AN: Hey guys! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in about a year... Sort of lost my inspiration but I'm trying to get back into it now by posting some of my ideas that I really wanna work with. Most of them will be short, less than three chapters, or drabbles of what could be longer fics. I swear I'll get to Black Butler and Bleach stories. I've just got to reread the manga to figure out what I'm doing again...

So here is one of my old ideas that I came across and immediately started writing. The first chapter I already knew exactly what I wanted... the second, not so much. But it'll be posted I swear! (Hint: I'll take ideas if you guys are willing to give them?

He stared at the screen. The ringing continued on and on without end. For just a moment he let desperation and despair take hold as he slammed his hand onto the small comms board. The ringing stopped.

This was the second attempt to get through to his father since the beginning of the attack but it seemed the man was too busy.

Valern wasn't stupid. The assailants were not taking hostages. He would not survive this encounter. The teen had hoped… had needed to speak to his father one last time. Their last argument had not been pretty, resulting in him stowing away on this ship actually, but he did not want to die angry. He did not want his father's last image of him as a screaming boy throwing hurtful words into his face with little thought to the pain they were causing. He didn't want to… die without a proper goodbye.

A message it would have to be. No matter how much he wanted the comfort of seeing his father's face in his last moments… at least he could give him some peace. It's what he, himself, would have wanted if the positions had been reversed. With shaking hands he dialed the screen again, opting for the video message instead of calling. The screen flashed blue signalling the beginning of recording.

"Father." It came out so weak and pitiful he had to pause and choke back the bubbling emotions in his throat. "Father, this was not how I wanted things to turn out. And on my Birthday too," here he gave a tremulous smile trying for humor that was eluding him. "I'm still absolutely furious with you but… I wanted to say goodbye-"

An explosion rocked forward throwing the brunette forward into the wall. The ship's alarms could be heard blaring loudly through the door now that their shield had been penetrated. With weak arms and a shivering body, the brunette pushed himself back, holding his bloody nose in hopes of getting it to stop.

"Definitely not how I thought this would go," he mumbled pitifully, turning his soulful green eyes back to the camera. "I thought I could turn on the screen-"

Another explosion, closer to his secluded hallway in the storage area.

""I thought that I could look at you and blame you for my death just like hers but I can't. I'm not even looking at your face and I still can't do it." He wiped his nose on a sleeve ignoring the blood smearing into the beautiful blue fabric. It's not like he would care if it was stained in a few minutes. "I know I'm not gonna make it."

He choked up again and the tears he had been holding back fell down his ivory cheeks. His chest rumbled and Valern let out an ugly sounding sob. "I'm sorry, Father! I'm so sorry," he babbled repeatedly thinking of nothing else he could say.

His cheeks were flushed, eyes red and puffy and dammit he hadn't cried at the murder but he could cry now? Valern was strong, the first born pride of his father and he always strove to prove that man right. Now he was just a pitifully squalling babe in the face of his death. He was a disappointment. He should man up and stop repeatedly sobbing and apologizing…

Another explosion rocked the ship, throwing the teen forward again. For just a moment he let himself lie on the floor in a heap of fear depression before shaking it off and forcing himself back up into the view of the camera. There was one last thing he needed to say.

"I don't want to die," he croaked. "We had all the time in the universe and now I'll never be able to use it! I c-can't… I l-"

The side of the ship blew open and Valern was unceremoniously sucked out into the void to suffer a long slow, freezing suffocation.

The transmission continued on for a few minutes showing the ship spinning in a straight circle. Every few moments Valern's body was in view struggling until after three rotations it stopped moving and was starting to bloat in the negative space.

Balem stared at the screen in shocked horror. He had been so busy searching for his son that he had missed his last calls; his final words left in a message. The eldest Abrasax sibling felt his already broken heart shatter, then freeze. He turned to his attendant and spoke in his whispering voice, murderous tone weaving through his words like water, "Find him. Find my ship. And the aggressors. I. Want. Them. Dead."

