto jerked back with some surprise at how bad he smelled, it wasn't gag himself bad, but it he smelled like some serious BO.

"I got bored, so I trained a little... a lot. Can I use your shower before seeing Rias... Seal." Naruto said as he made a handsign, and he sent out a wave of his chakra across the rewards he got and the papers he got signed.


All of the rewards and requests were sealed into over 100 scrolls that he had placed underneath them. Naruto crossed his fingers, and with another explosion of smoke, several clones started to appear to gather all of the scrolls for him so that he could take them to Rias later as proof that he had done his job right.

"No, my apartment will smell like BO. Use the one in the clubroom." Koneko stated to Naruto with a dull tone, and narrowed eyes.

She would be fine with Naruto using her shower... if he didn't smell so bad.

"You're so mean Koneko-chan." Naruto spoke, and she grabbed his hand and started to lead him away towards the clubroom.

"Suck it up." Koneko stated to him, though she was smiling in a way that he couldn't see it. She was surprised that he wasn't making a big deal out of her grabbing his hand like some of the... other boys at the school she went to would. He didn't even seem to notice her hand, in the romantic way at least.

Naruto did notice something about her hand though.

'She has small hands... well, she is small... Mmm, and she has a good butt.' Naruto thought as an idea was forming in his head.

A new variation of the Sexy Jutsu.

He had the Sexy Jutsu, the New Sexy Jutsu, the Harem Jutsu, and the Reverse-Harem Jutsu... but those were all appealing to certain types of fetishes. They appealed to the fetish of using well developed people as the base of the seduction.

Koneko was giving him an idea for a new variation of the Sexy Jutsu that could appeal to a wider variaty of perverts.

"Hey, do you mind if I use your personality for a new technique I'm making?" Naruto asked, since not only did her body inspire him, but her blunt and forward personality did the same as well. If Koneko was super energetic and happy, then she would seem like a child... but she was mature and neutral, which gave off the adult charm that clashed well with her less developed body.

Her personality said "I'm older than I look, deal with it" while her body said "I have room for potential, get me while you have the chance".

The clash created the "I'm underdeveloped, deal with it, I'm still sexy as fuck" combination.

"... What?" Koneko asked with a very unsure look as she stopped, turned around, and gave Naruto a look that showed she had no idea what her personality could have to do with a technique.

"You have a great personality for a new technique I'm going to create. I think your personality will make my technique 100 times better! The BOOM factor will be greater." Naruto's explaination didn't even slightly help Koneko understand what he was getting at. All she understood was that he liked her personality, and that he believed that it was pervert. She thought about it for a second.

That was actually a very nice thing of him to say to her.

He wasn't complimenting her body, not that she got much of that, or how cute she was (which she got a lot)... he was saying her liked her attitude.

She didn't get that ever.

"I don't mind, what is this technique called?" Koneko asked, and Naruto put some thought into it.

"The... Hmmm, I'll come up with the name later." Naruto laughed as he couldn't think of a immedient name for his own technique.

"Show me when you make it." Koneko told him.

She got a thumbs up in return.

"No problem!" Naruto said, and Koneko realized something.

Why were they walking, she could use a magic circle to teleport them to the clubroom!

"Here boss, every is packed up nicely in this scroll." A Naruto clone gave Naruto a single scroll, that had all of the other scrolls sealed inside of it.

"Okay, time to release all of you then." Naruto said as he placed his hands together.


Naruto collapsed onto his butt panting with some sweat forming on his body.

"You okay?" Koneko asked with some major surprise at seeing him suddenly look so exhausted.

"... When Shadow Clones get released, I get all of their memories and experience... any exhaustion they experience gets passed onto me as well. I just got the mental exhaustion of several thousand clones at the same time... Give me a moment." Naruto raised a hand up to her. It took amazing physical stamina AND mental stamina to withstand the feedback of the Shadow Clone jutsu. The physical stamina was needed to make the clones, while the mental stamina was needed to withstand the feedback of the clones.

An iron hard willpower was needed to remain standing, along with amazingly powerful chakra, and huge amounts of physical stamina.

It was a technique that only he could truly use to it's full potential.

"What were they doing?" Koneko asked when she saw Naruto's nose bleeding a little.

"Huh?... A couple thousand clones decided that they didn't want to follow orders... so they found... other... things to do... Damn those clones." Naruto said, and Koneko slowly, and sarcastically, clapped for him. She would call him a pervert... were it not for how annoyed he was at the clones not doing what they were suppose to do. It wasn't like he created the clones to go out and have sex, the clones decided to fuck their creator, by doing the opposite of what he wanted them to do.

At the same time, it wasn't like his original body was having sex, so she couldn't really call the original a pervert for the actions of stubborn clones.

... Or could she?

She didn't know, all this talk of clones was very confusing to her.

She sat down on the ground next to him.

"I'll wait for you to recover." She told him with a very, very small smile, and he returned her smile with a large one of his own.

-With Kuroka-

"... Okay, now I have to find the original without the clone guiding me... this will be... fun." Kuroka deadpanned to herself.

She better be getting the D after all this trouble she was going through.

Chapter End!
Please Leave Me Lots Of Nice Long Reviews, But No Flames Please!

1. This might be a Harem, and it might NOT be a Harem.
Just because it looks like a Harem Story, doesn't mean it will be one. Naruto had a large amount of Fangirls when he was 19 years old, but he didn't have a Harem.
Just because girls fall in love with Naruto, does not mean he will fall in love with them in return.

2. Also, there is a reason clones CAN get a woman pregnant, but it is very conditional.
When the eggs and the sperm meet, the Sperm releases it's genetic code, and that code fuses with the egg's code and makes something new. When the clone pops, the Sperm DOES pop as well... but the eggs already got the genetic code from the sperm, and it split itself off making a new cell unrelated to the sperm itself.
Of course, it takes normally at least 3 days for a sperm to reach an egg, so the clone would have to stay alive for about 3 days for it to get a woman pregnant as well.
So while it is possible for a clone to get a woman pregnant, it is highly unlikely, simply because the chance of Naruto letting a clone live for 3 days is very low.