Chapter 8

Disclaimer: Holy Donuts am I sorry for taking so long to update this! Oh, and I own nothing but what you see here! Though I do own two bags of Popcorn Chicken Nuggets so that's something. A part of this chapter was also nicely inspired by a chat I had with TweakerWolf a few weeks ago related to a certain character being around again in season 6. So fair warning, this is not gonna be another chapter for Stiles fans to like all that much.

Sometime later saw Scott in the shower thanks to Kira and her being in there with him as she'd helped get the water going and him inside. Scott had tried to help his girlfriend clean up but hadn't been able to do so much to his dislike. But she made sure to let him know it was okay and to just let her handle everything. Kira had made certain to avoid getting his bandaged area wet, though she thought it was probably for the best to change that later and even clean the wound if needed while she ran her soapy hands across his body. Causing a pleasant feeling to erupt in Scott as her touch felt so damned great on him as he closed his eyes over the feeling of her hands on him. And were things different, he probably would see if she'd be interested in making things go further by being together sexually in the shower. As he had to admit she looked great with all the water on her body.

But now wasn't the time for that kind of thing and he didn't mind that at all. As he had Kira back and it made him grateful as Hell for that. As he'd missed her horribly and being without her while he'd been held up in his bed had only made that feeling even worse. And while he was bothered about what went down with Stiles, he just couldn't find it in himself to give too much thought to it as it was just too much effort to worry about anything else but his own health. And his health was far more important then a lot of things as it was anyway right now. Something Scott wished he had realized a lot sooner but at least he had come to realize it now. Kira's soft murmurs as she soaped him up and then washed it off him carefully while her body was so close to his own told him a lot of things. That she'd missed him just as much and he was even surprised that she had apparently heard his voice while she'd been out in New Mexico. Explaining that her mom said it was because of a deep bond they had formed with one another thanks to all they'd been through together.

The idea of the bond he apparently shared with his girlfriend was an idea he liked a lot of and it did explain a small amount of warmth he'd felt when he was awake and thinking about Kira. Once the soap was taken care of and both were clean, Kira pressed herself against him and buried her face into his chest and they held one another underneath the stream of water. Not wanting to get out at all as both loved this moment between them. But when the water began to get cold, they had no choice but to do so much to their dislike. Kira helped him get out of the shower and helped him dry off while he made an effort to dry her hair with a towel. His efforts feeling like a massage for that matter too much to the girl's liking. Earning him a soft moan for his efforts and once both were dried off, the two made their way towards his bed and Kira put on his Lacrosse Jersey and helped him put on a pair of clean boxers. She then gently took off the bandage and did a little cleaning around the wound. Wincing too as it looked pretty nasty.

Hell, it made her eyes glisten a little too and sensing the sadness from her, Scott gently brought her face up to look at him. "Hey, its okay. I promise."

"That's not okay! Those marks are deep! They helped kill you!" Cried out the girl as a tear fell down her face and a word to his mom about the stitches needing re-done was going to have to be said soon as well.

Scott used some of his strength, an act that tired him a little to haul her onto his lap and hug her as she cried against him. "Hey, shh, shh. I'm okay, I promise. And I can only get better from here on out. Especially with you by my side. And to be honest, I think its healed a little thanks to being around you."


"Yeah, I promise baby."

"Is this kinda like that thing with Derek and that Darach lady I heard about?" Asked the girl in curiousity as she leaned back and looked at him with wet eyes.

A chuckle escaped Scott as he held her and even wiped away the tears from her eyes. "I don't think so but knowing us, it could happen."

"Well, I'd be perfectly okay with it if it was." She told him softly.

Smiling at her, he gave her a soft kiss that was soon deepened for awhile until they broke apart for her to re-bandage his chest. And once that was taken care of, they cuddled up in one another's arms as they kissed and softly talked with one another. Feeling that this was all they needed in that moment in time. As the days came and turned into weeks, several events would happen. The Pack minus Stiles would start to unite and rally around Scott in full force, something that helped him out considerably in healing and getting his strength back up once more. Though it certainly didn't stop him and Kira from seeing if making love helped with the healing process! There was still some issues regarding Liam for both Scott and Hayden but the boy would give a heartfelt apology to Scott that would see the two hugging it out. Though Scott would warn him to never do something like that again as he didn't think he'd be as forgiving a second time.

