She knew the RFA considered her time with Jumin to be both lethal and unhealthy.

But she never imagined it would be quite so literally true.

Her first reaction was delight. The second? Horror.

"Oh no Jumin, don't enable me." She grimaced as soon as the desserts were laid across the table. The chef shot her an amused, knowing grin before he returned to the kitchen to clean up.

Jumin's immediate response was alarm, his eyes wide. "What's wrong, MC? Is there something that isn't to your liking? Are you allergic to anything?"

She managed a half-smile, intimating that her reasons were not at all as serious as he feared. "Quite the contrary. More like I have a dangerous weakness for all things sweet, especially chocolate." She sighed, anticipating the future chastising she would unleash on herself.

As soon as she explained he relaxed, leaning back into the chair with a huffed chuckle. He appeared absolutely tickled by the way her sheepish gaze lingered on each plate; until she realized what she was doing and forced her eyes back to her folded hands. It appeared that his venture, based on her reaction to the sweetened tea and a number of things that had surfaced during their time in the messenger, paid off. Though part of his motivation was the desire to make amends for his erratic behavior as of late, another part of him was elated to indulge her. He considered her little idiosyncrasy adorable.

"Is that so? Then do feel free to enjoy to your heart's content, I do not have much of a sweet tooth myself." All of this was for you, the words went unspoken. And it was clear he meant it, spending most of that time watching her try something on each plate and praise the chef for making such delicacies. Each time her expression would scrunch slightly with curiosity before it gave way to a euphoric grin, her sapphire eyes sparkling with discovery. She was breathtaking to watch, sublime.

MC was in chocolate heaven, surrounded by sweets made with the utmost finesse. She had never eaten anything so smooth and savory in all her life, relishing the variety of new flavors. But as she indulged she was hyperaware of Jumin's curious gaze on her, making sure to maintain the proper decorum and eat carefully lest she embarrass herself more than she already had for one evening. But he didn't seem annoyed or patronizing so much as genuinely enthralled, a small smile lingering on his face as he made note of what she liked best.

When MC was finished, the chef was on his way out and they both bid him a grateful farewell, advising him to be safe in the continuing storm outside. Standing up, MC began to gather all the plates and set aside the leftovers for the fridge until Jumin protested.

"It is late, MC, the maids will take care of it."

"I don't mind, it will only be minute." She insisted, gathering the plates and placing them by the sink to be washed. She knew he would be adamant about her sleeping as soon as possible, so she left that single task to the maids in an effort to compromise. She covered the rest of the desserts in protective plastic wrap and moved them to the refrigerator before she returned to the table, satisfied.

"Shall we?" Jumin asked, rising from the chair and gesturing to the bed. She nodded, moving to the closet to retrieve one of her sweater ensembles that were much more comfortable. She excused herself to the bathroom and was relieved to find that her hair had remained intact and her face was free of smeared chocolate, as presentable as she'd hoped. After preparing herself accordingly, she exited to find him adjusting the covers and placing her phone on the coffee table. The cerulean glow of the surrounding fishtanks illuminated his figure as he turned to face her, a tangible calm emanating from his poised form. She smiled at the sight and thanked him before moving to lie in the bed, the darkness no longer hindering her on the path.

He watched as she settled in and curled up on her side, mollified beyond measure at the sight of her serene countenance; she was now as comfortable as he was in the penthouse. She had settled herself into his home and his heart long before he had ever realized it, as if she belonged there. But then, perhaps it was foolish to be surprised; she had been the one to give those words meaning in the first place. "Sleep well, MC. Don't hesitate to let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you, Jumin. Good night." She murmured back as she watched him nod and stride down the hall to his own room, hoping he would get some sleep despite the day's events.

Not that she had much room to speak, she didn't feel all that sleepy herself. She closed her eyes in a futile attempt to coax slumber to her, but her mind was so overrun by thoughts and her stomach was so full of food that the endeavor seemed near impossible. That, and soon after emerald light was emanating from her phone, bathing her eyelids when she turned on her side. Yoosung?

She opened the messenger to find him lost in the mountains with Seven and panicking. Concerned, but confident Seven was both capable and well-intentioned, she advised Yoosung with positive cheer to relax and try his best to help along the winding path. Before he could categorize every possible threat that petrified him, Jaehee entered the chat looking for MC; marginally pacified to find her there safe and sound. As soon as they caught Jaehee up to speed regarding Yoosung's situation, MC was shocked to witness her tease Yoosung; insinuating that Seven had brought him along as a potential hostage. It was clear Jaehee had reached the limits of her patience, extremely exhausted and overworked. Such mischief was at complete odds with her usual demeanor, despite her immediate attempts to assuage Yoosung and convince him that she was only being facetious.

