A/N: So, I thought it'd be fun to post all my Flash fics in one place (whether they're a couple paragraphs or up to a lengthy one-shot) that have been directly inspired from spoilers of upcoming episodes. This first one is short (and was written a couple days ago, obvs before the s3 premiere; I just didn't have it up on here before the ep aired b/c I was occupied), but the other ones might not be. I only ask that if you're reviewing this fic before 10/9/16 that you not mention the events of 3x01, since I'm not able to watch the new episodes live and don't want to be spoiled. This week in particular it'll be a little later than usual until I can. Otherwise, enjoy!

*I own nothing. No copyright infringement intended.

Inspiration: The tweet by Matt Mitovitch, following up the line in the 3x01 promo, "We were something else to each other where you come from, weren't we?", he says 'It's what SHE says next that is *crying emoji*'

"We were something else to each other where you come from, weren't we?"

Before he can even come to grips with what to say to were, if it's too risky to be specific or if he's best keeping it vague, she continues with words nearly identical to ones he once said.

Not for the first time, he misses past memories, that girl, that moment, and how he felt. He misses how she specifically looked at him in that moment. Iris West, the girl of his dreams, who had been oblivious to his feelings for years and then in denial of her own, had looked at him as if just the possibility of them being together would make all her dreams come true.

"We were everything to each other," this Iris almost whispers.

She swallows hard and his eyes mist. His mind races and he sees all those memories, and he misses them.

Then suddenly - dark.


He feels her hand on his arm, looks up and sees her concerned gaze. It's not the first time this has happened today. He doesn't want to believe it, but his memories of a past life are slipping and it terrifies him.

"What…w-what did you just say?" He asks, needing more than anything to know.

"Uh…it was nothing," she says, trying to brush it off.

He lifts his gaze to hers, straightens from the hunched over position he'd been thrown into hit him when the memory slipped away.

"Tell me," he demands, regretting how harsh it sounds. "Please," comes out softer.

She hesitates, then drops her hand to her side and says, "I said we were everything to each other where you came from. I asked what we were and then I answered for you. I guess that happens sometimes."

She tries for a lighter air, but it's not enough. Something has shaken him.

Barry is broken. He recites the words over and over in his head. He can feel in his gut that they are significant, but when he tries to put them to something that happened before now, he can't.

The memory is gone.