Contains yaoi. If you're not a fan of that, then you'd better leave. If you don't like Cosmo x Timmy, that's fine, but don't bother reading if you don't like it or want to give it a chance. Also will contain other pairings.

"Timmy, hurry up." hissed Cosmo impatient with how slow of a pace the younger male was going. The two were in the janitor's closet with Timmy now nibbling on his ear, a sensitive place for the fairy, and teasing him with those talented fingers of his. "You're gonna miss class."

"Since when have you been concerned about me missing class?" asked the younger man, pulling back to give him a curious look.

On any other day, Cosmo would beg for him to skip class to either have some fun or really have some fun. Today for whatever reason, Cosmo had tried asking him to head to class because he skipped too much. Timmy wondered why Cosmo was so intent on getting him to class, but then figured Chloe had something to do with it. She was in at least one of his classes and she probably was the only one who noticed he was gone considering Timmy had wished the his teachers wouldn't notice his absence so he could be with the fairy. He wished the blonde teen would leave him alone and mind her own business. Just because they shared fairies didn't mean she could constantly butt into his affairs.

"Since Chloe told Wanda she hasn't been seeing you in class." admitted Cosmo. Crap. He knew he should have just wished for a clone to take his place. The reason he hadn't was because even after all these years, he still didn't trust Cosmo still fucked up every now and then on his own. He was lucky the absence wish had worked. He was pushing it by wishing Chloe wouldn't know he was missing either.

"And Wanda set you up to make sure I got there, huh?" considering Wanda and Cosmo switched out being godparents for each child, this week was his week with the green fairy while Chloe had Wanda. While Wanda was a better fairy when it came to granting wishes, Timmy had let Chloe have the pink fairy due to his relationship with Cosmo. Since Wanda was too busy looking after Chloe (although she hardly needed looking after even as a kid), she had talked with Cosmo about Timmy missing class, complaining about missing work and the lecture. Timmy knew she'd nag once he got home after Chloe snitched on him again, but that was hours from now and those hours left him plenty of time to be intimate with his secret lover.

"Come on, Timmy." said Cosmo whimpering as Timmy moved his hand into the older man's pants. "Wanda's going to be your fairy again during school hours if you don't go!"

"You're worth it though." he assured him. "I don't care."

Cosmo had wanted to not care too, but his wife scared him too much when she was pissed off. With Timmy touching the way he was, he wanted to give into his godson's touch and let him fuck him until he passed out or at least until he felt like he couldn't sit for a week. To make things worse, he was scared his wife was actually going to be in class today in disguised. Due to Chloe barely needing her during school, she took the time to relax at home in their castle and occasionally poof back in to check in on Chloe and every now and then her godson. However with how mad she looked this morning, he wouldn't doubt it if Wanda just showed up and hid somewhere, waiting to see if Timmy showed. He tried telling Timmy this, but the brunette was much too persistent on having his way with the fairy.

"Come on, Cosmo. Just one time and then I'll go to class." cooed Timmy seductively.

"Okay, once, but then class so Wanda doesn't get me."

"What about after history?" he asked.

"She could be there all day."

"Then we'd better make this one memorable..."

"...but fast." he reminded him. Timmy eagerly stripped his fairy of his clothes and had his way with him. The brunette bit his lip as he fucked him up against the wall of the closet with Cosmo poofing a ball-gag over his mouth, not trusting himself to keep quiet in that moment. Timmy started off with a slow pace, teasing his lover while doing so. Cosmo begged him to start going faster, although his pleads were muffled. Once he started going faster, Cosmo cried out Timmy's name as he was getting closer to cumming. He could see that he was closer to, but neither wished it to end. Timmy grunted a bit, spilling his seed inside of the older man.

After they came down from their highs, Cosmo used his wand to get them clean and dressed. Timmy gave him a quick kiss before Cosmo turned into a green pen and they headed into class. History had already started, but Timmy just slipped in as if he wasn't late. The teacher didn't notice seeing as she was still under the influence of the spell. To her, Timmy had never left.

"Timmy, you finally showed!" whispered Chloe.

"Yeah, but only because Cosmo decided to be responsible." said Timmy already bored by his teacher's monotone voice as she talked about the French and Indian War.

"I'm glad you made it." said Chloe smiling. "I would hate for you to fail and not graduate with me and the rest of the class."

"Yeah sure." he yawned. In the end, showing up proved to be fruitless. He ended up going to sleep not even 15 minutes after he decided to show up. Well at least the showing up part would satisfy Wanda.

Not a very detailed lemon as I wanted, but it'll be longer next time.