Yoosung then went on to ask MC where she was and how she was doing, surprised to hear that she was still with Jumin and that Jaehee had been rejected at the door. Despite Yoosung's disapproval and Jaehee's caustic frustration, MC remained steadfast in her belief that Jumin simply needed time and patience from the rest of the RFA. Perhaps they couldn't understand, but that didn't make his fears and anxieties any less potent or real. She also reassured them, as she had multiple times already, that she was just fine. She was more than happy to be by his side and bring him a little solace, even if they couldn't wrap their heads around that notion either.

As for the party, MC informed them that she was doing as much as she could there, reluctant to return to Rika's sketchy apartment regardless of the fact that she would have to at some point; both for Jumin's well-being and to prepare the finishing touches for the party. Her claims were met with ample skepticism while Jaehee went on to describe the current discord between the two Han men, detailing the danger of covering for Jumin's recent inactivity. Though MC reassured that she would never let anything happen to her, both Jaehee and Yoosung went on to wonder why Jumin was behaving the way he was as of late.

Their conclusions were all erroneous as far as MC understood; it had nothing to do with making indiscriminate mistakes or being in his first relationship or being apathetic in regards to his responsibilities. It was upsetting to see how little they thought of a faithful member of the RFA, no matter how different he was from the rest of them. They all underestimated the impact of a life full of emptiness and materialism, or how the loss of everybody important to a person could shatter their ability to function. She didn't think it was fair that they were judging by the standards of their own lives, unwilling to recognize that there was more behind his actions than they were choosing to acknowledge.

Yoosung, ever the optimist, tried to cheer Jaehee up by claiming that if they all prayed for Jumin's quick recovery, he would return to work soon. Though MC wasn't one to believe in such things, she thought it was a sweet sentiment and joined in; anything to give Jaehee a little hope. MC was certain Jumin would return despite Jaehee's dubious regard, but also understood that Jaehee was exhausted and struggling. A few uplifting words were more than worth assuaging her overwhelming stress.

Jaehee then took her leave, too busy to remain any longer. Yoosung, perceptive in his own way, picked up on Jaehee's impatience and expressed acute shock at MC's enduring concern for Jumin's condition. He, on the other hand, was disappointed with what he considered to be Jumin's recent maliciousness. Again, MC was astounded by how inaccurate the RFA's interpretations of Jumin's actions were. MC didn't think he was being spiteful so much as silent for the sake of his own sanity. Some people needed more time to process and come to terms with certain changes in their lives, especially ones that affected their mental stability or emotional disposition. It was upsetting to see such a simple difference met with so much suspicion and irritation, rather than the sensitivity and support he deserved.

However she did appreciate Yoosung's guest suggestion and desire to communicate with Jumin to further understand the situation, detailing the solidarity of the RFA. He may have interpreted the situation incorrectly, but at least he was more than willing to listen to other perspectives and modify his beliefs. That was more than most of the RFA members bothered to extend to Jumin in the face of his recent adversity.

At that point Yoosung and Seven encountered a new path, a promising sign that they were nearing the target location. Excited, Yoosung bid MC farewell, wishing all the best as she congratulated their progress and encouraged them forward.

No sooner had she closed the messenger had a despondent Zen appeared in the chat ten minutes later, demanding if she was okay. A bit exasperated, MC promised that she was fine, certain he had some other reason for reaching out so late. He went on to detail his irritation with Jumin and Elizabeth the Third's pervasive presence in current media. It was clear he was rather put out with the lack of attention on his recent acting accomplishments. Though that was somewhat shallow considering Jumin's current suffering, she knew he must have his own reasons for being crushed by the public's uncharacteristic indifference due to a separate preoccupation.

But the formation of ludicrous rumors and incessant public debate made her worry about something else entirely. Would her presence at his side affect his reputation? She wasn't a corporate heiress or wealthy by birth like Sarah, she was just the descendant of humble, well-meaning immigrants. Though Zen assured her there was no way to tell at this point, the concern lingered. She didn't want to make Jumin's life any harder than it already was. She made a mental note to discuss it with him later.

