Title: Skull X Reborn

Summary: Skull is an adrenaline junkie who gets off on near death experiences. Understandably, this also means Reborn is very attractive.


The car radio is turned all the way up to an eardrum shattering volume and Skull is headbanging in the driver's seat, going one-ten an hour in a sixty zone.

So it actually takes him a while to notice people are shooting at him.

Skull takes a peek in his mirrors and laughs. He lowers his window and half-heartedly slows down for a drift around the huge roundabout.

He almost clips a Ford, before shooting out back the way he came. He passes the cars chasing him only to stick his hand out of the window and flip them off.

What dumb-ass thought they could out match him on a road? They need to be fired. Out of a cannon.

Skull gasps when his favourite song comes on and jams out in his seat, shoulders jerking up and down as he belts out the lyrics. He then proceeds with more headbanging.

Another car revs loud enough for Skull to hear -even with the volume that could make a lesser man's ears bleed- and pulls up head to head with him. Some grunt lowers a window and pulls a gun on Skull.

Skull takes a hard turn so his car fishtails and climbs the curb, only to fly down a wide set of steps and cut across four lanes of traffic, then down an alleyway. Skull spins the wheel and drifts back out onto the road.

He beeps his horn in time with the song's drums and swerves around cars waiting at the lights, into oncoming traffic that criss-crosses the huge intersection, then swerves back.

More cars join the race and Skull reaches across to the glove-box to grab the gun Reborn left there, singing into it like a microphone, really getting into the song. There are drones following him from above, struggling to keep up.

His phone vibrates against his leg so he tosses the gun into the passenger seat, raises the window to cut out the rushing wind, and turns off the radio to answer.

"Yo, babe," Skull drawls. "What are you wearing?"

"Black lace," Reborn deadpans.

Skull cackles. "Don't say that, you're distracting me when I'm driving." He bites his lip. "But like, are you actually?"

"You know that joke present Colonnello got me last Christmas?" Reborn hums. "I'm not one for lingerie but the panties feel good."

Skull pulls the phone away from his ear and turns to gape at the man trying to shoot through his bulletproof window, because what the fuck, is Reborn playing with him? It's fifty-fifty because Reborn cosplays and he's the type to go all the way.

Skull mouths 'what the fuck' at the gunman then brings the phone back. "Pics or it didn't happen."

"Why don't you come see it yourself?" Reborn retorts. "Then you can take Fon to the airport because he got a last-minute call about a Triad thing."

Skull is an hour out from the Arcobaleno manor.

"Give me forty minutes," Skull says very seriously even though he knows it's a trap.

"Can't wait," Reborn muses. "And who's shooting at you?"

"Man, I don't know, but they drive like they're shitfaced," Skull complains. "Like try a little harder please, it's hurting my feelings."

"Maybe you should tell them that."

Skull let's go of the wheel completely and lowers the window with the hand not holding the phone up. "Learn to drive, bitch!"

Bullets fly past his head, ping off the passenger window or dashboard, then Skull goes full pedal to the metal and bursts forward. He grabs the wheel again and jerks to the right, merging into the freeway and immediately cutting through three lanes of traffic to hit the left take over lane.

"I told them, but I don't know if they heard it over the sound of me leaving them in the dust," Skull cackles.

He flips open a switch on his dashboard and presses the button to the NOS. He hits one-fifty in point-four-three seconds and climbs to two hundred before he even grabs the wheel again.

"By the way!" Skull tacks on. "Found a great place to do donuts though, I'll take you on a drive tonight."

"Oh? If it's impressive, I'll suck your dick on the way back after."

Skull slams his head back against the headrest. "Is it my birthday?! Why are you seducing me, what do you want, just take it all!"

Reborn chuckles. "Bye, Skull."

Skull groans at hearing the dial tone and drops his phone into the cup holder. He can probably make it in thirty minutes if he pushes.


A/N: So I used the app to upload for the first time and it was bad, don't do that. The formatting gets fucked.