Disclaimer: The anime series, Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Written By: Moon's Phantom.

Drabble Seven

Pairing: Uzumaki Naruto x Hyuuga Hinata

Day: Seven

Theme: Belonging


They laughed at his restlessness, observing his impatient pacing.

Today, their soon-to-be Hoakge's wife and his childhood friend were returning from their six month mission. They knew that everyone had missed the beautiful Uzumaki though they couldn't say the same for the Uchiha, they're pretty sure that only Haruno Sakura and Naruto had missed him. Hinata was the one the crowd was waiting for.

"What's taking so long?!" He growled and his pacing increased. His wife shouldn't have ever gone out on that long of a mission but someone had had to keep an eye on Sasuke and she was the only willing shinobi that had been allowed the mission. The pretty former Hyuuga should have stayed in his embrace and allowed him to take her back home, to the place she belonged. She should've stayed at his side.

Whenever he walked into their shared home, the place felt empty and lost all its warmth – it was lonely. It had been had felt like his small apartment he'd lived when he was younger. She hadn't greeted him at the door every evening as she was supposed to, kissing his face and wrapping her lean arms around his shoulders. There had been nobody to speak to, share his day with or cuddle closely. His sense of belonging and purpose had gone a little out of whack.

He froze when he felt someone tap him on his shoulder.

Slowly, ever so slowly he turned to find his beautiful wife.


His whisper of relief and the way he instantly drew the woman into his arms made any who watched heart's melt. He held onto her as tightly, burying his face into her neck and breathed in deep familiarizing himself again with her calming scent. She was back…my lovely wife is finally back in my arms.



"I'm back where I belong. I love you."

He pulled back and their gazes locked; intense and passionate.

"And I love you."


Beloved has been completed! A week of drabble for NaruHina starting with B.

Thanks people for all your reviews, taking the time to read this story, following and favoring it. You guys are welcome to make any requests for any other couples from Naruto, Inuyasha, Fairy Tail, Ushio to Tora and Avatar Last Airbender however it will be awhile before I can get back to you, I'll write them according to how popular the shipping is. Thanks again precious people.

Thank You - Moon's Phantom38.