Zen was visibly discouraged, but MC advised him to wait it out like Jaehee, certain everything would return to normal as soon as Jumin resolved both his inner turmoil and his father's demands to marry. Zen's acting would receive the recognition it deserved in due time. Though there was always gossip about the wealthy, she doubted Jumin would be at the forefront of the news forever.

Zen was a little heartened by her certainty, but subsequently asked MC to demand that Jumin return to his senses. A little outraged by his insensitivity, MC bristled as she maintained her even-handed consideration for his perspective. She reminded him that Jumin didn't want to be negligent and incapable of communicating with everyone else, that Jumin was trying to grow and heal at his own pace. She had to wonder why that was never good enough for the rest of the RFA, especially Zen. Why was it so impossible to believe that his emotions and anxiety were overwhelming him like they would anyone in the same situation? Why was it so hard to believe that Jumin wasn't the robot theyhad all proclaimed him to be without bothering to notice every sign indicating that clearly wasn't the case? Something told her Zen wouldn't fare much better under similar duress, and that there was more to his indiscriminate dislike for Jumin than met the eye. She hoped she could find a way to help them resolve that misunderstanding one day.

Regardless, she thanked Zen for his misplaced concern, knowing he meant well as he expressed remorse that he couldn't do more for her before he went to sleep. MC knew she should do the same as she put her phone face down against the coffee table and turned away from the device, closing her eyes. Sure enough, the light pitter-patter of the ebbing storm eventually lulled her to sleep.

She succeeded, but only for about three hours before she woke up again. Blinking open bleary eyes and stretching a bit, she let out a long sigh as her drowsiness ebbed before she could reclaim it. She rubbed her eyes with her closed fists in defeat, sitting up slowly and jumping when a quiet voice sliced through the stillness of the night.

"You're still awake? Is something wrong? It's not nearly morning yet." Came his silken murmur, saturated with concern. "Is the bed uncomfortable?"

She looked to her left to find Jumin seated in a chair beside the bed, his shadowed shape shifting as he leaned forward to turn on a nearby lamp. Soft, golden light revealed him in the outfit he had worn to dinner with a single modification as he leaned back again. He was no longer wearing his tie, his collar open and his shirt unbuttoned a few inches further down, a sliver of his pale chest exposed.

"What are you doing up?" She managed to ask in a low voice, willing the warmth away from her cheeks. She had had a feeling he would have trouble falling asleep tonight with so much on his mind; she wished there was more she could do to help. But she knew there were some things that a person needed to resolve for themselves.

"I was observing you sleep." He answered, a tentative hand reaching out to twirl her hair between his fingers as he explained himself, aware of her confusion. "You can't know how wonderful it is to hear you breathe when you're sleeping. When the moonlight hits your hair, all that anxiety that's been torturing me throughout the day magically disappears. And for a short while, tranquil and beautiful peace persists." If his voluntary uncovering earlier wasn't enough to stun her, his subsequent expression landed a second proverbial sucker punch, leaving her breathless. She had never seen him look so content; directing a small, serene smile at her before it fell as soon as it appeared, and he relinquished his hold on her hair.

"But once the sun comes up and you start your day, I'll be anxious again. Anxious thoughts of you leaving… of someone making you leave..." He trailed off, falling silent as she watched that familiar fear creep back into his features. His eyes grew dull, his brows creasing and fingers twitching towards his opposing hand, as if they were itching to adjust his cufflinks.

Time for a productive misdirection. "Did you feel that way towards Elizabeth?" She asked softly, trying to help him understand his feelings before he drowned in them beyond all salvaging, one step at a time. It wasn't an accusation so much as a prompt; encouraging him to actively think about it. She knew Jumin never had the opportunity to do that with a safe confidant until now, so he would never consider it a viable option with anyone, including her.

He considered for a moment before responding, his eyes wandering to the ceiling. "Not this much...but feebly yes. And I realized something after losing her." He admitted as his gaze returned to MC, sobering with every second as the line of his mouth grew grave. "If there's someone I want to protect, I have to be by her side all the time. And the person I want to protect right now is you, MC. So I don't want you to go anywhere."

Then he sighed, shaking his head ruefully. He knew he was being unreasonable, but there was no denying the terror that seized him every minute she wasn't in his sight. Perhaps he didn't know how to handle it now, but he was determined to figure it out and grow to do right by MC. "I know that I am not rational. But when I realize how special you are...I want to be overprotective." He looked to her in fond supplication as he subconsciously leaned forward, fierce resolve animating his silver eyes until they flickered and shone in the low light. "But I know myself. Once this anxiety goes away, I will be rational please, just bear with me."

