Merry Christmas my lovelies! This is the story's second Christmas, wow! I hope y'all had or are having a great day. It's not about the presents. It's about being surrounded by the people you love and who love you. It's about enjoying each other's presence. I love you guys!

This chapter is... adequate.

July 2017

"We had already been separated for 5 months when I sent the divorce papers, so the divorce should take place in February," Tris explained, feeding James with a blanket wrapped around the two. Bud was bouncing a giggling Zara in her lap while the whole gang was scattered all over Tris's living room.

"That is only because Haytham agreed. If he didn't, his consent would have been needed and that could take three years. Without his consent, five years," Will pointed out.

"Okay, yeah, thanks for that, William(!)." Cara rolled her eyes at her sheepish-looking brother while everyone chuckled quietly.

"Okay, not to be rude or anything but, enough of this divorce sh*t!"

"Well, that was rude," Uriah called out from the kitchen as Tris grumbled, "'mind your language."

"Okay, first of all, shut up over there, Uriah, and hurry up with the food. Second of all, you can't talk, Tris, you need to wash out that mouth. Third of all, it's my baby's first birthday! What did y'all get me-him?!" Chris teased before squealing in excitement.

"Did she just say-" Uriah started before being cut off by Marlene.

"We all know what she said," Marlene muttered. Chris rolled her eyes, and saluted everyone with her middle finger.

"Yo, dude, I don't see you on the floor with your baby mama and baby," Eric goaded. Will scoffed, patting the armchair.

"Nah, I'm Gucci."

"Get your ass down here, boy, or I swear to God, I will-" Will scrambled to the floor and sat by his son as everyone guffawed while Chris pursed her lips and ran her eyes up and down her boyfriend with a warning look. Will gulped, beaming, and turned his attention to Alex. Tris watched the interaction with a small smile as her eyes then flitted to Tobias, next to her, whose eyes were already on her. She bit her lip and looked away, focusing on James who was close to finishing. Everyone chattered, ignoring the two, and revealed their presents for Alex.

His large hand dropped onto her knee, and squeezed. She giggled silently, for that was a ticklish spot, and grabbed his hand. His hand turned over to intertwine both hands and Tris stared at how perfectly their hands fit, blushing. James released Tris, and she sighed in relief, letting go of Tobias's hand who then instantly reached over and picked up a gurgling James. Tris fixed herself underneath the blanket, and gathered the wrapped box that was on the small coffee table beside the two-person couch.

"This is from Tobias and I," Tris spoke as Will collected the box from her. Will gave a one-sided hug to Tris and shook Tobias's hand before settling back down on the floor with all the presents now surrounding Chris, Alex, and Will.

Tobias had rested James on his left shoulder with his right hand rubbing James's back in a circular motion before patting it in this order: top, top, bottom, bottom, middle, middle, middle. Tris's heart fluttered at the sight, as Tobias whispered a lullaby to James with his eyes closed. James was restless all night, and Tobias had been the one to look after him. Tris smiled softly, looking around the room at everyone. She caught Evelyn's eye, and Evelyn grinned widely, winking. Tris scoffed under her breath, her cheeks heating up.

"How much sleep did you get?" Tris questioned, running a hand through Tobias's brown curls. One eye snapped open, and Tobias blew out his cheeks, leaning into Tris's touch as she palmed his cheek.

"I don't know, three hours? I slept while you got ready," he replied, stroking James's back. Tobias had come downstairs to everyone already at the house.

"I didn't take three hours to get ready, what the hell?" Tobias beamed, raising an eyebrow at Tris.

"James woke up three times, and we had put him down at 10, because he slept three times throughout the day. So he finally slept properly at 7 in the morning. I didn't sleep straightaway though. I ironed all our clothes, sorted out the laundry, made sure the gas was on for hot water, checked I had everything to make the cake for Alex, tidied up the living room, putting the last of the decorations up, tidied the kitchen, and brought the spare folding chairs down from the attic. That was about three hours? Then you woke up, and I helped with getting the babies ready, which took an hour. I slept while you got ready, and when I woke up, it was 2 in the afternoon. You were just pulling on your socks. Then everyone started arriving-"

"Okay, Okay, I got it. I wasn't getting ready in all that time, you know? Plus, you didn't have to do all of that, though. You could have carried on sleeping, everyone would have understood.

"I know. Well, what were you doing then?" Tris shrugged, scratching Tobias's head.

"But, anyways, I wanted to do all of that, and it's rude to sleep while you have guests over," Tobias shot back as James burped. Tobias moved to lay James across his forearm and hugged him to his chest, as Tris pulled the small towel from his shoulder that James spat on, "plus, you needed your sleep. You hadn't slept for almost 48 hours. Just let me help too." Tris grabbed his right hand, brought it to her lips, and kissed it. The towel was then placed onto the table next to her.

