Sorry, this has taken so long, but hey! Here it is! Thank you so much for your reviews! It has been a long time, I know, but been very busy and unable to write. I have had my own bundle of joy, Alex; she is now 1 year old, like Daniel! Anyway, here we go. Again, sorry for the LOOOOONG delay!

Chapter Eight: The Choice of One

The notice was passed quickly to through the ministry of magic as an urgent meeting had been called by Cornelius Fudge. Many confused yet curious faces were now filing into the large meeting room. Among them, a man with flaming red hair and a triumphant gleam in his eye moved to the front of the table to his place beside the minister. He saw two of his other siblings; Bill and George come to the front and whisper toward him. "Seen dad? He was supposed to be picking up something for Umbridge."

Ron smiled and shook his head. "I expect he will be here soon, though."

Bill glanced at Ron with interest but shrugged and moves to a seat in a row of chairs that had been made to fit in the tiny room. Almost every member was here now, and Ron could almost feel himself seething with power, he felt his body began to slowly drain power from those around him. He saw all of the faces of those he had grown up around, all those who would soon be in his power.

Our Power… Remember that…

(I will master. I feel you taking from them. How are you doing that unnoticed?)

Things change when you become less human. I have abilities now that only wizards can dream. I, now joined with you, will prove just how powerful one man can be. But, my body is more important to me now. I need a body. I need to feed. I need to kill.

(I will kill for you master. I will take care of you till that time.)

You will also give me others things as well. There are three I have always craved in humanity; lust, power and immortality. I will explain these things to you in time. Now I think your audience has completely arrived.

Ron was forced back to the present time and saw that everyone was now staring at him and Fudge. Cornelius, moving emotionlessly as he was a doll, stood at the podium and addressed every in droning words, "I am resigning."

There was a flood of murmurs and sudden gasps as every witch or wizard in the stared at him. He slowly moved his hand and gestured toward Ron. "As you see, I have brought this young man up to all of you today. He is my replacement, and will be taking my place as Minister of Magic effective immediately. We have now, once again, entered troubled times. I have received notice that the Death Eaters have now found a new lord. One that is boasting to be even more powerful than He Who Must Not Be Named. I have been minister for quite some time, and I am ready to pass the torch to the next generation. I have chosen this young man because of his stamina, his knowledge of the Death Eaters from his previous experience with them, and of course, he helped defeat the Dark Lord! I know that at the height of our new beginning, our new era of peace, that this is quite sudden. But I feel confident and prepared to hand over the position to this man. I present to you, Ronald Weasley!"

Percy scowled and rushed up to Cornelius and whispered in his ear. "But I am your assistant! He is too young!"

Ron sneered and stood up, muttering to Percy as he shook Fudge's hand, "Little upset I am better at something than you dear brother. Get used it…"

He allowed a hiss in voice as he said, making Percy raise an eyebrow. He moved away from the stone-faced Cornelius Fudge as he took the seat where Ron had been as Ron moved up to the podium to address the ministry. He paused, taking in all of the faces now staring unblinkly up at him.

Delores Umbridge, whose hair sported a hideous yellow bow, was getting ready to do her infamous "Hem-Hem" as she wanted to speak out on behalf of her department. She has always detested the Weasley family by their association with half-breeds. His thoughts were correct as she did so and look brightly up at him with a fake smile crossing her toad-like face. "But Minister Fudge doesn't wizard law proclaim there has to be a unanimous vote on the next Minister of Magic? This is not a predecessor role as far as I have come across in the record books."

Everyone nodded simultaneously. It was very amusing. Ron did not laugh but lightened his expression and faked a smile that put Umbridge's to shame.

"Laws have changed Umbridge. If you ever bothered to read Article 13, Section 51 of the Ministry of Magic guidelines, it clearly states that when a deadly threat large enough to effect both Muggle and Wizarding worlds comes, a Prime Minister, without hesitation, came take up the command over the threat or pass on his seat to another, one that has experience or knowledge that will lead the worlds to peace. Since I am the Heir of Hufflepuff, and are part of the Ministry and helped destroy the previous Dark Lord, I fit the position quite well. And with everyone here, we will be victorious against the new threat as well. But don't worry Delores; we will be fully protected from this threat. I have sent for Demetors to guard the Ministry. Maybe I should send for the Centaurs too from Hogwarts just in case the Dementors aren't enough. What do you think?"