She nodded to convey her belief in him, nonplussed as she continued in a gentle voice. "Was Rika special to you?" MC wanted him to feel comfortable about working out his emotions, even ones that had nothing to do with her.

He paused, looking to her with a brow raised. "Rika...?" He wondered why Rika was the sudden subject matter of their conversation, but he was no less determined to give MC the earnest answers she sought. "Rika was a special person too. Although I could never have her."

Unrequited love strikes again. MC resisted the urge to wince; it was always hard to love someone that would never feel the same. Though the need to hide his feelings likely crushed him years ago, he didn't appear upset so much as acquiescent as he discussed it now; he would accept any anguish if it meant preserving his friends' happiness.

"On the outside, she was so kind and generous, but on the inside she was amazingly charismatic." Something about Rika's evident perfection from all the stories MC heard unsettled her, but she didn't know enough to verify the feeling. She thought it was splendid and endlessly magnanimous that this woman held such enormous fundraisers for those in need, but there was something about it all that didn't match up. If Rika was doing the right thing, why all the need for confidentiality as intimated by her off-the-grid apartment? Why would she commit suicide with such a promising future ahead of her, with a loving fiance and the entire RFA there to support her? MC didn't like being suspicious, but the inconsistency and secrecy warranted her skepticism; after all she was the one being targeted by the hacker.

"Until I met Rika, all the women around me just liked to flatter me...So I thought highly of a woman who spent her life truly devoted to helping others..." His features remained neutral as he reminisced, matter-of-fact as he described how he felt.

"The fact that I didn't have anything she wanted made me feel free, comfortable, safe. Do you understand what I'm saying?" MC nodded. It wasn't hard to understand that he felt comfortable with her because she was the first woman that had never objectified him. After a lifetime of being used, especially by women, it must have been a welcome change. "She deserved all the love V gave her." He said without any hint of vitriol or envy, his expression thoughtful.

MC couldn't help the beginnings of a smile at the sight of his selfless heart. He was unbelievably sweet. "That's very sweet of you to say Jumin, despite everything. Were you close to her?"

He blinked at her, floored. "Sweet…? I'm not sure about that, but thank you MC." He looked away as he went on, but she could still see the faintest of blushes coloring his ears. "I think we were. As friends. Until I joined the RFA, V and Rika were the only ones I opened up to." Though MC was unsurprised to hear that he had so few friends in his life, the fact was no less tragic. She knew how hard it could be to approach people and welcome them into your life when all others had ever done was hurt and use you.

"I liked spending time with her." He shrugged, as if that was more than enough for him to establish friendship since it was such a rare occurrence. "I still remember how she always looked at me curiously as if she was analyzing me." He noted, his eyes falling to the tiled floor as his voice grew progressively quieter. "Whenever she looked at me like that...I felt like she saw everything inside of me, even my ugly side." He froze, looking to MC with trepidation.

He only resumed when he saw her placid patience, no hint of revulsion twisting her features as he took a shaky breath. "It is quite strange that I imagined she saw everything inside me. But it made me feel better when I imagined that. Because it felt as if she was seeing the real me." He admitted, knowing he must have sounded deluded.

MC, however, was unperturbed. She knew he only imagined it so because of his desperation to be accepted for who he was above all else, and Rika had simply been the first to see beyond his wealth. There was nothing pathetic or deranged about needing somebody to care about more than the name brand of his suits. "Did you have feelings for Rika?"

"I didn't even think about my emotions towards her. Since she was never going to be mine." He shrugged, as if shutting down the only affection he had ever felt for a person other than V in nearly two decades was as simple as flipping a switch. And she was sure it both was and wasn't.

It was because Jumin never wavered, when he decided on the right course of action he would act accordingly henceforth. He didn't want to interfere and ruin their mutual happiness, so he would never reveal his feelings or act on them. At the same time, however, it was clear the suppression of those feelings had done him little good; manifesting instead in Elizabeth the Third as he spoiled her and showered her with the affection he was never able to express directly to Rika. Perhaps he had managed to hide his feelings, but that didn't mean he had reconciled them in a healthy way. Instead they had festered without closure, every minute making him feel more lonely and desolate than before. Until he had reached this point, in which suppression was no longer an option, suffocating under the weight of a lifetime of unresolved emotions.