Less than a day later, the wreckage had been returned to Balem's ship and the crew's bodies had been successfully sent to all of the grieving families. Valern's body now rested in a glass coffin, vacuum sealed to preserve the body. Titus and Kalique stood beside him once more. Two Abrasax dead within a week. One of the elder generation and the other the youngest.

"This is too cruel," Kalique muttered tearfully, a hand permanently covering her mouth to stifle sobs. "He was so young, not even in his prime to use Regene…"

"Have you no tears to spare for your child, Balem," Titus queried. Though it was a cruel way to phase it, he was honestly curious about his elder brother's dry eyes.

"Titus," Kalique exclaimed in shock. She patted him just a little too harshly on the ribs in reprimand.

Balem made a choked noise, turning his siblings attention onto him. He was the eldest, the strongest… but this was his child. "He… was too young. Valern did not deserve this…" He wanted to cry and scream, yet his eyes were as dry as the desert, burning with heat with no moisture to be found.

"We will all miss him brother. He was quite the young man to be proud of. Your future progeny will have a hard time matching his strength and genius."

It was supposed to be a consolation but his sister's words were all the more cruel for it. Valern had been a happy mistake by a girl seeking to gain longevity through his family. Though he accepted responsibility for his rash actions, taking the babe, the mother was spurned. Balem would have no more children, for he would sleep with no one else. He had learned his mistake the first time and though it had given him his precious child, the heartache was not worth it. Even if he did decide to have another heir, he did not think his shattered heart would be capable of providing the love a child should need to grow. Balem could be greedy, heartless, and youthfully reckless but he could not deprive a child of such a necessity to their growth. Especially one of his own.

But this he would not voice to his brother and sister, instead settling for a simple, "Indeed."


Harry shot up in bed, panting and heaving, his arm outstretched as if he could save the other teenager from certain doom.

"Shut up, Freak! If I hear you one more time-!"

The wizard shuddered, pulling his ragged blanket about his shivering sweat-soaked form. It had been a while since he had dreamed about Cedric. It was just as pleasant as it had always been with a bit of Sirius thrown in there to give it some spice. With a tired sigh he plopped back down on the squeaky mattress and thought about the end of his sixth year. Dumbledore was dead and Snape was a traitor. The Order had yet to say a word to him, his friends included (and wasn't that a familiar situation?), and he was still trapped in this Dursley be damned house.

"Ugggh…" He was never gonna fall back asleep without slipping into nightmares and Uncle Vernon had been keeping well to his word since last summer. It would be better if he left the house for a walk.

With a sullen sigh the teen pulled himself out of bed, ignoring the chill, and made his way over to Hedwig's cage.

"Hey girl. I'm gonna go on a walk… wanna sneak out with me?"

The beautiful snowy owl gave a low warble and nibbled on the bars of her cage. Harry grinned and released the lock. The window was opened as quietly as he could and the two were off. Harry had become quite good at scaling his way down the side of the house and it was used to his advantage whenever he could. Hedwig circled above until his feet hit the floor and then she took off to hunt. The teen grinned at his accomplishment. Screw being tired, escaping the Dursleys had always given him a thrill.

Twilight was upon Surrey as the young wizard meandered down the street, staring at the beautiful sky. The view was better at Hogwarts but Surrey still beat out London and Diagon Alley. Much less pollution to worry about blocking the stars.

Harry paused, thoughts interrupted, his ears straining. There was a faint whirring sound, as if from a machine, above him. That… was not exactly normal. He scanned the stars again, straining his seeker eyes until they caught the anomaly. There was a shimmer like someone under a disillusionment charm and it was slowly moving down the street towards him. Brooms did not make whirring noises…. So what?

The whirring grew a bit louder, Harry turned and sprinted. Only machines made noises like that and wizards were definitely not advanced enough to hide a giant machine in the sky. He'd never really thought about the possibility of aliens but what what else could it be? Muggles didn't have cloaking technology, he didn't think. Whatever it was, it was probably bad news and with his Potter luck… he tripped over the curb.

