I can probably guess what you're all thinking...

"Who is this 'Luka'? And what is she doing actually updating for once?" - Two very good questions!

All I can say is that I've been very busy and uninspired, but I was finally able to force myself to sit at my computer and actually write something! I don't know about you guys, but I'm pretty bloody proud of this.

So enjoy, R&R and all that sort of stuff. Your reviews help me to write this stuff. Seriously, just spam my notifications!


"You're coming close to the end of your final trimester so soon you'll be experiencing sporadic uterine contractions, commonly known as Braxton Hicks or False Labor. The signs of this consist of-"

"Ami, could you stop studying and help us?" Rei growled.

"I'm educating Usagi, as well as studying." Ami justified, nose still buried in her thick textbook on pregnancy.

"Well Mama said she didn't got those with me or Shingo, so I'm probably not going to get them either." Usagi stated, her attention set on folding the small dresses and jumpsuits that she and the girls had recently bought for the baby.

It was getting close to the due date, Usagi was around 37 or 38 weeks now. Mamoru was working hard at university and his job at the TV studio in preparation for her arrival, so the senshi were tasked with keeping an eye on Usagi while he was away during the day. They were currently helping Usagi with the housework and setting up for the baby; Rei was doing the laundry, Minako and Makoto were putting the crib together, and Ami was seated on the bed reading her textbook aloud for Usagi. Not that she understood anything anyway, sometimes Ami forgot to simplify things for her.

"I suppose so, but it's better to know about them - it saves a pointless trip to the doctors. Better safe than sorry." Ami warned.

"You're going to be sorry if you don't help us!" Rei growled, tossing Ami the hamper she held. "Fold these and you'll be safe."

Ami sighed, set aside her book and began folding the sheets in the hamper.

"I'll be fine, anyway. The baby isn't due for a few more weeks." Usagi said, putting the babies clothes away. She walked up to the white crib that Minako and Makoto has just finished putting together, running her fingers along the cold wood and smiling.

"I forgot to show you Usagi, but we got you something! Consider it a baby shower gift for the shower we never held!" Minako smiled, riffling through the pile of plastic bags and cardboard.

"You guys didn't have to get me anything, really. You've helped out enough." Usagi blushed.

"We wanted to. Especially since most of us a working now, it's not like we didn't have the money." Makoto smiled.

Minako made a happy squeak when she found the box she was looking for and handed it to Usagi. All the girls stopped what they were doing to watch her open it.

It was a baby mobile, with special charms hanging off it. There was the moon hanging in the centre, a charm of Luna's head, a silver crystal charm, one of a red rose, and one of a white rabbit. Usagi looked up at the girls, a large smile and small tears on her face.

"Thank you everyone, this is so thoughtful. I love it, Mamoru will love it, and I'm sure the baby will love it too."

After they finished with the housework and set up the mobile on the crib, the girls decided to walk a few streets over to the ice-cream shop. As they sat outside the store, enjoying their desserts, a motorbike pulled up at the curb in front of them - they immediately recognised it as Mamoru's bike. He dismounted, removed his helmet and walked over to his fiancee.

He leaned over slightly and kissed her forehead. "How are you feeling today Usako?"

"Good, but why are you here? You don't finish for a few more hours." Usagi asked, shuffling over to allow him to sit beside her. As he sat, he rested a hand on her stomach and ran it in small circles.

"They didn't need me, so they sent me home. I actually drove past you and only realised at the last minute, so I came back. Can I have some?"

Usagi spooned some of her chocolate ice cream into Mamoru's mouth, giggling when some dripped down his chin.

"It's lucky you arrived when you did Mamoru," Makoto said. "I just got a message from work, I need to head in now."

"Is there an emergency?" Minako asked.

"What kind of flower shop has emergencies, Mina?" Rei asked.

"Flower-related emergencies!" Minako pouted, her cheeks going red.

"Yeah, well, I still need to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Makoto said, jumping from her seat and dashing away.

"She left some ice cream." Ami noted.

"More for me!" Minako declared, snatching the bowl.

"Garbage guts." Rei sighed.

Usagi was about to feed herself another spoonful of ice cream when a shooting pain went down her back, enough to make her groan.

"Are you okay Usako?" Mamoru asked.

"My back hurts, I think it's time for me to lay down." Usagi groaned.

"We'd better head home then." Mamoru said.

"I guess that means we'll head off then." Minako said. "Same time tomorrow, yeah Usagi?"

"Yeah, see you guys tomorrow."

The girls finished their ice cream and left the couple to finish their ice creams and head their own ways. Mamoru walked his motorbike alongside Usagi, since it wasn't good for her to ride it while she was so pregnant.

"I've been missing you during the day Mamo, it's nice seeing the girls, but it's not the same."

"I know Usako, just a few more weeks and I'll take time off to look after you and the baby."

As they reached the garage of their apartment building, Usagi felt another sharp pain shoot down her back. This time she had to lean against Mamoru's car to stop herself from falling to her knees.

"Usako, this isn't like your usual back pains, something isn't right." Mamoru said worriedly, a hand on his fiancee's shoulder.

"I'm fine Mamo, I've just been walking around a lot today." Usagi said.

Mamoru glared at her gently. "I've been telling you to take it easy, especially when you're so close to the due date."
"Senshi don't take it easy." Usagi teased weakly, trying to make Mamoru smile. It worked. She finally pushed herself off the car.

"Are you sure you don't need to rest more?" Mamoru checked, holding onto Usagi's forearm in case she needed support again.

"If I keep resting, I'll never make it back to the apartment."

A few steps later, Usagi stopped dead in her tracks. Mamoru felt a chill run down his spine, and he turned to face Usagi.

Her eyes were wide, and she looked in disbelief.

"You're not due for 2 or 3 more weeks." Mamoru said slowly.

"Not anymore." Usagi said, barely over a whisper.

I bet I can read your thoughts again.

"What the hell Luka, that's a cliffhanger! You said you don't like leaving cliffhangers!"

Yes! You are correct. I'm not leaving this cliffhanger, I am going to update it again tomorrow (or at least finish writing the next chapter)

Don't you worry, I've got you all covered.