I do not own Skip Beat!

Thank you Yoshiki Nakamura for all of your incredible talent.

Momentary Remorse

"AAAHHHH!" She screamed out in pain. "Please! Make it stop!"

He winced. He was desperately trying to do everything he could to bring her comfort to no avail.

"You can do this, you're the strongest woman I know." He reassured her, kissing her on the forehead and rising.

"Please... don't leave." She begged with a needy voice.

"It's okay." He smiled gently. "Doctor!" He yelled in a pleading voice.

"I assure you sir, she will make it. Okay? Just stay by her side and continue what you are doing." the older gentleman instructed as he checked on the young woman writhing in the pain equivalent to being split in half.

"AAAHHHH!" She screamed again as he felt her pain on a spiritual level.

"Mr. Hizuri, this is perfectly normal at this stage. Your wife and children will be fine. There are no complications." the Doctor reassured him.

Kuon sighed as he massaged the delicate hand of his wife as she firmly gripped his hand in a bone-crushing fashion.

"I'm here Kyoko. It's going to be okay."

"Tell me that when you're on this bed shitting a refrigerator!" Mio spat out. "Oh god! Another one is coming." She tensed up.

"You need to relax darling." He reminded her.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm about to give birth to two small sports cars and you're telling me to relax?!" Natsu hissed with a baffled look on her face.

He stared at the floor in remorse. How could I do this to her? He felt lower than pond scum at the moment.

"Doctor! Baby A has descended into the birth canal." The nurse announced as the doctor donned his gloves and face mask.

"Are you ready Mrs. Hizuri?" The doctor asked as he got into position.

"NO, No, no! I can't do this anymore! It hurts too much." She cried out in fear.

"Yes, you can. You're almost done. Just wait for the next one then push." He instructed.

"You can do this Sweetheart." Kuon told her in a comforting voice.

"AAAHHH, UuuNNNN!" She growled.

"Good job, Kyoko-chan. Just a couple more like that and your little one will be here." The doctor reassured her.

And with two more strong pushes Kyoko and Kuon saw their first little squealing bundle squirming in the nurse's arms.

Kyoko sighed with relief then dread as another contraction hit.

"Whoa! This little guy is eager to meet you." Exclaimed the doctor.

Once again Kyoko screamed, grunted and pushed her other little bundle into the harsh hospital lights.

"Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Hizuri. You have a beautiful little girl and a handsome little boy." The nurse announced as she lay the two squealing, squirming naked little imps on Kyoko's bare breast to take their first look at the mommy whose voice they had become so accustomed to in the womb.

"Hello Hime, Hiko.. I'm your daddy." Kuon cooed at the little bundles as he gently wrapped his newly completed family in his arms with a soft smile that would melt the sun itself. "I love you my Queen. Thank you."

"Thank you Kuon." She sighed in a euphoric tone basking in the afterbirth hormone overdrive of a newly initiated mother.