Concern tugged, poked and ripped at his heart as he watched Tiffany rehabilitate. Bornstellar had asked John that the two women remained within the facility until Essence was satisfied with their condition.

Cortana had little problems with new life in her own physical form, but Tif was uncharacteristically silent, unless she was alone with Cortana. He noticed the two would often whisper animatedly to each other but she remained quiet in front of him and the team and never wanted to be touched, unless it was by Cortana.

He couldn't help but feel a pang of hurt and jealousy thinking of accidental intrusions between them. Tiffany's demeanor was so off putting, he couldn't approach her. Coward was not a word he would ever associate with himself, but when he thought about confronting her, he felt nervous. She wasn't the same, and he didn't know what to do. He always knew what he had to do.

John leaned on the railing of the observation platform, watching Cortana complete strengthening exercises with the Lifekeeper. She had found Cortana had picked up Spartan traits. She was strong and fast. John knew that her real strength was her vast knowledge and would continue to pursue learning the physical aspect of the technology around to be an asset to him and the U.N.S.C. in that regard. John realized his mind had wandered away from when Cortana appeared by his side without him being any the wiser. She wrapped her hands around his arm, and rested her head against his shoulder. Instinctively, he leaned back into her.

"Something on your mind?"

"That obvious?"

"I never catch you unaware. Penny for your thought?"

John was quiet as he pulled his emotions by the rein, "Tiffany wont talk to me. She barely looks at me… I don't know what I should do. I can't blame her, though, because of me, she would have been dead."

"You can't blame yourself for that, John, and she doesn't either, I doubt such a thought has ever crossed her mind. As fate would have it, she fell into the arms of a technologically advanced species who saved the both of us, put us both back into your life. Some luck you've got."

"The same damned luck that got you both killed in the first place." He replied bitterly, "You'd both be safer and better off without me in your lives."

Cortana was constantly surprised with the physical feelings that came with emotional ones, and sorrow was a powerful one that took the air from her body, "The Master Chief I know does not dwell on such self pity." She replied diplomatically. "We might be safer, not being in your life, but we'd hardly be better for it. I wouldn't be alive, if it wasn't for you. The domino effect you created through out the galaxy. Tiffany loves you John, and I know you are used to her being the first to initiate, but she is confused, and scared, and she needs you now more than ever. But you need to put aside this pathetic self loathing you've recently picked up, and be the man I know you are, the man and partner she needs you to be."

John felt his face warm in embarrassment, "I guess I got to wrapped up in my own feelings to really think about her needs."

"That was apparent. Don't worry though, it just means you're human." She replied with a sweet knowing smile.

"Thank you for yelling at me."

"Any time."


John found Tiffany outside, sitting up against a tree, watching the ebb and flow of the ocean. The perfectly clear water reflected the pink orange light of dusk.

"I've been looking for you." She made no response.

"I need to speak with you." Again, she made no response. He forced himself still and looked at her. She had her hair trimmed again. The color she still had previous to her augmentation had been removed, her hair being all white. It draped in a lovely mess down her shoulders. The Breeze blowing the lighter pieces about. She wore the light, lavender garments the Forerunners had given her to wear about the facility, they had a knack of giving her colors that complimented her warm, golden skin. It was a simple gown that all the females Forerunners wore. John heated, the dress did little in hiding anything about her. She was beautiful.

He stepped in front of her a kneeled, forcing her to look him in the eye, he finally saw a great sadness was barely being kept at bay, "What's the matter?" He asked gently.

She shrugged and shook her head, "Nothing." She murmured. She heaved a sigh and looked down.

He hated to admit to himself she hurt his feelings thinking he could so easily be dismissed, but he cupped her face and forced her chin up, and her eyes found his again, "You really think that's a good enough answer for me? Please tell me, what is troubling you?"

She remained silent but her breath became heavy and irregular, and he quickly became concerned when her eyes pooled with tears, "What do you need me for when you have Cortana back?" John's heart stopped and dropped like a stone to his stomach. He hadn't anticipated such an answer, "Neither of us know where one started and the other ended, but we are not the same. Cortana is fun and wild and brave and I am not." Her shoulders slumped in defeat, tears finally trickling down from her eyes.

"You think I loved you for Cortana."


His hands fell, one sliding down her face to rub her chin in thought, "Can I be honest?"

"I think I would prefer it."

"I love your body, the way you move, your smile, your warmth, the way you fit against me. That is yours. And I know Cortana, there are great number of traits I love that I know don't belong to her… as for fun, wild and brave… you ever met a marine who was boring, tame and cowardly?"

She shook her head, he smiled at her, "Me neither." She gave a trembling smile, understanding his point, "You're not the same, and that's okay. It doesn't change anything. You're mine, and this is mine." He said kissing her head, "That won't change, I promise."

Her breath was still haggard but calming down as she thought on what he said, "You've been suffering this whole week, thinking you were less than. You should have just come talk to me."

"Like I said, I'm not brave… besides, I didn't want to get between you and Cortana, or be the reason for any problems. I'm sorry for distressing you. I feel like such a child. It's so hard to figure this stuff out."

"If you find a book on alien races, combining my two loves and separating them and how to deal with emotional throw back for the whole party, you notify me, and I will be the first to jump on that train."

Tiffany giggled and pulled her head out of her hands, "I guess none of this is precisely normal, is it?"

"I'm not a good judge of normal, but I would guess, no." she giggled again, brushing her hair out of the way, "I love your smile, I will do whatever I can to keep it there. I love you."

"You are being talkative and gushy!" She admonished, "Are you okay?"

He shook his head, "Not even remotely, Cortana had to yell at me to remind me I'm a grown ass man with a lady who nearly died and I needed to take care of her. It was embarrassing. I was drowning in selfish pity. It was disgusting."

She snorted a giggle, and he took it as his cue. He wrapped his arms about her picking her up, and bringing her in to kiss. He let himself fall back into the sand as he let her eager and demanding kiss consume him.

"I just need a promise, before we go any further," He managed to pant, "if you ever have anything to say, just say it. This last week has been torture."

She nodded in response and attempted to continue their activities but John pinched her and she gave a pouty scowl, "I promise."


A/N I want to apologize. Life kind of gets away from me, and my laptop crashed some months ago, I finally, FINALLY found out what was wrong with my wrists and hands. After like 7 years. I have pinched nerves from a muscle I tore in high school that healed wrong. So now I visit a message therapist every now and then and I'm golden. doctors are stupid. They just want your money. dick weeds.

anyways, much love, fluffy chapter. hope you like.