Umbridge shut her mouth and did not speak again. Percy could not help to speak. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! THIS IS ABSURD! YOU CANNOT RESIGN!"

Ron now glared at Percy. "Mr. Percy Weasley, could you please contain yourself in front of your coworkers? It is rather unprofessional to yell at your superior."

Now the crowd was murmuring wildly as Percy look completely abashed. He stared at his brother, scanned the room for his father, not seeing him amongst the chattering crowd. He paused as if planning out his strategy, then puffed up his chest importantly and moved this his chair other the other side of Ron. "Sorry Minster Weasley, I will not doubt you again."

Ron almost irrupted with laughter on the spot. Knowing he had complete control over his brother, (his pompous, arrogant, dim-witted brother), made him feel like he had never felt before. Voldemort had given him this pleasure, this power. But he knew just words alone were not going to contain this crowd. He was going to need to be much, much more convincing. He took control of Fudge again and made him stand and turn from him, coming to a pause and address a member of the "Daily Prophet" that he invited also. Fudge then gave all the legal documents, all the information to make this complete. The reported scanned over the papers, and without a moment's hesitation, rushed out of the room and out of sight.

Ron felt the reporter leave just minutes later, all the while giving false stories about how he knew the death eaters were reforming, new blood was being added and the new Dark Lord was in Romania somewhere trying to bend dragons to his will for his Army. He needed to make sure only the Complete Ministry of Magic was there, no outsiders. He then gave fudge and glance and Fudge took his place at the podium and continued to answer all other questions. Ron motioned for Percy to follow him as he exited out the side door, avoiding the crowd. He only had a few precious minutes before there would be an uproar.

"Follow me Percy, for as my assistant, you will need to help me with something important regarding safety at the ministry."

"What DID you do to him Ron? He loves his job! I know there is something very wrong here and once I find dad, you will have a lot of explaining to do."

Ron smiled as they entered the minister's office. Ron moved aside and let Percy enter, slamming the door behind them as Percy screamed out at the sight of his father's lifeless body on the floor. He rushed over to the body, checking for any sign of life. Ron felt Voldemort surface, his face contort again to fit the snake-like eyes as he stood over Percy kneeling next to the lifeless body his father. There would be no moment of weakness here. He would give his brother a choice. The choice that he was given. Voldemort raised his wand and pointed at Percy. "Crucio!"

He watched as Percy flayed around screaming as pain filled his entire body. He stopped the curse but remained ready. "I am who all others fear. I am the Dark Lord and will be your master. Your brother has become my pupil; you will be my servant, my Assistant. I am giving you a choice, one that your father, as you see, did not have. You can either follow me at your own free will, take my mark and become my assistant, or fall prey to my will and the Infinite Imperious Curse, a spell that I created that will not release you from my service until I die, which has yet to happen.. Make your choice now!"

Percy could do nothing but stare at Ron, in complete shock and disbelief. He could not believe that his brother, his little baby brother, killed his father and is now going to turn him into a slave of a monster. He saw Voldemort inside of him, holding him, but did he just see a little bit of fight in those eyes? Was Ron still fighting him? He had to be cautious; maybe he could save Ron if he joined willingly. Maybe….

"I hear your thoughts dear Brother, and I have got my answer, you will not quick think your way out of this one. Things always have to be the hard way with you, doesn't it?" Ron pointed his wand directly at Percy's heart.

"Please! No! Ron, this is not you! Fight him! Fight Him!"

"Imperio Infintante!"

A flash of light, and Percy Weasley eyes slid out of focus. He fell backward across the top of his fathers lifeless body, his eyes now closed, his body almost as lifeless as the one beneath him. Ron could see though an inner struggle as Percy tried to fight the curse, one battle he knew would be a loss. Percy shook a little and then his eyes shot open, a glazed look upon them. He rose and Ron spoke. "Now are you ready to serve ME, Percy?"

He looked up at Ron like a puppet. "Yes Master."

Ron laughed and gave Percy a hand off the ground. How Voldemort could control so many with one curse astonished Ron. And soon he would show Ron so many more things. This was his destiny, this was his time.

He WAS the Minister of Magic

He WAS the Dark Lord

He WAS Invincible…….

Well HERE IT begins again. I will try to update as much as possible, let see if I get at least 10 updates to if people are still interested. If this is your first time reading this, read the first story and then you will understand my POV