"But...aside from that I did think she was the only woman to truly understand me. Before Rika…" He paused now and then as he struggled to articulate everything he felt, running a hand through his ebony hair in agitation. "I couldn't find anyone who'd make me feel comfortable. My father's girlfriends, his new wife, women who liked my wealth, businessmen, wealthy people, employees, and all..." He trailed off, distracted as he remembered. "I couldn't share my feelings with anyone around me. The more they approached me, the more I shut down and became used to saying only what was necessary."

"To be honest, the real me...knew it." Woeful mortification overtook his expression as his gaze fell to the floor, too ashamed to look MC in the eyes. "Knew that I am not the man the world wants, that I am a mutant." He grimaced, his brows furrowing.

"On the outside, I may seem like an eloquent gentleman with good manners, but on the inside, I'm just a weak person who has to fight away twisted thoughts," His voice was raw and hoarse with every second of his admission, as if the words were being ripped out of him one by one. "Thoughts of locking you inside my world and never letting you go..." A hand rose to cover his eyes, his thumb and forefinger clinging to his temples for a moment before it lowered to rub over his jaw in consternation.

"It's the first time I've mentioned this to anyone...It's making me nervous. Won't you think me strange after knowing all this?" His eyes began to wander around the room, as if he didn't know where they, of he, would belong anymore if she said yes. He fiddled with his cufflinks and adjusted them once, twice, before his hands paused.

His head rose to lance her in place with eyes so full of brittle hope that it felt as if her own heart would be the one to shatter at the slightest impact. "Can you…" He hesitated, as if he thought it was too much to ask but yearned to regardless, the words spilling out of him. "Accept me for who I am?"

She leaned forward and reached for his hand, taking it in her own and intertwining their fingers bashfully as he watched in stunned silence. Squeezing it with the lightest pressure, she beamed at him. "Of course I can." She murmured easily; she had long since accepted him and liked him for who he was, even if it had taken him until now to realize and believe it. That, and she was elated that he felt so comfortable beside her, that he trusted her to believe and listen to him. She knew it was no easy feat after everything he had been through.

He looked to her with no shortage of wonder, breathless as his hand squeezed hers back. But unlike her previous effort to reassure him, his tensing fingers were seeking to verify that she was real, tangible. He took her in for a long moment; as if he was trying to commit her likeness to memory, to keep her with him just in case she disappeared before him. "...I feel like this is a dream. Did you know that?"

"Every time I realize how precious you are to me, I have to fight. So many thoughts of you roam around inside my head. The anxiety, happiness, fear, pleasure, anger, and love… all related to you. It's as if my emotional pipeline just burst open at once...I don't feel like I have perfect control of myself so I keep fighting." His eyes closed as he fought to make sense of his tumultuous thoughts, his forehead creasing. "If you try to leave me...I will use every means possible to restrain you. I'm so afraid that I'll become like that. So I have to keep fighting." His expression was full of dismay, pleading with her not to exacerbate his fear to the point where he could no longer recognize himself, to help him in this already arduous endeavor.

At the sight of her unwavering support, sapphire eyes steady and clear like the eye of the storm; his expression shed its uncertainty as he willed it away, replaced with implacable resolve tempered with tenderness. "Two desires are clashing inside of me...but soon I want the desire to love you to remain."

She nodded, moving closer so that she could reach out and place a hand against his cheek, coaxing him to face her. "I understand how you feel. I'll wait until you figure things out, take as much time as you need."

He leaned into her touch, melting into the warmth that was both foreign and familiar. "Yes...Please, wait just a bit more. Because I'm also very afraid of hurting you..." He exhaled heavily and sagged forward, a veritable Atlas that had had the sky removed from his shoulders. "Now I feel much more comfortable. Thank you."

He looked to their intertwined hands curiously, still puzzled that something like this could ever be possible for him. "I really had no idea that someone like you would pop into my life without any notice. You reach out your hand without expecting anything in return, you listen to me and nod...and you've accepted things about me that others refused." His other hand lifted to cover the one resting against his face, cradling it as he reveled in the sight of her. She flushed under his gaze, radiant and enraptured as if he had been graced by the sight of a rare ethereal being. "Words become meaningful once they reach you." He murmured, still awestruck by her very existence.

After a short moment he let her hand go, as if he was suddenly aware that he had overstepped his careful rules as she retrieved it. "I can't control myself very well because I get excited too easily…" He acknowledged, solemn as he addressed his current vulnerability and impressionability. "But when the current of my emotions calms down…I want us to be a normal people." He explained tentatively, as if he was expecting immediate reluctance or rejection before he could even finish his proposition.

