"Repeat that one more time," I told Szayel as I stared at him in shock.

"You're pregnant." He confirmed.

I wanted to puke again. How was I going to tell Grimmjow? How was I going to tell my father? I continued to stare at him begging mentally for it not to be true. I didn't want to be a mom yet. I sat there for several minutes trying to figure out what to do.

"You're about fourteen weeks along. It's too late for an abortion but if you want to give it up that's still a possibility if you don't want to keep it." He said after a while.

"No, I'm keeping it." I bit out.

Even if it has to be on my own, I was going to raise that child. Eventually, Szayel did an ultrasound and told me that the baby was healthy and if I came back in about two months he'd let us know the gender. I smiled and nodded as I left to go find Grimmjow. He was in the training room with a few lower beings and was just training. As soon as our eyes connected my eyes filled with tears. He stopped what he was doing and walked over to me wiping my eyes with his thumbs.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant, and..." I trailed off not sure how to tell him.

"Come on, you can tell me anything." He reassured kissing my forehead.

"I'm not sure it's yours," I told him quietly.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"One night I got drunk and I ended up kissing a captain and I'm not sure if it went any further than that," I explained.

"Don't worry. It's mine." He said kissing me on the head again.

I looked at him stunned. He was taking this rather well.

"Now, there is one problem. How are we going to tell your father?" He asked as he smiled.

"I have no idea, he just got okay with us and now that 'us' is going to be the three of us..." I shook my head.

"Come on, we'll tell him together." He said taking my hand and walking away.

"Do you want a boy or girl?" I asked.

"A boy that way I don't have to worry about beating boys off of him with a stick." He chuckled.

I laughed as we got to where my parents were talking. They noticed us and looked over.

"Hey baby, what did Szayel say?" My mother asked kissing my cheek.

"Well, how would you feel about being grandparents?" I asked saying each word slowly.

"It's a little soon but I think we'll manage." My mother said winking.

My father stood there and almost looked like he was developing a twitch.

"Grimmjow, I'm going to castrate you." My father said between gritted teeth.

"Run, Child! I'll hold him off!" My mother said pushing against his chest uselessly.

Grimmjow picked me up and flash stepped away. The while I was laughing. Something told me that our baby was going to be spoiled most by my father.

2 Months later.

Grimmjow and I looked at the monitor as Szayel pointed to the spot that would determine boy or girl. When he told us a boy, I couldn't have been happier. A girl seemed like a lot to handle considering what I'd put my parents through just months earlier. Soon the jelly was wiped off and I got to put my shirt back down. I poked the spot that the baby's feet rested at.

"What if he's gay?" I asked.

"No son of mine is going to be gay," Grimmjow said wrinkling his nose.

"But what if? Would you still accept him?" I asked feeling my heart drop.

"Of course, but it isn't going to happen." He said laughing.

"And what makes you so sure?" I nudged him.

"I don't know." He said.

"Exactly!" I said sitting up.

I felt the feet kick lightly at my insides and I knew that he was going to be a lover, not a fight. I smiled at the knowledge that his father wouldn't know until he was older.

Hey, guys thanks for reading! Check out the last part of this series called Aizen's Truth, it'll be up soon but I hope you've enjoyed the Aizen's Queen and Now Aizen's Princess! Thanks again!