With a few choice curse words and a painful tumble, Harry rolled to a stop in front of Miss Figg's house on Wisteria Walk. A few of the cats and kneazles roaming around were spooked when he landed in their territory. Some ran, others turned to hiss but they were easily ignored. They wouldn't attack unless someone hurt them first so Harry brushed off the dirt and grass, wincing at the missing skin on his elbows and knees, and took off down the road again. That whirring had yet to stop.

A few minutes later he was at the same park the dementors had attacked and he veered for the tunnel only a few hundred meters away. If it was an alien ship, it might not fit… he hoped.

There was a whoosh of displaced air behind him as he sprinted to the closest safety spot he could find. Heavy thumps followed soon after and then he was being chased by whatever the hell they were because the noise they were making was definitely not human.

All he remembers next is a whine in his ears, an impact on his back, and white spots clouding his vision. His body ached something fierce after falling to the hard concrete once again and damn if he didn't want to move. He started floating face down and he could vaguely see the orange flickering lights on the floor. Mobility was eluding him and it was terrifying and no matter how much breath he sucked in it was never enough. It felt like his chest was going to explode-

"Hey. Calm down kid. We just need to check something, then you're free to go."

Could a heart stop beating out of sheer surprise? Because it sure seemed as if Harry's did.

"Is it a match," the same voice asked, sounding farther away.

Those same clicking, gurgling noises of the aliens was the response.

"Well waddya know? Titus is gonna be real pleased-"

There was an almighty screech and the sound of scrabbling on the ground. Harry fell with a thump, letting out a groan at the pain. That was three times now in one night he'd hit the bloody concrete. Cursing and screeching brought him out of his momentary misery and he flipped over onto his back to assess the situation. Hedwig was swirling through the air, looking like a goddam goddess in the tight space of the tunnel as she dive bombed these grey creatures that were most definitely aliens; looking almost exactly like some movies portrayed them to be. They were clinging to the walls and springing at the owl trying to grab her as she pulled off some beautiful maneuvering tactics.

Off to the side, shooting red blasts of light out of a gun he'd never seen the like of before, was a human male wearing a heavy leather jacket and some funky looking cargo pants tucked into knee high combat boots. He was a rough looking guy with a spattering of scars across the right side of his face and wearing a closely shaven black beard to match his cropped black hair. That must have been the guy that had talked before.

Oh how he wished he could use magic right now! It would bring all three major groups in the wizarding world down his head, though, and while he'd appreciate help from the Order he did not need Death Eaters and the Ministry getting involved. The holly wand was regretfully slipped back into its holster on his forearm while he pushed himself up.

Hedwig screeched as a red blast clipped her wing, allowing one of the grey aliens to run its grubby three fingered hand along her side. Harry jumped up with another burst of adrenaline. He was not about to let his owl get injured protecting him! He wasn't losing another friend!

"No! You leave her alone! Hedwig!"

He bodily threw himself against two of the leaping aliens, and gross their skin was as rough as sandpaper, knocking them away and giving his bird the time to right herself before she hit the ground. Instead she was able to land on her feet and raise both wings threateningly while letting out hisses he had never heard from her beak before. The human took aim and Harry sprang again, taking the full brunt of the blast and landing right next to his closest friend. It was shockingly painful and definitely what had hit him before.

"Dammmit kid! What the hell!?"

"Leave my owl alone," he grunted, pulling Hedwig closer to his body to shield her. She was quite reluctant to put her wings down but slowly gave in to the calming feeling of Harry's fingers running down her back.

"Seriously? You have an attack animal? Ugh. My life just got harder. Alright boys, bag him and the bird. Try not to injure them, hm?"

Harry glanced up, head shooting around wildly to try and keep all of the aliens in his sight. "You said you would let me go!"

"Did I? Ah, my bad. I would've let you go if your DNA didn't match. Sorry kid! But don't worry, I'm sure you'll be treated like royalty where we're going," the man grinned as if he had told the funniest joke in the world.

The wizards struggles were useless in the end.