But she just let her thumb stroke the length of the hand intertwined with hers, and he looked up to find her smiling in agreement. "I'd like that too."

"I hope that day comes soon..." He sighed blissfully, as if the mere thought of such a future filled him with unprecedented peace. "You smell so good. I hope you never leave me. Even if you can't say that you'll stay with me forever, if you mean it...I wish you'd tell me that you'll stay...for now..." He implored, working to be rational and fair despite the lingering fear of abandonment.

"I will stay by your side for now...But everyone has to say goodbye at some point. There are things that I can only accomplish for the party in Rika's apartment..." She reminded, feeling terrible but equally unwilling to lie to him. It was a truth neither of them could escape, much as she abhorred that eerie, empty place.

"That's true as well…" He conceded, downcast. He knew MC was only being honest, but he was unable to hide how much the thought of her leaving hurt him. "But it saddens me to hear you say that right now. I...won't expect any answers right now."

"Don't worry, there are also the other RFA members including Jaehee. Everybody's worried about you. You're not alone." MC reminded, remembering Yoosung's wish that Jumin would simply talk to them about what was happening and how he felt.

"Yes, you're right." He agreed, aware that he had been rather reticent with the RFA as of late despite their efforts to help him and understand the situation. It might behoove him to rely on them a little more, as Assistant Kang had proven more than trustworthy and reliable. "Perhaps I should be more open towards them now."

He sighed as he noticed the sky changing color outside, no longer violet but azure and steadily lightening with each passing minute. "I'll go see my father in the morning. I'll make it so that our relationship returns to the way it was, and make sure that that woman is no longer a potential threat. Family is important..." He explained, letting MC know his plans. "Please wish me luck."

"Good luck, Jumin. I'm sure everything will work out." Her confidence in their decision to do the right thing, despite what everybody else said or decided, quelled the tension in his shoulders at the prospect of fighting his father again.

"I'll make sure of that." With slow, deliberate movements he lifted their hands to brush velvet lips across her knuckles, his thumb stroking across her fingers before he let go. "For our sake." He sighed as he rose to prepare for the day's agenda at the office, standing taller than she had ever seen him.

She offered to help him but he insisted she relax and try to get some more sleep, feeling guilty that he had kept her up for a significant portion of the early morning talking. She watched the golden light of a new dawn rising over the horizon, filling the apartment as he got dressed and gathered his things.

She opened the book draft on her laptop, preparing for a day's worth of writing when he reemerged from his room, impeccable and poised as ever. Rising from the bed, she followed him to the door despite his disapproval, his lips pursed. It didn't last long though, as she noticed him concealing a subsequent smile at her insistent presence. She knew he was only worried about her health, but once she woke up it was near impossible to fall asleep again anyway.

Before he reached for the door handle he turned to face her, torn. He didn't want to leave, but he also knew that they could never move forward if he didn't address his responsibilities and his father's demands to marry Sarah. "I am sorry to leave you here all alone, MC. If you need anything at all you can feel free to call Room Service, as they have been instructed to fulfill any request you might conjure. You can call me as well if you need anything, however I may have to call you back due to meetings and a variety of errands I need to take care of today. I promise to respond as promptly as I can. Please stay here and stay safe."

She nodded. "I will, don't worry. Just do your best and return home safe, Jumin." She smiled before she took a step forward and gestured for him to lean down.

He raised a brow, but otherwise followed her lead. MC rose on her tiptoes, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him forward, her lips molding to his. She felt him tense with shock until an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her closer, melting into the kiss. But she retreated before it could grow too heated, intending it to be a chaste motivation.

"For moral support," She breathed against his lips, taking a step back. "Even if I can't be there with you today to face your father, I know you'll be able to resolve your differences peacefully. And if you ever feel uncertain or defeated, remember that I'm behind you every step of the way. I believe in you." She murmured as she straightened his tie and smoothed his hair. "I'll be waiting for you to return."

A light chuckle betrayed his delight with her spontaneous pep talk, elated. His silver eyes shone as they gazed into hers, a grin gracing his lips. "Thank you, MC, but you are making it rather difficult to leave." She released him from her embrace, laughing when he made no move to do the same.

She nudged him out the door playfully before he could delay further. "Ah-ah, off you go, before traffic becomes horrendous!"

And she watched him go with a last hearty farewell, hoping everything would go well in the office; both for the sake of her safety and Jumin's happiness.