Something Liam nodded at with a gulp as he could tell just how serious Scott was being. Hayden and Tracy would also take the Bite from Scott as well. At first Tracy didn't want it as she liked how she was but after a talk Derek had with her about the potential for being controlled cause of the Kanima aspect in her, something that Jackson backed up, she chose to take the Bite. Giving Scott three full on Betas of his own making in the process and doubling his strength as well. His eyes would widen over the feeling as he felt the new strength course through him. Though it would be a good long while before he could face the library or go inside it. Something all his teachers was well aware of thanks to certain footage they had seen and never asked him to do anything related to that room. Josh and Corey chose to remain as they were as they rather liked the abilities they had. Kira actually came to like the fact there was another person in the Pack that was running around with electricity coursing through them. Even giving him a few tips that she thought might help him when it came to control so that he wouldn't break anything like light bulbs. Something he'd appreciated a lot as he'd been having that particular issue!

Lydia would also be released from Eichen as well with little craziness involved after Natalie decided the best place for her was clearly not Eichen. It helped that she had Chris Argent, several of his men, Marin Morrell to help with the whole thing. Ensuring that Valack would be in a cell again and freeing the real Doctor Fenris from where he'd been forced to stay within Eichen. Lydia would soon wake up after that thanks in part to an other worldly conversation she had with Meredith. A conversation that helped her gain some new found skill when it came to her Screams. Even using them to provide extra oomph when it came to the Martial Arts skills Jordan had taught her as he'd end up finding out about during a sparring session of theirs! Another event that would occur would be Scott helping his dad out with the Deputies in revealing to them the existence of the Dread Doctors and the Supernatural.

Something that Chris helped in doing as it would help them out in dealing with the Supernatural in the event of an attack. Even having them read the copies of the novel that Valack had written so that they could see the Dread Doctors and fight back against them. An offhand comment from Lydia about how Stiles' dad had once took care of a threat with a bomb ended up inspiring Hayden's sister Valerie to do the same when they made an appearance. Effectively putting a stop to them in the process and ensuring that Mason would never end up becoming the Beast of Gevaudan. A visit to their lair by Chris and several of his men thanks to Derek's knowledge that he'd gotten from Theo would see the end of a guest the trio had long had with them. Not realizing this would help ensure the lack of a future threat by the Nazi Alpha. This helped everyone out considerably when Malia's mother came a calling too.

As thanks to the McCall Pack being a strong united front, they were able to take down the Desert Wolf and give Malia a small measure of payback when she took the last bit of power her mother had without killing her. Corrine had shown up shortly after Ethan had pulled a fast one on her and saved Deaton from her clutches, resulting in a heartfelt hug between Scott and his mentor after Ethan brought the man home safe and sound. And once all was said and done where she was concerned, they helped make sure she got a nice padded cell at Eichen for a good long while much to the woman's immense rage. And with the latest threats over and done with, Scott and the rest of the Pack could breathe a sigh of relief and return to focusing on school. Jackson would even have a quiet word with Jordan about Lydia. Something the Deputy Hellhound tried to laugh off as he thought the guy was seeing things.

But Jackson didn't think so and told him to be good to Lydia as she deserved it. And then wished him good luck as he knew from experience that whenever Lydia wanted something, she got it as she was a force to be reckoned with. Making him smirk at the look on the older man's face before leaving to return to Derek's Loft since he was living there now. There was even rumors going about involving Scott's dad being permanently placed as the Sheriff sometime later due to how well he was doing in his job. Something that mightily pissed off Stiles even more then what he already was considering nobody in the Pack would give him the time of day. As he felt he was in the right and was the one who deserved an apology from Scott instead of the other way around. The fact his dad wasn't even all that bothered by the whole thing didn't settle well with the boy either. His dad tried to reason with him about the whole thing but Stiles refused to listen all that much due to his long dislike of Scott's dad.

Even verbally harrassing Rafael as well until Valerie Clarke helpfully took him out of the building before he did something to get himself arrested. An act that only served to infuriate him to the point he ended up leaving town for two days without really thinking about it. And feeling quite guilty once he did start to think about it since that meant his dad would be alone without him. His thing with Mrs. Martin not even registering in the angry young teen's mind at all as she probably would have been there for him while he was gone. And while he'd been out of town, a few changes would occur in Beacon Hills without anyone even realizing it thanks to the fog that had spread through out the entire area. Not to mention some additional assistance to ensure said changes would remain in effect without any kind of interference. Stiles would end up having some crap luck on the night he came back to town to encounter the cause of the changes.

And it'd be quite emotional too for that matter once he woke up with a groan. "Ugh, what the Hell happened."

"You had a hit and run that got you knocked out for one." Replied a voice that should NOT be possible to hear!