"Thank you." Tobias nodded once, holding Tris's head to bring her closer, and kissed her temple before letting his hand drop to her waist and leaving it there. Tris took this as a chance to snuggle up to him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"This is from Fourtris," Will murmured, not realising what he had just said until a moment later. Everyone quietened, and Tris huffed.

"We're already sleeping in the same bed, f*ck it," Tris blurted, and her eyes widened a second too late.

"YOU WHAT?" Chris shrieked. Tobias groaned, throwing his head back. Tris blushed, hiding her face in Tobias's chest.

"Okay, leave them alone, it's Alex's day," Tori jumped in. Chris squinted her eyes at Tris before turning back to her son, who's playing with the wrapping paper.

"Mama, mama," he blubbered.

"Look at your new shoes!" she cooed, moving the box of Vans to the side. Alex smiled at his mother before crawling to his father. Will picked him up, as Chris opened the last present from Tris and Tobias.

"Wait. This isn't just one gift!" Chris exclaimed, pulling out multiple items.

"A wooden name train - no spare parts so he won't choke, a teddy bear, a night light - you mentioned him not sleeping in the dark, a name plaque for his bedroom door - because why not?, and a few pieces of clothing. We couldn't decide on one thing for Alex, so we bought quite a few things," Tobias rattled off.

"Oh, come on, you just had to show us up, didn't you?"

"Well, we are the godparents," Tris pointed out, smirking at Eric.

"Wait, but you were with Haytham when Alex was born." Everyone looked at Abby, who just shrugged.

"Yeah, so?" Tris argued, with a curious smile. Abby raised her hands in surrender. Small whimpering pulled everyone's attention to the baby carseat besides Shauna. Zeke stood up and gently picked up his baby girl.

"She's so small," Marlene commented, reaching over to stroke Pauline's cheek. Zeke beamed, nodding.

"Shauna, how's motherhood?"

"It's been a month, and I feel like I haven't slept in years," Shauna grumbled, while Tris and Chris laughed.

"Honestly!" Chris chuckled, blowing kiss towards Alex.

"Lynn, how's the pregnancy?" Marlene asked.

"I'm just thankful it's almost over. One more month to go!"

"Wait, we graduated last year, didn't we? In August?"

"What's your point, Will?" Eric grumbled.

"Lynn mentioned seeing Haytham in the hospital, in August, so I assume this was after the graduation. I thought the egg was inserted that same month?"

"Well, no. I was going through health checks and all. Then I had to wait for a couple, which turned out to be Amber and Nick. I had to get acquainted with them. Then I agreed to carrying their baby in November, after Tris gave birth."

"What was it about Tris giving birth, that you thought, 'okay, I'm going to carry these people's baby'?" Cara queried, playing with Caleb's fingers.

"I saw the joy on her face. Even though she had cussed every single member of the delivery team in the room, screamed at Haytham, and chucked a few things at me, she was over the moon when she saw James and Zara, and Haytham broke in tears. At this moment in time, the reasoning behind that may have changed, but he looked so happy as well. I wanted the couple to experience the same feeling, I didn't want to delay that any longer."

"Oh sh*t, Lynn, you got me all emotional," Marlene sniffled. Lynn snickered, her hands resting on her bump. Uriah finally emerged from the kitchen, holding a circular tray.

"Oh, sh*t, Uriah, I forgot about you," Eric joked. Uriah scoffed, placing the tray down on the dining table behind Tris and Tobias. There were already snacks and drinks on the table.

"What's that?"

"The cookie Tobias told me to make for you guys," Uriah responded to Will.

"You let Uriah make it?" Chris asked. Tobias nodded.

"It's the Pedrad's recipe. Hana told me about how it was tradition to make a cookie for a baby boy's first birthday in the family. I never told him to make it, though."

"But Uri said-" Jonathan started.

"Yeah, since the Pedrads helped Will when we were younger, Uriah actually came to me and said he wanted to make a cookie, because Will is basically part of the family."

"Awe, bro, that's why you were in the kitchen making noise. I thought you were just tryna feed your fat self," Will teased. Uriah guffawed, scratching his neck in embarrassment. Everyone smiled at the interaction.

"That's so sweet of you, Uri, thankyou!" Chris squeaked, scrambling to her feet and strolling to where Uriah stood. She gave him a hug and gasped at the cookie.

"That is so beautiful! I need to get a snap of that," Chris muttered, grabbing her phone out of her pocket. Will stood up as well and walked over with Alex in his arms.

"That's sick, bro, thankyou." Uriah nodded his welcome and persuaded the couple to take pictures with Alex behind the cookie. Everyone got up and surrounded the table, chattering, and taking random pictures.

"Okay, now can I eat?"

Till later, BooksLover2000...