Causing him to look at the source of it through half opened eyes thanks to the fact his head hurt. "Wha… You, this can't be real."

"Oh but I am sweetheart." Replied the voice and then the owner of said voice got a disgusted look on their face and shook their head over it.

"Is this some sick idea by the Dread Doctors? Or Theo for that matter? AS NO WAY YOU ARE REAL CAUSE I WAS IN THAT HOSPITAL ROOM WHEN MY MOTHER, MY REAL MOTHER DIED!"

A scoff could be heard. "Stop being so dramatic young man. And no, this isn't some sick idea by those assholes. Some Deputy apparently pulled a move your father did and blew them up which thankfully means I'm free again since I've been forced to stay with them all this time after they 'saved' my life. And I don't know where that little s**t Theo is and I'm okay with that as that boy is about as annoying as you are." Informed Claudia Stilinski with her arms crossed and a sneer on her face.

Stiles shook his head in denial as he said 'no' several times. As he just couldn't believe a word of what this look a like of his mother had just said. She tsked at him with a sigh as she shook her head at him. "Such a waste of air." Muttered the woman distastefully.

A whimper came from him over that as it only reminded him far too much of the time his real mother had been dealing with her Frontotemperal Dementia. "Stop whining Mateusz. Its unbecoming and I won't have it in your final moments."

"F-Final moments? What, what do you mean by that? And how the Hell do you even know that name!? Not even Scott knows it!"

"As regrettable as it is, I AM your mother after all. Even if you do try and deny that simple fact when I'm staring you right in the face." She told him sharply.

"My mom died in 2004 damnit!" Yelled the pained teenager unhappily.

Claudia shook her head at him in disgust. "How your father has put up with you all these years I don't know. But thankfully he won't ever have to again now that I'm back where I was meant to be."

This made him look at her in confusion and a slight case of fear as he wasn't sure he wanted to know what the Hell she meant by that. "If… If you're really my mom… Then why are you so cruel towards me? I'M YOUR SON DAMNIT!"

"BECAUSE I CAME TO REGRET HAVING YOU ONCE I BECAME ILL! It was theorized by those bastards in masks that getting pregnant with you left me vulnerable to getting that disease. And considering what happened? I'm more then inclined to believe your worthless ass really did cause it." Claudia told him with a sneer.

The look making Stiles' eyes glisten as he could no longer contain his emotions over the whole thing as everything he'd been dealing with and now this finally came to a head. "N-No, I, I di-didn't! I cou-couldn't h-have!" Stuttered out the boy in denial.

Inching away from her in an attempt to get away from her and finding that rather difficult while she just stared at him. "Aww, you're hurting my feelings by trying to get away from me, sweetheart." Came the fake sad sounding words and sigh.

He cried out when she kicked him and then when he saw his legs, he couldn't help but cry out in shock and horror as it was clear to him that his knees were broken. "Mmm, I do love drugs as they make everything so much easier when it comes to troublesome individuals."

Raising a gun at him, Stiles' eyes widened in shock and fear. "D-Don't, I'm your, I'm your son!"

"I never had a son." Claudia told him coldly and several shots rang out into the night sky.

A pleased smile came across her lips as she saw the light leave his eyes and then handed the gun to one of the less fortunate victims of the Dread Doctors. Whom she viewed as more of a son then Stiles, along with the others that she viewed as her own that she'd managed to keep the Dread Doctors from killing over the years. Sadly it didn't always work but at least she saved some of them. "Here sweetie. Take this, the body, and that horrid Jeep somewhere far from here so none of it will be easy to find. And once that's done, burn it so there's not much left." Ordered the woman and the disfigured individual grunted its obedience and began to do as told.

Leaving her to watch with a pleased look on her face. "Well, time I got home to my darling husband. As it has been far too long after all." Said Claudia with a smile and then walked off.

Glad that all had worked out, especially the fog she and hers had used to ensure no one would remember her 'death'. The fog would also helpfully insure any holes in memory where she was concerned would be filled. It had been something developed by the Dread Doctors and a lone Ghost Rider once upon a time. Wihch was actually how the Doctors developed the ability to never be properly remembered once they were gone from sight. And along with the extra measures they took with anything like records both solid and digital so no one would be able to find anything untoward about her was a big bonus too.

Author's Notes: And thus ends this story! And don't say I didn't warn ya about the Stiles stuff either. There will be a sequel too featuring the Ghost Riders but I'm not sure when I'll get to it. Some of the events mentioned here was going to be in their own individual chapters, but I felt that the way I did it here was for the best in the end.